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Közleményjegyzék |
Tamás Vinkó: Minimal inter-particle distance in atom clusters, Acta Cybernetica, 17(2005) 105-119, 2005 | Balogh, J. and B. Tóth: Global optimization on Stiefel manifolds: a computatinal approach, CEJOR 13(2005), 213-232, 2005 | Szabó Péter Gábor: Optimal substructures in optimal and approximate circle packings, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie 46/1 (2005), 103-118., 2005 | Szabó Péter Gábor (összeállította): KALMÁRIUM, Kalmár László levelezése magyar matematikusokkal, Polygon, Szeged, 2005, iv+476 p., 2005 | Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Özdamar, and Tibor Csendes: An interval partitioning approach for continuous constrained optimization, In Models and Algorithms in Global Optimization. Springer, 2007, 73-96, 2007 | Balogh János, Csendes Tibor és Rapcsák Tamás: Globális optimalizálás Stiefel-sokaságokon - egy érdekes diszkretizálási eredmény, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 22(2005) 163-176., 2005 | Tibor Csendes, András Frank, and Tamás Szántai (eds.): Special Issue: Proceedings of the XXVI. Hungarian Operations Research Conference., CEJOR 13(2005) 211-317., 2005 | Boglárka Tóth and Tibor Csendes: Empirical investigation of the convergence speed of inclusion functions, Reliable Computing 11(2005) 253-273, 2005 | P.G. Szabó, M.C. Markót, and T. Csendes: Global Optimization in Geometry - Circle Packing into the Square, In Essays and Surveys in Global Optimization, Ed. by C. Audet, P. Hansen, and G. Savard, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2005, 233-266., 2005 | Tibor Csendes, Barnabás M. Garay, and Balázs Bánhelyi: A verified optimization technique to locate chaotic regions of Hénon systems, J. of Global Optimization 35(2006) 145-160, 2006 | Tibor Csendes, Balázs Bánhelyi, and László Hatvani: Towards a computer-assisted proof for chaos in a forced damped pendulum equation, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 199(2007) 378-383, 2007 | B. Tóth, J. Fernández, and T. Csendes: Empirical convergence speed of inclusion functions for facility location problems, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 199(2007) 384-389, 2007 | Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Özdamar, and Tibor Csendes: An interval partitioning approach for continuous constrained optimization, In Models and Algorithms in Global Optimization. Springer, 2006, 73-96, 2006 | Vinkó Tamás: Globális optimalizálási módszerek továbbfejlesztése, tesztelése és alkalmazása atomklaszter feladatokra, PhD disszertáció, SZTE, 2006, 2006 | Balogh J. és Galambos G.: Átpakolást használó szemi-on-line ládapakolási algoritmusok, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 25(2007), 1-13., 2007 | Szabó Péter Gábor: Egybevágó körök pakolásai négyzetben - korlátok, ismétlődő minták és minimálpolinomok, PhD disszertáció, SZTE, 2006, 2006 | Szabó, P. G. and E. Specht: Packing up to 200 Equal Circles in a Square, In: Models and Algorithms for Global Optimization: Essays (Springer Optimization and Its Applications,, 2006 | Tibor Csendes: Reliable Optimization: Methods and Applications, DSc dissertation, MTA, 2006 | Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Özdamar, and Tibor Csendes: Symbolic Interval Inference Approach for Subdivision Direction Selection in Interval Partitioning Algorithms, J. Global Optimization 37(2007) 177-194, 2007 | Balázs Bánhelyi, Tibor Csendes, and Barnabas M. Garay: Rigorous lower bounds for the topological entropy via a verified optimization technique, Proceedings of the SCAN-2006 Conference, IEEE, 10, 2007 | Frits, M.C. Markót, T. Csendes, Z. Lelkes, Z. Fonyó, and E. Rév: Use of interval optimization for finding limiting flows of batch extractive distillation, J. Global Optimization 38(2007) 297-313, 2007 | Tamás Vinkó and Arnold Neumaier: New bounds for Morse clusters, Journal of Global Optimization, 39(2007) 483-494, 2007 | Péter Gábor Szabó, Eckard Specht: Packing up to 200 Equal Circles in a Square, Models and Algorithms for Global Optimization. Springer. 141-156, 2007 | Tibor Csendes, Franco Giannessi, and Saul I. Gass (eds.): Special Issue devoted to Tamás Rapcsák., J. Global Optimization 42 325-442, 2008 | Tibor Csendes and József Temesi (eds.): Special Issue: Proceedings of the XXVII. Hungarian Operations Research Conference, CEJOR 4 329-461, 2008 | Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Özdamar, Tibor Csendes, and Tamás Vinkó: Efficient Interval Partitioning for Constrained Global Optimization, J. of Global Optimization 42 369-384, 2008 | Tibor Csendes: Interval Analysis: Algorithmic improvements using a heuristic parameter, RejectIndex for interval optimization, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Part I., pp. 30-33, 2008 | Tibor Csendes: Interval Analysis: Algorithmic improvements using a heuristic parameter, RejectIndex for interval optimization, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Part I., pp. 30-33, 2008 | Balogh, J., J. Békési, G. Galambos, and G. Reinelt: Lower bound for the online bin packing problem with restricted repacking, SIAM Journal on Computing, 38 398-410, 2008 | Bánhelyi Balázs: Egy késleltetett differenciálegyenlet vizsgálata megbízható számítógépes eljárással, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 24:131-150, 2007 | Arnold Neumaier, Oleg Shcherbina, Waltraud Huyer and Tamás Vinkó: A comparison of complete global optimization solvers, Mathematical Programming B, 103(2005) 335-356, 2005 | M.C. Markót and T. Csendes: A new verified optimization technique for the "packing circles in a unit square" problems, SIAM J. on Optimization 16(2005) 193-219, 2005 | Frits, M.C. Markót, T. Csendes, Z. Lelkes, Z. Fonyó, and E. Rév: Finding limiting flows of batch extractive distillation with interval arithmetic, AIChE J. 52(2006) 3100-3108, 2006 | M.C. Markot, J. Fernandez L.G. Casado and T. Csendes: New interval methods for constrained global optimization, Mathematical Programming 106(2006) 287-318, 2006 | Mihály Csaba Markót and Tibor Csendes: A reliable area reduction technique for solving circle packing problems, Computing 77 (2006) 147-162, 2006 | Balázs Bánhelyi, Tibor Csendes, and Barnabas M. Garay: Optimization and the Miranda approach in detecting horseshoe-type chaos by computer, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(2007) 735-748, 2007 | Balogh, J., R.J.B. Craven, and R.P. Stateva: The Area Method for Phase Stability Analysis Revisited: Further Developments. Formulation in Terms of the Convex Envelope of Thermodynamic Surfaces, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46(2007), 1611-1631, 2007 | P.G. Szabó, M.Cs. Markót, T. Csendes, E. Specht, L.G. Casado, and I. García: New Approaches to Circle Packing in a Square - With Program Codes, Springer, Berlin, 2007 | B. Bánhelyi, T. Csendes, B.M. Garay, and L. Hatvani: A computer-assisted proof for Sigma_3-chaos in the forced damped pendulum equation, SIAM J. on Applied Dynamical Systems 7 843-867, 2008 | Tibor Csendes, László Pál, J. Oscar H. Sendín, Julio R. Banga: The GLOBAL Optimization Method Revisited, Optimization Letters 2 445-454., 2008 |





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