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Közleményjegyzék |
A. Gaspar, A. Kecskemeti, F.A. Gomez: The use of surface plasmon resonance to study adsorption of different types of components on poly(dimethylsiloxane), Electrophoresis, 2013, 34, 1249-1252, 2013 | A.Nagy, A.Gaspar: Packed multi-channels for parallel chromatographic separations in microchips, J.Chromatogr.A, 2013, 1304, 251-256, 2013 | A. Gaspar, F.A. Gomez: The use of surface plasmon resonance to study adsorption of different types of components on poly(dimethylsiloxane), Anal.Chim.Acta, 2013, 777, 72-77, 2013 | A.Gáspár, F.A.Gomez: Development of an ultra-low volume flow cell for surface plasmon resonance detection in a miniaturized capillary electrophoresis system, Electrophoresis, 2012, 33, 1723-1728, 2012 | M.Andrási, A.Gáspár*, O.Kovács, Z.Baranyai, E.Brücher: Determination of magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Electrophoresis, 2011, 32, 2223-2228, 2011 | M.Andrási, B.Törzsök, Á.Klekner, A.Gáspár: Determination of temozolomide in serum and brain tumor with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, J.Chromatogr.B, 2011, 879, 2229-2233, 2011 | A.Gaspar, P.Koczka, H.Carmona, F.A.Gomez: Hydrodinamic split-injection for microchip electrophoresis, Microchem. J., 2011, 99, 180-185, 2011 | A.Gaspar, A.Nagy, I.Lazar: Integration of ground aerogel particles as chromatographic stationary phase into microchip, J. Chromatogr. A., 2011, 1218, 1011-1015, 2011 | A.Gáspár, I.Bácsi: Forced flow paper chromatography: A simple tool for separations in short time, Microchem J., 2009, 92, 83-86., 2009 | A.Gáspár, I.Bácsi, E.G.Garcia, M.Braun, F.A.Gomez: Application of external micro-spectrophotometric detection to improve sensitivity on microchips, Anal.Bioanal.Chem. 395, 473-478, 2009 | A.Gaspar, M. Salgado, S.Stevens, F.A.Gomez: Microfluidic “Thin Chips” for Chemical Separations, Electrophoresis, 2010, 31, 2520-2525, 2010 | M.Andrasi, R.Bustos, A.Gaspar*, F.A.Gomez, A.Klekner: Analysis and stability study of temozolomide using capillary electrophoresis, J.Chromatogr. B, 2010, 878, 1801-1808., 2010 | Bagyi K, Marton I, Szabo J, Gaspar A, Haczku A, Klekner A.: The significance of periodontal diseases in the development of postoperative pneumonia, Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 2010, 97, 90, 2010 | A.Gaspar: Chromatographic packings in PDMS chips, 6th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, CECE-2009, 6-7 November, 2009, Pécs, 2009 | I. Tanret, Attila Gáspár, D. Mangelings, Y. Vander Heyden: Combining methacrylate-based monolithic separation potential with microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technology: A novel approach, 5th Conference by the Nordic Separation Science Society (NoSSS), August 26-29th 2009, Tallinn, Estonia, 2009 | I. Tanret, D. Mangelings, A. Gaspar, Y. Vander Heyden: Discovering the miniature world of microfluidics, 14th Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14-15 May 2009, Blankenberge, Belgium, 2009 | Attila Gáspár, Andrea Nagy, István Lázár: Integration of ground aerogel particles as chromatographic stationary phase into microchip, 6th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, CECE-2010, 14-17 October, 2010, Pécs, 2009, 2010 | Gáspár A., Andrási M.: Elektroforetikus elválasztások kapillárisban és mikrocsipben, Magy.Kém.Foly., 2011, 117, 47-50., 2011 | S. Baros, M. Karsayová, K. Jomová, A. Gáspár, M. Valko: Free radical scavenging capacity of Papaver Somniferum L. and determination of pharmacologically active alkaloids using capillary electrophoresis, J. Microbiol. Biotech. Food Sci., 2012, 1, 725-732, 2012 | A. Nagy, A. Gáspár, I. Lázár: Integration of ground aerogel particles into PDMS microchip for chromatographic separation, 11th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Graz, 2011. szeptember 18-28., 2011 | P.I. Koczka, A. Nagy, A. Gáspár: Developing microfluidic chips for electrophoretic and chromatographic separations, 46. Komplexkémiai Kollokvium, Mátrafüred, 2012. május 21-23, 2012 | A.Gaspar, F.A.Gomez: Application of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy for capillary electrophoresis and microfluidics, 12th International Conference and Summer School, CEEPUS, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, July 4-14. 2012, 2012 | P.I. Koczka, A. Gáspár: Developing a miniaturized capillary electrophoretic system for analysis of cephalosporins, 12th International Conference and Summer School, CEEPUS, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, July 4-14. 2012., 2012 | Andrea Nagy, Attila Gáspár: Designing and fabrication of microchips with multicapillary systems, 12th International Conference and Summer School, CEEPUS, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, July 4-14. 2012., 2012 | Á. Kecskeméti, J. Bakó, I. Csarnovics, I. Szabó, A. Gáspár: Study of adsorption effects on poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces, 12th International Conference and Summer School, CEEPUS, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, July 4-14. 2012., 2012 | Otilia Kovács, Melinda Andrási, Zsolt Baranyai, Álmos Klekner, Ernő Brücher, Attila Gáspár: Determination of gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, 2th International Conference and Summer School, CEEPUS, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, July 4-14. 2012., 2012 | Koczka, I.P., Gaspar, A.: Application of a capillary-assembled microfluidic system for separation of cephalosporins, Electrophoresis, közlésre beküldve (elps.201300598.), 2013 | Gomez, F.A., Gaspar A., Alvarado, J., Ortega, M., Wu, A., Rampasan, K.: Development of microfluidic-based platforms for diversified analysis of chemical species, 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, USA, 2012.03.25-2012.03.29. American Chemical Society, Paper ANYL-2, 2012 | A. Nagy, E.Baranyai, A. Gaspar: Interfacing microfluidic chip based chromatography with flame atomic spectrometry for determination of chromium (VI), J.Anal.At.Spectrom. közlésre beküldve (manuscript ID: JA-ART-11-2013-050373), 2013 | Kecskeméti A.: Tripszin immobilizálása polidimetilsziloxánból készült mikrofluidikai csipekben peptidtérkép vizsgálatokhoz, az adszorpciós hatások vizsgálata, XIII. Eötvös Konferencia, Budapest, 2012. május 4-6, 9.o., 2012 | M.Andrasi, B.Torzsok, A.Klekner, A.Gaspar: Determination of temozolomide in serum and brain tumor with micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, 10th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, Pecs, 2013, Abstract book, p. 68, 2013 | A. Nagy, A.Gaspar: Fabrication of microchips with multichannel systems, 10th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, Pécs, 2013, Abstract book, p. 67, 2013 | A.Nagy, A. Gaspar: Designing and preparation of multiple chromatographic packings in microchip, 10th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, Pecs, 2013, Abstract book, p. 59, 2013 | Nagy A., Gáspár A.: Többcsatornás mikrofluidikai rendszerek fejlesztése kromatográfiás alkalmazásokhoz, XXXVI. Kémiai előadói Napok, Szeged, 2013. október 28-30., 39-40.o., 2013 | Metzinger A., Nagy A., Gáspár A., Márton Zs., Galbács G: PDMS elasztomer lézer ablációs viselkedésének vizsgálata, XXXVI. Kémiai előadói Napok, Szeged, 2013. október 28-30., 79.o., 2013 | Metzinger A., Palicskó K., Nagy A., Gáspár A., Galbács G.: Poli(dimetil-sziloxán) anyagú mikrofluidikai eszközök optikai és lézer ablációs jellemzőinek vizsgálata, 56. Magyar Spektrokémiai Vándorgyűlés, Veszprém, 2013 július 1-3., P-15., 2013 | A. Nagy, A. Gáspár: Designing and fabrication of microchips with multicapillary systems, Lab-on-a-Chip European Congress, Barcelona, 2013. március 5-6. P-111., 2013 | A. Nagy, A. Gáspár: Fabrication of microchips with multichannel systems, 13th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Debrecen, 2013. június, 2013 | A.Kecskemeti, A.Gaspar: Immobilization of trypsin for online protein digestion, peptide mapping, 13th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Debrecen, 2013. június 27. -július 7., p. 53, 2013 | A. Nagy, A. Gaspar: Designing and fabrication of microchips with multicapillary systems, 13th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Debrecen, 2013. június 27. -július 7., p.75, 2013 | M.Andrasi, B.Torzsok, A.Klekner, A.Gaspar: Determination of Temozolomide in Serum and Brain Tumor with Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography, 13th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, Debrecen, 2013. június 27. -július 7., p. 68, 2013 | A. Gaspar, S. Baghdachi, M. Goldberg, S. Stevens, J. Torres, F.A.Gomez: Fritless Chromatographic Microfluidic-Based Columns for Chemical Separations, American Laboratory, 2008, 40, 13-16, 2008 | K.Bágyi, A.Haczku, I.Márton, J.Szabó, A.Gáspár, M.Andrási, I.Varga, J.Tóth, A.Klekner: Role of pathogenic oral flora in postoperative pneumonia following brain surgery: effects of preoperative cefazolin treatment, BMC Infectious Diseases, 2009, 9, 104, 2009 | A.Gáspár, I.Bácsi, F.Gomez: Analitikai elválasztások mikrocsipen, Elválasztástudományi Vándorgyűlés, Sárvár, 2008 november 5-7, Előadáskivonatok. 46.o, 2009 | Koczka, P.I., Gaspar, A.: Application of Split-flow Injection in PDMS Microfluidic Chips, 9th Balaton Symposium, 2013, September 4-6, Siófok, P-36, 2013 |




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