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Közleményjegyzék |
Balázs B., Dankó T., Kovács G., Köles L., Hediger MA., Zsembery Á.: Investigation of the inhibitory effects of the benzodiazepine derivative, 5-BDBD on P2X4 purinergic receptors by two complementary methods, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 32:11-24, 2013 | Dankó T., Hargitai D., Pataki A., Hakim H., Molnár M., Zsembery A: Extracellular Alkalinization Stimulates Calcium-activated Chloride Conductance in Cystic Fibrosis Human Airway Epithelial Cells, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 27;401-410, 2011 | Hargitai Dóra, Pataki Ágnes, Raffai Gábor, Füzi Márta, Dankó Tamás, Csernoch László, Várnai Péter, Szigeti Gyula Péter, Zsembery Ákos: Calcium entry is regulated by Zn2+ in relation to extracellular ionic environment in human airway epithelial cells, Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology Jan 31;170(1):67-75, 2010 | Kovács G., Montalbettia N., Simonina A., dankó T., Balázs B., Zsembery Á., Hediger MA.: Inhibition of the human epithelial calcium channel TRPV6 by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB)., Cell Calcium 52(6):468-480, 2012 | Toldy Gergely, Kaposi Ambrus, Zsembery Ákos, Treszl András, Tulassay Tivadar, Vásárhelyi Barna: Human Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes are distinguished by calcium flux regulation during the first ten minutes of lymphocyte activation, Immunobiology 217(1):37-43, 2012 | Kovacs G, Danko T, Bergeron MJ, Balazs B, Suzuki Y, Zsembery A, Hediger MA: Heavy metal cations permeate the TRPV6 epithelial cation channel, Cell Calcium Jan;49(1):43-55, 2011 | Farkas K, Yeruva S, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ludolph L, Molnár T, Nagy F, Szepes Z, Schnúr A, Wittmann T, Hubricht J, Riederer B, Venglovecz V, Lázár G, Király M, Zsembery A, Varga G, Seidler U, Hegyi P: New therapeutic targets in ulcerative colitis: The importance of ion transporters in the human colon, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Apr;17(4):884-898, 2011 | Király Mariann, Porcsalmy Balázs, Pataki Ágnes, Kádár Katlin, Jelitai Márta, Molnár Béla, Hermann P, Gera István, Grimm WD, Ganss B, Zsembery Ákos, Varga Gábor: Simultaneous PKC and cAMP activation induces differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells into functionally active neurons, Neurochemistry International Sep;55(5):323-332, 2009 | Balázs B., Dankó T., Zsembery Á.: Zn2+-induced changes in membrane permeability in human airway epithelial cells, Acta Physiologica Hungarica, Volume 97 (4);425, 2010 | Király Marianna, Farkas Klaudia, Hegyi Péter, Zsembery Ákos: Az epitheliális nátrium csatornák (ENaC) expressziójának funkcionális vizsgálata kontroll, valamint gyulladásos bélbetegségben szenvedő betegek bélhámsejtjein, 51. Magyar Gasztroenterológiai Nagygyűlés, Tihany, 2009 | Schwiebert Erik, Zsembery Ákos: Methods and Compositions for P2X Receptor Calcium Entry Channels and Other Calcium Entry Mechanisms, United States Patent Publications, 2009 |





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