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Közleményjegyzék |
L. Fehér, Á. Matszangosz: Real solutions of a problem in enumerative geometry, arXiv:1401.4638 [math.AG], 2014 | L. Lóczi, D. I. Ketcheson: Rational functions with maximal radius of absolute monotonicity, LMS J. Comp. Math., 17(1), 159–205., 2014 | D. I. Ketcheson, L. Lóczi, M. Parsani: Internal error propagation in explicit Runge–Kutta methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (accepted), 2014 | B. Csikós: Differential Geometry, Typotex kiadó, 2014 | K. Bezdek, M. Naszódi: Spindle Starshaped Sets, Aequationes Math. (accepted), 2014 | M. Naszódi: On some covering problems in geometry, http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.1691, 2014 | Csikós B, Horváth M: A characterization of harmonic spaces, J DIFFER GEOM 90: 383-389, 2012 | Csikós B, Horváth M: On the volume of the intersection of two geodesic balls, DIFFER GEOM APPL 29: (4) 567-576, 2011 | K J Böröczky, B Csikós: A new version of L. Fejes Tóth`s moment theorem, STUD SCI MATH HUNG 47: (2) 230-256, 2010 | Böröczky KJ, Csikós B: Approximation of smooth convex bodies by circumscribed polytopes with respect to the surface area, ABH MATH SEM HAMBURG 79: (2) 229-264, 2009 | B. Csikós, M. Horváth: A characterization of harmonic spaces, Journal of Differential Geometry, 90: pp. 383-389. (2012), 2012 | B. Csikós, M. Horváth: A characterization of spaces of constant curvature by minimum covering radius of triangles, közlésre benyújtva az Indagationes Mathematicae folyóirathoz, 2013 | K. Bezdek, M. Naszódi: Rigid ball-polyhedra in Euclidean 3-space, Discrete Comput. Geom. 49(2), pp. 189-199, 2013 | Zsolt Lángi, Márton Naszódi, István Talata: Ball and Spindle Convexity with respect to a Convex Body, Aequationes Math. 85(1-2), pp. 41-67, 2013 | C. Hugo Jiménez, Márton Naszódi, Rafael Villa: Push forward measures and concentration phenomena, arXiv:1112.4765v1 [math.FA], 2011 | D. Szeghy: On conjugate and focal points in semi-Riemannian manifolds, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sec. Math. (közlésre benyújtva), 2012 | László Lempert, Szőke Róbert: A new look at adapted complex structures, Bull. London Math Soc., 44(2), 367-374, 2012 | L. Verhóczki: Submanifolds with flat normal bundle and their parallel submanifolds, GeoGra 2012 Conference, Budapest Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2012 | K. Bezdek: On a strong version of the Kepler conjecture, Mathematika 59(1), pp. 31-55, 2013 | R. Rimányi, M. Domokos, L.M. Fehér: Equivariant and invariant theory of nets of conics with an application to Thom polynomials, Journal of Singularities 7, pp. 1-20 , 2013 | L. Lóczi, J. Páez Chávez: Various Closeness Results in Discretized Bifurcations, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 20(3), pp. 235-284, 2012 | Moussong Gábor: Geometria, Typotex kiadó, (megjelenés alatt), 2013 | L. Lempert, R. Szőke: Direct images, fields of Hilbert spaces and geometric quantization, Comm. Math. Phys. (közlésre benyújtva), 2013 | Verhóczki László: Klasszikus differenciálgeometria, www.tankonyvtar.hu (megjelenés alatt), 2013 | C. Rubio-Montiel and Gy. Kiss: On m-factorizations of complete multigraphs and designs, Ars Math. Contemp. (accepted for publication), 2014 | K. Bezdek: Tarski's plank problem revisited, Geometry - Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex -- A Tribute to László Fejes Tóth, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, vol. 24, Springer, 2014 | B. Csikós, Gy. Kiss, K.J. Swanepoel, and P.O. de Wet: Large antipodal families, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 58(2), pp. 129-138, 2009 | S. Klein, G. Thorbergsson, and L. Verhóczki: On the Funk transform on compact symmetric spaces, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 75, 485-493, 2009 | L. Lempert and R. Szőke: A new look at adapted complex structures, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 44, (2), pp. 367-374, 2012 | D. Szeghy: Infinitesimal orbit type theorem for normalizable actions, Indagationes Mathematicae 25(1), pp. 104-112, 2014 | B. Csikós, M. Horváth: A characterization of spaces of constant curvature by minimum covering radius of triangles, Indagationes Mathematicae, 25(3), pp. 608-617, 2014 | C. Hugo Jiménez, Márton Naszódi, Rafael Villa: Push forward measures and concentration phenomena, Mathematische Nachrichten, 287(5-6), pp 585-594, 2014 | Moussong Gábor: Geometria, Typotex kiadó, 2014 | L. Lempert, R. Szőke: Direct images, fields of Hilbert spaces and geometric quantization, Comm. Math. Phys. 327, pp. 49-99, 2014 | Verhóczki László: Klasszikus differenciálgeometria, latexcms.math.bme.hu, 2013 | D. Szeghy: On the infinitesimal orbit type of maximal dimensional orbits, Differential Geometry and its Applications (DOI information: 10.1016/j.difgeo.2014.04.013), 2014 | K. Bezdek and Gy. Kiss: On the X-ray number of almost smooth convex bodies and of convex bodies of constant width, Canad. Math. Bull., 52(3), 342-348, 2009 | K. Bezdek: Tarski's plank problem revisited, Intuitive Geometry, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, Springer (accepted for publication), pp. 1-21., 2010 | B. Csikós, Gy. Kiss, K.J. Swanepoel, and P.O. de Wet: Large antipodal families, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 58(2), pp. 129-138, 2009 | L.M. Fehér and R. Rimányi: Thom series of contact singularities, Annals of Math. Volume 176, no. 3, 2012 | L. M. Fehér, A. Némethi, R. Rimányi: Equivariant classes of matrix matroid varieties, Comm. Math. Helv. 87(4), pp. 861-889, 2012 | L. M. Fehér and Zs. Patakfalvi: The incidence class and the hierarchy of orbits, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 7(3), 429-441, 2009 | L. Lóczi and J. Páez: Preservation of bifurcations under Runge-Kutta methods, International Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations and
Applications, 3(1-2), 81-98, 2009 | L.M. Goswick, E.W. Kiss, G. Moussong, and N. Simányi: Sums of squares and orthogonal integral vectors, Journal of Number Theory, 132(1):37-53, 2012 | D. Szeghy: On the conjugate locus of pseudo Riemannian manifolds, Indag. Mathem. 19(3), pp. 465-480, 2008 | D. Szeghy: On infinitesimal orbit types of normalizable isometric actions on a Lorentz manifold, Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica 47, pp.171-186, 2009 | S. Klein, G. Thorbergsson, and L. Verhóczki: On the Funk transform on compact symmetric spaces, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 75, 485-493, 2009 | K.J. Böröczky, B. Csikós: A new version of L. Fejes Tóth's Moment Theorem, Studia Sci. Hung. 47, pp. 230-256, 2010 | K.J. Böröczky, B. Csikós: Approximation of smooth convex bodies by circumscribed polytopes with respect to the surface area, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 79(2), 229-264, 2009 | J. Szenthe: Proper isometric actions on Riemannian manifolds, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapestiensis, 51, 11-17, 2009 | J. Szenthe: Homogeneous pregeodesics and the orbits neighbouring a lightlike one, Note di Matematica 28, suppl. 1, pp. 389-400, 2009 | K. Bezdek: From illuminating ball-polyhedra to minimizing the volume of
spherical sets of constant width, (submitted), 2010 | Gy. Kiss, P.O. de Wet: Notes on the illumination parameters of convex polytopes, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 7:58-67, 2012 | L. Lempert and R. Szőke: A new look at adapted complex structures, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 44, (2), pp. 367-374, 2012 | L. Lempert and R. Szőke: Uniqueness in geometric quantization, arXiv:1004.4863v1 [math-ph], 2010 | D. Szeghy: On non normalizable orbits of Isometric actions on Lorentz manifolds, Geometriae Dedicata, 149(1), pp. 219-230, 2010 | G. Moussong, N. Simányi: Circle decompositions of surfaces, Topology and its Applications, 158(3), pp. 392-396, 2011 | D. Szeghy: Novel results in the semi-Riemannian theory of conjugate and focal points, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapestiensis (közlésre benyújtva), 2011 | D. Szeghy: Infinitesimal orbit type theorem for normalizable actions, Indagationes Mathematicae (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Szenthe J.: Mennyire általánosítható a hiperbolikus geometria?, Matematikai Lapok. 16, pp. 101-114, 2010 | J. Szenthe, K. Kővári: A spherically symmetric Einstein space-time revisited, General Relativity and Gravitation (közlésre benyújtva), 2011 | K. Bezdek: Illuminating spindle convex bodies and minimizing the volume of spherical sets of constant width, Discrete Comput. Geom. 47(2):275-287, 2012 | K. Bezdek: Contact numbers for congruent sphere packings in Euclidean 3-Space, Discrete Comput. Geom. 48(2), pp. 298-309, 2012 | L. Verhóczki: Harmonic and minimal unit vector fields on the symmetric spaces G_2 and G_2/SO(4), Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomouc, Fac. Rerum Nat., Math. 51, pp. 101-109, 2012 | B. Csikós, M. Horváth: On the volume of the intersection of two geodesic balls, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 29(4):567-576, 2011 | Csikós B., Kiss György: Projektív geometria, Polygon jegyzettár 51, 301 oldal, Polygon Kiadó, Szeged,, 2011 | K. Bezdek: Contact numbers for congruent sphere packings via Voronoi diagrams, ISVD 2012 Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society (CPS), 1-9, 2012 | K. Bezdek: From normal tilings to Voronoi tilings of sphere packings in Euclidean 3-space, ISVD 2012 Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society (CPS), 1-8, 2012 |





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