Felső-jura ammonitesz biosztratigráfia és fácies vizsgálatok a Gerecse- és a Pilis-hegységben
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Főzy, I., Fodor, L., Janssen, N.M.M., Meléndez, G., Price, G., Riegraf, W., Scherzinger, A., Szente, I., Szinger, B., Szives, O., Vörös, A.: A gerecsei és pilisi felső jura–also kréta szelvények kutatásának legújabb eredményei – rétegtan, ősmaradványok és medencefejlődés, In: Főzy, I. (Ed.): Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 423-417., 2013 | Főzy I (Ed.): Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of the carbonate formations in the Gerecse and Pilis Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary), Institute of Geosciences, University of Szeged, GeoLitera Publishing House, 1-422., 2013 | Fodor L; Főzy I: The place of the Gerecse Mountains in Alpine-Carpathian framework – A geological setting., In: Főzy, I. (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 15-20., 2013 | Főzy I; Meléndez G; Scherzinger A; Szinger B; Szives O: Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous fossil localities of the Gerecse and Pilis Mountains (rocks, fossils and stratigraphy), In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 21-93., 2013 | Fodor L; Főzy I: Late Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous evolution of basin geometry of the Gerecse Mountains., In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 117-135., 2013 | Főzy I; Meléndez G: Oxfordian ammonites form the Gerecse and Pilis Mountains (Hungary)., In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 139-165., 2013 | Főzy I; Scherzinger A: Systematic description of Kimmeridgian ammonites of the Gerecse Mountains., In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 167-205., 2013 | Főzy I; Scherzinger A: Systematic description of Tithonian ammonites of the Gerecse Mountains., In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 207-292., 2013 | Szives O; Főzy I: Early Cretaceous ammonites from the carbonate formations of the Gerecse Mountains (Hungary)., In: Főzy I (Ed.) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and deformation history of [...], GeoLitera, Szeged, 293-342., 2013 | Főzy I; Janssen NMM; Price GD: High resolution ammonite, belemnite and isotope record from the most complete Upper Jurassic section of the Bakony Mts (Transdanubian Range, Hungary), Geologica Carpathica, 63/5: 413–433, 2011 | Főzy I; Price GD; Janssen NMM: A Lókúti-domb felső-jura rétegsora: részletes cephalopoda rétegtani és stabil izotóp vizsgálati eredmények, Dulai A; Bosnakoff M (Szerk.) Program, Előadáskivonatok, Kirándulásvezető. 14. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés, Szeged, 2010, 16-17, 2011 | Főzy I; Scherzinger A: Simoceras szentei n. sp., a new ammonite species from the lowermost Tithonian of the Gerecse Mountains (Hungary) – the earliest record of the genus, Neues Jahrbuch für Paleontolgie, Abhandlungen, 262/1: 117-127, 2011 | Főzy I; Janssen NMM; Price GD; Knauer J; Pálfy J: Integrated isotope biostratigraphy of a Lower Cretaceous section from the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary): A new Tethyan record of the Weissert event, Cretaceous Research, 31: 525-545, 2010 | Scherzinger A; Főzy I; Parent H: The Early Tithonian (Late Jurassic) ammonite genus Virgatosimoceras Spath (Ammonoidea: Simoceratidae) – revision and value for correlation, Neues Jahrbuch für Paleontolgie, Abhandlungen, 256/2: 195-212, 2010 | Meléndez G; Atrops F; Bello J; Brochwicz-Lewinski W; D'Arpa C; Főzy I; Pérez-Urresti I; Ramjo J; Sequeiros L: The Oxfordian ammonite genus Passendorferia Brochwicz-Lewinski and the Tethyan subfamily Passendorferiinae Meléndez, Volumina Jurassica VII: 113-134, 2009 |
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