Kombinatorikus módszerek gráfok és rúdszerkezetek merevségének vizsgálatában
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Közleményjegyzék |
Z. Fekete, T. Jordan: Rigid realizations of graphs on small grids, Computational Geometry, Vol. 32, Issue 3, pp. 216-222., 2005 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan, Z. Szabadka: Globally linked pairs of vertices in equivalent realizations of graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 35, 493-512,, 2006 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: On the rank function of the 3-dimensional rigidity matroid, Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl., Vol. 16, No. 5-6, 415-429,, 2006 | Z. Fekete, T. Jordan: Uniquely localizable networks with few anchors, Proc. 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Budapest, June 2005, 2005 | T. Jordan, Z. Szabadka: Operations preserving global rigidity of graphs and frameworks in the plane, Computational Geometry, in press,, 2009 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Rigid components in molecular graphs, Algorithmica, Vol. 48, No. 4, 399-412,, 2007 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Rank and independence in the rigidity matroid of molecular graphs, EGRES TR-2006-02, 2006 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Brick partitions of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, in press,, 2009 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: The generic rank of body-bar-and-hinge frameworks, European J. Combinatorics, to appear,, 2009 | J. Bang-Jensen, T. Jordan: On persistent directed graphs, Networks, Vol. 52, Issue 4, 271-276,, 2008 | T. Jordan, A. Recski, Z. Szabadka: Rigid tensegrity labelings of graphs, European J. Combinatorics, in press,, 2009 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: On the rigidity of molecular graphs, Combinatorica 28 (6), 645-658,, 2008 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Pin-collinear body-and-pin frameworks and the molecular conjecture, Discrete and Computational Geometry 40: 258-278,, 2008 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: A sufficient connectivity condition for generic rigidity in the plane, Discrete Applied Mathematics, in press,, 2009 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Graph theoretic methods in the analysis of uniquely localizable sensor networks, Localization algorithms and strategies for wireless sensor networks (G. Mao, B. Fidan, eds), IGI Global, in press,, 2009 | S. Iwata, T. Jordan: Orientations and detachments of graphs with prescribed degrees and connectivity, Proc. 5th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Sendai, April 2007, 149-153,, 2007 | B. Jackson, T. Jordan: Globally rigid circuits of the direction-length rigidity matroid, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, to appear,, 2009 |




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