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Kovács Kis, V., Dódony, I. & Lábár, J.L.: Amorphous and partly ordered structures in SiO2 rich volcanic glasses. An electron diffraction study., Eur. J. Miner. 18. 745-752., 2006 | Sipos P, Németh T, Kovács Kis V, Mohai I: Heavy metal retention by soil mineral phases during a potential soil contamination by sewage sludge., Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 25: 194-195., 2006 | V. Kovács Kis, M. Pósfai, J. L. Lábár: SAED study of atmospheric soot particles implies hydrogen content., 5th Workshop on EELS/EFTEM, 27-29 September, Vienna, Program and Abstracts, 33, 2006 | Kovács Kis, V., Pósfai, M. & Lábár, J.L.: Nanostructure of atmospheric soot particles., Atmosperic Environment 40. 5533-5542., 2006 | R. O. Grasin, J. L. Lábár, V. K. Kis, K. Sedláèková, G. Radnóczi: Glassy carbon between amorphous carbon and crystalline graphite, structural differences revealed by TEM, SAED and EELS, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13. 150-154, 2007 | B. Raucsik, A. Raucsik-Varga, Gy. Szakmány and V. Kovács-Kiss: Clay mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of Late Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks from the Mecsek-Villány area (SW Hungary): implications for source-area weathering, pr, 3rd Mid-European Clay Conference, September 18 - 23, 2006 Opatija, Croatia, Abstracts Book, 9., 2006 | Pósfai M., Simonits R., Kovács Kis V. Lábár J.: Compositions, structures, and surface properties of carbonaceous aerosol particles from the continental atmosphere., 19th General Meeting of the IMA, 23-28 July 2006 Kobe, Japan. Program & Abstracts, 268, 2006 | V. Kovács-Kis: Energy filtered electron diffraction studies on Wyoming montmorillonite crystals, Euroclay 2007, Aveiro, Portugal, Abstract Book, 2007 | Szenes G, Kovacs VK, Pecz B, Skuratov V: The effect of heavy cosmic-ray ions on silicate grains in the interstellar dust, Astrophysical Journal 708. 288-292., 2010 | Varga Andrea, Raucsik Béla, Kovács Kis Viktória,, Szakmány György: A Turonyi Formáció pélites kőzeteinek ásványtani és kőzettani jellemzői., Földtani Közlöny 138/1 5-20, 2008 | Péter Sipos, Tibor Németh, Viktória Kovács Kis and Ilona Mohai: Sorption of copper, zinc and lead on soil mineral phases, Chemosphere 73, 4, 461-469, 2008 | Péter Sipos, Tibor Németh, Viktória Kovács Kis and Ilona Mohai: Association of individual soil mineral constituents and heavy metals as studied by sorption experiments and analytical electron microscopy analyses, Journal of Hazardous Materials 168, 2-3. 1512-1520., 2009 | Fejes P, Kis V, Lazar K, Marsi I, Nagy JB: Various nano-size iron oxide polymorphs on mesoporous supports I - New mesoporous catalyst supports synthesized in acidic and alkaline media, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 112. 377-391., 2008 | Hobor S, Revesz A, Szabo PJ, Zhilyaev AP, Kis VK, Labar JL, Kovacs Z: High pressure torsion of amorphous Cu60Zr30Ti10 alloy, Journal of Applied Physics 104. 10.1063/1.2964115, 2008 | V.K. Kis, T. Németh, M. Keresztes: Iron Induced Crystallization in Silicate Glass., ISMANAM2011 (International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, 2011. jún. 26-júl. 1) Book of Abstracts p. 230., 2011 | V.K. Kis, O. Geszti, P. Süle, Zs. Kovács and G. Sáfrán: HRTEM Simulation of Au and Au-Pd Core-Shell Nanoparticles., ISMANAM2011 (International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, 2011. jún. 26-júl. 1) Book of Abstracts p. 214., 2011 |
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