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Pap JS, Matuz A, Baráth G, Kripli B, Giorgi M, Speier G: Bio-inspired flavonol and quinolone dioxygenation by a non-heme iron catalyst modeling the action of flavonol and 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone 2,4-dioxygenases, J. Inorg. Biochem. 108, 15-21, 2012 | Pap JS, Bányai V, Szilvási DS, Kaizer J, Speier G, Giorgi M: Influence of meridional N3-ligands on supramolecular assembling and redox behavior of carboxylatocopper(II) complexes, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2011 | Long AKM, Timmer GH, Pap JS, Snyder JL, Yu RP, Berry JF: Aryl C-H Amination by Diruthenium Nitrides in the Solid State and in Solution at Room Temperature: Experimental and Computational Study of the Reaction Mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 13138-13150, 2011 | Pap JS, Kripli B, Bányai V, Giorgi M, Korecz L, Gajda T, Árus D, Kaizer J, Speier G: Tetra-, penta- and hexacoordinate copper(II) complexes with N3 donor isoindoline-based ligands: Characterization and SOD-like activity, Inorg. Chim. Acta 376, 158-169, 2011 | Pap JS, Kripli B, Váradi T, Giorgi M, Kaizer J, Speier G: Comparison of the SOD-like Activity of Hexacoordinate Mn(II), Fe(II) and Ni(II) Complexes Having Isoindoline-Based Ligands, J. Inorg. Biochem. 105, 911-918, 2011 | Pap JS, Kripli B, Giorgi M, Kaizer J, Speier G: Redox properties of cobalt(II) complexes with isoindoline-based ligands, Transit. Metal Chem. 36, 481-487, 2011 | Baráth G, Rácz G, Speier G, Pap JS, Kaizer J, Giorgi M: Crystal structure of [3-(N-methyl-2-pyridyl-N-hydroxymethyl-2-pyridyl)-aminopropionic acid-4N,N',N'',O] (flavonolato-2O,O')cobalt(III) chloride — water (1:2), [Co(C15H17N3O3)(C15H9O3)]Cl•2H2O, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 226, 414-416, 2011 | Pap JS, Szywrial L, Rowinska-Zyrek, Nikitin K, Fritsky IO, Kozlowski H: An efficientcopper(III)catalyst in the four electron reduction of molecular oxygen by L-ascorbic acid, J. Mol. Catal. A - Chem. 334, 77-82, 2011 | Pap JS, Horváth B, Kaizer J, Speier G: Synthesis and catalase-like activity of dimanganese complexes with phthalazine-based ligands, Transit. Metal Chem. 36, 603-609, 2011 | Kripli B, Baráth G, Balogh-Hergovich É, Giorgi M, Simaan AJ, Párkányi L, Pap JS, Kaizer J, Speier G: Correlation between the SOD-like activity of hexacoordinate iron(II) complexes and their Fe3+/Fe2+ redox potentials, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 14, 205-209, 2011 | Kaizer J, Pap JS, Speier G: Copper Dioxygenases, Copper-Oxygen Chemistry, Editors: Kenneth D. Karlin, Shinobu Itoh, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2011, chapter 2, p. 23-52, 2011 | Kaizer J, Pap JS, Speier G: Iron and Manganese-Containing Flavonol 2,4-Dioxygenase Mimics, On Biomimetics, Editor: L. D. Pramatarova, InTech (2011), p. 30-42, 2011 | J. S. Pap, J. Kaizer, G. Speier: Model systems for the CO-releasing flavonol 2,4-dioxygenase enzyme, Coord. Chem. Rev. 254, 781-793, 2010 | Baráth G, Kaizer J, Pap JS, Speier G, El Bakkali-Taheri N, Simaan AJ: Bio-inspired amino acid oxidation by a non-heme iron catalyst modeling the action of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-cyrboxylic acid oxidase, Chem. Commun. 46, 7391-7393, 2010 | J. S. Pap, J. Kaizer, G. Speier, M. Giorgi: Molecular and electronic structure of a trinuclear oxo-centred Iron(III) complex with trigonal bipyramidal metal sites, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 13, 1069-1073, 2010 | Bányai V.; Pap J. S.; Kaizer J.; Speier G.: Fenilglioxiláto-réz(II) komplexek előállítása és vizsgálata, XLV. Komplexkémiai Kollokvium, Mátraháza, 2010. május 26-28. Előadáskivonatok 3. o., 2010 | Pap J. S.; Kaizer J.; Michel G.; Speier G.: Egy mü3-oxotrivas(III) komplex jellemzése, XLV. Komplexkémiai Kollokvium, Mátraháza, 2010. május 26-28. Előadáskivonatok 2. o., 2010 | Váradi T.; Pap J. S.; Kaizer J.; Speier G.: Mangán-tartalmú szuperoxid dizmutáz utánzó komplexek előállítása és aktivitásának vizsgálata, XLV. Komplexkémiai Kollokvium, Mátraháza, 2010. május 26-28. Előadáskivonatok 24. o., 2010 | G. Baráth, Pap, J. S.; Kaizer, J.; Simaan, A. J.; Speier, G.: Studies on functional 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase, 10th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, 22-26 June 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece Abstracts p. 312, 2010 | Bányai, V.; Pap, J. S.; Kaizer, J.; Speier, G.; Giorgi, M.; Párkányi, L.: Isoindoline Complexes of Copper as Models for a-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Enzymes, 10th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, 22-26 June 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece Abstracts p. 435, 2010 | Pap J S; Snyder JL; Piccoli PMB; Berry JF: Chloro and Azido Diruthenium Complexes Bearing Electron-Rich N,N’,N’’-Triphenylguanidinate Ligands, Inorg. Chem., 48, 9846-9852, 2009 | Kaizer J; Pap JS; Speier G: Metalloenzimek modellezése, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, MKL. LXIV, 258-261, 2009 | Pap J S: Versatility in a „Simple” Redox-Active System: Solution Behaviour of Square Planar [PtII(tbpy)(dithiolate.)]+ Radicals, COST ACTION CM0603 „Free Radicals in Chemical Biology” WG Meeting, May 23-25, Balatonalmádi, Hungary Abstracts P18, 2009 | Pap JS; DeBeer George S; Berry JF: Fém-fém kötésü diruténium-vegyületek: delokalizáció egy fém-fém-ligandum többszörös kötésrendszerben, XLIV. Komplexkémiai Kollokvium, Siófok, május 27-29. Előadáskivonatok 7.o., 2009 | Pap JS; Kripli B; Kaizer J; Speier G: Iron, manganese and copper chelating properties of novel 3N-donor ligands, ICABC10, 10th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry, Sept. 25-28, Debrecen, Hungary Book of Abstracts P23, 2009 | Kaizer J; Pap JS; Speier G: 3-Hidroxiflavonok oxidációja, oxigénezése, MTA Flavonolkémiai Munkabizottság Tudományos Előadóülése, dec. 7., MTA, KKKI, Budapest, Hungary, 2009 |




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