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Közleményjegyzék |
Fabien Lange és Michel Grabisch: New axiomatizations of the Shapley interaction index for bi-capacities, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 176: 64-75, 2011 | Péter Csóka, P. Jean-Jacques Herings, László Á. Kóczy, Miklós Pintér: Convex and Exact Games with Non-transferable Utility, European Journal of Operational Research, 209:57-62., 2011 | Péter Csóka, P. Jean-Jacques Herings, László Á. Kóczy: Balancedness Conditions for Exact Games, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2011 | László Á. Kóczy: Strategic Aspects of the 1995 and 2004 EU Enlargements, Group Decision and Negotiation, 19:267-277, 2010 | Péter Csóka, P. Jean-Jacques Herings, László Á. Kóczy: Stable Allocations of Risk, Games and Economic Behavior, 67: 266-276, 2009 | László Á. Kóczy: Sequential coalition formation and the core in the presence of externalities, Games and Economic Behavior, 66, No 1. 559-565, 2009 | Fabien Lange és Michel Grabisch: Values on regular games under Kirchhoff’s laws, Mathematical Social Sciences 58:322-340, 2009 | Sylvain Beal, Subhadip Chakrabarti, Amandine Ghintran, Philippe Solal: Partial Cooperative Equilibria: Existence and Characterization, Games 1:336-358, 2010 | Fabien Lange és Michel Grabisch: The interaction transform for functions on lattices, Discrete Mathematics, 309: 4037-4048, 2009 | Bram Driesen, Andres Perea, Hans Peters: The Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution with loss aversion, Mathematical Social Sciences 61:58-64, 2011 | László Á. Kóczy: Beyond Lisbon: Demographic trends and voting power in the European Union Council of Ministers, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2011 | Amandine Ghintran: Marginalism and the Shapley value, Revue d'économie politique, in press, 2011 | Amandine Ghintran: Weighted position values, Mathematical Social Sciences, in press, 2011 | László Á. Kóczy, Martin Strobel: The Invariant Method can be Manipulated, Scientometrics, 81: 291-293, 2009 | Kóczy Á. László: Központi felvételi rendszerek. Taktikázás és stabilitás, Közgazdasági Szemle, 56: 422-442, 2009 | László Á. Kóczy, Miklós Pintér: Az ellenzék ereje: Általános súlyozott szavazási játékok, Közgazdasági Szemle 58: 543-551, 2011 | Kóczy Á. László: A magyarországi felvételi rendszerek sajátosságai, Közgazdasági Szemle, 57:142-164, 2010 | Kóczy Á. László: Measuring Voting Power: The Paradox of New Members vs. The Null Player Axiom, Studies in Computational Intelligence 243. Towards Intelligent Engineering and Information Technology, Rudas, Imre J.; Fodor, János; Kacprzyk, Janusz (Eds.), pp 67-78., 2009 | László Á. Kóczy, Martin Strobel: The World Cup of Economics Journals: A Ranking by a Tournament Method, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University, Working Paper Series 1011, 2010 | László Á. Kóczy: Voting games with endogenously infeasible coalitions, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University, Working Paper Series 1001, 2010 | László Á. Kóczy, Miklós P. Pintér: The Men who Weren't Even there: Legislative voting with absentees, Institute of Economics, HAS, Műhelytanulmányok = Discussion Papers; MT-DP 2011/29., 2011 | Amandine Ghintran, Enrique Gonzalez-Arangüena, Conrado Manuel: A probabilistic position value, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University, Working Paper Series 1006, 2010 | Dávid Csercsik, László Á. Kóczy: Externalities in the games over electrical power transmission networks, Institute of Economics, HAS, Műhelytanulmányok = Discussion Papers; MT-DP 2011/25., 2010 | Bram Driesen: Proportional concessions and the leximin solution, Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Economics Working Paper Series 1106, 2011 | László Á. Kóczy, Alexandru Nichifor, Martin Strobel: Article length bias in journal rankings, Keleti Faculty of Economics, Working Paper Series 0902, 2009 | László Á. Kóczy: Stationary consistent equilibrium coalition structures constitute the recursive core, Keleti Faculty of Economics, Working Paper Series 0905, 2009 | Fabien Lange, László Á. Kóczy: Power indices expressed in terms of minimal winning coalitions, Keleti Faculty of Economics Working Paper Series 1002, 2010 | Julien Reynaud, Fabien Lange, Lukasz Gatarek: Proximity in coalition building, Keleti Faculty of Economics Working Paper Series 0808, 2008 | László Á. Kóczy: Stategic Power Indices: Quarrelling in Coalitions, kézirat, 2009 | Fabien Lange: Random walks on set systems and games with communication graphs, Kézirat, 2009 | László Á. Kóczy, Martin Strobel: Academic Journal Assessment by Citation Tournaments, kézirat, 2008 | László Á. Kóczy: Hazánk EU-s befolyása a Lisszaboni Szerződés előtt és után, kézirat, 2010 | László Á. Kóczy: Voting power in international organisations, kézirat, 2010 | Amandine Ghintran, Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila, Philippe Solal: Egalitarian tree solutions, kézirat, 2010 | Amandine Ghintran, Subhadip Chakrabarti: Assignment of heterogeneous agents in regular hierarchies under the permission value, kézirat, 2010 | Fabien Lange: Fuzzy weighted voting games and power indices, Kézirat, 2010 | Fabien Lange: Ranking journals by non-manipulable methods, Kézirat, 2010 | Fabien Lange: Solution of a combinatorial game on a transportation network, Kézirat, 2010 | Fabien Lange: Axiomatization of the potential of cooperative games, Kézirat, 2010 | Fabien Lange: Sharing protocols based on proportionality, Kézirat, 2010 | Morgane Tanvé: Ambiguity and Abstention, kézirat, 2010 | Morgane Tanvé: Issue Convergence in the Electoral Campaigns, kézirat, 2010 | Sylvain Béal, Amandine Ghintran, Éric Rémila, Philippe Solal: The river sharing problem: a survey, kézirat, 2011 |





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