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Antal Á, Fehér T, Náfrádi B, Gaál R, Forró L, Jánossy A: Measurement of interlayer spin diffusion in the organic conductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]X, X=Cl, Br, 8th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets (ISCOM2009), Hokkaido, Japan, közlésre benyújtva, 2009 | Nagy KL, Quintavalle D, Fehér T, Jánossy A: Multipurpose High Frequency Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer for Condensed Matter Research, JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, közlésre benyújtva, 2009 | Nagy KL, Náfrádi B, Kushch ND, Yagubskii EB, Herdtweck E, Fehér T, Kiss LF, Forró L, Jánossy A: Multifrequency ESR in ET2MnCu[N(CN)2]4: A radical cation salt with quasi-two-dimensional magnetic layers in a three-dimensional polymeric structure, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80: 104407-1-8, 2009 | Fehér T, Antal Á, Jánossy A: Antiferromagnetic resonance in the canted antiferromagnet, κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, 9th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields (RHMF 2009), Dresden, July 22-25, 2009 | Szita Zsófia: Ferromágneses rezonancia magnanát vékonyrétegekben, BME Fizikai Intézet, BSc szakdolgozat, 2009 | Antal A, Feher T, Janossy A, Tatrai-Szekeres E, Fulop FETTERS: Spin Diffusion and Magnetic Eigenoscillations Confined to Single Molecular Layers in the Organic Conductors kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]X (X=Cl,Br), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS: 102, 086404-1-4, 2009 | Szatmári Zsolt: Mágneses vékonyrétegek kísérleti vizsgálata, BME Fizikai Intézet, diplomamunka, 2008 | Nemes NM, Garcia-Hernandez M, Szatmari Z, Feher T, Simon F, Visani C, Pena V, Miller C, Garcia-Barriocanal J, Bruno F, Sefrioui Z, Leon C, Santamaria J: Thickness Dependent Magnetic Anisotropy of Ultrathin LCMO Epitaxial Thin Films, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETISM: 44, 2926-2929, 2008 | Bonda M, Holzapfel M, de Brion S, Darie C, Feher T, Baker PJ, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL: Effect of magnesium doping on the orbital and magnetic order in LiNiO2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B: 78, 104409-1-8, 2008 | Nafradi B, Gaal R, Sienkiewicz A, Feher T, Forro L: Continuous-wave far-infrared ESR spectrometer for high-pressure measurements, JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE: 195, 206-210, 2008 | Nafradi B, Gaal R, Feher T, Forro L: Microwave frequency modulation in continuous-wave far-infrared ESR utilizing a quasi-optical reflection bridge, JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE: 192, 265-268, 2008 | Jánossy A, Náfrádi B, Nagy KL, Kushch ND, Kazakova AV, Morgunov RB, Kiss LF, Fehér T, Forró L, Yagubskii EB: Anomalous multi frequency ESR in (ET)2MnCu(dca)4 , an organic salt with a three dimensional polymeric structure, ISCOM2007 conference, Peniscola, Spain, September 24-29, 2007 | Jánossy A, Nagy KL, Fehér T, Mihály L, Erb A: Search for stripes in antiferromagnetic lightly hole-doped YBa2Cu3O6: An electron spin resonance and infrared transmission study, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75: 024501-1-12, 2007 | Simon F, Muranyi F, Feher T, Janossy A, Forro L, Petrovic C, Bud'ko SL, Canfield PC: Spin-lattice relaxation time of conduction electrons in MgB2, PHYSICL REVIEW B 76: 024519-1-5, 2007 | Karaszi M: A polioxomolibdát {Mo57Cu6} molekuláris mágnesek ESR spektroszkópiai vizsgálata és a kapott eredmények modellezése, BME Fizikai Intézet, diplomamunka, 2007 | Simon F, Kuzmany H, Náfrádi B, Fehér T, Forró L, Fülöp F, Jánossy A, Korecz L, Rockenbauer A, Hauke F, Hirsch A: Magnetic Fullerenes inside Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 97: 136801-1-4, 2006 | Náfrádi B, Nemes NM, Fehér T, Forró L, Kim Y, Fischer JE, Luzzi DE, Simon F, Kuzmany H: Electron spin resonance of single-walled carbon nanotubes and related structures, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 243: 3106-3110, 2006 | Mihaly L, Feher T, Dora B, Nafradi B, Berger H, Forro L: Spin resonance in the ordered magnetic state of Ni-5(TeO3)(4)Cl-2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B: 74, 174403-1-9, 2006 |
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