Kombinatorikus optimalizálás: Algoritmusok, Struktúrák, Alkalmazások
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Pap Gy: Alternating paths revisited II: restricted b-matchings in bipartite graphs, EGRES Tecnical Report TR-2005-13, http://www.cs.elte.hu/egres, 2005 | Pap Gy: A constructive approach to matching and its applications, PhD disszertáció, 2007 | Pap Gy: Alternating paths revisited III: hypo-matchings in directed graphs, EGRES Tecnical Report TR-2005-14, http://www.cs.elte.hu/egres, 2005 | Makai M; Pap Gy; Szabó J: Matching problems in polymatroids without double circuits, 12th International IPCO Conference, Ithaca, NY, USA, June 25-27, 2007, Proceedings, volume 4513 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007 | Pap Gy: Hypo-matchings in directed graphs, Graph Theory in Paris. Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Claude Berge, Trends in Mathematics, pages 325-335. Birkhäuser, 2007 | Pap Gy: Packing non-returning a-paths, Combinatorica, 27(2):247-251, 2007 | Fekete Zs: Source location with rigidity and tree packing requirements, Operations Research Letters 34(6): 607-612, 2006 | Pap Gy: Combinatorial algorithms for matchings, even factors and square-free 2-factors, Math. Program., 110(1):57-69, 2007 | Pap Gy: Packing non-returning a-paths algorithmically, Discrete Mathematics, 308(8):1472-1488, 2008 | Fekete Zs; Jordán T: Uniquely localizable networks with few anchors, ALGOSENSORS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4240: 176-183, 2006 | Fekete Zs; Szegő L: A note on [k,l]-sparse graphs, Proceedings of Graph Theory 2004, a conference in memory of Claude Berge, Paris, 2006 | Bernáth A; Gerbner D: Chain intersecting families, Graphs Combin., 23(4):353-366, 2007 | Bernáth A: Metsző halmazrendszerek reprezentálása [A representation for intersecting families], Mat. Lapok (N.S.), 13(1):6-12, 2006/07, 2006 | Bernáth A: Hardness results for well-balanced orientations, Technical Report TR-2006-05, Egerváry Research Group, Budapest, 2006. www.cs.elte.hu/egres, 2006 | Bernáth A; Joret G: Well-balanced orientations of mixed graphs, Inf. Process. Lett., 106(4):149-151, 2008 | Bernáth A; Király T: A new approach to splitting-off, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, IPCO 2008, volume 5035 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page, 2008 | Bernáth A; Iwata S; Király T; Király Z; Szigeti Z: Recent results on well-balanced orientations, Discrete Optimization, 5(4):663-676, 2008 | Bernáth A: Source location in undirected and directed hypergraphs, Oper. Res. Lett., 36(3):355-360, 2008 | Bernáth A; Király T: Covering symmetric skew-supermodular functions with hyperedges, Technical Report TR-2008-05, Egerváry Research Group, Budapest, 2008 | Bernáth A: Egy extremális halmazelméleti probléma [On a problem in extremal set theory], Mat. Lapok (N.S.), 10(2):2-4, 2005 | Kovács E; Végh L: The constructive characterization of $(k,\ell)$-edge-connected digraphs, Technical Report TR-2008-14, Egerváry Research Group, www.cs.elte.hu/egres, 2008 | Harks T; Végh L: Nonadaptive selfish routing with online demands, Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking (2007), pp. 27-45., 2007 | Szabó J: Graph packings and the degree prescribed subgraph problem, PhD disszertáció, 2006 | Frank A; Lau Chi L; Szabó J: A note on degree-constrained subgraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308(12):2647-2648, 2008 | Szabó J: Éldiszjunkt útrendszer kiterjesztése [Extending an edge-disjoint path-system], Alk. Mat. Lapok, 25:119-129, 2008 | Hartvigsen D; Hell P; Szabó J: The k-piece packing problem, J. Graph Theory, 52(4):267-293, 2006 | Makai M; Szabó J: The parity problem of polymatroids without double circuits, Combinatorica, 2008. megjelenés alatt, 2008 | Szabó J: Good characterizations for some degree constrained subgraphs, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser B, 2008. megjelenés alatt, 2008 | Szabó J: Packing trees with constraints on the leaf degree, Graphs and Combin., 2008. (megjelenés alatt), 2008 | Szabó J: Matroid Parity and Jump Systems: A Solution to a Conjecture of Recski, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22:854, 2008 | Makai M: Rigid graphs from edge-pairs, 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, pages 199-208, June 2005, 2005 | Makai M: Matroid matching with Dilworth truncation, 2005 European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb '05), volume AE of DMTCS Proceedings, pages 175-180., 2005 | Bárász M; Fekete Zs; Jüttner A; Makai M; Szabó J: Qos aware and fair resource allocation scheme in transport networks, 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2006, 2006 |




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