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Közleményjegyzék |
Reiz B, Fekete-Busa R, Pongor S, Kovacs I: Closure Enhancement in a Model Network with Orientation Tuned Long-Range Connectivity, PLoS Computational Biology (közlésre beküldve), 2011 | Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Barch DM, Carter CC, Gold J, KovacsI, MacDonald A, Ragland JD: Optimization of a Measure of Visual Integration For Use in Schizophrenia Treatment Research: The Jittered-Orientation Visual-Integration Task (JOVI), SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN 38:(1) pp. 125-134., 2012 | Bódizs R, Gombos F, Kovács I: Sleep EEG fingerprints reveal accelerated thalamocortical oscillatory dynamics in Williams syndrome., RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 33:(1) pp. 153-164. , 2012 | Gervan P, Berencsi A, Kovacs I: Vision first? The development of primary visual cortical networks is more rapid than the development of primary motor networks in humans., PLOS ONE 6:(9) 9 p. Paper e25572., 2011 | Gombos F, Bodizs R, Kovacs I: Atypical sleep architecture and altered EEG spectra in Williams syndrome., JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH 55: pp. 255-262., 2011 | G Jandó, E Mikó-Baráth, K Markó, KHollódy, B Török, I Kovacs: Early onset binocularity in preterm infants reveals experience-dependent visual development in humans., PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in press, 2012 | Gerván P, Gombos F, Kovacs I: Perceptual learning in Williams Syndrome: Looking beyond averages., PLOS ONE in press, 2012 | P. Gerván, I. Kovács: Two phases of offline learning in contour integration, Journal of Vision, 10:(6) 7, 2010 | Gombos F, Bodizs R, Kovacs I: Atypical sleep architecture and altered EEG spectra in Williams syndrome., JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, 2010 | K. Markó, E. Mikó-Baráth, O. Bártfai, B. Török, I. Kovács, L. Lénárd and G. Jandó: Contrast independence of dynamic random dot correlogram evoked VEP amplitude, Journal of Vision, 9/4, 1-10, 2009 | S.M. Silverstein, S. Berten, B. Essex, I. Kovacs, T. Susmaras, D. Little: An fMRI Examination of Visual Integration in Schizophrenia, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 8/2, 175 - 202, 2009 | Kemner, C., Lamme, V.A.F., Kovacs, I., Engeland, H.: Integrity of lateral and feedbackward connections in visual processing in children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Neuropsychologia, 2007 | Kozma-Wiebe P, Silverstein SM, Feher A, Kovacs I, Ulhaas P, Wilkniss SM: Development of a world-wide web based contour integration test., COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR 22:(6) pp. 971-980., 2006 | Kovacs I: Riddle of the past, puzzle for the future., In: Albertazzi L, van Tonder GJ, Vishwanath D Perception beyond Inference: The Information Content of Visual Processes. Cambridge ; Massachusetts ; London: The MIT Press, 2011 | Kovács I: "Hot-Spots" and Dynamic Coordination in Gestalt Perception., In: von der Malsburg C, Phillips W A, Singer W (szerk.) Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010. pp. 215-227. (Ernst Strüngman, 2010 | Engel A, Friston K, Kelso S, Koenig P, Kovacs I, MacDonald A, Miller E, Phillips WA, Silverstein SM, Tallon-Baudry C, Triesch J, Uhlhaas P: Dynamic coordination in cognition and behavior., In: Singer W, Malsburg CVD, Phillips WA (szerk.) Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Molecules to Mind.. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 2010. pp. 267-299., 2010 | Gombos F, Bodizs R, Kovacs I: Alterations in sleep EEG might predict the ability to learn in a visual task in Williams Syndrome., Slow Brain Oscillations of Sleep, Resting State and Vigilance, FENS satellite event, Amsterdam, Hollandia, p. 85. Paper P3-13., 2010 | Gombos F, Gervan P, Bodizs R, Kovacs I: Sleep architecture, EEG spectra and periodic leg movements in adolescents and young adults with Williams Syndrome., European Science Foundation Research Conferences, Gene expression to neurobiology and behaviour: Human brain development and developmental disorders, Sant Feliu de Guixol, 2009 | Gerván P, Madrász T, Kovács I: Dissociating structural abnormalities and epigenetic factors in WS individuals., European Science Foundation Research Conferences, Gene expression to neurobiology and behaviour: Human brain development and developmental disorders, Sant Feliu de Guixol, 2009 | Bodizs R, Gombos F, Kovacs I: Alvás és tanulás Williams szindrómában: az EEG spektrum neurokognitív vonatkozásai., XV. Látás Szimpózium, Szeged, 2009 | Bódizs R, Gombos F, Kovács I: Sleep in Williams Syndrome: from aperiodic leg movements to architectural, EEG spectral and spindling peculiarities, SLEEP MEDICINE 10:(Supplement 2) pp. S48-S49, 2009 | Andrea Berencsi, Ilona Kovacs: Motor learning in Williams syndrome and in typically developing children and young adults, European Science Foundation Research Conferences, Gene expression to neurobiology and behaviour: Human brain development and developmental disorders, Sant Feliu de Guixol, 2009 | Gerván P, Berencsi A, Madrász T, Kovács I: A procedurális tanulás sajátosságai Williams Szindrómában., MPT XIX. Nagygyűlése, Pécs, 2010 | I Kovacs: Interrelations among stimuli, neuronal correlates, visual appearances., Qualities in Perception Science Explanatory Workshop European Science Foundation. Rovereto, Italy., 2009 | D Sagi, I Kovacs, M Racsmany: Perceptual Learning., LEARNING & PERCEPTION 1:(1) pp. 1-2., 2009 | Silverstein SM, Keane BP, Barch D, Carter C, Gold J, Kovacs I, Mac Donald III A, Regland D, Strauss M: Spatial Range of Contour Integration in Schizophrenia., Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Naples, USA, 2011 | Bodizs R, Gombos F, Kovacs I: Evidence for the acceleration of thalamocortical oscillatory dynamics in Williams syndrome: lessons from the EEG fingerprints of NREM sleep., Frontiers in Neuroscience: IBRO International Workshop, 2010 | Gervan P, Berencsi A, Madarasz T, Kovacs I: Development and plasticity of primary visual and motor function in humans., Learning & Perception; II. Supplement 1, 2010 | Gombos F, Gervan P, Bodizs R, Kovacs I: Sleep macrostructure, NREM sleep EEG spectra and their correlations with perceptual learning in WS., Learning & Perception; II. Supplement 1, 2010 | Kovacs I: Sleep, the Achilles' heel of brain development?, Learning & Perception; II. Supplement 1, 2010 | Silverstein SM, Barch D, Carter C, Dakin S, Gold J, Kovacs I, Luck S, MacDonald A, Ragland JD, Ranganath C, Strauss M: Translational Development and Psychometric Comparison of Two Visual Integration Tasks., BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 67, 111S, 2010 | Patricia Gerván, Ilona Kovács: Sleep dependent learning in contour integration, Journal of Vision, 7/9, article 48, 2007 | Silverstein, S. M., Hatashita-Wong, M. H., Schenkel. L. S., Kovács, I. , Feher, A., Smith, T. E., Goicochea, C., & Uhlhaas, P.: Reduced top-down influences in contour detection in schizophrenia, Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 11, 112-132, 2006 | Katalin Markó, Orsolya Bártfai, Eszter Mikó-Baráth, Huba Kiss, Ilona Kovács, Béla Török and Gábor Jandó: Electrophysiological mesurement of stereopsis, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XI. Konferenciája, 2007 | Huba Kiss, Eszter Mikó-Baráth, Katalin Markó, Ilona Kovács, Béla Török, Orsolya Bártfai and Gábor Jandó: Effect of luminance on binocular perception, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XI. Konferenciája, 2007 | Gerván P, Zimmer M, Kovács G, Kovács I: Electrophysiological correlates of perceptual learning in contour integration, PERCEPTION 36:(Suppl S) p. 50., 2007 | S.M. Silverstein, S. Berten, B. Essex, I. Kovacs, T. Susmaras, D. Little: Cortical activity during visual-perceptual binding in schizophrenia as revealed by fMRI, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35, 172-172, 2009 | P. Gervan, I. Kovacs: Dissociating structural abnormalities and epigenetic factors in WS individuals, Wiring the Brain, p. 46. Adere, Ireland, 2009 | F. Gombos, P. Gervan, R. Bodizs, I. Kovacs: Sleep architecture and EEG spectra in adolescents and young adults with Williams Syndrome, Learning & Perception; I. Supplement 1, 2009 | A. Berencsi, I. Kovács: Motor learning in Williams syndrome and in typically developing children and adults, 1ST Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, 2009 |





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