Nemkirális építőelemekből álló polárosan rendezett folyadékkristályok  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus K
Vezető kutató Buka Ágnes
magyar cím Nemkirális építőelemekből álló polárosan rendezett folyadékkristályok
Angol cím Mesogens with polar ordering of non-chiral building blocks
magyar kulcsszavak folyadékkristályok, elektrooptika, instabilitások
angol kulcsszavak liquid crystals, electrooptics, instabilities
megadott besorolás
Szilárdtestfizika (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)80 %
Szerves-, biomolekuláris- és gyógyszerkémia (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)20 %
zsűri Fizika 1
Kutatóhely Komplex Folyadékok Osztály (MTA Szilárdtestfizikai és Optikai Kutatóintézet)
résztvevők Éber Nándor
Fodor Tamásné
Jákli Antal
Salamon Péter
Tóth Katona Tibor
projekt kezdete 2006-02-01
projekt vége 2010-06-30
aktuális összeg (MFt) 20.000
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 7.86
állapot lezárult projekt
magyar összefoglaló
A jelen pályázat interdiszciplináris kutatást ölel fel, érintve a kémia, fizikai-kémia és fizika területeit. A munka célja új, hajlított törzsű molekulákból felépülő folyadékkristály anyagcsaládok szintézise és komplex vizsgálata. A vizsgálatok kiterjednek az anyagok fizikai-kémiai tulajdonságaira (a fázisszekvencia, a fázisátalakulási hőmérsékletek és a fázisok textúráinak meghatározása, elegyedési tulajdonságok, stb.) valamint a kulcsfontosságú fizikai jellemzők (flexoelektromosság, ferroelektromosság, elektro-optika, a fázisátalakulások jellemzése, áramlási és/vagy viszkoelasztikus tulajdonságok leírása, mintázatképző instabilitások, stb.) feltérképezésére.

A pályázat fő céljai:

- Kulcsfontosságú alaptulajdonságok meghatározása és az anyagok külső terekre adott válaszainak vizsgálata.
- Új jelenségek megfigyelése és leírása; pl. poláros nematikus kapcsolás, a gigantikus flexoelektromosság következményei, új mintázatképző módusok.
- Új anyagcsaládok szintézise.
- Új technológiai hasznosítási lehetőségek keresése.

Bár nem deklaráltuk nemzetközi kutatásként a pályázatot, a résztvevők valamennyien nemzetközileg elismert kutatók, akik számos külföldi kapcsolattal és futó együttműködéssel rendelkeznek. Ezeket nyílvánvalóan a jelen pályázat céljainak eléréséhez is ki fogják használni.
angol összefoglaló
The present proposal covers an interdisciplinary field of chemistry, physical chemistry and physics. The work aims to address synthesis and complex study of a new class of liquid crystals composed of bent shaped molecules. The investigations extend to physico-chemical properties (identification of the phase sequence of the substances, textural characterization of the phases, determination of the phase transition temperatures, miscibility studies, etc.) as well as to the key intrinsic physical properties of the phases, such as flexoelectricity, ferroelectricity, electro-optics, special features of the structural phase transitions, rheological and/or viscoelastic properties, pattern forming instabilities.

The main goals of the project are:
- study of the key intrinsic properties of the liquid crystal phases formed by bent-core molecules, and investigation of their response to applied fields and forces,
- search for and characterize novel phenomena like polar nematic switching, consequences of giant flexoelectricity, novel pattern forming modes,
- synthesis of new classes of bent-core molecules,
- look for new technological applications.

Though the proposal has not been declared as an international project, the participants are internationally recognized scientists of the field with numerous contacts abroad and running collaborations. These will certainly be used also for the purpose to achieve the aims of the proposed research.



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
A pályázat munkatervében körvonalazott kutatási tervnek megfelelően a munka több szálon futott. Első lépést a vegyületek kémiai szintézise jelentette, ami a vizsgálni kívánt molekulaszerkezetű vegyületek megtervezését, a szintézisút kidolgozását és magát az előállítást foglalta magában. Számos esetben a vegyületekből elegyek is készültek, a fizikai folyamatok jobb megértése céljából. A pályázatból támogatott kémiai munka igen eredményes volt, nagy számú, többségében új vegyület előállítása történt meg. Ezt követték az anyagok fizikai-kémiai és fizikai módszerekkel történő vizsgálatai, amelyek során számos új eredmény és felismerés született, amit a megjelent publikációk száma és a folyóiratok minősége is demonstrál. Új, kísérleti vizsgálati módszereket és esetenként elméleti modelleket is kidolgoztunk. A pályázat támogatásával 45 cikket jelentettünk meg, amelyek kumulatív impakt faktora 103 (ebbol 5.15 IF/MFt adódik) és 96 konferenciaelőadást tartottunk nemzetközi rendezvényeken.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
The research work during the project has been conducted in several directions according to the work plan of the proposal. The first step was the chemical synthesis of the desired materials which consisted of the design of the molecules, the finding of the synthetic rout and the actual production process of the compounds. In several subprojects mixtures have also been prepared from the pure compounds in order to be able to follow and understand some specific physical processes. The chemical work carried out during the project was very fruitful, a great number of mostly new substances have been synthesized. As a next step, the physico-chemical and the physical investigations followed, which have produced several original results and achievements as demonstrated by the large number of the publications and the impact factors of the journals. New experimental methods and theoretical models have been worked out. During the project 45 publications appeared with a cumulative impact factor of 103 (5.15 IF/MFt) and 96 conference contributions have been made at international meetings.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



Otowski W; Biernat A; Fodor-Csorba K; Witko W: Spectroscopy investigation of ferroelectric liquid crystals composed of banana-shaped achiral molecules, Mol Cryst Liq Cryst 450: 29[229]-37[237], 2006
Buka Á; Éber N; Pesch W; Kramer L: Convective patterns in liquid crystals driven by electric field. An overview of the onset behavior, Self-Assembly, Pattern Formation and Growth Phenomena in Nano-Systems”, Springer NATO Science Series 218, pp 55-82, Eds AA Golovin and AA Nepomnyshchy, 2006
Pesch W; Kramer L; Éber N; Buka Á: Role of initial conditions in the decay of spatially periodic patterns in a nematic liquid crystal., Phys Rev E 73: 061705/1-10, 2006
Zhou SQ; Éber N; Buka Á; Pesch W; Ahlers G: Onset of electroconvection of homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystals, Phys Rev E 74: 046211/1-14, 2006
Harden J; Mbanga B; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Sprunt S; Gleeson JT; Jákli A: Giant flexoelectricity of bent-core nematic liquid crystals, Phys Rev Lett 97: 157802/1-4, 2006
Eremin A; Naji L; Nemes A; Stannarius R; Schultz M; Fodor-Csorba K: Microscopic structures of the B7 phase: AFM and electron-microscopy studies, Liquid Crystals 33: 789-794, 2006
Xu J; Dong RY; Domenici V; Fodor-Csorba K; Veracini CA: 13C and 2H NMR study of structure and dynamics in banana B2 phase of a bent-core mesogen, J Phys Chem B 110: 9434-9441, 2006
Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Vajda A; Gács-Baitz E; Krishna Prasad S; Shankar Rao DS; Dong RY; Xu J; Galli G: Intercalated smectic A phase in banana-shaped liquid crystals with carbonate end groups, Chem Phys Chem 7(10): 2184-2188, 2006
Wiant D; Stojadinovic S; Neupane K; Sharma S; Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S: Critical behavior at the isotropic-to-nematic phase transition in a bent-core liquid crystal, Phys Rev E 73: 030703/1-4, 2006
Dong RY; Zhang J; Fodor-Csorba K: On the carbon-13 chemical shift tensors of bent-core mesogens, Chem Phys Lett 417: 475-479, 2006
Domenici V; Fodor-Csorba K; Frezzato D; Moro G; Veracini CA: Deuterium NMR evidences of slow dynamics in the nematic phase of a banana-shaped liquid crystal, Ferroelectrics 344: 19-28, 2006
Tóth Katona T; Palffy-Muhoray P: Isotropic and Liquid Crystalline Elastomers, INSA-HAS Workshop on Condensed Matter Research: Liquid Crystal Materials, 2006. dec. 01, Bangalore, India. p5 (előadás), 2006
Fodor-Csorba K; Jakli A; Vajda A; Prasad SK; Shankar Rao DS; Dong RY; Xu J; Galli G: Giant electric field-induced birefringence in banana-shaped liquid crystals with carbonate end groups, 7th Congresso Nazionale della Societa Italiana Cristalli Liquidi, June 7-9, Castello Pasquini, Castiglioncello. Italy, p 32 (meghívott előadás), 2006
Éber N; Jákli A; Harden J; Mbanga B; Gleeson J; Wiant D; Fodor-Csorba K: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection in a banana nematic, DYNA-I1 p 169 in 21st ILCC, Keystone, Colorado, USA, July 2-7 (meghívott előadás), 2006
Éber N; Buka Á; Pesch W; Kramer L: Electroconvection Patterns and their Decay in a Nematic Liquid Crystal, GL109-57 in Liquid Crystal Technology and Applications, Great Lakes Photonics Symposium, Dayton, 12 - 16 June (meghívott előadás), 2006
Éber N; Jákli A; Harden J; Mbanga BL; Gleeson J; Wiant D; Fodor-Csorba K; Tóth Katona T; Buka Á: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection in a banana nematic, International Conference on Liquid Crystals, Mumbai, 5 - 8 December, p 7 (plenáris előadás), 2006
Calucci L; Forte C; Fodor-Csorba K; Mennucci B; Pizzanelli S: Conformations of banana –shaped molecules studied by 2H NMR spectroscopy in liquid crystalline solvents, J Phys Chem B 111: 53-61, 2007
Sovic T; Kappaun S; Koppitz A; Zojer E; Saf R; Bartl K; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Diele S; Plezl G; Slugovc C; Stelzer F: Main-chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Based on Bis-etherified 9,9-dihexyl-2,7-bis(4’-hydroxy-1,1’-biphen-4-yl)fluorenes, Macromol Chem Phys 208: 1458-1468, 2007
Domenici V; Veracini CA; Fodor-Csorba K; Prampolini G; Cacelli I; Lebar A; Zalar B: Banana-shaped molecules peculiar orientated in a magnetic field: 2H NMR spectroscopy and quantum mechanical calculations, ChemPhysChem 8(16): 2321-2330, 2007
Tóth-Katona T; Cauquil-Vergnes A; Éber N; Buka Á: Non-standard electroconvection with Hopf-bifurcation in a nematic with negative electric anisotropies, Phys Rev E 75: 066210/1-12, 2007
Buka Á; Éber N; Pesch W; Kramer L: Isotropic and anisotropic electroconvection, Phys Rep 448: 115-132, 2007
Bubnov A; Hamplova V; Kaspar M; Vajda A; Garic M; Obadovic DZ; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K: Thermal analysis of binary liquid crystalline mixtures: system of bent core and calamitic molecules, J Therm Anal Calorim 90(2): 431-441, 2007
Jákli A; Bailey C; Harden J: Physical properties of banana liquid crystals, Chapter 2, in Thermotropic liquid crystals: Recent Advances, A. Ramamoorthy, editor, Springer Publishers, 2007
Gomola K; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Hamplova V; Novotna V; Domján A; Pociecha D; Bubnov A; Galli G: Synthesis and characterization of new banana-shaped liquid crystal monomers, PA35 in ECLC2007, Lisbon, 2-6 July, 2007
Bailey C; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Nair GG; Jákli A: Field induced biaxiality in smectic A phases of mixtures of bent core and rod shape molecules, P2-28 in 11th FLC, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September, 2007
Fodor-Csorba K; Galli G; Vajda A; Kohout M; Jákli A; Slugovc C; Demel S; Stelzer F: Mesomorphic properties of banana shaped liquid crystals with various architectures, International Symposium on Banana Liquid Crystals, Tokyo, Japan, 10-12 September (meghívott előadás), 2007
Éber N; Jákli A; Harden J; Gleeson JT; Wiant D; Sprunt S; Fodor-Csorba K; Tóth-Katona T; Shimbo Y; Takezoe H; Buka A: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection in a banana nematic, International Symposium on Banana Liquid Crystals, Tokyo, Japan, 10-12 September (meghívott előadás), 2007
Fodor-Csorba K: Novel symmetrical and asymmetrical banana monomers and their mixtures, ESF-COST, D-35-WG 13/05 Working Group Meeting, Bristol, October 3-5, 2007
Buka Á; Éber N; Krekhov A; Pesch W: Flexoelectricity and electroconvection, L16 in 35. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle 2007, 21. - 23. März, Bayreuth, Germany (meghívott előadás), 2007
Éber N; Polat Ö; Buka A: Electroconvection in a sheared nematic, 3rd Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Shanghai, 6 - 10 June (előadás), 2007
Buka Á; Éber N; Pesch W; Kramer L: Anisotropic and isotropic electroconvection, 3rd Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Shanghai, 6 - 10 June (meghívott előadás), 2007
Wiant D; Neupane K; Sharma S; Jakli A; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S; Pradhan N; Iannachione G: Observation of a possible tetrahedratic phase in bent-core liquid crystals, H30-5 in American Physical Society March meeting, Denver, March 5-10, 2007
Jákli A: Tutorial on Bent-core Liquid crystals, Workshop on Ferroelectric Phenomena in Soft matters, Kent , OH, USA, 2007
Coleman DA; Jones CD; Nakata M; Clark NA; Walba DM; Weissflog W; Fodor-Csorba K; Watanabe J; Novotna V; Hamplova V: Polarization splay as the origin of modulation in the B1 and B7 smectic phases of bent-core molecules, Phys Rev E 77: 021703/1-6, 2008
Nair GG; Bailey C; Taushanoff S; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Varga Z; Bota A; Jákli A: Electrically tunable color of mixtures of bent-cre and rod-shaped molecules, Adv Mater 20: 3138-3142, 2008
Dorjgotov E; Fodor-Csorba K; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S; Jákli A: Viscosities of a bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Liq Cryst 35: 149-155, 2008
Krekhov A; Pesch W; Éber N; Tóth-Katona T; Buka Á: Nonstandard electroconvection and flexoelectricity in nematic liquid crystals, Phys Rev E 77: 021705/1-11, 2008
Tóth-Katona T; Éber N; Buka Á; Krekhov A: Flexoelectricity and competition of time scales in electroconvection, Phys Rev E 78: 036306/1-12, 2008
Tomašovičová N; Kopčanský P; Koneracká M; Tomčo L; Závišová V; Timko M; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Tóth-Katona T; Vajda A; Jadzyn J: The structural transitions in 6CHBT-based ferronematic droplets, J Phys Condens Matter 20: 204123/1-5, 2008
Tomašovičová N; Koneracká M; Kopčansky P; Timko M; Závišová V; Vajda A; Fodor-Csorba K; Éber N; Tóth-Katona T; Jadzyn J: The Anchoring Energy of Liquid Crystal Molecules to Magnetic Particles in HAB-Based Ferronematics, Acta Phys Pol A 113: 591-594, 2008
Kopčanský P; Tomašovičová N; Koneracká M; Závišová V; Timko M; Džarová A; Šprincová A; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Tóth-Katona T; Vajda A; Jadzyn J: Structural changes in the 6CHBT liquid crystal doped with spherical, rodlike, and chainlike magnetic particles, Phys Rev E 78: 011702/1-5, 2008
May M; Schöpf W; Rehberg I; Krekhov A; Buka Á: Transition from longitudinal to transversal patterns in an anisotropic system, Phys Rev E 78: 046215/1-9, 2008
Buka Á; Éber N: Konvekció égen, földben, vízben és folyadékkristályban, Fizikai Szemle 58: 359-361, 2008
Harden J; Teeling R; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S; Jákli A: Converse flexoelectric effect in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Phys Rev E 78: 031702/1-5, 2008
Jákli A; Chambers M; Harden J; Madhabi M; Teeling R; Kim J; Li Q; Nair GG; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S: Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, San Jose, January 20-24, 2008, In: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6911, 691105/1-10, 2008
Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Eremin A; Hamplova V; Kaspar M; Novotna V; Kohout M; Gomola K; Pociecha D; Vajda A; Veracini CA; Galli G: Chiral and achiral banana shaped liquid crystals, synthesis and characterization, pp. 15-18 in: Proc of the 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Magdeburg, Germany, March 12-14, 2008
Tóth Katona T; Éber N; Krekhov A; Buka Á: Competing time-scales in electroconvection, pp. 109-112 in Proc of the 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystal Magdeburg, Germany, March 12-14, 2008
Kopcansky P; Tomasovicova N, Koneracka M; Zavisova V; Timko M; Dzarova A; Sprincova A; Tomco L; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Tóth Katona T; Vajda A; Jadzyn J: The role of shape of fine magnetic particles on structural transitions in ferronematics, pp. 691-695, Vol 2/2 in: Proc of the 7th PAMIR International Conference – Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop, Presquile de Giens, France, Sept 8-12,, 2008
Obadovic DZ; Vajda A; Jákli A; Kohout M; Stojanovic M; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Galli G: Phase sequences of mixtures formed by bell-shaped and calamitic compounds, J Res Phys 32: 69-74, 2008
Bailey CA; Fodor-Csorba K; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S; Jákli A: Properties of bent-core isotropic fluids, pp. 15-18 in: Proc of the 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Magdeburg, Germany, March 12-14, 2008
Buka Á; Éber N; Tóth Katona T; Krekhov A; Pesch W: Nonstandard electroconvection and flexoelectricity, pp. 756. Book of Abstracts, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, South Korea, June 29 – July 04, 2008
Buka Á; Éber N; Tóth Katona T; Krekhov A; Pesch W: Pattern Formation in calamitic liquid crystals; Nonstandard Electroconvection and flexoelectricity, pp. 30-31 in Book of Abstracts, 3rd Korean-Hungarian International Workshop: Frontier Topology and Design Concept for Neo-mesomorphism, Gumi, South Korea, July 4-7, 2008
Tóth Katona T; Éber N; Krekhov A; Buka Á: Flexoelectricity and competing time scales in electroconvection, pp. 58. Book of Abstracts, 13th Fall Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics, Bayreuth, Germany, September 28 – October 01, 2008
Jakli A; Nair GG; Bailey CA; Taushanoff S; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Varga Z; Bóta A: Electrically tunable color using mixctures of bent-core and rod-shape molecules, pp. 101. Book of Abstracts, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, South Korea, June 29 – July 04, 2008
Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Kohout M; Vajda A; Galli A: Synthesis and properties of new banana compounds, pp. 20-21. Book of Abstracts, 3rd Korean-Hungarian International Workshop: Frontier Topology and Design Concept for Neo-mesomorphism, Gumi, South Korea, July 4-7, 2008
Bailey CA; Fodor-Csorba K; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S; Jákli A: Flow properties of bent-core materials in their isotropic fluid phase, pp. 12. Book of Abstracts, 3rd Korean-Hungarian International Workshop: Frontier Topology and Design Concept for Neo-mesomorphism, Gumi, South Korea, July 4-7, 2008
Éber N; Harden J; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Sprunt S; Gleeson JT; Jákli A: Flexoelectricity of banana and calamitic nematics, pp. 38. Book of Abstracts, 3rd Korean-Hungarian International Workshop: Frontier Topology and Design Concept for Neo-mesomorphism, Gumi, South Korea, July 4-7, 2008
Harden J; Teeling R; Sprunt S; Gleeson JT; Jákli A: Measurement of the converse flexoelectric effect in a bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Abstract: W8.00007, APS March meeting, New Orleans, March 10-14, 2008
Taushanoff S; Bailey CA; Fodor-Csorba K; Vajda A; Nair GG; Jákli A: Biaxial smectic and uniaxial nematic phases of mixtures of bent-core and rod-shape molecules., On-line Abstract: International Symposium on Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals, Kent, OH, October 27-28, 2008
Le KV; Mathews M; Chambers M; Harden J; Li Q; Takezoe H; Jákli A: Study of biaxiality of a bent-core liquid crystal with positive dielectric anisotropy, On-line Abstract: International Symposium on Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals, Kent, OH, October 27-28, 2008
Buka Á; Éber N; Pesch W: Anisotropic and isotropic electroconvection, pp. 35. Book of Abstracts, Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries (CMPC-BC2008), Mugla, 26 - 28 May, 2008
Éber N; Polat Ö; Buka Á: Electroconvection in a sheared nematic liquid crystal, pp. 151. in Book of Abstracts, Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries (CMPC-BC2008), Mugla, 26 - 28 May, 2008
Éber N; Polat Ö; Buka Á: Electroconvection in a sheared nematic liquid crystal, pp. 759. Book of Abstracts, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, South Korea, June 29 – July 04, 2008
Éber N; Polat Ö; Buka Á: Electroconvection in a sheared nematic liquid crystal, pp. 57 in Book of Abstracts, 13th Fall Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics, Bayreuth, Germany, September 28 – October 01, 2008
Jákli A; Chambers M; Harden J; Madhabi M; Teeling R; Kim J; Li Q; Nair GG; Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Gleeson JT; Sprunt S: Extraordinary properties of nematic phases of bent-core liquid crystals, Oral presentation on Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies III, San Jose, January 20-24, 2008
Fodor-Csorba K; Jákli A; Eremin A; Hamplova V; Kaspar M; Novotna V; Kohout M; Gomola K; Pociecha D; Vajda A; Veracini CA; Galli G: Chiral and achiral banana shaped liquid crystals, synthesis and characterization, meghívott előadás. 36th German Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Magdeburg, Germany, March 12-14, 2008
Buka Á; Éber N; Tóth Katona T: Pattern formation in liquid crystals; electroconvection and flexoelectricity, meghívott előadás. 15th International School on Condensed Matter Physics – Interfaces, Thin Solid Films and Biomolecular Layers, Varna, Bulgaria, August 31 – September 5, 2008
S. Tanaka; H. Takezoe; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; A. Vajda; Á. Buka: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules., Phys Rev E 80: 021702/1-8, 2009
P. Kopčanský; N. Tomašovičová; M. Koneracká; V. Závišová; M. Timko; L. Tomčo; A. Džarová; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth-Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn: Liquid crystals doped by magnetic nanoparticles, In Nanotech 2009 Vol. 1. Nanotechnology 2009: Fabrication, Particles, Characterization, MEMS, Electronics and Photonics., Taylor&Franzis, p. 194-197., 2009
T. Tóth-Katona; N. Éber; Á. Buka: Flexoelectricity in electroconvection, Mol Cryst Liq Cryst 511: 11-24, 2009
Z. Mitróova; N. Tomašovičová; M. Koneracká; V. Závišová; M. Timko; J. Kovač; P. Kopčanský; L. Tomčo; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn; E. Beaugnon; X. Chaud: The structural transitions in a nematics liquid crystal doped with magnetically labeled carbon nanotubes, Magnetohydrodynamics 45: 353-360, 2009
D. Ž. Obadović; M. Stojanović ; S. Jovanović-Šanta; J. Nikolov; D. Lazar; A. Vajda; N. Éber: The possibility of phase transitions temperature shift in binary cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures with some chiral nonmesogenic additives., Review of Research, Faculty of Science, Novi Sad, Physics Series 33: 38-45, 2009
K. Van Le; F. Araoka; K. Fodor-Csorba; K. Ishikawa; H. Takezoe: Flexoelectic effect in a bent-core mesogen,, Liq Cryst 36: 1119-1124, 2009
Toth-Katona T; Fodor-Csorba K; Buka A: Nem légnemű, nem folyadék, nem szilárd I, Természet Világa 140(8): 358-360, 2009
Toth-Katona T; Fodor-Csorba K; Buka A: Nem légnemű, nem folyadék, nem szilárd II, Természet Világa 140(9): 404-407, 2009
K.Fodor-Csorba; V.Hamplova; V.Novotna; A.Vajda; M.Kaspar; K.Gomola; Lu Shi; A.Domjan; D.Pociecha, G.Galli: Synthesis and physical properties of asymmetrical banana-shaped liquid crystals, 37. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle, 37th Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, 1-3 April , P19, 2009
K. Fodor-Csorba; A. Jákli; G. Galli: New aspects of the phase behavior of the bent-core liquid crystals., ESF-COST D35 WG 13/05, 2009
M. Kohout; M. Chambers; A. Vajda; G. Galli; A. Domján; J. Svoboda; A. Jákli; K. Fodor-Csorba: Properties of non-symmetric bent-core liquid crystals with variable flexible chain length, Liq Cryst 37: 537-545, 2010
P. Kumar; J. Heuer, T. Tóth-Katona; N. Éber; Á. Buka: Convection-roll instability in spite of a large stabilizing torque, Phys Rev E 81: 020702(R)/1-4, 2010
P. Salamon; N. Éber; Á. Buka; J.T. Gleeson; S. Sprunt; A. Jákli: Dielectric properties of mixtures of a bent-core and a calamitic liquid crystal, Phys Rev E 81: 031711/1-11, 2010
N. Éber; J. Heuer; R. Stannarius; G. Tátrai; Á. Buka: Director distortions and singularities in inhomogeneous fields, Phys Rev E 81: 051702/1-11, 2010
D. Ž . Obadović; A. Vajda; A Jákli; A. Menyhárd; M. Kohout; J. Svoboda; M. Stojanović; N. Éber; G. Galli; K. Fodor-Csorba: Mesophase behaviour of binary mixtures of bell-shaped and calamitic compounds, Liq Cryst 37: 527-536, 2010
P. Kopčanský; N. Tomašovičová; M. Koneracká; M. Timko; V. Závišová; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth-Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn; E. Beaugnond; X. Chaud: The structural instabilities in ferronematic based on liquid crystal with negative diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropy, J Magn Magn Mater 322: 3696-3700, 2010
A. Jákli: Electro-mechanical effects in liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals 37(6): 825-837, 2010
Z. Li; P. Salamon; A. Jákli; K.Wang; C. Qin; Q. Yang; C. Liu; J.Wen: Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of resorcyl di[4-(4-alkoxy-2,3-diflorophenyl)ethynyl] benzoate liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals 37 (4): 427–433, 2010
N. Éber: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of bent core and calamitic molecules, 1st NSF-OTKA Symposium for Complex Fluids, Eger, 8 – 10 July, 2009
P. Salamon; N. Éber; Á. Buka; S. Sprunt; J. Gleeson; A. Jákli: Dielectric Properties of Bent-Core Nematic Materials (poszter), 14th Fall Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics, Bayreuth, 4 – 7 October, 2009
N. Éber; J. Heuer; R. Stannarius; Á. Buka: Director distortions and singularities in inhomogeneous fields, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-1.149, 2010
P. Salamon; N. Éber; Á. Buka; S. Sprunt; J. Gleeson; A. Jákli: Dielectric properties of mixtures of a bent-core and a calamitic liquid crystal, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-2.22, 2010
D. Obadovic; M. Stojanovic; S. Jovanovic-Santa; M. Cvetinov; D. Lazar; A. Vajda; N. Éber; I. Ristic: Study of binary cholesteric liquid crystalline mixtures doped with some chiral non-mesogenic estradiol derivatives, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-2.84, 2010
N. Éber; S. Tanaka; K. Fodor-Csorba; A. Vajda; Á. Buka; H. Takezoe: Electroconvection in nematic mixtures of a bent core and a calamitic molecule, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-3.71, 2010
T. Tóth-Katona; P. Kumar; J. Heuer; N. Éber; Á. Buka: Convection roll instability in spite of a large stabilizing torque, pp. 697 in Book of Abstracts 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-3.72, 2010
P. Kopcansky; N. Tomasovicova; M. Koneracka; M. Timko; V. Zavisova; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth-Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn: Magnetic field-induced structural changes in ZLI1695-based ferronematics, pp.739. in Book of Abstracts. 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, poster P-3.114, 2010
Éber N; Fodor-Csorba K; Buka Á; Tóth-Katona T; Vajda A; Gleeson JT; Wiant D; Jákli A; Tanaka S; Takezoe H: Electroconvection in nematics mixtures of bent-core and calamitic molecules, pp. 45. Book of Abstracts, 14th Fall Seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics Bayreuth, Germany, October 4-7, 2009
Tóth-Katona T; Palffy-Muhoray P: The photomechanical response of nematic elastomers doped with non-azo dyes, pp. 70. in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, Kent, USA, September 24 – 26, 2009
Tóth-Katona T; Éber N; Buka Á: Light diffraction on electroconvective patterns, pp 131 in Book of Abstracts, 19th Czech-Polish Seminar on Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions, Telc, Czech Republic, May 24 – 28, 2010
N.Tomašovičová; P.Kopčanský; M.Timko; M.Koneracká; V.Závišová; J.Kováč; L.Tomčo; N.Éber; K.Fodor-Csorba; T.Tóth-Katona; A.Vajda; J.Jadzyn; M.Múčková; K.Marton: Magnetic particles in magnetic fluids, invited, Physics of Materials’09, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, 14.-16. October, 2009
P. Kopčansky; N. Tomašovičová; M. Koneracká; V. Závišová; M. Timko; L. Tomčo; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth-Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn; E. Beaugnon; X. Chaud: Neel and Brownian rotations in ferronematics, 12th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, Sendai, 1-5 August, P53-1087, pp.227-228, poster, 2010
P. Kopčanský; N. Tomašovičová; M. Koneracká; M. Timko; Z. Mitróová; V. Závišová; N. Éber; K. Fodor-Csorba; T. Tóth-Katona; A. Vajda; J. Jadzyn; E. Beaugnond; X. Chaud: Structural Phase Transition in Liquid Crystal Doped with Gold Nanoparticles, 14th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism 6.-9. July 2010, Košice, Slovakia, P6-24, pp. 211, 2010
K.Fodor-Csorba; M.Kohout; M.Chambers; A.Vajda; G.Galli; A.Domjan; J.Svoboda; A.Bubnov; A.Jakli: Biaxial properties of non-symmetric bent-core liquid crystals flexible chain length, 23rd ILCC, July 11-16, 2010, Krakow, Poland, P-1.39, 2010
L.Calucci; C.Forte; M.Geppi; K.Fodor-Csorba: Orientational order and molecular organization in mixtures of bent-core and rod-shaped mesogens by means of 2H NMR spectroscopy, P-3.14. 23rd ILCC, July 11-16, 2010, Krakow, Poland, 2010
K.Fodor-Csorba; M.Kohout; J.Svoboda; G.Galli; A.Vajda; A.Bubnov; A.Jakli: Bent-core liquid crystals with asymmetric structure, XIX Czech-Polish Seminar, Telc, Czech Republic, May 24-28, oral, p39, 2010
A. Jakli: Electro-optical properties and possible applications of bent-core liquid crystals, invited talk, SPIE-Optics and Photonics, San Diego, August 1-5 2010, Long abstract is in print SPIE 2010, 7775-25, 2010
M. Majumbar; P. Salamon; J; Gleeson; A. Jákli; S. Sprunt: Elastic constants and viscosities of a bent-core nematic liquid crystals studied by dynamic light scattering and magnetic Freedericksz transition”, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Krakow, July 11-16, P-3.2, 2010
Agnes Buka; Martin May; Wolfgang Schöpf; Ingo Rehberg; Alexei Krekhov: Frequency driven transition from a static, periodic distortion to convection patterns, 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2010), Krakow, 11 – 16 July, 2010


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