Algebrai logika; relativitáselmélet logikai strukturájának vizsgálata
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Andréka H, Madarász X J, Németi I, Stannett M, Székely G: Faster than light motion does not imply time travel, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31,9: 09500. (11pp), 2014 | Madarász J X, Stannett M, Székely G: Why Do the Relativistic Masses and Momenta of Faster-than-Light Particles Decrease as their Speeds Increase?, Symmetry Intergability and Geometry - Methods and Applications 10,5: 1-21., 2014 | Molnár A, Székely G: Axiomatizing Relativistic Dynamics using Formal Thought Experiments ., Synthese, online first. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-014-0545-8 (44pp.), 2014 | Andréka, H., van Benthem, J. F. A. K., Bezhanishvili, N., Németi, I.: Changing a semantics: opportunism or courage?, In: The life and work of Leon Henkin. Essays on his contributions. Editors: M. Manzano, I. Sain and E. Alonso., Studies in Universal Logic, Springer, 2014, pp.307-337., 2014 | Andréka, H., Németi, I.: Finite-variable logics do not have weak Beth definability property., In: The road to universal logic Vol 2. Festschrift for 50th birthday of Jean-Yves Beziau. Editors: Koslow, A. and Buchsbaum, A., Studies in Universal Logic, Springer, 2015 | Stannett, M., Németi, I.: Using Isabelle/HOL to verify first order relativity theory., Journal of Automated Reasoning, 52,4: 361-378., 2014 | Madarász, J., Sayed-Ahmed, T.: Amalgamation, interpolation and epimorphisms in algebraic logic., In: Cylindric-like algebras and algebraic logic. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 22, Springer, pp. 91-104., 2013 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I; Székely G.: On logical analysis of relativity theories., Hungarian Philosophical Review 54,4: 204-222., 2010 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz.: Axiomatizability of positive algebras of binary relations., Algebra Universalis 66,1, 7-34., 2011 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz; Németi I.: Residuated Kleene Algebras., In: Logic and program semantics. LNCS 7230, Springer, Berlin. pp.1-11., 2012 | Andréka H; Németi I; Székely G.: Closed timelike curves in relativistic computation., Parallel Processing Letters 22,3. No 1240010. DOI: 10.1142/S0129626412400105, 2012 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I.: Decidability, undecidability, and Gödel incompleteness in relativity theories., Parallel Processing Letters 22,3, 1240011 (14 pages). World Scientific Publishing Company. DOI: 10.1141/S0129626412400117., 2012 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I; Németi P; Székely G.: Axiomatization of Relativistic Physics in a logical framework., Preproc. of the 3rd International workshop on Physics and Computation. Guerra, H. (ed.) Department of Mathematics, University of Azores. pp.72-74., 2010 | Madarász JX; Németi I; Székely G: A completeness theorem for general relativity., Preproc. of the 3rd International workshop on Physics and Computation. Guerra, H. (ed.) Department of Mathematics, University of Azores. p.210., 2010 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I; Székely G.: A logic road from special relativity to general relativity., Synthese 186,3, 633-649. Appeared online. DOI:10.1007/s11229-011-9914-8., 2012 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz; Németi I.: The equational theory of Kleene lattices., Theoretical Computer Science 412 , pp.7099-7108., 2011 | Andréka H; Givant SR.: Functionally dense relation algebras., Algebra Universalis 68,1-2. pp.151-191., 2012 | Andréka H; Németi I; Sayed-Ahmed T.: A non representable infinite dimensional quasi-polyadic algebra with a representable cylindric reduct., Studia Sci Math. Hugar. 50,1 , pp.1-16., 2013 | Andréka H; Németi I.: Reducing first-order logic to Df3, free algebras., In: Cylindric-like Algebras and Algebraic Logic, Springer Verlag, Berlin. pp.15-35., 2012 | Székely G.: The existence of superluminal particles is consistent with the kinematics of Einstein's special theory of relativity., Reports on Mathematical Physics, to appear., 2013 | Németi P; Székely G.: Existence of Faster Than Light Signals Implies Hypercomputation Already in Special Relativity., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7318, pp.528-538., 2012 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I; Székely G.: What are the numbers in which spacetime?, arXiv:1204.1350v1, 2012 | Székely G.: What properties of numbers are needed to model accelerated observers in relativity?, arXiv.org, 2012 | Andréka H., Madarász, J.X., Németi, I., Székely, G.,: A note on "Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light by James M. Hill and Barry J. Cox"., Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469:(2154)., 2013 | Madarász J.X., Székely G.,: Special relativity over the field of rational numbers., International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52,5. pp.1706-1718., 2013 | Madarász J.X., Székely G.,: The existence of superluminal particles is consistent with relativistic dynamics., arXiv.org., 2013 | Andréka H., Németi I.: Comparing theories: the dynamics of changing vocabulary., Trends in Logic, Synthese Library., 2013 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz.: Axiomatizability of positive algebras of binary relations., Algebra Universalis 66,1: 7-34., 2011 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz; Németi I.: Residuated Kleene Algebras., In: Logic and program semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7230, Springer, Berlin. pp.1-11., 2012 | Andréka H; Németi I; Székely G.: Closed timelike curves in relativistic computation., Parallel Processing Letters 22,3: 1240010. DOI: 10.1142/S0129626412400105, 2012 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I.: Decidability, undecidability, and Gödel incompleteness in relativity theories., Parallel Processing Letters 22,3: 1240011 (14 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S0129626412400117., 2012 | Andréka H; Madarász JX; Németi I; Székely G.: A logic road from special relativity to general relativity., Synthese 186,3: 633-649., 2012 | Andréka H; Mikulás Sz; Németi I.: The equational theory of Kleene lattices., Theoretical Computer Science 412,52: 7099-7108., 2011 | Andréka H; Givant SR.: Functionally dense relation algebras., Algebra Universalis 68,1-2: 151-191., 2012 | Andréka H; Németi I; Sayed-Ahmed T.: A non representable infinite dimensional quasi-polyadic algebra with a representable cylindric reduct., Studia Sci Math. Hugar. 50,1: 1-16., 2013 | Andréka H; Németi I.: Reducing first-order logic to Df3, free algebras., In: Cylindric-like Algebras and Algebraic Logic, Springer Verlag, Berlin. pp.15-35., 2013 | Székely G.: The existence of superluminal particles is consistent with the kinematics of Einstein's special theory of relativity., Reports on Mathematical Physics 72,2: 133-152., 2013 | Németi P; Székely G.: Existence of Faster Than Light Signals Implies Hypercomputation Already in Special Relativity., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7318, Springer, Berlin. pp.528-538., 2012 | Székely G.: What algebraic properties of quantities are needed to model accelerated observers in relativity theory?, In: Conceptual clarifications. Tributes to Patrick Suppes, College Publications, London, 2015 | Andréka H., Madarász, J.X., Németi, I., Székely, G.,: A note on "Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light by James M. Hill and Barry J. Cox"., Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469:(2154)., 2013 | Madarász J.X., Székely G.,: Special relativity over the field of rational numbers., International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52,5: 1706-1718., 2013 | Madarász J.X., Székely G.,: The existence of superluminal particles is consistent with relativistic dynamics., Journal of Applied Logic 122:(4), pp. 477-500., 2014 | Andréka H., Németi I.: Comparing theories: the dynamics of changing vocabulary., In: Johan V. A. K. van Benthem on logical and informational dynamics. Springer Verlag, 2014. pp.143-172., 2014 |




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