Pszeudovéletlenség, elliptikus görbék és egész számok sorozatai
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Közleményjegyzék |
Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary lattices, I (Definitions, a constructions using quadratic characters.), Publi. Math. Debrecen, közlésre elfogadva, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Measures of pseudorandomness of families of binary lattices, II (A further construction.), Publi. Math. Debrecen, közlésre elfogadva, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, András Sárközy, Cameron L. Stewart: On Legendre symbol lattices II, Unif. Distrib. Theory, közlésre leadva, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati: On the correlation of subsequences, Unif. Distrib. Theory, közlésre leadva, 2011 | Katalin, Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit: On the correlation of binary sequences, II, Discrete Math., közlésre elfogadva, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, Imre Ruzsa: A set of squares without arithmetic progression, Acta Arith., közlésre leadva, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati: Concatenation of pseudorandom binary sequences, Periodica Math. Hungar. 58, 99-120, 2009 | Katalin Gyarmati: On the complexity of a family related to the Legendre symbol, Periodica Math. Hungar. 58, 209-215, 2009 | Katalin Gyarmati: Concatenation of Legendre symbol sequences, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 48, 193-204., 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, Pascal Hubert, András Sárközy: Pseudorandom binary functions on almost uniform trees, J. Combin. Number Theory 2, 1-24, 2010 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Pseudorandom binary sequences and lattices, Acta Arith. 135, 181-197., 2008 | Katalin Gyarmati,: Elliptic curve analogues of a pseudorandom generator, Period. Math. Hungar., közlésre elfogadva, 2010 | Katalin Gyarmati, András Sárközy, Cameron L. Stewart: On Legendre symbol lattices, Unif. Distr. Theory 4, 81-95, 2009 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Constructions of pseudorandom binary lattices, Unif. Distr. Theory 4, 59-80, 2009 | Katalin Gyarmati,: On new measures of pseudorandomness of binary lattices, Acta Math. Hung. 131, 346-359, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, I (The measures $Q_k$, normality.), Acta Arith. 144, 295-313, 2010 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Measures of pseudorandomness of finite binary lattices, II (The symmetry measures.), Ramanujan J. 25, 155-178, 2011 | Katalin Gyarmati, Christian Mauduit, András Sárközy: Measures of pseudorandomness of binary lattices, III. ($Q_k$, correlation, normality, minimal values.), Unif. Distrib. Theory. 5, 183-207, 2010 | Péter Csikvári, Katalin Gyarmati, András Sárközy,: Density and Ramsey type results on algebraic equations with restricted solution sets, Combinatorica, közlésre benyújtva, 2008 |
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