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G. Klupp, K. Kamarás, N.M. Nemes, P. Matus, D. Quintavalle, L.F. Kiss, É. Kováts, S. Pekker, A. Jánossy: Nanosegregation in Na2C60, AIP Conference Proceedings 786, 17-20, 2006 | K. Kamarás, G. Klupp: Infrared signatures of the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in fullerene-based materials, AIP Conference Proceedings 850, 1693-1696, 2006 | C.A. Kuntscher, S. Frank, K. Kamarás, G. Klupp, É. Kováts, S. Pekker, Gy. Bényei, I. Jalsovszky: Pressure-dependent infrared spectroscopy on the fullerene rotor-stator compound C60-C8H8, Physica Status Solidi B, 243, 2981-2984, 2006 | K. Kamarás, A.G. Rinzler, D.B. Tanner, D.A. Walters: Polarization-dependent optical reflectivity in magnetically oriented carbon nanotube networks, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 3126-3129, 2006 | K. Kamarás, K. Thirunavukkuarasu, C.A. Kuntscher, M. Dressel, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, D.A. Walters, D.A. Moss: Far- and mid-infrared anisotropy of magnetically aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes studied with infrared radiation, Infared Physics & Technology 49, 35-38, 2006 | É. Kováts, G. Klupp, E. Jakab, Á. Pekker, K. Kamarás, I. Jalsovszky, S. Pekker: Topochemical copolymerization of fullerenes with cubane in the rotor-stator phase, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 2985-2989, 2006 | Á. Pekker, F. Borondics, K. Kamarás, A.G. Rinzler, D.B. Tanner: Calculation of optical constants from carbon nanotube transmission spectra, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 3485-3488, 2006 | S. Pekker, É. Kováts, G. Oszlányi, Gy. Bényei, G. Klupp, G. Bortel, I. Jalsovszky, E. Jakab, F. Borondics, K. Kamarás, G. Faigel: Rotor-stator phases of fullerenes with cubane derivatives: A novel family of heteromolecular crystals, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 3032-3036, 2006 | G. Klupp, K. Kamarás: Fulleride ions in various crystal fields studied by infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Molecular Structure 838, 74-77, 2007 | K. Thirunavukkuarasu, C.A. Kuntscher, Gy. Bényei, I. Jalsovszky, G. Klupp, K. Kamarás, É. Kováts, S. Pekker: Infrared spectroscopy on the rotor-stator compounds C60-C8H8 and C70-C8H8 under pressure, Physica Status Solidi B 244, 3857-3860, 2007 | C.A. Kuntscher, K. Thirunavukkuarasu, Á. Pekker, K. Kamarás, F. Hennrich, M. Kappes, Y. Iwasa: Pressure-induced phenomena in single-walled carbon nanotubes, Physica Status Solidi B 244, 3982-3985, 2007 | D. Quintavalle, F. Simon, A. Jánossy, F. Borondics, K. Kamarás, S. Pekker: The fulleride polymer Mg5C60, Physica Status Solidi B 244, 3853-3856, 2007 | K. Thirunavukkuarasu, C.A. Kuntscher, B.J. Nagy, I. Jalsovszky, G. Klupp, K. Kamarás, É. Kováts, S. Pekker: Orientational ordering and intermolecular interactions in the rotor-stator compounds C60-C8H8 and C70-C8H8 under pressure, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 17525-17532, 2008 | G. Klupp, P. Matus, D. Quintavalle, L.F. Kiss, É. Kováts, N.M. Nemes, K. Kamarás, S. Pekker, A. Jánossy: Phase segregation on the nanoscale in Na2C60, Physical Review B 74, 195402-1-7, 2006 | G. Klupp, K. Kamarás, N.M. Nemes, C.M. Brown, J. Leao: Static and dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the alkali metal fulleride salts A4C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs), Physical Review B 73, 085415-1-12, 2006 | G. Klupp, K. Kamarás: Following Jahn-Teller distortions in fulleride salts by optical spectroscopy, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, megjelenés alatt, 2009 | D. Quintavalle, F. Borondics, G. Klupp, A. Baserga, F. Simon, A. Jánossy, K. Kamarás, S. Pekker: Structure and properties of the stable two-dimensional conducting polymer Mg5C60, Physical Review B 77, 155431-1-5, 2008 | S. Pekker, É. .Kováts, G. Oszlányi, Gy. Bényei, G. Klupp, G. Bortel, I. Jalsovszky, E. Jakab, F. Borondics, K. Kamarás, M. Bokor, G. Kriza, K. Tompa, G. Faigel: Rotor-stator molecular crystals of fullerenes with cubane, Nature Materials 4, 764-767, 2005 | G. Klupp, F. Borondics, É. Kováts, Á. Pekker, G. Bényei, I. Jalsovszky, R. Hackl, S. Pekker, K. Kamarás: Vibrational spectra of C60C8H8 and C70C8H8 in the rotor-stator and polymer phases, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 12375-12382, 2007 | K. Kamarás, Á. Pekker, M. Bruckner, F. Borondics, A.G. Rinzler, D.B. Tanner, M.E. Itkis, R.C. Haddon, Y. Tan, D.E. Resasco: Wide-range optical spectra of carbon nanotubes; a comparative study, Physica Status Solidi B 245, 2229-2232, 2008 | Á. Pekker, D. Wunderlich, K. Kamarás, A. Hirsch: Diameter selectivity of nanotube sidewall functionalization probed by optical spectroscopy, Physica Status Solidi B 245, 1954-1956, 2008 | F. Borondics, K. Kamarás, M. Nikolou, D.B. Tanner, Z.H. Chen, A.G. Rinzler: Charge dynamics in transparent single-walled carbon nanotube films from optical transmission measurements, Physical Review B 74, 045431-1-6, 2006 | M.E. Itkis, F. Borondics, A. Yu, R.C. Haddon: Bolometric infrared photoresponse of suspended single-walled carbon nanotube films, Science 312, 413-416, 2006 |




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