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Lutz J, Yao Y, Song EW, Antus B, Hamar P, Liu S, Heemann U: Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinases During Chronic Allograft Nephropathy in Rats., Transplantation Mar 27;79(6):655-61., 2005 | Hamar P, Lipták P, Heemann U, Iványi B: Ultrastructural analysis of the fisher to lewis rat model of chronic allograft nephropathy., Transplant Int 18(7):863-70., 2005 | Rácz Zs, Hamar P: Can siRNA technology provide the tools for gene therapy of the future?, Curr Med Chem (CMC), 13(19):2299-307. Editor: Bentham Science Publishers LTD., 2006 | Bagi Zs, Hamar P, Kardos M, Koller Á: Lack of Flow Mediated Dilation and Enhanced Angiotensin II-induced Contsriction in Skeletal Muscle Arterioles of Lupus-Prone Autoimmune Mice, Lupus, 15(6):326-34., 2006 | Huber W, Eckel F, Hennig M, Rosenbrock H, Wacker A, Saur D, Sennefelder A, Hennico R, Schenk C, Meining A, Schmelz R, Fritsch R, Weiss W, Hamar P, Heemann U, Schmid RM.: Prophylaxis of contrast material-induced nephropathy in patients in intensive care: Acetylcysteine, theophylline, or both? A randomized study, Radiology, 239(3):793-804., 2006 | Hamar P; Kökény G; Lipták P; Krtil J; Adamczak M; Aman K; Ritz E; Groß ML: The combination of ACE inhibition plus sympathetic denervation is superior to ACE inhibitor monotherapy in the rat renal ablation model, Nephron (Exp Nephrol) 105:124-136, 2007 | Kökény G, Godó M, Nagy E, Kardos M, Kotsch K, Casalis P, Bodor C, Rosivall L, Volk HD, Zenclussen AC, Hamar P: Skin disease is prevented but nephritis is accelerated by multiple pregnancies in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice, Lupus 16(7):465-77, 2007 | Zs Rácz, P Hamar: RNA interference in research and therapy of renal diseases, Contributions to Nephrology, 159:78-95., 2008 | Zenclussen AC, Kökény G, Thimm O, Sollwedel A, Godo M, Casalis PA, Zenclussen ML, Volk HD, Hamar P: Flare of renal lupus during murine pregnancy is due to increased IgG and C3 glomerular deposition but is independent of Treg function, Reproductive Bio Medicine Online (RBM Online) 17:114-26, 2008 | Godo M, Sessler T, Hamar P: Role of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in systemic lupus erythematosus, Curr Med Chem (CMC), 15(18):1778-87., 2008 | Rácz Zs, Hamar P: SiRNA technológia, a jövő génterápiája? [SiRNA technology, the gene therapy of the future?], Orvosi Hetilap, 27;149(4):153-9., 2008 | Nemeth Z, Kokeny G, Godo M, Mózes M, Rosivall L, Gross ML, Ritz E, Hamar P.: Increased renoprotection with ACE inhibitor plus aldosterone antagonist as compared to monotherapies--the effect on podocytes., Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print], 2009 | Hamar P, Wang M, Godó M, Kökény G, Ouyang N, Heemann U.: Lupus nephritis reocurrs following transplantation in the lupus prone (lpr) mouse., Lupus. 2009 Sept 8. [Epub ahead of print], 2009 | Rácz Zs, Nagy E, Rosivall L, Szebeni J, Hamar P.: Sugar-free intravenous immunoglobulin prevents skin but not renal disease in the MRL/lpr mouse model of systemic lupus., Lupus. 2009, [accepted], 2009 | Kökény G, Németh Z, Godó M, Rosivall L, Ritz E, Gross ML, Hamar P.: More podocytes and less oxidative stress protects the rowett rat strain from renal fibrosis., Nephrol Dial Transpl. 2009, [Submitted], 2009 | Rácz Zs, Hamar P.: No interferon response in mice following systemic siRNA treatment., RNA. 2009, [Submitted], 2009 | Song E, Wag M, Bodor Cs, Kovacs G, Soti CS, Hamar P.: Ischemic preconditioning of mouse kideny is mediated via a HSP-90., [under preparation], 2009 | Hamar P, Regõs A, Kökény G, Antus B, Rosivall L.: Early kidney function following transplantation is influenced primarily by surgical trauma, rather than acute rejection, in rats., [under preparation], 2009 | Buday A, Őrsy P, Mózes M, Kökény G, Koller Á, Ungvári Z, Benyó Z, Hamar P:: Elevated systemic TGF-beta impairs aortic function through activation of NADPH oxidase in Apo-E -/- mice., [under preparation], 2009 |




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