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Közleményjegyzék |
A. Hamza, G. Schubert. T. Soós, I. Pápai: Theoretical studies on the bifunctionality of chiral thiourea-based organocatalysts: Competing routes to CC bond formation, J. Am. Chem. Soc.: 128, 13151-13160, 2006 | M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, C. Pastore, I. Pápai, G. Schubert: Reaction Mechanism of the Direct Carboxylation of Methanol to Dimethylcarbonate: Experimental and Theoretical Studies, Topics in Catalysis,: 40, 71-81, 2006 | T. A. Rokob, A. Hamza, I. Pápai: Computing Reliable Energetics for Conjugate Addition Reactions, Org. Lett.: 9, 4279-4282, 2007 | M. Aresta, C. Pastore, P. Giannoccaro, G. Kovács, A. Dibenedetto, I. Pápai: Evidence for spontaneous release of acrylates from a transition metal complex upon coupling ethene or propene with a carboxylic mo: Competing routes to CC bond formation, Chem. Eur. J.: 13, 9028-9034, 2007 | I. Moldvai, E. Gács-Baitz, E. Termesvári-Major, L. Russo, I. Pápai, K. Rissanen, É. Szárics, J. Kardos, Cs. Szántay: Dimerization of (+)-Lysergic Acid Esters, Heterocycles: 71, 1075-1094, 2007 | l. Nagy, Gy Hajós, Zs. Riedl, O. Egyed, I. Pápai: A Novel Ambident Reactivity of Azolylacroleins, Tetrahedron: 63, 4730-4736, 2007 | T. A. Rokob, A. Hamza, A. Stirling, T. Soós, I. Pápai: Turning Frustration into Bond Activation: A Theoretical Mechanistic Study on Heterolytic Hydrogen Splitting by Frustrated Lewis Pairs, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: 47, 2435-2438, 2008 | A. Stirling, A. Hamza, T. A. Rokob, I. Pápai: Concerted Attack of Frustrated Lewis Acid–Base Pairs on Olefinic Double Bonds: A Theoretical Study, Chem. Comm.: 3148-3150, 2008 | T. A. Rokob, A. Hamza, A. Stirling, I. Pápai: On the Mechanism of B(C6F5)3-catalyzed Direct Hydrogenation of Imines: Inherent and Thermally Induced Frustration, J. Am. Chem. Soc.: 131, 2029-2036, 2009 | T. A. Rokob, A. Hamza, I. Pápai: Rationalizing the Reactivity of Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Thermodynamics of H2 Activation and the Role of Acid-Base Properties, J. Am. Chem. Soc.: 131, 10701-10710, 2009 | A. Hamza, A. Stirling, T. A. Rokob, I. Pápai: Mechanism of Hydrogen Activation by Frustrated Lewis Pairs: A Molecular Orbital Approach, Int. J. Quant. Chem.: 109, 2416-2425, 2009 | A. Angelini, M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, C. Pastore, E. Quaranta, M. R. Chierotti, R. Gobetto, I. Pápai, C. Graiff, A. Tiripicchio: Synthesis and X-ray characterization of [RhCl(C2H4)(PiPr3)]2. Multinuclear NMR and DFT investigation of its solid-state and solution reaction with dihydrogen. Ethene and propene hydrogenation by the solid Rh-hydrides, Dalt. Trans.: 7924-7933, 2009 | M. Purgel, Z. Takács, C. M. Jonssona, L. Nagy, I. Andersson, I. Bányai, I. Pápai, P. Persson, S. Sjöberga, I. Tóth: Glyphosate Complexation to Aluminium(III). An Equilibrium and Structural Study in Solution using Potentiometry, Multinuclear NMR, ATR-FTIR, ESI-MS and DFT Calculations, J. Inorg. Biochem.: 103, 1426-1438, 2009 | M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, C. Pastore, A. Angelini, B. Aresta and I. Pápai: Influence of Al2O3 on the performance of CeO2 used as catalyst in the direct carboxylation of methanol to dimethylcarbonate and the elucidation of the reaction mechanism, J. Catal.: 269, 44-53, 2010 | M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, P. Stufano, B. M. Aresta, S. Maggi, I. Pápai, T. A. Rokob: The solid state structure and the reactivity of NbCl5.(N,N’-Dicyclohexylurea) in solution: Evidence for co-ordinated urea dehydration to the relevant carbodiimide, Dalt. Trans.: 39, 6985-6992, 2010 | A. Dreger, R. C. Camuña, N. Münster, T. A. Rokob, I. Pápai, A. Schmidt: Rearrangements of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazole to 4-Aminoquinolines and Benzoquinolines, Eur. J. Org. Chem.: 4296-4305, 2010 | G. Erős, H. Mehdi, I. Pápai, T. A. Rokob, P. Király, G. Tárkányi, Tibor Soós: Expanding the Scope of Metal-Free Catalytic Hydrogenation through Frustrated Lewis Pair Design, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.: ASAP, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201001518, 2010 |





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