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Közleményjegyzék |
M. Abért, A. Jaikin-Zapirain, N. Nikolov: The rank gradient from a combinatorial viewpoint, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 5, 213-231, 2011 | M. Abért, N. Nikolov: Rank gradient, cost of groups and the rank versus Heegard genus problem, J. Europ. Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2011 | M. Abért, N. Bergeron, I. Biringer, T. Gelander, N. Nikolov, J. Raimbault, I. Samet: On the growth of Betti numbers of locally symmetric spaces, C. R. Math., elfogadva, 2011 | P. N. Ánh, M. Siddoway: Divisibility in semi-hereditary rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138, 4231-4242, 2010 | P. N. Ánh, L. van Wyk: Automorphism groups of generalized triangular matrix rings, Linear Algebra Appl. 434, 1018-1026, 2011 | P. N. Ánh, L. Márki, P. Vámos: Divisibility theory in commutative rings: Bezout monoids, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2011 | M. Asaad, P. Csörgő, M. Ramadan: Normal pi-complements for finite groups, Acta Math. Hungar. 119, 359-364, 2008 | M. Asaad, P. Csörgő: Some results on supersolvability of finite groups, Monatsh. Math. 154, 265-269, 2008 | L. Babai, P. P. Pálfy, J. Saxl: On the number of p-regular elements in finite simple groups, LMS J. Comput. Math. 12, 82-119, 2009 | M. Bianchi, A. Gillio, P. P. Pály: A note on finite groups in which the conjugacy class sizes are in an arithmetic progression, in: Ischia Group Theory 2010, World Scientific, 2011 | T. Breuer, R. M. Guralnick, A. Lucchini, A. Maróti, G. P. Nagy: Hamiltonian cycles in the generating graphs of finite groups, Bull. London Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2010 | L. Brunshidle, A. Fialowski, J. Frinak, M. Penkava, D. Wackwitz: Fundamental theorem of finite dimensional Z2-graded associative algebras, Commun. Algebra, elfogadva, 2011 | P. Csörgő: The multiplication group of a finite commutative automorphic loop of order power of an odd prime p is a p-group, J. Algebra, elfogadva, 2011 | P. Csörgő, A. Drápal: On loops rich in automorphisms that are abelian modulo the nucleus, Forum Math., elfogadva, 2010 | P. Csörgő, A. Drápal: Buchsteiner loops and conjugacy closedness, Commun. Algebra 38, 11-27, 2010 | P. Csörgő: On loops that are abelian over the nucleus and Buchsteiner loops with commuting inner mappings, Comment Math. Univ. Carolin. 49(2), 197-208, 2008 | M. Domokos: Vector invariants of a class of pseudo-reflection groups and multisymmetric syzygies, J. Lie Theory 19, 507-525, 2009 | M. Domokos, E. Szabó: Helly dimension of algebraic groups, J. London Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2011 | M. Domokos: On singularities of quiver moduli, Glasgow Math. J. 53, 131-139, 2011 | M. Domokos: Discriminant of symmetric matrices as a sum of squares and the orthogonal group, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 64, 443-465, 2011 | M. Domokos, A. Puskás: Multisymmetric polynomials in dimension three, arXiv:0912.1582, 2009 | M. Domokos: Covariants and the no-name lemma, J. Lie Theory 18, 839-849, 2008 | G. Elekes, M. Simonovits, E. Szabó: A combinatorial distinction between unit circles and straight lines, special issue of CPC, elfogadva, 2010 | A. Fialowski, M. Penkava, M. Phillipson: Deformations of complex 3-dimensional associative algebras, J. General. Lie Theory and Appl. 5, Art. G11010102, 22 pages, 2011 | A. Fialowski, F. Wagemann: Associative algebra deformations of Connes-Moscovici's Hopf algebra H1, J. Algebra 323, 2026-2040, 2010 | P. Frenkel: Remarks on the alpha-permanent, Math. Res. Lett. 17, 795-802, 2010 | P. Frenkel: New constructions in classical invariant theory, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2010 | M. Garonzi, A. Maróti: Covering certain wreath products with proper subgroups, J. Group Theory 14, 103-125, 2011 | S. P. Glasby, P. P. Pálfy, C. Schneider: p-groups having a unique proper non-trivial characteristic subgroup, J. Algebra, elfogadva, 2011 | L. M. Goswick, E. W. Kiss, G. Moussong, N. Simányi: Sums of squares and orthogonal integral vectors, J. Number Theory, elfogadva, 2011 | R. M. Guralnick, A. Maróti: Average dimension of fixed point spaces with applications, Advances Math. 226, 298-308, 2011 | Z. Halasi, P.P. Pálfy: The number of conjugacy classes in pattern groups is not a polynomial function, J. Group Theory, elfogadva, 2011 | P. Hegedűs: The number of maximal subgroups of a solvable group, Publ. Math. Debrecen 78, 687-689, 2011 | L. Héthelyi, E. Horváth, T. M. Keller, A. Maróti: Groups with few conjugacy classes, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54, 1-8, 2011 | P. E. Holmes, A. Maróti: Pairwise generating and covering sporadic simple groups, J. Algebra, elfogadva, 2010 | A. Jaikin-Zapirain, L. Pyber: Random generation of finite and profinite groups and group enumeration, Annals Math. 173, 769-814, 2011 | G. Janelidze, L. Márki, W. Tholen, A. Ursini: Ideal-determined categories, Cahiers Top. Géom. Diff. Cat. 51, 115-125, 2010 | G. Janelidze, L. Márki: A simplicial approach to factorization systems and Kurosh-Amitsur radicals, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213, 2229-2237, 2009 | K. Kaarli, L. Márki: A characterization of the inverse monoid of bi-congruences of certain algebras, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 19, 791-808, 2009 | E. W. Kiss, P. Kutas: Cubes of integral vectors in dimension four, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., beküldve, 2012 | V. Laan, L. Márki: Strong Morita equivalence of semigroups with local units, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215, 2538-2546, 2011 | V. Laan, L. Márki: Morita invariants for semigroups with local units, Monatsh. Math., elfogadva, 2011 | P. Lakatos: Spectral properties of Coxeter transformation, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 33, 1105-1112, 2009 | P. Lakatos: Salem numbers defined by Coxeter transformation, Linear Algebra Appl. 432, 144-154, 2010 | P. Lakatos: On finite p-groups with cyclic characteristic sereies, Publ. Math. Debrecen 74, 187-193, 2009 | P. Lakatos, L. Losonczi: Polynomials with all zeros on the unit circle, Acta Math. Hungar. 125, 341-356, 2009 | C. Lanski, A. Maróti: Ring elements as sums of units, Central European J. Math. 7, 395-399, 2009 | A. Lucchini, A. Maróti: Rings as the unions of proper subrings, Algebras and Representation theory, elfogadva, 2011 | A. Lucchini, A. Maróti: On the clique number of the generating graph of a finite group, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137, 3207-3217, 2009 | A. Lucchini, A. Maróti: On finite simple groups and Kneser graphs, J. Algebraic Combinat., 30, 549-566, 2009 | A. Lucchini, A. Maróti: Some results and questions related to the generating graph of a finite group, Proc. Ischia Group Theory Conference (2008), 183-208, 2009 | N. Nikolov, L. Pyber: Product decompositions of quasirandom groups and a Jordan type theorem, J. European Math. Soc. 13, 1063-1077, 2011 | P. P. Pálfy: Three remarks on absolutely solvable groups, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 50, 533-540, 2009 | C. E. Praeger, L. Pyber, P. Spiga, E. Szabó: The Weiss conjecture for locally primitive graphs with automorphism groups admitting composition factors of bounded rank, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2011 | L. Pyber, E. Szabó: Growth in finite simple groups of Lie type of bounded rank, arXiv:1005.1858, 2010 | G. Somlai: Elementary abelian p-groups of rank 2p+3 are not CI-groups, J. Algebraic Combinat., elfogadva, 2011 | M. C. Tamburini, A. Maróti: Bounds for the probability of generating the symmetric and alternating groups, Arch. Math. 96, 115-121, 2011 | R. Wiegandt: H. J. Hoehnke's contribution to radical theory, Sci. Math. Japonicae 68, 193-199, 2008 | R. Wiegandt: A tribute to Professor Andrunachievici, Chisnau, 2010 |





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