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Közleményjegyzék |
Nagy A; Rónyai L: Finite Semigroups whose semigroup algebra over a field has a trivial right annihilator, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 9 (2014) 25-36, 2014 | Nagy A: Weakly separative weakly commutative semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 2014 Online (DOI: 10.1007/s00233-014-9581-4), 2014 | Erdős P; Kiss S; Miklós P; Soukup L: Constructing, sampling and counting graphical realizations of restricted degree sequences, Benyújtva Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2014 | Kornai A: Recski G; Zseder A: Structure learning in weighted languages, Proc. 13th Mathematics of Languages Workshop 2013,72-82 (eds Kornai A; Kuhlmann M), 2013 | Kornai A: Euclidean Automata, Mark Waser(ed) Implementing Selves with Safe Motivational Systems and Self-Improvement. Proc. AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-14-03, 2014,AAAI Press 25-30., 2014 | Bodulin-Nadzejeva P; Farkas B; Plebanek G: Representations of ideals in Polish groups and in Banach spaces, J. of Symbolic Logic benyújtva, 2014 | Farkas B: Representations of ideals in Banach spaces (előadás), 4th European Set Theory Conference 15-18 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain, 2013 | Farkas B: Almost disjoint refinements (előadás), Winter School in Abstract Analysis, section Set Theory, 25 Jan- 1 Feb. 2014, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 2014 | Farkas B: Almost disjoint refinements (előadás), INFTY Final Conference 4-7 March 2014 Bonn, Germany, 2014 | Decker T; Hoyer P; Ivanyos G; Santha M: Polynomial time quantum algorithms for certain bivariate hidden polynomial problems, Quantum Information and Computation to appear, 2014 | Borodulin-Nadzieja P; Farkas B: Cardinal coefficients associated to certain orders on ideals, 51 1-2 (2012) Archive Math. Logic 187-202, 2012 | Dumnicki M; Harbourne B; Küronya A; Roé J; Szemberg T: Very general monomial valuations on P^2 and a Nagata-type conjecture, Oberwolfach Preprints 2013-22, ISSN 1864-7596, 2013 | Greb D; Küronya A: Partial positivity: geometry and cohomology of q-ample line bundles, arXiv:1307.5568 elfogadva a London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, 2013 | Küronya A: Functions on Newton-Okounkov bodies (előadás), Universitá di Milano, Geometry Seminar, 2013 | Hegedűs G., Schicho J., Schracker H.: Factorization of Rational Curves in the Study Quadric and Revolute Linkages, beadva, Mech. Machine Theory, 2012 | Küronya A: Newton-Okounkov bodies on surfaces (előadás), LMU München, Oberseminar Zahlentheorie, 2013 | Küronya A: Newton-Okounkov bodies, vanishing sequences, and diophantine approximation (előadás), Albert Ludwigs Universit"at Freiburg, Oberseminar Algebra, 2013 | Küronya A: Finite generation and geography of models I- II. (előadás), Alfréd Rényi Institute Budapest, Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology Seminar, 2013 | Küronya A: Finite generation and geography models (előadás), Paris VI and VII Jussieu, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, 2013 | Küronya A: Finite generation and geography models (előadás), Princeton University, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, 2013 | Ivanyos G; Karpinski M; Qiao Y; Santha M: Generalized Wong sequences and their applications to Edmonds' problems, Proc. STACS'14 (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics Vol 25), 397-408., 2014 | Decker T; Ivanyos G; Santha M; Wocjan P: Hidden symmetry subgroup problems, SIAM Journal of Computing 42:5 (2013) 1987-2007, 2013 | Friedl K, Ivanyos G; Magniez F; Santha M; Sen P: Hidden translation and translating coset in quantum computing, SIAM Journal of Computing 43:1 (2014) 1-24, 2014 | Decker T; Hoyer P; Ivanyos G; Santha M: Polynomial time quantum algorothms for certain bivariate hidden polynomial problems, Quantum Information and Computation, to appear., 2014 | Ivanyos G: Hidden subgroup problems in quantum-resistant cryptography?(előadás), Dagstuhl Seminar 13371 (Quatum Cryptanalysis) September 8-13 2013 Schloss Dagstuhl Germany, 2013 | Tapolcai J; Ho Pin-Han; Babarczi P; Rónyai L: Failure Restoration via Monitoring Trails, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Symposium, Turin, Italy 2013., 2013 | Tapolcai J; Rónyai L, Ho Pin-Ha: Link Fault Localization using bB-directional M-Trails in All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (2013) 291-300., 2013 | Bozóki S; Lee T-L; Rónyai L: Seven mutually touching infinite cylinders 13 pages, submitted to Computational Geometry, 2014 | Daróczy B; Benczúr; Rónyai L: Fisher kernels for image descriptors: a theoretical overview and experimental results, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comp. 40 (2013) 201-214., 2013 | Küronya A; Szemberg T; Maclean C: Functions on Okounkov bodies coming from geometric valuations, arXiv:1210.3523, 2012 | Kaloghiros A-S; Küronya A; Lazic V: Finite geometries and geography models, Minimal Models in Exremal Rays, Advanced Studies in Pure Matheamtics, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, elfogadva, 2013 | Küronya A: Finite generation of geography models (meghívott előadás), MTA RAMKI Algebrai geometria és differenciáltopológia szeminárium, 2013 | Küronya A.: Okounkov bodies and rationality of volumes of line bundles (meghívott előadás), Summer Workshop in Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, LMU München, 2012 | Küronya A: Okounkov bodies and rationality of volumes of finitely generated vector bundles (meghívott előadás), Linear Series on Surfaces Workshop, JGU Mainz, 2012 | Felszeghy B; Hegedűs G; Rónyai L: Algebraic properties of modulo q complete l-wide families, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18, 309-333., 2009 | Bozóki S;, Fülöp J; Rónyai L: Incomplete Pairwise Comparison Matrices in Multi-Attribute Decision Making, In: Proceedings of THE IEEE Intenational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2256-2260, 2009 | Felszeghy B; Rónyai L: Some meeting points of Gröbner bases and combinatorics, In: Algorithmic Algebraic Combinatorics and Gröbner bases (M. Klin, G. A. Jones, A. Jurisic, M. Muzychuk, I. Ponomarenko editors), Springer, pp. 207-227., 2009 | Deák Attila, Nagy Attila: Finite permutable Putcha semigroups, Acta Sci Math. (Szeged), 76, 397-410., 2010 | Küronya Alex; Lozovanu Victor; Maclean Catriona: Convex bodies appearing as Okounkov bodies of divisors, arXiv: 1008.4431, 2010 | Ivanyos G;, Karpinski M; and Saxena N;: Schemes for deterministic polynomial factoring, Proc. 2009 Int. Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC '09), pp 191-198., 2009 | Ivanyos G; Karpinski M; Saxena N;: Deterministic polynomial time algorithms for matrix completion problems, SIAM Journal of Computing 39:8 (2010) 3736-3751., 2010 | Corrádi K, Hermann P, Héthelyi L, Horváth E: Miscellaneous results on supersolvable groups, In: Campbell C, Robertson E F (szerk.) Groups'09 St Andrews - Bath. LMS Lecture Note Series 388.: Cambridge University Press (2011) 198-212., 2011 | Green D.J; Héthelyi L; Mazza N.: On a strong form of Oliver's p-group conjecture, arXiv.org > math > arXiv:1003.1904 J. Algebra 342 (2011) 1-15., 2011 | Tapolcai J; Wu B; Ho PH; Rónyai L: A novel approach for failure localization in all-optical mesh networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19 (2011), 275-285., 2011 | Tapolcai J., Ho P-H;, Rónyai L: Optimal solutions for single fault localization in two-dimensional lattice networks, Proc. IEEE INCOFOM mini-Symposium, San Diego,CA, USA 2010, 2010 | Bozóki S; Fülöp J.; Rónyai L.: An optimal completion of incomplete pairwise comparison matrices, Math. Comput. Modellling 52 (2010), no. 1-2, 318-333., 2010 | Rónyai L; Mészáros T: Some combinatorial properties of Gröbner bases, in: Algebraic Informatics (Franz Winkler ed.) 4th International Conference, CAI 2011, Linz, Proceedings, Springer LNCS 6742, Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 65-83., 2011 | Kós G; Mészáros T; Rónyai L: Some extensions of Alon's Nullstellensatz, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79 (2011) 507-519., 2011 | Hegedüs G; Kasprzyk M: Roots of Ehrhart Polynomials of Smooth Fano Polytopes, Disc. Comput. Geom. 46 (2011) 488-499, 2011 | Ivanyos G.: Modules and maximum rank matrix completion problems (előadás), Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, Complexity( 60th Birthday of Laci Babai), Columbus, Ohio USA 21-25 March 2010, 2010 | Bauer Th; Bocci C; Cooper S, Di Rocco S; Harbourne B; Jabbush K; Küronya A; Knutsen AL; Miranda R; Schenk H; Szemberg T; Teitler Y: Recent developments and open problems in the theory of linear series, arXiv:1101.4363 "Contributions in Algebraic Geometry" 93--140, IMPANGA Lecture Notes (Piotr Pragacz, ed) EMS Series Congress Reports, edited by the EMS Publishing House, 2012 | Küronya A, Lozovanu V; Maclean C: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors, Oberwolfach Report No 45/2010, 2010 | Küronya A; Lozovanu V; Maclean C: Volume functions of linear series, arXiv: 1008.3986 and Mathematische Annalen 356 2 (2013) 635-652. doi: 10.1007/s00208-012-0859-0, 2013 | Küronya A: Okounkov bodies in low dimensions, Oberwolfach Report No 21, 2009 | Nagy Attila: On the Separator of Subsets of Semigroups, Semigroup Forum 83 (2011) 2 289-303., 2011 | Nagy, Attila: On special types of Putcha semigroups whose subgroups belong to a given variety of groups, International Journal of Algebra 5 (2011) 16 763-770., 2011 | Nagy Attila: Notes on a problems on weakly exponential delta-semigroups, International Journal of Algebra 7 (2013) 901-907, 2013 | Farkas Barnabás, Piotr Borodulin--Nadzieja: Cardinal coefficients associated to certain orders on ideals, Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 1-2 (2012) 187-202., 2012 | Farkas Barnabás: Hechler's theorem for tall analytic P-ideals, J. Symbolic Logic 76/2 (2011) 729-766, 2011 | Hegedüs G: Linear equations for the number of intervals which are isomorphic with Boolean lattices and the Dehn-Sommerville equations, Comm. in Algebra 39 11 (2011) 4070-4083, 2011 | Héthelyi L; Külshammer B: Characters and conjugacy classes and centrally large subgroups of p-groups of small rank, Journal of Algebra 340 1 (2011) 199-210., 2011 | Héthelyi L., Külshammer B., Sambale B.: Conjugacy classes and characters of finite p-groups, Communications in Algebra 39 (2011) 657-685., 2011 | Héthelyi L: Külshammer B; Sambale B.: A note on Olsson's conjecture, Journal of Algebra 398 (2014) 364-385, 2014 | Balcerzak M; Farkas B; Glab Szymon: Covering properties of ideals, Arch. Math. Logic 52 3-4 (2013) 279-294, 2013 | Kaloghiros A-S; Küronya A; Lazic, V.: Finite generation and geography models, Preprint arXiv:1202.1164v2 "Minimal models and extremal rays" Advanced Studies in Pure Math. Mathematical Soc. Japan, Tokyo elfogadva, 2012 | Bauer, Th., Harbourne B., Küronya A., Knutsen A.L., Müller-Stach S., Roulleau X., Szemberg T.: Negative curves on algebraic surfaces, arXiv:1109.1881v1 and Duke Mathematical Journal 162 10 (2013) 1877-1894 doi:10.1215/00127094-2335368, 2013 | Tapolcai J., Ho P.H. , Rónyai L. , Babarczi P., Wu B.: Failure localization for shared risk link groups in all-optical mesh networks using monitoring trails, Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (2011) 1597-1606., 2011 | Rónyai L.: Splitting full matrix algebras over algebraic number fields, Oberwolfach Reports, 37-2011, 2011 | Lelkes Á.: Kis nullosztók Mn(Q) nagy gyűrűiben, http://www.math.bme.hu-lelkesa-tdk.html, TDK dolgozat, témavezető Rónyai Lajos, 2011 | Kornai A.: Probabilistic grammars and languages, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2011) 317-328., 2011 | Babcsányi István: Algebrai automataelmélet (online jegyzet), http://www.tankonyvtart.ttk.bme.hu/pdf/18.pdf (ISBN: 978-963-279-461-7)375 old, 2011 | Ivanyos G; Lelkes Á; Rónyai L: Improved algorithms for splitting full matrix algebras, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications Vol 28 No 2 (2013) 141-156, 2013 | Mészáros T; Rónyai L: Shattering-extremal set systems of small VC-dimension, ISRN Combinatorics Vol 2013, Article ID 126214, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2013/126214, 2012 | Tapolcai J; Ho P-H; Babarczi P; Rónyai L: On Signaling-Free Failure Dependent Restoration in All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking 99 (2013) 1-14, 2013 | Ho P-H; Tapolcai J; Rónyai L: Is All-Optical Restoration Possible? (előadás), 9th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Networks (DRCN '13) Budapest, 2013. 03.4--7., 2013 | Borodulin--Nadzieja P; Plebanek G; Farkas B: Representations of ideals in Polish groups and in Banach spaces (előadás), Winter School in Abstract Analysis, section Set Theory 25.01.-01.02. 2013, 2013 | Anderson D; Küronya A; Lozovanu V: Okounkov bodies of finitely generated divisors, International Mathematics Research Notices doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns286, 2013 | Küronya A: Positivity of restrictions on subvarieties and vanishing of higher cohomolgy, Annales de l'Institute Fourier 63 and arXiv: 1012.1102, 2013 | Kiss S: Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: Sets with almost coinciding representation functions, Bulletin of the Australian Math. Soc. 89 (2014) 97-111, 2014 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: On Sidon sets which are asymptotic basis of order 4, Benyújtva Acta Arithmetica, 2013 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: On additive complement of a finite set, Journal of Number Theory 136 (2014) 195-203, 2014 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: Groups, partitions and representation functions, benyújtva Publ. Math., 2014 | Kiss S; Miklós I; Tannier E: On sampling SCJ scenarios rearrangement scenarios, Benyújtva Theoretical Comp. Sci., 2014 | Nagy A: Left reductive congruences on semigroups, Semigroup Forum 87 (2013) 129-148 DOI 10.1007/200233-012-9428-9, 2013 | Ivanyos G; Klauck H; Lee T; Santha M; de Wolf R: New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties, IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Sicence, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Vol 18 148-157, 2012 | Héthelyi L; Horváth E; Petényi F: The depth of subgroups of Sz(q), arxiv.org/abs/1404.1523, 2014 | Küronya A; Maclean C; Szemberg T (with an appendix by Bouksom S): Functions on Okounkov bodies coming from geometric valuations, arXiv:1210.3523v2, 2012 | Küronya A; Maclean C: Zariski decompositions of b-divisors, Mathematische Zeischrift doi:10.1007/s00209-012-1, 2013 | Küronya A: Multilinear and homological algebra with applications (in Hungarian), Electronic Lecture Notes http://www.math.bme.hu/~kalex, 2013 | Dumnicki M; Küronya A; Maclean C; Szemberg T: Seshadri constants via Okounkov functions and the Segre-Harbourne-Gimigliano-Hirschowitz conjecture, ArXiv:1304.0249, 2013 | Bouksom S; Küronya A; Maclean C; Szemberg T: Vanishing sequences and Okounkov bodies, arXiv:1306.2181, 2013 | Küronya A; Pintye N: Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and log-canonical thresholds, arXiv:1312.7778, 2013 | Héthelyi L., Külshammer B., Sambale B.: Conjugacy classes and characters of finite p-groups, Communications in Algebra 39 (2011) 657-685., 2011 | Héthelyi L., Külshammer B., Sambale B.: A note on Olsson's conjecture, Journal of Algebra elfogadva, 2012 | Héthelyi L., Horváth E.: Maschke's theorem for small p-groups, Kézirat, 2012 | Balcerzak M., Farkas B., Glab Szymon: Covering properties of ideals, Arch. Math. Logic elfogadva online megjelent 2012 December, 2012 | Farkas B.: Idealized MAD families (poszter), Third European Set Theory Conference 3-8 July 2011 Edinburgh UK, 2011 | Kaloghiros A-S., Küronya A., Lazic, V.: Finite generation and geography models, Preprint arXiv:1202.1164v2 "Minimal models and extremal rays" Advanced Studies in Pure Math. Mathematical Soc. Japan, Tokyo elfogadva, 2012 | Bauer, Th., Harbourne B., Küronya A., Knutsen A.L., Müller-Stach S., Roulleau X., Szemberg T.: Negative curves on algebraic surfaces, Preprint arXiv:1109.1881v1 Duke Mathematical Journal-ban elfogadva, 2012 | Hegedüs G., Kaspryzk A.M.: The boundary volume of a lattice polytope (poszter), Toric geometry and applications conference, Leuven Belgium, 2012 | Hegedűs G., Schicho J., Schracker H.: Factorization of Rational Curves in the Study Quadric and Revolute Linkages, beadva, Mech. Machine Theory, 2012 | Hegedüs G.,: The Minkowskian planar 4R mechanism (előadás), Conference on Geometry Theory and Applications, 2012 | Janowitz-Frenreich I., Mourrain B., Rónyai L., Szántó Á.: On the computation of matrices of traces and radicals of ideals, Journall of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012) 102--122., 2012 | Tapolcai J., Ho P.H. , Rónyai L. , Babarczi P., Wu B.: Failure localization for shared risk link groups in all-optical mesh networks using monitoring trails, Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (2011) 1597-1606., 2011 | Janowitz-Frenreich I., Mourrain B., Rónyai L., Szántó Á.: On the computation of matrices of traces and radicals of ideals, Journall of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012) 102--122., 2012 | Ivanyos G. Rónyai L., Schicho, J.: Splitting full matrix algebras over algebraic number fields, Journal of Algebra 354 (2012) 211-223. arXiv:1106.6191, 2012 | Rónyai L.: Splitting full matrix algebras over algebraic number fields, Oberwolfach Reports, 37-2011, 2011 | Lelkes Á.: Kis nullosztók Mn(Q) nagy gyűrűiben, http://www.math.bme.hu-lelkesa-tdk.html, TDK dolgozat, témavezető Rónyai Lajos, 2011 | Sumi R, Yasseri T, Rung A, Kornai A, Kertész J.: Edit wars in Wikipedia, IEEE Third International Conference on Social Computing 9-11 Oct. 2011, Boston MA, USA, 724-727, 2011 | Kornai A.: Probabilistic grammars and languages, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2011) 317-328., 2011 | Babcsányi István: Algebrai automataelmélet (online jegyzet), http://www.tankonyvtart.ttk.bme.hu/pdf/18.pdf, 2011 | Babcsányi István, Nagy Attila: Right disjunctive semigroups, Kézirat, 2012 | Tapolcai J; Ho P-H; Wu B; Rónyai L: Network-wide local unambigous failure localization (NWL-UFL) via monitoring trails, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Neworking, 20 (2012) 1762--1773., 2012 | Hosszú É; Tapolcai J; Babarczi P; Soproni P; Ho P-H; Rónyai L: Fast failure Localization in all-optical networks with length-constrained monitoring trails, Proceedings of the Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012, pp. 677--683, 2012 | Ivanyos G; Lelkes Á; Rónyai L: Improved algorithms for splitting full matrix algebras, Kézirat, 2012 | Mészáros T; Rónyai L: Shattering-extremal set systems of small VC-dimension, Kézirat, 2012 | Tapolcai J; Ho P-H; Babarczi P; Rónyai L: On Signaling-Free Failure Dependent Restoration in All-Optical Mesh Networks, Kézirat, 2012 | Daróczy B; Benczúr A; Rónyai L: Fisher kernels for image descriptors: a theoretical overview and experimental results, Kézirat, 2012 | Ho P-H; Tapolcai J; Rónyai L: Is All-Optical Restoration Possible?, 9th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Networks (DRCN '13) Budapest, 2013. 03.4--7. előadás, 2013 | Farkas B: Idealized MAD families, Kézirat, 2012 | Borodulin--Nadzieja P; Plebanek G; Farkas B: Representations of ideals in Polish groups and in Banach spaces, Winter School in Abstract Analysis, section Set Theory 25.01.-01.02. 2013 előadás, 2013 | Andreson D; Küronya A; Lozovanu V: Okounkov bodies of finitely generated divisors, International Mathematics Research Notices elfogadva, 2012 | Küronya A: Positivity of restrictions on subvarieties and vanishing of higher cohomolgy, Annales de l'Institute Fourier elfogadva, 2012 | Kiss S: Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: Sets with almost coinciding representation functions, Bulletin of the Australian Math. Soc. elfogadva, 2013 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: On Sidon sets which are asymptotic basis of order 4, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: On additive complement of a finite set, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S; Rozgonyi E; Sándor Cs: Groups, partitions and representation functions, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S: On generalized Sidon sets which are asymptotic basis, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S; Miklós I; Tannier E: On sampling SCJ scenarios rearrangement scenarios, Kézirat, 2012 | Erdős P; Kiss S; Miklós I; Soukup L: Constructing, sampling and counting graphical realizations of restricted degree sequence, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S ; Miklós I: Counting most Parsimonious SCJ scenarios is #P-complete, Kézirat, 2012 | Kiss S; Tapolcai J; Rónyai L: One Dimension Combinatorial Group Testing of Intervals, Kézirat, 2013 | Nagy A: Left reductive congruences on semigroups, Semigroup Forum 2012 DOI 10.1007/200233-012-9428-9, 2012 | Nagy A: On faithful representations of finite semigroups A of degree |S| over the field, International Journal of Algebra 7 3 (2013) 115--129, 2013 | Babcsányi I; Nagy A: Right disjunctive semigroups, Preprint, 2013 | Ivanyos G: Finding hidden Borel subgroups of the general linear group, Quantum Information & Computation 12 (2012) 0661--0669, 2012 | Ivanyos G; Klauck H; Lee T; Santha M; de Wolf R: New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties, IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Sicence (FSTTCS 2012) Leibniz INternational Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Vol, 2012 | Héthelyi L; Horváth E; Petényi F: The depth of subgroups of Sz(q), Kézirat, 2013 | Küronya Alex: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors (előadás), Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2011 | Küronya Alex: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors (előadás), Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Utah, 2011 | Küronya Alex: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors (előadás), Kolloquium, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2011 | Küronya Alex: Arithmetic properties of volumes of divisors (előadás), Oberseminar Algebra, algebraische Geometrie und Zahlentheorie, Freiburg, 2010 | Farkas Barnabás, Piotr Borodulin--Nadzieja: Cardinal coefficients associated to certain orders on ideals, Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 1-2 (2012) 187-202., 2012 | Farkas Barnabás: Hechler's theorem for tall analytic P-ideals, J. Symbolic Logic, to appear, 2011 | Hegedüs G: Linear equations for the number of intervals which are isomorphic with Boolean lattices and the Dehn-Sommerville equations, Comm. in Algebra 39 11 (2011) 4070-4083, 2011 | Héthelyi L; Külshammer B: Characters and conjugacy classes and centrally large subgroups of p-groups of small rank, Journal of Algebra 340 1 (2011) 199-210., 2011 | Deák Attila, Nagy Attila: Finite permutable Putcha semigroups, Acta Sci Math. (Szeged), 76, 397-410., 2010 | Küronya A: Multiplier ideals in algebraic/analytic geometry (előadás), Geometry Seminar, University of Ljubljana, 2009 | Küronya Alex: Okounkov bodies on low-dimensional varieties (előadás), Workshop on Multipliear Ideals in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, Oberwolfach, 2009 | Küronya Alex: Positivity and asymptotic cohomology (előadás), Algebraic Geometry seminar, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 2009 | Küronya Alex: Volumes of Okounkov bodies on varieties (előadás), Algebra Seminar University of Washington, Seattle, 2009 | Küronya Alex: Okounkov bodies on low-dimensional varieties (előadás), Bellingham Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Western Washington University, 2009 | Küronya Alex; Lozovanu Victor; Maclean Catriona: Convex bodies appearing as Okounkov bodies of divisors, arXiv: 1008.4431, 2010 | Rózsa Pál, Tassi Géza, Szabó Bertalan: Matrix analytical method for examination of forces in steel-concrete composite girders, A BME Építőmérnöki Kar Hidak és Szerkezetek Tanszéke Tudományos Közleményei, Budapest, 131-140., 2009 | Ivanyos G;, Karpinski M; and Saxena N;: Schemes for deterministic polynomial factoring, Proc. 2009 Int. Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC '09), pp 191-198., 2009 | Ivanyos G; Karpinski M; Saxena N;: Deterministic polynomial time algorithms for matrix completion problems, SIAM Journal of Computing 39:8 (2010) 3736-3751., 2010 | Corrádi K, Hermann P, Héthelyi L, Horváth E: Miscellaneous results on supersolvable groups, In: Campbell C, Robertson E F (szerk.) Groups'09 St Andrews - Bath. LMS Lecture Note Series 388.: Cambridge University Press (2011) 198-212., 2011 | Green D.J; Héthelyi L; Mazza N.: On a strong form of Oliver's p-group conjecture, arXiv.org > math > arXiv:1003.1904 J. Algebra 342 (2011) 1-15., 2011 | Héthelyi L; Horváth E: Investigations of real conjugacy classes (poszter), Isaacs Conference, Valencia University, 2009 | Héthelyi L; Horváth E: Real characters in blocks (előadás), Darstellungstheroietage, Jena, University, 2009 | Tapolcai J; Wu B; Ho PH; Rónyai L: A novel approach for failure localization in all-optical mesh networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19 (2011), 275-285., 2011 | Tapolcai J., Ho P-H;, Rónyai L: Optimal solutions for single fault localization in two-dimensional lattice networks, Proc. IEEE INCOFOM mini-Symposium, San Diego,CA, USA 2010, 2010 | Bozóki S; Fülöp J.; Rónyai L.: An optimal completion of incomplete pairwise comparison matrices, Math. Comput. Modellling 52 (2010), no. 1-2, 318-333., 2010 | Rónyai L; Mészáros T: Some combinatorial properties of Gröbner bases, in: Algebraic Informatics (Franz Winkler ed.) 4th International Conference, CAI 2011, Linz, Proceedings, Springer LNCS 6742, Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 65-83., 2011 | Kós G; Rónyai L: Alon's Nullstellensatz for multisets, arXiv:1008.2901, Combinatorica , 32 (2012), 589--605., 2012 | Hegedűs G; Rónyai L: Multivalued generalizations of the Frankl-Pach theorem, arXiv:1008.4660 J. Algebra and its Applications, 11 1 (2012) 125004-1--125004-16, 2012 | Kós G; Mészáros T; Rónyai L: Some extensions of Alon's Nullstellensatz, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79 (2011) 507-519., 2011 | Rónyai L.: Polynomial functions on finite point sets (előadás), Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, and Complexity Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 2010 | Hegedüs G., Kasprzyk: Roots of Ehrhart Polynomials of Smooth Fano Polytopes, Disc. Comput. Geom. 46 (2011), 2011 | Hegedüs G.: The boundary volume of lattice polytopes (előadás), Intern. 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