Fluidumok a Bakony-Balaton-felvidék litoszférájában
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Török Kálmán: Osumilit-(Mg), egy új hazai ásvány egy badacsonyi buchit xenolitból, Földtani Közlöny, 2007 | Török, K., Dégi, J. Marosi, Gy.: High temperature melting of biotite in CO2 rich environment and formation of orthopyroxene-garnet-plagioclase rocks in the lower crust: A xenolith example from the Bakony, ECROFI XIX. Bern Abstract Volume 242., 2007 | Dégi, J., Török, K., Kodolányi, J., Abart, R.: Changes of oxidation state in lower crustal granulites., ECROFI XIX. Bern Abstract Volume 232., 2007 | Dégi, J., Török, K., Kodolányi, J.: Crustal evolution during the formation of the Pannonian Basin: Mineral reactions in lower crustal xenoltihs from the BBHVF., Magyar Földtani Társulat Vándorgyűlése, Sopron., 2007 | Bali, E., Zajacz, Z., Kovács, I., , Szabó, C., Halter, W., Vaselli, O., Török, K., and Bodnar, R.J.: A quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite xenolith from the Pannonian Basin, western Hungary: Evidence for release of Si-oversaturated melts from the subducted slab., Journal of Petrology 49, 421-439., 2008 | Dégi J, Abart R, Török K, Rhede D, Petrishcheva, E: Evidence for xenolith – host basalt interaction from chemical patterns in Fe–Ti-oxides from mafic granulite xenoliths of the Bakony–Balaton Volcanic field (W-Hungary), Mineralogy and Petrology, 95(3), 219–234 (DOI: 10.1007/s00710-008-0035-0), 2009 | Dégi, J., Wirth, R., Abart, R. & Török, K.: Mechanism of symplectite formation in lower crustal granulite xenoliths from the Bakony – Balaton Highland Volcanic Field., 86th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GERMAN MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY (DMG) BERLIN, NÉMETORSZÁG, 2008 | Dégi, J., Török, K., Abart, R.: Geothermobarometry — A new database for the comparison of mineral chemistry and different geothermobarometric methods for metamorphic rocks, 33rd International Geological Congress (IGC), 2008. augusztus 6-14., Oslo, 2008 | Bali, E., Török, K. & Szabó Cs.: Origin and evolution of garnet pyroxenites from the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, Western Hungary., 33rd International Geological Congress (IGC), 2008. augusztus 6-14., Oslo, 2008 | Dégi J, Abart R, Török K, Bali E, Wirth R, Rhede, D: Symplectite formation during decompression induced garnet breakdown in lower crustal mafic granulite xenoliths: mechanisms and rates., Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159:293–314, DOI 10.1007/s00410-009-0428-z., 2010 | Török K.: Fluids in lower crustal metapelitic granulite xenoliths from the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, W-Hungary., ECROFI XX., Granada 2009 szeptember 21-29. Abstract Volume,257-258., 2009 | Török K.: Distribution of fluids in the crust in an extensional setting; an example from the Pannonian Basin., ECROFI XX., Granada 2009 szeptember 21-29. Abstract Volume,259-260., 2009 |
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