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Varga Z; Lanza G; Minichino C; Hargittai M: Quasilinear Molecule par Excellence, SrCl2: Structure from High-Temperature Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction and Quantum Chemical Calculations; Computed Structure of SrCl2-Argon Complexes, Chem. Eur. J 12:8345-8357, 2006 | Hargittai M: Fifty years of parity violation - and its long-range effects, Struct Chem 17:455-457, 2006 | Varga Z; Hargittai M: Heterocomplexes of DyBr3 with Alkali Halides: A Computational Study of Their Structures and Relative Stabilities, 15th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi, 186-187, 2006 | Hargittai M: Changing Relationship between Computation and Experiment: Metal Halide Molecules Structures, 15th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi, 72-73, 2006 | Hargittai M; Varga Z: Molecular Constans of Aluminum Monohalides: Caveats for Computation of Simple Inorganic Molecules, J Phys Chem A 111:6-8, 2007 | Kovacs A; Konings RJM: Molecular structure and thermodynamic properties of the gaseous ThC2 and ThC4 species, J Nucl Mater 372: 391-393, 2007 | Liebman JF; Varga Z; Hargittai M: Chemistry, commentary and community: Discussion of ''The NaDyBr4 complex: its molecular structure and thermodynamic properties'' by Varga and Hargittai, Struct Chem 18:269-271, 2007 | Hargittai M: Symmetry, Crystallography, and Art, Applied Physics A 89:889-898, 2007 | Neizer Z; Varga Z; Jancsó G; Hargittai M: Vapor phase tin diiodide: its structure and thermodynamics, a computational study, Struct Chem 18: 641-648, 2007 | Lanza G; Varga Z; Kolonits M; Hargittai M: On the effect of 4f electrons on the structural characteristics of lanthanide trihalides. Computational and electron diffraction study of dysprosium trichloride, J Chem Phys 128:074301 1-14, 2008 | Vest B; Varga Z; Hargittai M; Hermann A; Schwerdtfeger P: The Elusive Structure of CrCl2 - A Combined Computational and Gas Phase Electron Diffraction Study, Chem-Eur J 14: 5130-5143, 2008 | Varga Z; Hargittai M: Structures and thermodynamic properties of aluminum oxyhalides: A computational study, Struct Chem 19: 595-602, 2008 | Hargittai M; Kovács A; Nyulászi L; Veszprémi T: Számítógéppel a periódusos rendszerben, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 114:95-101, 2008 | Kovács A; Konings RJM; Raab J; Gagliardi L: A theoretical study of AmOn and CmOn (n = 1, 2), Phys Chem Chem Phys 10:1114-1118, 2008 | Hargittai M: Structural Effects in Inorganic Chemistry, 17th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi, 64-65, 2008 | Varga Z; Kovács A; Groen CP; Hargittai M: A Theoretical and Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Mixed MDyX4 (M=Alkali Metals, X=Halogens) Vapor Complexes, 17th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Mississippi, 167-169, 2008 | Donald KJ; Hargittai M; Hoffmann R: Group 12 Dihalides: Structural Predilections from Gases to Solids, Chem-Eur J 15:158-177, 2009 | Hargittai M: Structural Effects in Molecular Metal Halides, Accounts Chem Res 42:453-462, 2009 | Vest B; Schwerdtfeger P; Kolonits M; Hargittai M: Chromium Difluoride: Probing the Limits of Structure Determination, Chem Phys Lett 463:143-147, 2009 | Hargittai M: Vibronic Interactions in Metal Halide Molecules, Struct Chem 20:21-30, 2009 | Groen CP; Varga Z; Kolonits M; Peterson KA; Hargittai M: Does the 4f Electron Configuration Affect Molecular Geometries? A Joint Computational, Vibrational Spectroscopic, and Electron Diffraction Study of Dysprosium Tribromide, Inorg Chem 48:4143-4153, 2009 | Hargittai M; Hargittai I: Hermann Jahn and Rudolf Renner of the Jahn-Teller and Renner-Teller Effects, Struct Chem 20:537-540, 2009 | Hargittai M; Hargittai I: Nevek és hírnevek: Herzberg, Jahn, Renner, Teller és az elektron-rezgési kölcsönhatások, Fizikai Szemle 59:247-250, 2009 | Hargittai M; Hargittai I: Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist, 3rd Edition, Springer, 2009 | Varga Z; Kolonits M; Hargittai M: Gas-Phase Stucture of Iron Trihalides: A Computational Study of all Iron Trihalides and an Electron Diffraction Study of Iron Trichloride, Inorg. Chem. 49:1039-1045, 2010 | Varga Z; Groen CP; Kolonits M; Hargittai M: Curious Matrix Effects: A Computational, Electron Diffraction, and Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Dysprosium Triiodide, Dalton Transactions 39:6221-6230, 2010 | Varga Z; Vest B; Schwerdtfeger P; Hargittai M: Molecular Geometry of Vanadium Dichloride and Vanadium Trichloride: A Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction and Computational Study, Inorg. Chem. 49:2816-2821, 2010 | Groen CP; Kovács A: Matrix-Isolation FT-IR Study of (CsBr)n and (CsI)n (n=1-3), Vibr. Spectr. 54:30-34, 2010 | Hargittai I: Structures beyond crystals, J. Mol. Struct. 976:81-86, 2010 | Hargittai I; Menyhárd DK: Further VSEPRing about molecular geometries, J. Mol. Struct. 978:136-140, 2010 | Hargittai M: Változatos szerkezetek, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, megjelenés alatt, 2011 | Varga Z; Kolonits M; Hargittai M: Iron Dihalides: Structures and Thermodynamic Properties from Computation and an Electron Diffraction Study of Iron Diiodide, Struct. Chem. DOI 10.1007/s11224-010-9713-8, 2011 | Varga Z; Hargittai M; Bartell LS: On the thermal expansion of molecules, Struct. Chem. 22:111-121, 2011 |




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