Földtörténeti kutatások és módszertani fejlesztések a K/Ar és Ar/Ar geokronológia területén
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V. Bisevac, K. Balogh, D. Balen, D. Tibljas: New data on metamorphic events in the eastern part of Mt. Papuk, Slavonia, Croatia, Euroclay 2007 kongr., Aveiro, Portugália, 2007.07.22-27. Absztrakt köt. p. 57, 2007 | D. Balen, K. Balogh, V. Bisevac,D. Tibljas: Revealing hidden ages: The Cretaceous very low- to low-grade metamorphism recorded on illite fraction (Mt. Papuk)., 8th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Davos/Switzerland, 2007.10.10-12. Absztrakt köt. p-4., 2007 | Balogh Kadosa: A K/Ar és 40Ar/39Ar geokronologia fejlesztese és alkalmazása, MTA Könyvtár, MTA Atommagkutató Intézet Könyvtára, 2006 | Ulrych J. 4 , Dostal J. 4 , Hegner E. 4 , Balogh K. 1 + , Ackerman L. 4: Late Cretaceous to Paleocene melilitic rocks of the Ohre/Eger Rift in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic: Insights into the initial stages of continental rifting., Lithos 101 141-161., 2008 | Koroknai B. 3 , Árkai P. 3 , Horváth P. 3 , Balogh K. 1 + :: Anatomy of a transitional brittle-ductile shear zone developed in a low-T meta-andesite tuff: A microstructural, petrological and geochronological case study from the Bük, Journal of Structural Geology 30 (2008)159-176, 2008 | Judik K. 4 , Balogh K. 1 + , Árkai P.: K-Ar ages versus grain-size , phyllasilicats "crystallinity" indices crystallite size and lattic strain data: A case study of fine-grained siliciclastites of ...., 4th Mid-European Clay Conference. MECC 08. Zakopane, Poland, 22-27 Sept., 2008, 2008 | Kövér Sz., Fodor L., Judik K. , Németh T. , Árkai P., Balogh K. , Kovács S.: Temperature pressure and age constraints on the very low-grade metamorphism of the Jurassic Telekesoldal Nappe (Inner Western Carpathhians) in NE Hungary - a summary., International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics. Oviedo, Spain, 1-3 July, 2008. YORSGET 08. Proceedings. Eds.: Poblet, J., Gutiérrez-Medina, 2008 | Filip, J., J. Ulrych, J. Adamovic, K. Balogh: Apatite fission track implications for timing hydrothermal fluid flow in Tertiary volcanics of the Bohemian Massif., Journal of Geosciences, 52 (2007) 211-220, 2007 | Kövér, Sz., L. Fodor, K. Judik, T. Németh, K. Balogh, S. Kovács: Deformation history and nappe stacking in Rudabánya Hills (Inner Western Carpathians) unraveled by structural geological, metamorphic petrological and geochronological studies of Jurassic sediments, Geodinamica Acta 22/1-3 (2009) 27-52, 2009 | Kövér, Sz., Fodor, L., Judik, K., Németh, T., Árkai, P., Balogh, K., Kovács, S.: Temperature, pressure and age constraints on the very low-grade metamorphism of the Jurassic Telekes-oldal nappe (Inner Western Carpathians) in NE Hungary - a summar-, Trabajos de Geologia megjelenés alatt, 2009 | Ulrych, J., Ackerman, L., Langrová, A., Luna, J., Hegner, E., Balogh, K., Fediuk, F., Land, M., Novák, JK: New constraints on the origin and age of gabbroic rocks from the Moldanubicum-Moravicum boundary (Czech Republic - Austria), Geologica Carpathica megjelenés alatt, 2010 | Ulrych, J., Ackerman, L., Langrová, A., Luna, J., Hegner, E., Balogh, K., Fediuk, F., Land, M., Novák, JK: New constraints on the origin and age of gabbroic rocks from the Moldanubicum-Moravicum boundary (Czech Republic - Austria), Geologica Carpathica megjelenés alatt, 2010 |




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