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Gáll J; Zuijlen Mv; Pap G: Note on the proportions of financial assets with dependent distributions in optimal portfolios, pp. 339-349 in Proc. 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics (Eger, 2004), vol. II, Eger, B. V. B. Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., 2005 | Csukás A; Takai S; Baran S: Adolescent growth in main somatometric traits of Japanese boys: Ogi Longitudinal Growth Study, HOMO Journal of Comparative Human Biology 57(1): 73-86, 2006 | Ispány M; Zuijlen Mv; Pap G: Fluctuation limit of branching processes with immigration and estimation of the means, Advances in Applied Probability 37(2): 523-538, 2005 | Heyer H; Pap G: Gaussian measures and the embedding problem on a locally compact group, pp. 99-118 in Proc. Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis III (Third German-Japanese Symposium, Tübingen, 2003), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ., 2005 | Barczy M; Pap G: Connection between deriving bridges and radial parts from multidimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 50(1-2): 47-60, 2005 | Ispány M; Zuijlen Mv; Pap G: Critical branching mechanisms with immigration and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type diffusions, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 71(3-4): 463-492, 2005 | Barczy M; Pap G: Fourier transform of Gauss measures on the Heisenberg group, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 42(5): 607-633, 2006 | Gáll J; Zuijlen Mv; Pap G: Forward interest rate curves in discrete time settings driven by random fields, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 51(3-4): 387-396, 2006 | Baran S: A consistent estimator for nonlinear regression models, Metrika 62(1): 1-15, 2005 | Chuprunov A; Fazekas I: Inequalities and strong laws of large numbers for random allocations, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 109(1-2): 163-182, 2005 | Fazekas I; Kukush A: Kriging and mesurement errors, Discussiones Mathematicae. Probability and Statistics 25(2): 139-159, 2005 | Chuprunov A; Fazekas I: Integral analogues of almost sure limit theorems, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 50(1-2): 61-78, 2005 | Fazekas I; Chuprunov A: Asymptotic normality of kernel type density estimators for random fields, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 9(2): 161-178, 2006 | Fazekas I: Burkholder's inequality for multiindex martingales, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 32: 45-51, 2005 | Kukush A; Fazekas I: Kriging and prediction of nonlinear functionals, Austrian Journal of Statistics 34(2): 175-184, 2005 | Fazekas I; Chuprunov A: The asymptotic covariance of kernel type density estimators for random fields, pp. 97-108 in Proc. 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics (Eger, 2004), vol. II, Eger, B. V. B. Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., 2005 | Fazekas I; Rychlik Z: Almost sure limit theorems for semi-selfsimilar processes, Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 25(2): 241-255, 2005 | Fazekas I; Chuprunov A: An almost sure functional limit theorem for the domain of geometric partial attraction of semistable laws, Journal of Theoretical Probability 20(2): 339-353, 2007 | Fazekas I; Filzmoser P: A functional central limit theorem for kernel type density estimators, Austrian Journal of Statistics 35(4): 409-418, 2006 | Fazekas I: On a general approach to the strong laws of large nunbers, in Proc. 26th Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models (közlésre elfogadva), 2008 | Barczy M; Pap G: Portmanteau theorem for unbounded measures, Statistics & Probability Letters 76(17): 1831-1835, 2006 | Becker-Kern P; Pap G: A limit theorem for randomly stopped independent increment processes on separable metrizable groups, Mathematische Nachrichten 280(15): 1664-1680, 2007 | Gáll J; Pap G; Peeters W: Random field forward interest rate models, market price of risk and their statistics, Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara Sez. VII Sci. Mat. 53: 233-242, 2007 | Baran S; Pap G; Zuijlen, Mv: Parameter estimation of a shifted Wiener sheet, Statistics (közlésre benyújtva), 2009 | Baran S; Gáll J; Ispány M; Pap G: Prediction of Hungarian mortality rates using Lee-Carter method, Acta Oeconomica 57(1): 21-34, 2007 | Barczy M: Some questions of probability theory on special topological groups, PhD disszertáció, http://www.inf.unideb.hu/valseg/dolgozok/barczy/disszertaciok_barczy.html, 2006 | Arriojas M; Hu Y; Mohammed SE; Pap G: A delayed Black and Scholes formula, Stochastic Analysis and Applications 25(2): 471-492, 2007 | Baran S; Pap G; Zuijlen Mv: Asymptotic inference for unit roots in spatial triangular autoregression, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 96(1-3): 17-42, 2007 | Barczy M; Bendikov A; Pap G: Limit theorems on some locally compact Abelian groups, Mathematische Nachrichten 281(12): 1708-1727, 2008 | Feinsilver Ph; Pap G: Calculation of Fourier transform of a Brownian motion in the Heisenberg group using splitting formulas, Journal of Functional Analalysis 249(1): 1-30, 2007 | Barczy M; Pap G: Weakly infinitely divisible measures on some locally compact Abelian groups, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 48(1): 17-29, 2008 | Bingham M; Pap G: Embeddable probability measures and infinitesimal systems of probability measures on a Moore Lie group, Publicationes Mathematicae (Debrecen) 72(3-4): 293-316, 2008 | Becker-Kern P; Pap G: Parameter estimation of selfsimilarity exponents, Journal of Multivariate Analalysis 99(1): 117-140, 2008 | Gáll J; Zuijlen, Mv; Pap G: Joint ML estimation of all parameters in a discrete time random field HJM type interest rate model, Econometrica (közlésre elküldve), 2009 | Ispány M; Pap G: A note on weak convergence of step processes, Acta Mathematica Hungarica (közlésre benyújtva), 2009 | Ispány M: Limit theorems for normalized nearly critical branching processes with immigration, Publicationaes Mathematicae (Debrecen) 72(1-2): 17-34, 2008 | Gáll J: Some problems in Discrete Time Financial Market Models, PhD disszertáció, 2007 | Györfi L; Ispány M; Zuijlen Mv; Pap G; Varga K: Poisson limit of an inhomogeneous nearly critical INAR(1) model, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 73(3-4): 809-835, 2007 | Fülöp E; Pap G: Strong consistency of maximum likelihood estimators for a discrete time random field HJM type interest rate model, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal (közlésre elfogadva), 2009 | Fülöp E; Pap G: Asymptotically optimal tests for a discrete time random field HJM type interest rate model, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 73(3-4): 637-661, 2007 | Heyer H; Pap G: Truncation inequalities for probability measures on locally compact Abelian groups, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 11(3): 483-494, 2008 | Pap G: The accuracy of merging approximation in generalized St. Petersburg games, Bernoulli (közlésre elküldve), 2009 | Baran S; Pap G: On the least squares estimator in a nearly unstable sequence of stationary spatial AR models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100(4): 686-698, 2009 | Gáll J; Nagy G: A működési kockázat veszteségeloszlás-alapú modellezése (Loss Distribution Approach, LDA), Hitelintézeti Szemle 2007(4): 386-412, 2007 | Fazekas I; Chuprunov A: Almost sure limit theorems for random allocations, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 42(2): 173-194, 2005 | Heyer H; Pap G: Martingale characterizations of increment processes in a commutative hypergroup, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (közlésre elfogadva), 2009 | Barczy M; Pap G: Alpha-Wiener bridges: singularity of induced measures and sample path properties, Stochastic Analysis and Applications (közlésre elfogadva), 2009 | Barczy M; Pap G: Asymptotic behavior of maximum likelihood estimator for time inhomogeneous diffusion processes, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (közlésre benyújtva), 2009 | Barczy M; Pap G: Explicit formulas for Laplace transforms of certain functionals of some time inhomogeneous diffusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (közlésre benyújtva), 2009 | Fülöp E; Pap G: Note on strong consistency of maximum likelihood estimators for dependent observations, pp. 223-228 in Proc. 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics (Eger, 2007), vol. I, Eger, B. V. B. Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., 2008 | Fazekas I: Central limit theorems for kernel type density estimators, pp. 211-222 in Proc. 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics (Eger, 2007), vol. I, Eger, B. V. B. Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., 2008 |




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