Távérzékelt és repülőgépes megfigyelések alkalmazása a korlátos tartományú ALADIN/HU numerikus időjárás-előrejelző modellben
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Randriamampianina, R.: Radiance-bias correction for a limited area model, Időjárás, Vol. 109, No. 3., pp. 143-155., 2005 | Storto A., Randriamampianina R.: The Relative Impact of Meteorological Observations in the Norwegian Regional Model as determined using an energy norm-based approach, Atmospheric Science Letters, közlésre elfogadva, 2010 | Randriamampianina, R., Szoták, R. and Gérard, E.: On the use of bias correction method and full grid AMSU-B data in a limited area model, 14th ITSC, 25-31 May 2005. Beijing, China; http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/itsc/itsc14/presentations/ session8/8_8_randriamampianina.pdf, 2005 | Randriamampianina, R., Szoták, R. and Gérard, E.: On the use of bias correction method and full grid AMSU-B data in a limited area model, 14th ITSC, 25-31 May 2005. Beijing, China; CD-ROM, 2005 | Randriamampianina, R.: Bias correction issues in limited area models: strategy for ALADIN, ECMWF/NWP-SAF Workshop on bias estimation and correction, Reading, UK http://www.ecmwf.int/newsevents/meetings/workshops/2005/NWP_SAF/presentations/Randriamampianina.pdf, 2005 | Randriamampianina, R.: Impact studies with the ALADIN/HU model, ALADIN-HIRLAM workshop, 14-18 November 2005, Budapest, Hungary
http://www.met.hu/omsz.php?almenu_id=omsz&pid=seminars&mpx=0&kps=1&pri=2, 2005 | Randriamampianina, R.: Observation pre-processing in the ARPEGE/ALADIN model, ALADIN-HIRLAM workshop, 14-18 November 2005, Bp, Hungary, http://www.met.hu/omsz.php?almenu_id=omsz&pid=seminars&mpx=0&kps=1&pri=2, 2005 | Bölöni, G.: ALADIN 3DVAR at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 27. EWGLAM meeting, 3rd - 5th October 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia
http://www.arso.gov.si/ewglam_2005/SP-boloni.ppt, 2005 | Bölöni, G.: Evaluation of the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR assimilation system, 5. ALADIN workshop, 06-10 June 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia
http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/aladin/meetings/Wk2005/ind.html, 2005 | Bölöni, G.: ALADIN 3DVAR at the Hungarian Meteorological Service,, ALADIN-HIRLAM workshop on code maintenance and data assimilation, 14-18 November 2005, Bp, Hungary
http://www.met.hu/omsz.php?almenu_id=omsz&pid=seminars&pri=1&mpx=0, 2005 | Bölöni, G.: Technical description of the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR system, ALADIN-HIRLAM workshop on code maintenance and data assimilation, 14-18 November 2005, Bp, Hungary
http://www.met.hu/omsz.php?almenu_id=omsz&pid=seminars&pri=1&mpx=0, 2005 | Bölöni, G. et al.: ALADIN 3DVAR at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 4th WMO International Symposium On Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology and Oceanography, 18-22 April 2005, Prague, Czech Republic., 2005 | Randriamampianina, R., R. Szoták, G. Csima, M. Balogh and G. Bölöni: Assimilation of high resolution observations in the ALADIN limited area model, 4th WMO International Symposium On Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology and Oceanography, 18-22 April 2005, Prague, Czech Republic., 2005 | Randriamampianina, R.: Bias correction issues in limited area models: strategy for ALADIN, ECMWF/NWP-SAF Workshop on bias estimation and correction, Nov. 11., Reading,U.K. in print, 2005 | Bölöni, G., E. Hágel, S. Kertész, R. Randriamampianina: Limited area modelling activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 27. EWGLAM meeting, 3rd - 5th October 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2005 | Randriamampianina, R.: Impact of high resolution satellite observations in the ALADIN/HU model., Időjárás, Vol. 110, pp. 329-347., 2006 | Bölöni G.: Development of a variational data assimilation system for a limited area model at the Hungarian Meteorological Service., Időjárás, Vol. 110., 2006 | Bölöni G.: Data assimilation activities in LACE 2006-2007., Proc. of the EWGLAM Conference, 2006 | Randriamampianina R.: Impact of the AMV data in the ALADIN/HU data assimilation system., ALADIN Newsletter No. 30. pp.45-56. Available: http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/aladin/newsletters/news30/news30.pdf, 2006 | Randriamampianina R.: Investigation of the AMV data derived from Meteosat-8 in the ALADIN/HU assimilation system., Proc. of 8th International Winds Conference, Beijing, China, 2006. Available on: http://www.eumetsat.int/groups/cps/documents/document/pdf_conf_p47_s2_06_randriama_v.pdf, 2006 | Randriamampianina, R.: Estimation of satellite observations bias correction for limited area model., Proc. of 15th International TOVS Conference. Maratea, Italy 4-10 Oct. 2006. Available: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/itwg/itsc/index.html, 2006 | Randriamampianina, R.: Observation processing in LAM operational data assimilation system., Lecture at Summer School 2006 on Nonhydrostatic dynamics and fine scale data assimilation, 11-17 June 2006, Sestroreck, Russia. CD-ROM, 2006 | Randriamampianina R., Bölöni G., Kertész S., Lőrincz A. and Horányi, A.: EUCOS Space-Terrestrial Study report, EUCOS/PB-OBS Seminar, EUCOS report, 2006 | Trojakova, A., Májek M., Bölöni G. and Randriamampianina R.: Assimilation of SEVIRI data., LACE scientific visit report, HMS, 27 p. http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2006/AT_MM_LACE_report_SEVIRI_2006.pdf, 2006 | Gelybó, Gy., Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Barcza, Z., Pongrácz, R., Randriamampianina, R. Ferencz, Cs.: Processing and application of NOAA/ATOVS data at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union. Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April, 2006, 2006 | Gelybó, Gy., Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Barcza, Z., Pongrácz, R., Randriamampianina, R., Ferencz, Cs.: Processing and application of NOAA/ATOVS data at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07263. EGU General Assembly 2006, EGU06-A-07263, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April, 2006. SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-07263., 2006 | Claude Fuscher and Gergely Bölöni: ALADIN Consortium Activities in Data Assimilation, EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting, 2007 Oct. 8-11, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2007 | Alena Trojaková and Gergely Bölöni: Assimilation of SEVIRI data, part II, LACE scientific visit report, HMS; 30p., 2007 | Randriamampianina R., Bölöni G., Kertész S., Lőrincz A. and Horányi, A.: EUCOS Space-Terrestrial Final Report, EUCOS Final Report; 58 p., 2007 | Randriamampianina R. and Kertész S.: Recent development and changes in the operational ALADIN/HU 3D-VAR system., SRNWP Workshop, Norrköping, Sweden; 21-23 March,, 2007 | Randriamampianina R., Bölöni G. Májek M., Trojáková A. and Juhász Z.: Latest development related to the 3D-VAR ALADIN at HMS., ALADIN/HIRLAM all staff meeting workshop, 23-26 April 2007., Oslo, Norway, 2007 | Bölöni, G.: First steps towards the application of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, HIRLAM/ALADIN workshop, April 2008, Brussels, http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/aladin/spip.php?action=autoriser&arg=934, 2008 | Kullmann L. and G. Bölöni: Recent developments and changes in the ALADIN/HU 3D-Var system, HIRLAM/ALADIN workshop, April 2008, Brussels, http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/aladin/spip.php?action=autoriser&arg=1007, 2008 | Bölöni G., P. Csomós, E. Hágel, A. Horányi, L. Kullmann, M. Vörös: Limited area modelling activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, EWGLAM meeting, 2008 October Madrid, 2008 | Bölöni G.: Recent activities and ambitions in LACE Data Assimilation, EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting, 2008 October Madrid, http://www.aemet.es/documentos/es/divulgacion/conferencias/prediccion/Ewglam/DA_GBoloni.pdf, 2008 | Petra Cs. and G. Bölöni: First steps towards the application of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter at the Hungarian Meteorological Service, HIRLAM Newsletter No. 54, https://hirlam.org/HX/organisation/documents/NL54_Hexnet_prel/csomos_boloni.pdf, 2008 | Adamcsek E., G. Bölöni,: An experiment with the ETKF Transformation matrix at HMS, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/etkf_at_hms.pdf, 2008 | Bouzid, A, and G. Bölöni: Assimilation of HIRS and SYNOP data in the ALADIN/HU model, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/Bouzid_hirs.doc, 2008 | Adamcsek E., G. Bölöni,: An experiment with the ETKF Transformation matrix at HMS, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/etkf_at_hms.pdf, 2008 | Bouzid, A, and G. Bölöni: Assimilation of HIRS and SYNOP data in the ALADIN/HU model, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/Bouzid_hirs.doc, 2008 | Bölöni G., L. Szabó and A. Trojáková: PPLACE: common observation preprocessing for LACE data assimilation, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/pplace.pdf, 2008 | Gergely B.: Overview of radar data assimilation in NWP models, RC LACE report, http://www.rclace.eu/File/Data_Assimilation/2008/radar_assim_overview.doc, 2008 | Csima G., Ghelli A.: On the use of the Intensity-Scale Verification Technique to assess operational precipitation forecasts., Meteorol. Appl. 15. 145-154., 2008 | Storto, A. and R. Randriamampianina: Use of satellite data in ALADIN/HARMONIE-Norway, Proceedings of the sixteen’s international TOVS study conference, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, 7-13 May 2008., 2008 | Storto, A. and R. Randriamampianina: Sensitivity of the ALADIN-HARMONIE/Norway analysis and forecast systems to different observations, HIRLAM All-staff Meeting 2008 and ALADIN 18th Workshop, 7-10 April 2008, Brussels, Belgium., 2008 | Storto A., Randriamampianina R.: Ensemble variational assimilation for the representation of background-error covariances in a high-latitude regional model, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, benyújtva, 2010 | Balogh M.: Repülőgépes mérések felhasználása az ALADIN számszerű időjárás előrejelzési modellben, Légkör, 3:24-25., 2006 | Balogh M.: Az AMDAR repülőgépes adatok asszimilációja az ALADIN számszerű időjárás előrejelző modellben, Szakdolgozat, ELTE TTK, Budapest, 2006 | Bölöni G., Horváth K.: Diagnosis and tuning of background error statistics in a variational data assimilation system, Időjárás, Vol. 114. (közlésre elfogadva), 2010 | Alena Trojaková and Gergely Bölöni: Assimilation of SEVIRI data, part I, LACE scientific visit report, HMS; 30p., 2007 |





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