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Daibog, EI; Kecskeméty K; Logachev Yu I;: Rigidity dependence of characteristic decay time in SEP events, Proc. 31st Int. Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland (2009), 2009 | Daibog, EI; Logachev Yu I; Kecskeméty K; Zeldovich M A; Surova G M;: The influence of the Earth magnetosphere on solar and galactic particle fluxes at 1 AU, Proc. of the 21st European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Kosice, Slovakia 2008, 214-217 (2009), 2009 | Ishkov VN; Kecskeméty K; Logachev Yu I; Zeldovich M A;: Relation between quiet-time low energy particle fluxes and chromospheric activity, Proc. 31st Int. Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland (2009), 2009 | Kecskeméty K; Daibog E I; Logachev Yu I; Kóta J;: The decay phase of solar energetic particle events, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A06102, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013730, 2009 | Király P;: Recent Voyager data and unexpected properties of the heliospheric temination shock, Proc. of the 21st European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Kosice, Slovakia 2008, 269-273, 2009 | Király P;: Some implications of energetic particle and plasma data at both Voyagers, Proc. 31st Int. Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland (2009), 2009 | Erdős G;: Mágnesestér-mérések a helioszférában, MTA doktora cím megszerzéséért készített disszertáció, 2010 | Szegő K: Bertucci C;Coates AJ; Bebesi Zs; Erdős G: Földy L: Young DT; Crary F; Sittler EC; Hartle R; Thomsen MF: On the flowside plasma environment of Titan, Absztrakt. AGU Fall Meeting, 2006, San Francisco, 2006 | Király P: A Helioszféra szerkezete és a Voyager űrszondák eredményei, XXV. Ionoszféra- és Magnetoszférafizikai Szeminárium, Sopron 2007, MANT, ISSN: 0236-9338, p. 7, 2007 | Juhász A; Horányi M; Morfill GE: The large scale structure of Saturn's E-ring, Geophys. Res. Lett 35, L04203, 2008 | Erdős G; Balogh A: Density of discontinuities in the heliosphere, Adv. Space Res. doi: 10.1016/jasr.2007.04.036, 2007 | Király P: Solar-heliospheric processes and the variability of energetic particle intensities, Absztrakt D1.1-0006-06. 36th COSPAR, Beijing, China, 2006 | Erdős G; Arridge CS; Dougherty MK; Kivelson MG; Tátrallyay M: Mirror mode waves at Saturn, Absztrakt D3.3-0017-06. 36-th COSPAR, Beijing, China, 2006 | Király P: The Voyagers at 100 and 80 AU, on both sides of the heliospheric termination shock, Proc. of the 20-th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisbon (közlésre elküldve), 2007 | Király P: The intensity variations of energetic particles throughout the heliosphere, Absztrakt, 20-th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisbon, 2006 | Kecskeméty K; Loghacev YuI; Zeldovich MA: Quiet-time low-energy protons in the outer heliosphere, Absztrakt D1.1-0074-06. 36th COSPAR, Beijing, China, 2006 | Logachev YuI; Kecskeméty K; Kota J; Zeldovich MA: Energy spectra of <200 MeV protons under quiet solar activity, Absztrakt D1.1-0044-06. 36th COSPAR, Beijing, China, 2006 | Szegő K: Bebesi Zs: Erdős G: Crary F: Young DT: Coates AJ: McAndrews H: Hartle RE; Sittler EC; Berthelier J-J; Bouhram M; Thomsen MF: Indirect evidence for a neutral hydrogen cloud near Titan, Absztrakt. European Planetary Sci. Congress, Berlin, 2006 | Kecskeméty K; Heber B; Müller-mellin R; Klassen A; Gomez R: SOHO COSTEP and Ulysses COSPIN observations during the series of solar energetic particle events in September 2005, Absztrakt. SOHO 17 Symposium, Giardini Naxos, Italy, 2006 | Szegő K: Bebesi Zs: Bertucci C; Berthelier J-J; Coates AJ; Crary F; Erdős G: Földy L: Hartle RE; McAndrews H: Neubauer FM; Sittler EC; Thomsen MF; Young DT: The global plasma environment of Titan as observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer and the Cassini Magnetometer during the close encounters, Absztrakt. European Planetary Sci. Congress, Berlin, 2006 | Dóbé Z; Szegő K: Quest KB; Shapiro VD; Hartle RE; Sittler EC: Nonlinear evolution of modified two stream instability above ionosphere of Titan: comparison with the data of the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer, Journal of Geophys. Res. 112, A3 No A03203, 2007 | Juhász A; Horányi M; Morfill GE: Signatures of the Enceladus plumes in Saturn's E-ring, Geophys. Res. Lett 34, L09104, doi: 10.1029/2006GL029120, 2007 | Szegő K: Bebesi Z; Bertucci C;Coates AJ; Crary F; Erdős G: Földy L: Hartle R; Sittler EC Jr; Young DT;: Charged particle environment of Titan during the T9 flyby, Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L24S`3, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030677, 2007 | Király P: Some implications of recent Voyager 1 and 2 directional and omnidirectional energetic particle data, Proc. 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Merida, Mexico (2007), Vol. 1, 823-826, 2008 | Kecskeméty K; Logachev YuI; Zeldovich MA: Radial diffusion coefficients of 1-30 MeV protons in the outer heliosphere, Proc. 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Merida, Mexico (2007), Vol. 1, 803-806, 2008 | Kecskeméty K; Daibog EI; Logachev YuI; Kóta J: Comparison of theoretical and experimental values of the decay rate of SEP events, Proc. 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Merida, Mexico (2007), Vol. 1, 139-142, 2008 | Erdős G; Balogh A; Smith EJ: Comparison of magnetic sectors at mid-heliographic latitudes in the late declining phases of solar cycles 22 and 23, EGU General Assembly 2007, Viena, 2007 | Bebesi Zs; Erdős G: Szegő K: Arridge CS: Coates AJ: Bertucci C; Dougherty MK; Thomsen MF; Young DT: Particle dynamics at SLAMS observed at the Kronian bow shock, Absztrakt. European Planetary Sci. Congress, Potsdam, 2007 | Szegő K: Bebesi Zs: Bertucci C: Coates AJ: Crary F: Erdős G: Hartle R: Sittler EC: Young DT: Investigation of ion distributions in the plasma mantle of Titan, Absztrakt. European Planetary Sci. Congress, Potsdam, 2007 | Dóbé Z; Szegő K: The interaction of the shocked solar wind with the ionosphere of Venus (with a glimpse to Titan), Planet. Space Sci. Vol. 55, Issue 12, pp 1817-1830, 2007 | Szegő K: Bebesi Zs: Bertucci C; Coates AJ; Crary F; Erdős G: Földy L: Hartle RE; Sittler EC; Young DT: On the perturbed charged particle environment of Titan, Absztrakt. EGU General Assembly, 2007, Viena, 2007 | Graps AL: Juhász A; Horányi M; Morfill GE: Havens O>: The charging of planetary rings, Space Sci. Rev. 137, 435-453, 2008 | Bertucci C: Achilleos N: Dougherty MK: Modolo R: Coats AJ: Szegő K: Masters A: Ma Y: Neubauer FM: Garnier P: Wahlund J-E: Young DT;: The magnetic memory of Titan's ionized atmosphere, Science 321, 1475-1478, 2008 | Szegő K; Bebesi Z; Erdős G; Coates A J; Fraenz M; Fedorov A; Hartle R E; Sittler E C; Wahlund J E; Zhang T;: Comparison of the tail region of Venus and Titan, Absztrakt P34B-05, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, San Francisco, USA, 2008 | Erdős G;: The structure of the heliospheric magnetic field: Ulysses observations through two solar cycles, Absztrakt D11-0010-08, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal 2008, Canada, 2008 | Erdős G;Balogh A;: Magnetic Sectors of the Heliospheric Field as Observed by Ulysses Through Two Solar Cycles, Absztrakt SH51A-1596, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco 2008, 2008 | Nemeth Z; Szego K; Erdos G; Foldy L; Rymer A; Thomsen M F; Sittler E C; Coates A J; Wellbrock, A;: Global Features of Ion Distributions Near Titan, Absztrakt SM23C-1642, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, 2009 | Juhász A; Horányi M: Jovian ring and halo models: comparing predictions for the Juno mission, Absztratt #P51B-1132, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, 2009 | Erdos G; Balogh A;: North-south asymmetry of the location of the heliospheric current sheet revisite, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 115, Issue A1, CiteID A01105, 2010 | Bebesi Z; Szego K; Balogh, A; Krupp N; Erdos G; Rymer A M; Lewis G R; Kurth W S; Young D T; Dougherty M K;: Slow-mode shock candidate in the Jovian magnetosheath, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 58, Issue 5, p. 807-813, 2010 | Sittler E C; Hartle R E; Johnson R E; Cooper J F; Lipatov A S; Bertucci C; Coates A J; Szego K; Shappirio M; Simpson, D G; Wahlund J-E;: Saturn's magnetospheric interaction with Titan as defined by Cassini encounters T9 and T18: New results, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 58, Issue 3, p. 327-350, 2010 | Erdos G;: The heliospheric magnetic field during solar minimum, as seen by Ulysses, Absztrakt EGU2010-12355, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, 2010 | Masters A; Arridge C S; Dougherty M K; Bertucci C; Billingham L; Schwartz S J; Jackman C M; Bebesi Z; Coates A J; Thomsen M F;: Cassini encounters with hot flow anomaly-like phenomena at Saturn's bow shock, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Issue 2, CiteID L02202, 2010 | Horányi M; Juhász A;: Plasma conditions and the structure of the Jovian ring, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 115, Issue A9, CiteID A09202, 2010 |
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