Légköri aeroszol vízoldható szerves alkotóinak kémiai jellemzése
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Közleményjegyzék |
Szentes, G., Schmidt, E., Kiss, Gy., Marton,A.: Electrochemical evidence of surface activity of organic compounds of the atmospheric aerosols, Faraday Discussion 130, Atmospheric Chemistry, Leeds (2005), 2005 | Szentes, G., Kiss, G., Gelencsér, A., Marton, A.: Effect of water suluble organics of tropospheric fine aerosols on the polarographic maxima, Abstract of the European Aerosol Conference, Ghent, 2005., 2005 | Feczkó, T., Marton, A., Molnár, Á., Szentes, G.: Estimation of uncertainty of direct radiative forcing of the aeroszol for a rural site in central Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 7127-7136 (2005), 2005 | Szentes, G.,Marton,A.: Polarographic study of surface activity of organic components of atmospheric aerosols, pp. 479-482 in Proc. 12th Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, Szeged, Sept. 26., 2006 | Szentes G., Schmidt E., Marton A.: HULIS as a metal binding ligand – an electrochemical study of the complexation of Cu(II)-ions, Joint INTROP-ACCENT-EUROCHAMP workshop on „HULIS and their role in the atmosphere'' 23- 24. November, 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 2006 | Szentes G., Schmidt E., Marton A.: Surface activity of organic components of the atmospheric aerosols, Absztrakt # P2.25. Book of abstracts, 20th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society and 18th European Chemistry at Interfaces Conference, pp. 235., 2006 | Szentes, G., Magda, K.,Marton, A.,Miyazaki, Y.: Binding of toxic metal ions to alginate natural polyelectrolyte, J. Ion Exchange, 18, 174-179, 2007 | Szentes, G., Magda, K.,Marton, A.,Miyazaki, Y.: Binding of toxic metal ions to alginate natural polyelectrolyte, 4th International Conference on Ion Exchange, Chiba, Japan, Oct. 15-19., 2007 | Szentes, G., Schmidt, E., Marton, A.: Water soluble organic compounds of the aerosol as metal complexing ligands, European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Sept. 9-14, 2007 | Szentes, G., Schmidt, E., Marton, A.: A légköri aeroszol szerves alkotói, mint komplexképző ligandumok, Centenáriumi Vegyészkonferencia, Sopron, május 29-június 1., 2007 | Szentes, G., Schmidt, E., Földényi, R., Marton, A.: Polar organic components of the atmospheric aerosols as metal complexing ligands, 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Torino, September, 16 – 20, 2008., 2008 | Szentes, G., Schmidt, E., Földényi, R., Marton, A.: ASV characterization of metal complexing properties of atmospheric aerosols, International Conference on Electrochemical Sensors, Dobogókő, October, 6 – 9, 2008., 2008 |




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