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Közleményjegyzék |
Domoki F, Zölei D, Oláh O,Tóth-Szűki V, Hopp B, Bari F, Smausz T: Evaluation of Laser-speckle contrast image analysis techniques inthe cortical microcirculation of piglets, Microvasc Res 83(3):311-7., 2012 | Farkas E, Obrenovitch TP, Bari F.: Az agytraumával vagy stroke-kal járó agykérgi kúszó depolarizáció és periinfarktus depolarizáció patofiziológiai jelentősége, Vascularis Neurológia 2:62-67, 2010 | Hugyecz M, Mracsko E, Hertelendy P, Farkas E , Domoki F, Bari F:: Hydrogen supplemented air inhalation reduces changes of prooxidant enzyme and gap junction protein levels after transient global cerebral ischemia in the rat hippocampus, Brain Research 1404: 31-38., 2011 | Bari F, Bere Zs, Kulmany A, Obrenovitch T, Farkas, E.:: Characterization of multifocal cerebral ischemia induced microvascular changes with multimodal imaging technique in the cerebral cortex of the rat, Journal of Vascular Research 48:11-11., 2011 | Mracskó É, Hugyecz M, Farkas E, Domoki F, Bari F:: Oxidatív hatások és hatékony antioxidáns terápiás beavatkozások kísérletes agyi ischaemiában, Vascularis Neurológia 3:25-33, 2011 | Bari F, Forczek E, Hantos Z: E-health in graduate and postgraduate medical education: illusions, expectations and reality., Stud Health Technol Inform.165:21-7., 2011 | Luckl J, Dreier JP, Szabados T, Wiesenthal D, Bari F, Greenberg JH.:: Peri-infarct flow transients predict outcome in rat focal brain ischemia, Neuroscience ,226:197-207, 2012 | Clark D, Tuor UI, Thompson R, Institoris A, Kulynych A, Zhang X, Kinniburgh DW, Bari F, Busija DW, Barber PA.: Protection against recurrent stroke with resveratrol: endothelial protection., PLoS One. 7(10):e47792, 2012 | Institoris A, Lenti L, Domoki F, Wappler E, Gáspár T, Katakam PV, Bari F, Busija DW.: Cerebral microcirculatory responses of insulin-resistant rats are preserved to physiological and pharmacological stimuli., Microcirculation 19(8):749-56., 2012 | Oláh O, Németh I, Tóth-Szűki V, Bari F, Domoki F.: Regional Differences in the Neuronal Expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the Newborn Pig Brain, Acta Histochem Cytochem. 45(3):187-92., 2012 | Czövek D, Novák Z, Somlai C, Asztalos T, Tiszlavicz L, Bozóki Z, Ajtai T, Utry N, Filep A, Bari F, Peták F.: Respiratory consequences of red sludge dust inhalation in rats., Toxicol Lett. 209(2):113-20., 2012 | Clark DL, Institoris AA, Bari F, Tuor UI.:: Resveratrol treatment in a recurrent stroke model in the rat affords protection to the blood brain barrier independent of enhancing cerebral blood flow, Stroke 43 (11): E128, 2012 | Zölei D, Smausz T, Hopp B, Bari F: Multiple Exposure Time Based Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis: Demonstration of Applicability in Skin Perfusion Measurements, Photonics and Optoelectronics 1(2):28-32, 2012 | Bere Z, Obrenovitch TP, Bari F, Farkas E.: Ischemia-induced depolarizations and associated hemodynamic responses in incomplete global forebrain ischemia in rats., Neuroscience, 260:217-26., 2014 | Oláh O, Tóth-Szűki V, Temesvári P, Bari F, Domoki F.: Delayed neurovascular dysfunction is alleviated by hydrogen in asphyxiated newborn pigs., Neonatology. 104:79-86., 2013 | Erdling A, Sheykhzade M, Maddahi A, Bari F, Edvinsson L.: VIP/PACAP receptors in cerebral arteries of rat: characterization, localization and relation to intracellular calcium, Neuropeptides, 47:85-92., 2013 | Farkas E, Bari F.: Spreading depolarization in the ischemic brain: does aging have an impact?, J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 69:1363-70., 2014 | Clark D, Institoris A, Kozák G, Bere Z, Tuor U, Farkas E, Bari F.: Impact of aging on spreading depolarizations induced by focal brain ischemia in rats., Neurobiol Aging. 35:2803-11., 2014 | Bere Z, Obrenovitch TP, Kozák G, Bari F, Farkas E.: Imaging reveals the focal area of spreading depolarizations and a variety of hemodynamic responses in a rat microembolic stroke model., J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 34:1695-705., 2014 | Domoki F, Zolei-Szenasi D, Olah O, Toth-Szuki V, Nemeth J, Hopp B, Bari F, Smausz T.: Comparison of cerebrocortical microvascular effects of different hypoxic-ischemic insults in piglets: a laser-speckle imaging study., J Physiol Pharmacol. 65:551-8., 2014 |





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