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A. Novák, M. Varga, S. Szalai, L. Szarka: Tensorial apparent resistivity mapping and an archological case study, Paper G 018 presented at the EAGE Meeting Madrid, 2005 | Szalai S., Szarka L., Marquis G., Sailhac P., Kaikkonen P., Lahti I.: Colinear null arrays in geoelectrics, IAGA WG 1.2 on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Proceedings of the 17th Workshop, 2005 | Szalai S, Szarka L: Parameter sensitivity maps of surface geoelectric arrays, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan, China, June 4-9, 2006 Geophysical Solutions for Enfironment an, 2006 | Szalai S, Veress M, Novák A, Szarka L: Geofizikai vizsgálatok fedett karszton (Homód-árok, Bakony), Veress Márton (szerk.) Karsztfejlődés XI, Szombathely: Berzsenyi Dániel Tanárképző Főiskola,, pp. 153-170., 2006 | Szarka, L., Novák, A., Szalai, S., Antal, Á.: Imaging experiences in magnetotellurics and in geoelectrics (Hungary), 17th International Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 14-17. nov. 2006, Ankara, Turkey, 4G-1, 2006 | Szarka L: Geophysical imaging to determine the shape of subsurface bodies by means of surface electromagnetic methods. A review from Sopron, Hungary, Invited talk. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan China, June 4-9, 2006 Geophysical Solutions for E, 2006 | Verő, J., Ádám, A., Bencze, P., Bór, J., Koppán, A., Kovács K., Lemperger, I., Martini, D., Marcz, F., Novák, A., Prodán, T., Sátori, G., Szalai S, Szarka L, Wesztergom V., Zieger, B.: Földi elektromágnesesség, Magyar Geofizika 2006. 47/4. pp. 166-169., 2006 | Szarka, L., Ádám, A., Kis, M., Lemperger, I., Novák, A., Szalai, S. , Ubránkovics, Cs., Verő, J., Wesztergom, V., Fejes, I., Kiss, J., Madarasi, A., Prácser, E., Sőrés, L., Varga, G., Nagy, Z., Zahocz: Új irányzatok a magnetotellurikában, Magyar Geofizika, 2006. 47/4, pp. 138-144., 2006 | Szalai, S, Koppán A, Szarka L: Effect of Positional Inaccuracies on Multielectrode Results, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics,, 2007 | Szalai S, Novák A, Szarka L: Depth of Investigation of Dipole-dipole, Noncolinear and Focused Geoelectric Arrays, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul P26, 2007 | Szalai S, Szarka L: Auxiliary Results of Collection and Classification of Surface Geoelectric Arrays, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul A09, 2007 | Szarka, L., Vero, J., Kis, K., et al,: Hungarian National report on IAGA 2003-2006, Acta. Geod. et Geoph. Hung, 42(2), pp. 169-226., 2007 | Szalai, S., Szarka L.: On the classification of surface geoelectric arrays, Geophysical Prospecting, 56, pp. 159-175, 2008 | S. Szalai, A. Novák, L. Szarka: Depth of Investigation and Vertical Resolution of Surface Geoelectric Arrays, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (in print), 2009 | Varga M, Novák A, Szarka L: Tensorial electrical resistivity mapping and an archeological field, NEAR SURF GEOPHYS 2008/1, 2008 | Metwaly, M., El-Qady, G., Matsushima, J., Szalai, S., Al-Arifi, N., S., N., Taha, A.: Contribution of 3-D electrical resistivity tomography for landmines detection, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 15, pp. 977-986, 2008 | Novák A, Szalai S, Szarka L: Target detectability depths of DC arrays for various models, Extended Abstracts of the Near Surface EAGE Conference, 2006 | Szalai S, Szarka L, Révi G, Varga G: Geoelectric investigation of a pluridirectional fissure system in a karstic area, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan, China, June 4-9, 2006 Geophysical Solutions for Environment an, 2006 | Szalai, S. , Szarka, L.: Parameter sensitivity maps of surface geoelectric arrays I. Linear arrays, Acta. Geod. et Geoph. Hung, 43(4), pp. 419-437, DOI: 10.1556/AGeod.43.2008.4.4, 2008 | Szalai, S. , Szarka, L.: Parameter sensitivity maps of surface geoelectric arrays II. Nonlinear and focussed arrays, Acta. Geod. et Geoph. Hung, 43(4), pp. 439-447, DOI: 10.1556/AGeod.43.2008.4.5, 2008 | Szalai, S., Koppán, A., Szarka, L.: Effect of positional inaccuracies on multielectrode results, Acta. Geod. et Geoph. Hung, 43(1), pp. 33-42, 2008 | Szalai, S., Veress, M., Novák, A., Szarka, L.: Application of the simplest geophysical method, the pricking probe method to map bedrock topography in a buried karstic area, 14th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, P17, 2008 |




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