Humán alkalikus foszfatázt termelő transzgenetikus nyulak előállítása lentivirus géntranszferrel
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L. BODROGI, W. RAABEN, D. FIECHTER, B. BENDER, R. BRANDS, W. SEINEN, Z. BŐSZE: Production of human LBK-type alkaline phoshpatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits, FEBS Journal 272 Suppl. 1. pp.509., 2005 | Bodrogi, L., RaabenW., Fichter D., Bender B., Brands R., Seinen W., Bősze: Z.: Feasibility of producing human LBK alkaline phosphatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits,, 13th IMP Conference and IMBA inaugural conference május 2005., Bécs, Ausztria, 2005 | Bősze Zs., Bodrogi L., Raaben W., Fiechter D., Brands R., Seinen W.: High level expression of biologically active human tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits., The 1st International Conference on transgenic rabbits Tsukuba, Japán, 2005 | Hiripi L., Baranyi M., Carnwath J.W., Niemann H., Bodrogi L., Raaben W., Brands., Seinen W., Lemos A.P.C., Bender B., Szabó L., Bősze Zs: Transgenic rabbits as models for producing biologically active human recombinant proteins, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transgenic Animals, Kína, 2005 | L. BODROGI, W. RAABEN, D. FIECHTER, B. BENDER, R. BRANDS, W. SEINEN, Z. BŐSZE: Production of human LBK-type alkaline phoshpatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits, FEBS Journal 272 Suppl. 1. pp.509., 2005 | Bodrogi L., Brands R., Raaben W., Seinen W., Baranyi M., Fiechter D., Bősze Zs.: Transgenic rabbit as bioreactor to produce enzimatically active human alkaline phosphatase, International conference of Immonogenomics and Immunomics Budapest, 08.10-12.08. 2006. ISBN 963 87244 2 0. pp 387., 2006 | Bodrogi L., Brands R., Raaben W., Seinen W., Baranyi M., Fiechter D., Bősze Zs: High level expression of tissue non-specific alkaline phophatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits., Transgenic Research 15. 627-636., 2006 | Bősze Zs., Houdebine L.M.: Application of rabbits in biomedical research: a review, World Rabbit Sci. 14.1-14., 2006 | Bősze Zs., Bodrogi L., Raaben W., Fiechter D., Bender B., Brands R., Seinen W.: High-level expression of TNAP in the milk of transgenic rabbits, In Common Molecular Mechanisms of Mammary gland development and breast cancer progression., 2006 | Hiripi L., Baranyi M., Carnwath J.W., Niemann H., Bodrogi L., Raaben W., Brands R., Seinen W., Lemos A.P.C., Bender B., Szabó L, Bősze Zs: Transgenic rabbit as models for producing biologically active human recombinant proteins, Genetika 2006. Ljubjana, Slovenia 28.09-1.10. 2006 ISBN-10 961-90534-4-3. pp 76., 2006 | Bodrogi, L., Brands R., Raaben W., Seinen W.,Baranyi M., Fiechter D., Bősze: Z.: High level expression of tissue-specific alkaline phosphatase in the milk of transgenic rabbits, Transgenic Research, 2007 | Bősze: Z.: Transgenic rabbit projects, ESF Exploratory workshop on Genetic Models of disease resistance in livestock, 2007 | Bősze Zs., Baranyi M., Whitelaw C.B.A.: Producing recombinant human proteins in the milk of livestock species, Pp 357-394.In „Bioactive components of milk” ed. Zsuzsanna Bősze Springer New York 2007. ISBN-13:978-0-387-70085-7, 2007 | Kvell K., Gócza E., Czömpöly T., Hiripi L.,Balogh P., Bodrogi, L., Ritchie W., Bősze: Z.: Establishment of stable EGFP-transgenic Balb/c mouse strain by lentivirla transgenesis, Transgenic Research 17:1013-14., 2008 | Bősze: Z. Hiripi L., baranyi M.,Bodrogi, L., Fan J.: The rabbit as a model in biomedical research, Reproduction in Domestic Animals 43:22-23., 2008 | Gócza E., Bősze Zs.: Derivation and characterization of rabbit embryonic stem cells., Pp-63- 94. In: Rabbit Biotechnology (eds: L-M. Houdebine., J. Fan) Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-2226-4 2009., 2009 |
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