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Karsai, Á., Mártonfalvi, Zs., Nagy, A., Grama, L., Penke, B. and Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Mechanical manipulation of Alzheimer's amyloid ß1-42 fibrils, J. Struct Biol. 155, 316-326, 2006 | Karsai, Á., Nagy, A., Kengyel, A., Mártonfalvi, Zs., Grama, L., Penke, B. and Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Effect of lysine-28 side chain acetylation on the nanomechanical behavior of Alzheimer amyloid ß25-35 fibrils, J. Chem. Inf. Mod. 45 (6), 1641-1646, 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z., Grama, L., Karsai, Á., Nagy, A., Kahn, A., Datki, Z. and Penke, B.: Reversible unzipping of amyloid ß-fibrils, J. Biol. Chem. 280(9), 8464-8470, 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z., Grama, L., Karsai, Á., Nagy, A., Kahn, A., Datki, Z. and Penke, B.: Reversible unzipping of amyloid ß-fibrils, Biophys. J. 88, 198A-199A, 2005 | Kellermayer, M. S., Grama, L., Karsai, Á., Nagy, A., Kahn, A., Datki, Z., Penke, B.: Structural dynamics of amyloid explored by manipulating individual fibrils, FEBS Journal 272 (s1) F2-016P, 2005 | Karsai, A., Grama, L., Nagy, A. and Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Oriented, potassium-dependent binding of amyloid beta-25-35 fibrils to mica, EMBO/HHMI Central European Scientists Meeting, Budapest, 2005. February 7-9., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z., Grama, L., Karsai, A., Nagy, A., Kahn, A., Datki, Z. and Penke, B.: Reversible mechanical unzipping of amyloid beta-fibrils, EMBO/HHMI Central European Scientists Meeting, Budapest, 2005. February 7-9., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Egyedi amiloid fibrillumok manipulálása nanotechnológiai eszközökkel, A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság Kongresszusa, Debrecen, 2005. június 27-29., 2005 | M.S.Z. Kellermayer, Á. Karsai, A. Nagy, L. Grama, A. Kengyel, Z. Mártonfalvi, Z. Datki and Botond Penke: Mechanical manipulation of amyloid beta fibrils, Albach Workshop on Coiled-coils. Alpbach, Austria, September 11-16., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Properties of individual biomolecules explored with nanobiotechnology methods, Regional Biophysics Meeting 2005.03.16-20, Terme Zrece, Slovenia., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Nanomechanics of individual biomolecules., EMBO-FEBS Young Scientists Meeting, Visegrád, Hungary, 2005.07.1-2., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Kísérletek egyedi biomolekulákon, Pannon Tudományos Napok, Nagykanizsa, 2005. 10. 12., 2005 | Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Egyedi biomolekulák mechanikai manipulálása, Straub Napok, Szeged, 2005. 11. 16., 2005 | Kiss, B., Karsai, Á. and Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Nanomechanical properties of desmin intermediate filaments, J. Struct Biol. 155, 327-339, 2006 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, András Kengyel, Attila Nagy, Pasquale Bianco, Tamás Huber, Ágnes Kulcsár, Csaba Niedetzky, Roger Proksch and László Grama: Spatially and temporally synchronized atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for imaging and manipulating cells and biomolecules, Biohys. J. 91, 2665-2677, 2006 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Attila Nagy, András Kengyel, Tamás Huber, Zsolt Mártonfalvi and László Grama: Synchronized atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for imaging cells and biomolecules, Biohys. J. 90, 2006 | Árpád Karsai, László Grama, Attila Nagy and Miklós Kellermayer: Oriented, potassium-dependent binding of amyloid beta25-35 fibrils to mica, Biohys. J. 90, 2006 | Bianco, P., Nagy, A., Kengyel, A., Grama, L., and Kellermayer, M.S.Z.: Interaction forces between F-actin and titin?s PEVK domain, Biohys. J. 90, 2006 | Pasquale Bianco, Attila Nagy, András Kengyel, Dávid Szatmári, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Tamás Huber and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Interaction forces between F-actin and titin PEVK domain measured with optical tweezers, Biophys J 93, 2102-2109, 2007 | Karsai, Á., Grama, L., M., Murvai, Ü., Soós, K., Penke, B and Kellermayer M.S.Z. Mechanisms of oriented amyloid ß25-35 fibril formation on mica: Potassium-dependent oriented growth of amyloid ß25-35 fibrils on mica, Nanotechnology 18, 345102, 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, M.S.Z., Pasquale Bianco, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Attila Nagy, András Kengyel, Dávid Szatmári, Tamás Huber, Marco Linari, Marco Caremani, and Vincenzo Lombardi: Muscle thixotropy: more than just cross-bridges?, Biophys J 94, 1, 2008 | Máté Gyimesi, Andrey K. Tsaturyan, Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, András Málnási-Csizmadia: Kinetic Characterization of the Function of Myosin Loop 4 in the Actin-Myosin Interaction, Biochemistry 47, 283-291, 2008 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, and Botond Penke: Stepwise assembly dynamics of single amyloid fibrils revealed by scanning force kymography, Biophys. J. 92. 2007, 2007 | Pasquale Bianco, Attila Nagy, András Kengyel, Dávid Szatmári, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Tamás Huber and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Stepwise assembly dynamics of single amyloid fibrils revealed by scanning force kymography, Biophys. J. 92, 2007 | P. Bianco, A. Nagy, A. Kengyel, T. Huber, Z. Mártonfalvi, D. Szatmári, M.S.Z. Kellermayer: Interaction Forces between F-Actin and Titin PEVK Domain, J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil., 2007 | B. Decker, Á. Karsai, M.S.Z. Kellermayer.: Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy of synthetic myosin thick filaments, J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Pasquale Bianco, Attila Nagy, Árpád Karsai, András Kengyel, Tamás Huber, Balázs Kiss, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Dávid Szatmári and László Grama: Nanomechanics of single biomolecules, Joint meeting of Hungarian and German Biophysicists
May 17 - 20, 2007
Hünfeld, Germany., 2007 | Árpád Karsai, László Grama, Ünige Murvai, Katalin Soós, Botond Penke and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Oriented amyloid 25-35 fibril self-assembly on mica explored with atomic force microscopy, Joint meeting of Hungarian and German Biophysicists
May 17 - 20, 2007
Hünfeld, Germany., 2007 | Brennan Decker, Árpád Karsai, Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy of synthetic myosin thick filaments, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Kungl Jusztina, Karsai Árpád, Nagy Attila, Kellermayer Miklós S. Z.: Fibrin filamentumok szerkezete és nanomechanikája, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Karsai Árpád, Grama László, Murvai Ünige, Kellermayer Miklós: Mechanisms of oriented amyloid ß25-35 fibril formation on mica, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Kellermayer Miklós S. Z.: Fehérjemolekulák szerkezeti és mechanikai vizsgálata atomerőmikroszkóppal, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, and Botond Penke: Stepwise assembly dynamics of single amyloid fibrils revealed by scanning force kymography, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Kiss Balázs, Karsai Árpád, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: Szerkezeti átmenetek egyedi dezmin intermedier filamentumokban, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Mártonfalvi Zsolt, Marco Linari, Marco Caremani, Vincenzo Lombardi, Nagy Attila, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: Aktin-titin kölcsönhatás hatása a harántcsíkolt izom rugalmasságára, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Pasquale Bianco, Nagy Attila, Kengyel András, Huber Tamás, Mártonfalvi Zsolt, Szatmári Dávid, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: Interaction forces between F-actin and titin PEVK domain measured with optical tweezers, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Huber Tamás, Szatmári Dávid, Mártonfalvi Zsolt, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: A titin PEVK domén szekvenciamotívumainak szerkezete és mechanikája, 37. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia, Sümeg 2007. május 22-25., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Nanotechnological investigation and utilization of biomolecules: amyloid fibrils, HUNN Nyári Iskola (Hungarian Network of Excellent Centres on Nanosciences). Balatonfüred, 2007. június 27-29., 2007 | Brennan Decker, Árpád Karsai, Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Synthetic Myosin Thick Filaments., IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Tamás Huber, Dávid Szatmári, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer.: The structure and mechanics of the titin’s PEVK domain sequence motifs., IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Árpád Karsai, László Grama, Ünige Murvai, Katalin Soós, Botond Penke and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Potassium-Dependent Oriented Growth of Amyloid ß25-35 Fibrils on Mica, IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, and Botond Penke: Stepwise Assembly Dynamics of Single Amyloid Fibrils Revealed by Scanning Force Kymography, IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Balázs Kiss, Árpád Karsai, Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Structural transitions in individual desmin intermediate filaments, IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Mártonfalvi Zsolt, Marco Linari, Marco Caremani, Vincenzo Lombardi, Nagy Attila, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: Interaction between actin and titin PEVK domain studied at the sarcomeric level, IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Pasquale Bianco, Nagy Attila, Kengyel András, Huber Tamás, Mártonfalvi Zsolt, Szatmári Dávid, Kellermayer Miklós S.Z.: Interaction Forces between F-Actin and Titin PEVK Domain Measured with Optical Tweezers, IV. International Conference on Molecular Recognition. Pécs, Hungary, 2007. August 15-18., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, László Grama, Ünige Murvai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, and Botond Penke: Nanotechnology with amyloid fibrils, Regional Biophysics Conference. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2007. August 21-25., 2007 | László Grama, Attila Nagy, Árpád Karsai, Pasquale Bianco, András Kengyel, Tamás Huber, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Balázs Kiss, Ünige Murvai, Margit Benke, Brennan Decker and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer.: Expanding the temporal and spatial scales in scanning force microscopy, Euro AFM Forum 2007. Münster, Germany, September 3-5, 2007., 2007 | Árpád Karsai, László Grama, Ünige Murvai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, Botond Penke and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer.: Structure, assembly dynamics and mechanics of oriented amyloid networks, 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry. Siófok, Hungary, October 3-5, 2007., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Attila Nagy, Árpád Karsai, András Kengyel, Tamás Huber, Balázs Kiss, Zsolt Mártonfalvi, Ünige Murvai, Pasquale Bianco and László Grama: Imaging and mechanics of individual biomolecules explored with nanobiotechnology tools, International Autumn School in Biophysics. Mangalia, Romania, October 11-16, 2007., 2007 | Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Margit Benke, Katalin Soós, and Botond Penke: Stepwise dynamics of epitaxially growing single amyloid fibrils, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 141-144, 2008 | Árpád Karsai, Ünige Murvai, Katalin Soós, Botond Penke and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Oriented epitaxial growth of amyloid fibrils of the N27C mutant ß25-35 peptide, European Biophys. J. 37(7): 1133-1137, 2008 | Brennan Decker and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Periodically arranged interactions within the myosin filament backbone revealed by mechanical unzipping, J. Mol. Biol. 322, 307-310, 2008 | Mátyás Kolsofszki, Árpád Karsai, Katalin Soós, Botond Penke and Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer: Thermally induced effects in the oriented network of amyloid ß25-35 fibrils, Prog. Colloid Polym. Sci. 135, 169-173, 2008 | Brennan Decker and Miklos S.Z. Kellermayer.: Periodically arranged interactions within the myosin thick-filament backbone revealed by mechanical unzipping, Biophys. J., 94, 2008 | Arpad Karsai, Unige Murvai, Katalin Soos, Botond Penke and Miklos S.Z. Kellermayer: Oriented, chemically functionalized amyloid network with controllable mesh size for nanotechnology applications, Biophys. J., 94, 2008 | Pasquale Bianco, Zsolt Martonfalvi, Gyula Kotek, Miklos S.Z. Kellermayer: Folding-unfolding dynamics of titin explored with force-clamp optical tweezers, Biophys. J., 94, 2008 |




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