In situ és operando vizsgálatok az NOx szelektív katalitikus átalakításában
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Közleményjegyzék |
H.Solt, F.Lónyi, J.Valyon: Preparation of In,H-Zeolite Catalysts and their Activity in the NO-SCR Reaction by Methane, 9th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, 8-12 September 2008, Strbske pleso, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-227-2923-9, p 250-256, 2008 | F.Lónyi, R.M.Mihályi, J.Valyon, L.B.Guiterrez, E.E.Miro: A Mechanistic Study of the Solid-State Reactions of H-Mordenite with Indium(0) and Indium(III)oxide, J.Phys.Chem. C, 112, 19423-19430, 2008 | H. Solt,F.Lónyi, J.Valyon: Catalytic activity of In,H- and In,Pd,H-zeolite catalysts in the NO-SCR reaction by methane, 3rd International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, Book of Abstracts, P3-04, 2009 | F. Lónyi, H. E. Solt, J. Valyon , H. Decolatti, L. B. Gutierrez, E. Miró: An operando DRIFTS study of the active sites and the active intermediates of the NO-SCR reaction by methane over In,H- and In,Pd,H-zeolite catalysts, Appl. Catal. B. Environmental, 100 (2010) 133-142, 2010 | H. Solt, F. Lónyi, J. Valyon: Catalytic activity of tion of In-containing zeolite catalysts in the NOx-SCR reaction by methane, 10th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis , Polish Zeolite Association,Kraków, Poland, ISBN 978-83-929430-4-4, p 60-67, 2010 | H. Solt, F. Lónyi, J. Valyon: In,H-, In,Pd,H-, and In,Co,H-zeolite catalysts for the SCR of NOx by methane, 16th International Zeolite Conference joint with the 7th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, Sorrento, Italy, Book of Abstracts, p 1187-1188, 2010 | H. Decolatti, F. Lónyi, H. Solt, E. Miró, L. Guiterrez: The effect of Pd-In interactions in a mordenite framework upon NOx SCR with methane, 16th International Zeolite Conference joint with the 7th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, Sorrento, Italy, Book of Abstracts, p 1347-1348, 2010, 2010 | H. Decolatti, H. Solt, F. Lónyi, J. Valyon, E. Miró, L. Gutierrez: The role of Pd-In interactions on the performance of PdIn-Hmordenite in the SCR of NOx with CH4, Catalysis Today, 172 (2011) 124-131, 2011 | F. Lónyi, H.E. Solt, J. Valyon, A. Boix, L.B. Gutierrez: The activation of NO and CH4 for NO-SCR reaction over In- and Co-containing H-ZSM-5 catalysts, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical, 345 (2011) 75-80, 2011 | H. Decolatti, F. Lónyi, H. Solt, E. Miró, L. Gutierrez: Characterization of Pd and In species in PdInH-mordenite for the SCR of NOx with methane, 5th International FEZA Conference, Book of abstracts, Valencia, Spain, 2011 | H. Decolatti, F. Lónyi, R. M. Mihályi, J. Valyon, A. Boix, L. Gutierrez: Study of PdIn-Zeolite catalysts by XPS and TEM-EDX, 5th International FEZA Conference, Book of abstracts, Valencia, Spain, 2011 | Solt H. E.: Nitrogén-oxidok szelektív katalitikus redukciója metánnal indium tartalmú zeolitokon, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, TTK, Környezetkémiai Doktori Iskola, 2011 | F. Lónyi, H.E. Solt, J. Valyon, A. Boix, L.B. Gutierrez: The SCR of NO with methane over In,H-, and Co,In,H-ZSM-5 catalysts: The promotional effect of cobalt, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (közlésre elfogadva), 2012 |





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