Tartószerkezetek topológia és "layout" optimálásának alapvető feladatai: determinisztikus és stochasztikus alkalmazások
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Balogh Bence, Lógó János: Optimization of curved folded plated structures with the Finite Strip and Finite Element methods, In: A. Matuszak, J. Pamin (szerk.) (szerk.) 20th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers: Jubilee Session for Professor Zenon Waszczyszyn. Cracow, Lengyelország, 2015.10.09-2015.10.10. Kiadvány: Cracow: 2015. pp. 32, 2015 | Balogh Bence, Lógó János: Optimization of curved plated structures with the finite strip and finite element methods, In: Modelling in Mechanics 2015 . Ostrava, Csehország, 2015.05.28-2015.05.29. Kiadvány: Ostrava: VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2015. Paper 1. , 2015 | Daniel B Merczel, Jean-Marie Aribert, Hugues Somja, Mohammed Hjiaj, János Lógó: On the Weak Storey Behaviour of Concentrically Braced Frames, In: THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BEHAVIOUR OF STEEL STRUCTURES IN SEISMIC AREAS: STESSA 2015. Shanghai, Kína, 2015.07.01-2015.07.04. Kiadvány: 2015. Paper 285. , 2015 | A Csébfalvi, J Lógó: Critical Examination of Volume-Constrained Topology Optimization for Uncertain Load Magnitude and Direction, In: J Kruis, Y Tsompanakis, B H V Topping (szerk.) (szerk.) Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2015. pp. . (Civil-Comp Proceedings; 108.), 2015 | Balogh Bence, Lógó János: LEMEZES SZERKEZETEK OPTIMÁLÁSA A VÉGES-ELEMEK ÉS A VÉGES-SÁVOK MÓDSZERÉVEL, In: Baksa Attila, Bertóti Edgár, Szirbik Sándor (szerk.) (szerk.) XII. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia. Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar Műszaki Mechanikai Intézet, 2015. pp. ., 2015 | J Lógó, B Balogh: On the optimal design of curved folded plates with multiple loading, In: WCSMO 11, 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation . Sydney, Ausztrália, 2015.06.08-2015.06.12. Kiadvány: Sydney: University of Sydney, 2015. Paper 1100. , 2015 | J Lógó, B Balogh, E Pintér: Topology Optimization Considering Multiple Loading, In: J Kruis, Y Tsompanakis, B H V Topping (szerk.) (szerk.) Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press, 2015. pp. . (Civil-Comp Proceedings; 108.), 2015 | Lengyel András, Pintér Erika, Lógó János: Loading uncertainties in structural topology optimization, Research workshop Visegrad Integration of Research in Mechanics of Material Czestochowa, 8-9 July 2015 , 2015 | Pintér Erika, Lengyel András, Lógó János: A terhelés bizonytalanságának figyelembe vétele a szerkezeti topológia-optimálásban, In: Baksa Attila, Bertóti Edgár, Szirbik Sándor (szerk.) (szerk.) XII. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia. Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar Műszaki Mechanikai Intézet, 2015. pp. ., 2015 | B Balogh, J Lógó: Optimal design of curved folded plates by optimality criteria method, In: H C Rodrigues, J Herskovits, C M Mota Soares, J M Guedes, A L Araújo, J O Folgado, F Moleiro, J F A Madeira (szerk.) (szerk.) Engineering Optimization IV. London: CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group, 2014. pp. 251-256., 2014 | Bence Balogh, János Lógó: Optimal design of curved folded plates, PERIOD POLYTECH CIV ENG 58: (4) 423-430, 2014 | D B Merczel, H Somja, J-M Aribert, M Hjiaj, J Lógó: On the weak storey behaviour of concentrically braced frames, In: A Cunha, E Caetano, P Ribeiro, G Müller (szerk.) (szerk.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014. Porto: University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2014. pp. 3483., 2014 | Movahedi Rad M.: Valószínűségi változókkal bővített optimálási módszerek a szerkezeti képlékenységtanban, Doktori Iskola: Vásárhelyi Pál Építőmérnöki és Földtudományi Doktori Iskola. Tudományág: műszaki tudományok/építőmérnöki tudományok Témavezető: Lógó János, 2011 | George Rozvany, Vanda Pomezanski, Tomasz Sokół: Exact compliance-based multi-load truss topology optimization revisited – also background material for an Authors’ Reply to a Discussion by Logo, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION 50:(2) pp. 193-205., 2014 | Daniel B Merczel, Hugues Somja, Jean-Marie Aribert, Mohammed Hjiaj, János Lógó: PLASTICITY-BASED METHOD TO AVOID WEAK STOREY BEHAVIOUR, In: Raffaele Landorfo, Frederico Mazzolani (szerk.) (szerk.) 7th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel 2014. Napoli: ECCS, 2014. pp. ., 2014 | J Lógó, B Balogh, E Pintér: On Optimal Structures considering Multiple Loadcases with Uncertain Loadings, In: B H V Topping, P Iványi (szerk.) (szerk.) Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology,. Stirling: Civil-Comp Press, 2014. pp. ., 2014 | George I N Rozvany, Erika Pinter: Structural Topology Optimization (STO) – Exact Analytical Solutions: Part II In: George I N Rozvany, Tomasz Lewiński (szerk.) Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics. 471 p. Vienna: Springer, 2014. pp. 15-34. (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences; 549.), In: George I N Rozvany, Tomasz Lewiński (szerk.) Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics. 471 p. Vienna: Springer, 2014. pp. 15-34. (CISM Internation, 2014 | George I. N. Rozvany: Structural topology optimization:history, impact on technology and future perspectives, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Valencia, Spanyolország, 2010.09.14-2010.09.17., 2010 | George I. N. Rozvany: On fundamental properties of optimal topologies of structures, 8th ASMO UK / ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization. London, Anglia, 2010.07.08-2010.07.09., 2010 | George I. N. Rozvany: Recent extensions of the Prager-Shield (1977) optimal layout theory, 2nd International Conference On Engineering Optimization (EngOpt2010) 06.09.2010-09.09.2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010 | George I. N. Rozvany: Symmetry and non-uniqueness in topology optimization, 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference, 13 - 15 September 2010, Fort Worth, Texas, AIAA 2010-9097, 2010 | George I. N. Rozvany: On symmetry and non-uniqueness in exact topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 43 (3) , pp. 297-317, 2011 | J Lógó, M Movahedi Rad, M Hjiaj: Plastic Behaviour and Stability Constraints in the Reliability based Shakedown Analysis and Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Valencia, Spanyolország, 2010.09.14-2010.09.17., 2010 | Lógó J, Vásárhelyi A, Ghaemi M, M Movahedi Rad: Topology Optimization in Case of Uncertain Load Positions., In: Johann Sienz, Vassili V Toropov, Osvaldo M Querin, Fabian Duddeck (szerk.), 8th ASMO UK / ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization. London, Anglia, 2010.07, 2010 | M Movahedi Rad, J Logo, S Kaliszky: Optimal Design of Elasto-Plastic Skeletal Structures Subjected to Stochastic Extreme Loads, 81st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Karlsruhe, Németország, 2010.03.22-2010.03.26, 2010 | Szőke Dezső, Lógó János, Merczel Dániel B: OPTIMAL SUSPENSION SETTINGS for RIDE COMFORT of ROAD VEHICLES, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 54:(2) pp. 73-78. (2010), 2010 | M. Ghaemi: Topology optimization problems using optimality criteria methods, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2010 | Merczel Dániel Balázs, Dr Lógó János: RÁCSOS TARTÓK OPTIMÁLIS TERVEZÉSE FELKEMÉNYEDŐ – LÁGYULÓ ANYAGMODELL ALKALMAZÁSÁVAL, In: Baksa Attila, Bertóti Edgár, Szirbik Sándor (szerk.) XI. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia. Miskolc, Magyarország, 2011.08.29-2011.08.31. (Miskolci Egyetem) Miskolc: Misk, 2011 | M Movahedi Rad, J Lógó: PLASTIC BEHAVIOUR AND STABILITY CONSTRAINTS IN THE RELIABILITY BASED SHAKEDOWN ANALYSIS AND OPTIMAL DESIGN OF SKELETAL STRUCTURES., ASIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING-BUILDING AND HOUSING 12:(4) pp. 395-413., 2011 | Lógó J, Merczel M B, Nagy L: Robust optimal topology design with uncertain load positions., In: bagi k (szerk.) 18th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers. Budapest, Magyarország, 2011.09.23-2011.09.25. Budapest: Paper 14., 2011 | Kaliszky S, Lógó J, Merczel B D: Softening and hardening constitutive models and their application to the analysis of bar structures., MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES 39:(3) pp. 334-345., 2011 | János Lógó, Dániel B Merczel, Anna Vásárhelyi: Topology optimization with uncertain loading conditions., In: A Borkowski, T Lewinski, G Dzierzanowski (szerk.) CMM-2011 – Computer Methods in Mechanics. Warsaw, Lengyelország, 2011.05.09-2011.05.12. Warszawa: pp. 1-6. Paper 319, 2011 | János Lógó, Majid Movahedi Rad, Jaroslaw Knabel, Piotr Tauzowski: Reliability based design of frames with limited residual strain energy capacity., PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 55:(1) pp. 13-20., 2011 | J Lógó, D B Merczel: On the optimal topologies in case of uncertain load positions., In: 9th World Congress of Structural and Multidisplinary optimization. Shizuoka, Japán, 2011.06.13-2011.06.17. Tokyo, Japan: AIAA/ISSMO/UB Publisher, pp. 1-10, 2011 | J Lógó, M B Merczel, L Nagy: On Optimal Topologies in Case of Uncertain Load Positions., In: Topping B H V, Tsompanakis Y (szerk.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Chania, Gör, 2011 | Majid Movahedi Rad: Extended Optimization Methods in Structural Plasticity with Uncertainties, BME-OMIKK, 2011 | Rozvany, G.I.N., Maute, K.: Analytical and numerical solutions for a reliability-based benchmark example, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 43 (6) , pp. 745-753, 2011 | Rozvany, G.I.N.: Domain augmentation and reduction in structural topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 44 (4) , pp. 589-591, 2011 | G.I.N. Rozvany: A review of new fundamental principles in exact topology optimization, In: A Borkowski, T Lewinski, G Dzierzanowski (szerk.) CMM-2011 – Computer Methods in Mechanics. Warsaw, Lengyelország, 2011.05.09-2011.05.12. Warszawa, 2011 | T. Sokół , G.I.N. Rozvany: Important new results in exact topology optimization, In: A Borkowski, T Lewinski, G Dzierzanowski (szerk.) CMM-2011 – Computer Methods in Mechanics. Warsaw, Lengyelország, 2011.05.09-2011.05.12. Warszawa, 2011 | George I. N. Rozvany: Applications of New Fundamental Principles in Exact Topology Optimization, In: 9th World Congress of Structural and Multidisplinary optimization. Shizuoka, Japán, 2011.06.13-2011.06.17. Tokyo, Japan: AIAA/ISSMO/UB Publisher, 2011 | J.Lógó: SIMP type topology optimization procedure considering uncertain load position., PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 56:(2) pp. 213-219., 2012 | J Lógó, E Pintér: Numerical Methods in Probabilistic Topology Optimisation: A Review., In: B H V Topping (szerk.) Computational Technology Reviews. Stirlingshire: Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2012. pp. 79-108. (5.) Engineering Optimisation ISBN: 978-1-874672, 2012 | J Lógó, E Pintér, D B Merczel: Topology Optimization for the case of probabilistic loading., In: B H V Topping (szerk.) Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Dubrovnik, Horvátország, 2012.09.04-2012.09.07. Du, 2012 | Lógó J, Pintér E, Vásárhelyi A: Considering Uncertain Load Positions in Topology Optimization., In: D Kelliher, O M Querin, V V Toropov, J Siennz (szerk.) Engineering Design Optimization - Product and Process Improvement: 9th ASMO UK / ISSMO Conference. Cork, Írorsz, 2012 | Sándor Kaliszky, János Lógó, Dániel B Merczel: Analysis of Bar Structures by the use of Stochastic Work Hardening and/or Softening Constitutive Models., In: G A Holzapfel, R W Ogden (szerk.) ESMC 2012-8th European Solid Mechanics Conference. Graz, Ausztria, 2012.07.09-2012.07.13. Graz: pp. 1-2. Paper 63873., 2012 | Rozvany GIN, Sokol T: Exact truss topology optimization: allowance for support costs and different permissible stresses in tension and compression: extension of a classical solution by Michell, Struct Multidisc Optim 45: 367-376, 2012 | Sokol T, Rozvany GIN: New analytical benchmarks for topology optimization and their implcations, Part I: bi-symmetric trusses with two point loads, Struct Multidisc Optim, 2012 | G I N Rozvany: Exact Analitycal Solutions in Structural Topoplogy Optimisation:A Review, In: B H V Topping (szerk.) Computational Technology Reviews. Stirlingshire: Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 139-174. (5.) Engineering Optimisation ISBN: 978-1-874672, 2012 | George Rozvany, Tomasz Sokół: RECTIFICATION OF CLASSICAL MISCONCEPTIONS IN RECENT SOLUTIONS OF EXACT STRUCTURAL TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS, Proceedings of the XXIII ICTAM, 19-24 August 2012, Beijing, China, 2012 | Erika Pintér: Parametric study on the optimal topologies due to uncertain load positions, Conference of Junior Researchers in Civil Engineering19-20 June 2012 Budapest, Hungary, pp.177-184, 2012 | D B Merczel, H Somja, J-M Aribert, J Lógó: On the behaviour of concentrically braced frames subjected to seismic loading, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 57:(2) pp. 113-122., 2013 | J Lógó, E Pintér, A Vásárhelyi: On the optimal topologies considering uncertain load positions., In: RT Haftka, NH Kim (szerk.) 10th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Orlando, Amerikai Egyesült Államok, 2013.05.19-2013.05.24. pp. 1-10., 2013 | J Lógó, E Pintér: Topology design of continuum type structures in the case of uncertain loading., In: T Łodygowski, J Rakowski, T Garbowski, W Sumelka (szerk.) 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics: Short Papers. Poznan, Lengyelország, 2013.08, 2013 | J Lógó, E Pintér: Topology Optimization Considering Uncertain Loading Positions and Multiple Load Cases., In: Topping B H V, Iványi P (szerk.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Cagliari, Olaszo, 2013 | Lógó János, Pintér Erika: On the optimal layout of structures subjected to probabilistic loading and stress constraint., 19th Inter-Institute Seminar for Young Researchers, October 11-12, 2013, Vienna, Austria, ISBN: 978-3-9503537-2-3, Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2013 | J Lógó: On the optimal layout of structures subjected to probabilistic or multiply loading., STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION 48:(6) pp. 1207-1212., 2013 | Merczel D. B., Lógó J.: On the plasticity based seismic design of concentri cally braced steel frames, In: C Adam, R Heuer, W Lenhardt, C Schranz (szerk.) Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2013 (VEESD 2013). Wien, Ausztria, 2013 | Sokol T, Rozvany GIN: Exact least- volume trusses for two symmetric point loads and unequai permissible stresses in tension and compression, Struct Multidisc Optim 47:151-155, 2013 | Sokol T, Rozvany GIN: Exact truss topology optimization for external loads and friction forces, Struct Multidisc Optim 48: 853-857, 2013 | Rozvany GIN, Sokol T, Pomezanski V: Extension of Michell’s theory to exact stress-based multi-load truss optimization, 10th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, FL, USA, Paper No 5118, 2013 | Rozvany GIN: Recent controversies and new challenges in strucural topology optimization (Plenar key-note lecture), 5th International Congress on Strucural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 Sept 2013, 2013 |




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