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Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B, Hegyi G, Szollosi E, Torok J, Eens M: Determinants of male territorial behavior in a Hungarian collared flycatcher population: plumage traits of residents and challengers, BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 2006 | Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Pavlova DZ, Avilés JM, Møller AP: A comparative study of the function of heterospecific vocal mimicry in European passerines, Behavioral Ecology, 2007 | Garamszegi, LZ; Hegyi, G; Szöllősi, E; Rosival, B; Török, J; Eens, M; Møller, AP: Phenotypic correlates of digit ratio in a wild bird: implications for the study of maternal effects, ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2007 | Garamszegi, LZ; Torok, J; Hegyi, G; Szollosi, E; Rosivall, B; Eens, M: Age-dependent expression of song in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, ETHOLOGY, 2007 | Hegyi, G; Török, J; Garamszegi, LZ; Rosivall, B; Szöllősi, E; Hargitai, R: Dynamics of multiple sexual signals in relation to climatic conditions, EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH, 2007 | Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Eens M: The roles of ecological factors and sexual selection in the evolution of white wing patches in ducks, BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY, 2008 | Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Torok J, Eens M: Female ornamentation and territorial conflicts in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), Naturwissenschaften, 2008 | Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Torok J.: Birds reveal their personality when singing, PloS ONE, 2008 | Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Torok J.: Behavioural syndromes and trappability in free-living collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis, Animal Behaviour, 2009 | R. HARGITAI, J. PRECHL and J. TÖRÖK: Maternal immunoglobulin concentration in Collared, Functional Ecology, 2006 | Garamszegi LZ, Balsby TJS, Bell BD, Borowiec M, Byers BE, Draganoiu T, Eens M, Forstmeier W, Galeotti P, Gil D, Gorissen L, Hansen P, Lampe HM, Leitner S, Lontkowski J, Nagle L, Nemeth E, Pinxten R, Rossi J-M, Saino N, Tanvez A, Titus R, Török J, Van Duyse E, Møller AP.: Estimating the complexity of bird song by using capture-recapture approaches from community ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2005 | Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Erritzøe J, Møller AP: Sexually size dimorphic brains and song complexity in passerine birds. Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, 2005 | Garamszegi LZ, Merino S, Török J, Eens M, Martínez J.: Indicators of physiological stress and the elaboration of sexual traits in the collared flycatcher, Behavioral Ecology, 2006 |
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