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B. Apagyi and M. Horváth (editors): Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007, Modern Physics Letters B vol 22, No 23, 2008 | M. Horvath and O. Safar: Inequalities between fixed energy phase shifts II, (manuscript), 2011 | M. Horváth: Spectral shift functions in the fixed energy inverse scattering, (submitted), 2011 | M. Horváth and M. Kiss: Stability of direct and inverse eigenvalue problems: the case of complex potentials, (submitted), 2011 | M. Horváth: Inequalities between the fixed-energy phase shifts, Int. J. Comput. Sci. Math. 3(2010), 132-141., 2010 | M. Horváth: Partial identification of the potential from phase shifts, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2011 | M. Horváth and M. Kiss: On the stability of inverse scattering with fixed energy, Inverse Problems 25(2009), 015011, 2009 | M. Horváth and M. Kiss: Stability of direct and inverse eigenvalue problems for Schrödinger operators on finite intervals, International Mathematics Research Notices, Advance Access doi:10.1093/imrn/mp210, 11(2010), 2022-2063, 2010 | B. Apagyi, M. Horváth and T. Pálmai: Simplified solutions of the Cox-Thompson inverse scattering method at fixed energy, J. Phys. A 41(23)(2008), 235305, 2008 | B. Apagyi, M. Horváth and T. Pálmai: Semi-analytic equations to the Cox-Thompson inverse scattering method at fixed energy for special cases, Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007, Modern Physics Letters B vol 22, No 23, 2191-2199., 2008 | B. Apagyi and M. Horváth: Solution of the inverse scattering problem at fixed energy for potentials being zero beyond a fixed radius, Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007, Modern Physics Letters B vol 22, No 23, 2137-2149., 2008 | M. Horváth: Notes on the distribution of phase shifts, Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007, Modern Physics Letters B vol 22, No 23, 2163-2175, 2008, 2008 | M. Horváth: Inverse problems for linear differential operators, DSc Dissertation, Budapest, 2007 | Miklos Horvath: Properties of the scattering data of the 3D inverse scattering problem, INVERSE PROBLEMS, DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, August 25-27, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, 2010 | Miklos Horvath: Properties of the fixed energy phase shifts of the 3D inverse scattering problem, 11th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism OIPE 2010 14-18 September, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010 | Miklos Horvath: On the use of spectral theory in inverse scattering problems, Short courses and Workshop on Spectral Function Theory, March 14 to 19, Barcelona, Spain, 2011 | Miklos Horvath: Stability of some inverse problems, ICNAAM 2010 International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 19-25 September, Rhodes, Greece, 2010 | M. Horváth: Some properties of the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville operators, International Congress of Mathematicians, August 22-30, 2006, Madrid, 2006 | M. Horváth: On the distribution of phase shifts, International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok (to appear), 2007 | M. Horváth: Inverse problems for linear differential operators, Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Plovdiv, August 12-18, 2007), 2007 | B. Apagyi, M. Horváth and T. Pálmai: Semi-analytic solution of the Cox-Thompson inverse scattering problem at fixed energy for special cases, International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007 | M. Horváth: On the stability of some inverse problems, 8th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 25-28. June 2007. Szeged, 2007 | B. Apagyi and M. Horváth: Solution of the inverse scattering problem at fixed energy for potentials being zero beyond a fixed radius, International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, 27-31. August, Siofok, 2007 | M. Horváth: Inverse eigenvalue problems and inverse scattering, Seminar of the Chair of Applied Mathematics and Numerics, LMU München, 2007 | Miklos Horvath: Inverse scattering problem: new results concerning the phase shifts, Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany, 28th October, 2010 |




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