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Benedek G., Masao N, Kaeko H, Paróczy Z, Nagy A: A tecto-thalamo-cortical pathway providing sensory information to the basal ganglia, Clin Neurosci 58(Suppl 1):16-17, 2005 | Paróczy Z, Nagy A, Waleszczyk W, Benedek G: Spatial and temporal frequency propertis of the neurons in the tecto-thalamo-cortical visual system of the cat, Perception 34(S):235, 2005 | Benedek G, Paróczy Z, Norita M, Hoshino K, Waleszczyk WJ, Nagy A: Visual, auditory, somatosensory, and multisensory information to the basal ganglia through a tecto-thalamo-anterior ectosylvian pathway in cats, 35th Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA, 13-16 November, 2005 | Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Waleszczyk WJ, Wypych M, Nagy A, Benedek G: Spatiotemporal filter properties along the tecto-thalamo-cortical pathway, XI. MITT Konferencia, Szeged, 2007. 01. 24-27. P59, 2007 | Averkin RG, Korshunov VA, Paroczy Z, Márkus Z, Berenyi A, Chomolyak Y, Matz VN, Nagy A, Smolanka VI, Benedek G: A skull mounted microdrive-positioner assembly for extracellular neuronal recording from the deep bran structures in anesthetized cats, XI. MITT Konferencia, Szeged, 2007. 01. 24-27. P230, 2007 | Nagy A, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Berényi A, Benedek G: Sensory properties of neurons in the pathway connecting the superior colliculus and the basal ganglia, Society for Neuroscience 37th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, November 3-7, 2007 P614.10, 2007 | Nagy A, Berényi A, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Braunitzer G, Benedek G: Coding of spatial visual information in the caudate nucleus, Society for Neuroscience 38th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, November 15-19 P378.11, 2008 | Benedek G, Berényi A, Márkus Z, Paróczy Z, Nagy A: Stimulus-dependent response characteristics of visually responsive neurons in the feline substantia nigra, Society for Neuroscience 38th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, November 15-19, P458.14, 2008 | Nagy A, Paróczy Z, Norita M, Benedek G: Multisensory responses and receptive field properties of neurons in the substantia nigra and in the caudate nucleus, Eur J Neurosci 22:419-424, 2005 | Nagy A, Eördegh G, Norita M, Benedek G: Visual receptive field properties of excitatory neurons in the substantia nigra, Neuroscience 130:513-518, 2005 | Nagy A, Eördegh G, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Benedek G: Multisensory integration in the basal ganglia, Eur J Neurosci 24:917-924, 2006 | Paróczy Z, Nagy A, Márkus Z, Waleszczyk WJ, Wypych M, Benedek G: Spatial and temporal visual properties of single neurons in the suprageniculate nucleus of the thalamus, Neuroscience 137: 1397-1404, 2006 | Berényi A, Benedek G, Nagy A: Double sliding-window technique: a new method to calculate the neuronal response onset latency, Brain Res 1178:141-148, 2007 | Waleszczyk WJ, Nagy A, Wypych M, Berényi A, Paróczy Z, Eördegh G, Ghazaryan A, Benedek G: Spectral receptive field properties of neurons in the feline superior colliculus, Exp Brain Res 181:87-98, 2007 | Márkus Z, Eördegh G, Paróczy Z, Benedek G, Nagy A: Modality distribution of sensory neurons in the feline caudate nucleus and the substantia nigra, ACTA BIOL HUNG 59: 269-279, 2008 | Nagy A, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Berényi A, Wypych M, Waleszczyk WJ, Benedek G: Drifting grating stimulation reveals particular activation properties of visual neurons in the caudate nucleus, Eur J Neurosci 27: 1801-1808, 2008 | Hoshino K, Eördegh G, Nagy A, Benedek G, Norita M: Overlap of nigrothalamic terminals and thalamostriatal neurons in the feline lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nucleus, Acta Physiol Hung in press, 2009 |
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