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Slézia A, Hangya B, Ulbert I, Acsády L.: Phase advancement and nucleus-specific timing of thalamocortical activity during slow cortical oscillation., JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 31(2):607-17., 2011 | Stefanics G, Hangya B, Hernádi I, Winkler I, Lakatos P, Ulbert I.: Phase entrainment of human delta oscillations can mediate the effects of expectation on reaction speed., JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 30(41):13578-85., 2010 | Csercsa R, Dombovári B, Fabó D, Wittner L, Eross L, Entz L, Sólyom A, Rásonyi G, Szucs A, Kelemen A, Jakus R, Juhos V, Grand L, Magony A, Halász P, Freund TF, Maglóczky Z, Cash SS, Papp L, Karmos G, Halgren E, Ulbert I.: Laminar analysis of slow wave activity in humans., BRAIN, 133(9):2814-29., 2010 | Grand L, Wittner L, Herwik S, Göthelid E, Ruther P, Oscarsson S, Neves H, Dombovári B, Csercsa R, Karmos G, Ulbert I.: Short and long term biocompatibility of NeuroProbes silicon probes., JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, 189(2):216-29., 2010 | Grand L, Pongrácz A, Vázsonyi E, Márton G, Gubán D, Fiáth R, Kerekes BP, Karmos G, Ulbert I, Battistig G.: A novel multisite silicon probe for high quality laminar neural recordings., SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A, 166(1):14-21., 2010 | Seidl K, Torfs T, De Mazière PA, Van Dijck G, Csercsa R, Dombovari B, Nurcahyo Y, Ramirez H, Van Hulle MM, Orban GA, Paul O, Ulbert I, Neves H, Ruther P.: Control and data acquisition software for high-density CMOS-based microprobe arrays implementing electronic depth control., BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK/BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (Berlin). 55(3):183-91., 2010 | Fiáth, R.; Kerekes, B. P.; Ulbert, I.: Laminar analysis of slow wave activity in rat somatosensory cortex., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Somogyvári, Z.; Wittner, L.; Ulbert, I.; Érdi, P.: Membrane potential reconstruction, based on extracellular potential measurements., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Barthó, P.; Slézia, A.; Mátyás , F.; Ulbert, I.; Acsády, L.: Local spindling in thalamus during cortical slow oscillation., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Tihanyi, B. T.; Hangya, B.; Entz, L.; Fabó, D.; Erőss, L.; Wittner, L.; Jakus, R.; Varga, V.; Freund, T. F.; Ulbert, I.: Complex cortical activity during human slow wave sleep revealed by information theory., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2010 | Horváth, D.; Fiáth, R.; Acsády, L.; Neves, P. H.; Karmos, G.; Ulbert, I.: Thousand-channel electrode system to investigate thalamocortical interactions., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Dombovári, B.; Seidl, K.; Herwik, S.; Torfs, T.; Grand, L.; Csercsa, R.; Paul, O.; Neves, H. P.; Ruther, P.; Ulbert, I.: Electrophysiological recordings with active microprobe arrays., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Csercsa, R.; Magony, A.; Ulbert, I.: WaveSolution: a software for analyzing brain signals derived by multielectrodes., MITT 2011, Budapest, 2011 | Barthó P, Ulbert I, Acsády L.: Thalamocortical interactions in first- and higher order thalamic nuclei., IBRO 2010, Pécs, 2010 | Fiáth R, Horváth D, Grand L, Wittner L, Dombóvári B, Karmos G, Ulbert I, Csercsa R.: Laminar distribution of the spontaneous multiunit activity in the cat auditory cortex during slow wave sleep., IBRO 2010, Pécs, 2010 | Dombóvári B, Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Grand L, Csercsa R, Paul O, Neves HP, Ruther P, Ulbert I.: Acute recordings using microelectrode arrays with electronic depth control., IBRO 2010, Pécs, 2010 | Horváth D, Grand L, Wittner L, Dombóvári B, Kisban S, Herwik S, Ruther P, Neves HP, Karmos G, Ulbert I.: Long term implantation of silicon-based micro probe arrays., IBRO 2010, Pécs, 2010 | Fiáth R, Horváth D, Grand L, Wittner L, Dombovári B, Csercsa R, Karmos G & Ulbert I.: Layer specific distribution of spontaneous multiunit activity in the cat auditory cortex in sleep and wakefulness., FENS 2010, Amsterdam, 2010 | Dombovari B, Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Grand L, Csercsa R, Paul O, Neves HP, Ruther P & Ulbert I.: In vivo validation of microelectrode arrays with electronic depth control for acute recordings., FENS 2010, Amsterdam, 2010 | Csercsa R, Ulbert I.: Wave propagation in variously connected neuronal network models., FENS 2010, Amsterdam, 2010 | Chan AM, Baker JM, Eskandar E, Schomer D, Ulbert I, Marinkovic K, Cash SS, Halgren E.: First-Pass Selectivity for Semantic Categories in Human Anteroventral Temporal Lobe, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2011 Dec 7;31(49):18119-18129., 2011 | Hangya B, Tihanyi BT, Entz L, Fabó D, Erfss L, Wittner L, Jakus R, Varga V, Freund TF, Ulbert I: Complex propagation patterns characterize human cortical activity during slow-wave sleep., JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2011 Jun 15;31(24):8770-9., 2011 | Keller CJ, Bickel S, Entz L, Ulbert I, Milham MP, Kelly C, Mehta AD: Intrinsic functional architecture predicts electrically evoked responses in the human brain., PNAS. 2011 Jun 21;108(25):10308-13., 2011 | Somogyvári Z, Cserpán D, Ulbert I, Érdi P.: Localization of single-cell current sources based on extracellular potential patterns: The spike CSD method, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 36(10):3299-313., 2012 | Seidl K, Schwaerzle M, Ulbert I, Neves HP, Paul O, Ruther P.: CMOS-Based High-Density Silicon Microprobe Arrays for Electronic Depth Control in Intracortical Neural Recording–Characterization and Application, JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS 21:(6) pp. 1426-1435., 2012 | Rovo Z, Ulbert I, Acsady L: Drivers of the Primate Thalamus, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 32:(49) pp. 17894-17908., 2012 | Heja L, Nyitrai G, Kekesi O, Dobolyi A, Szabo P, Fiath R, Ulbert I, Pal-Szenthe B, Palkovits M, Kardos J.: Astrocytes convert network excitation to tonic inhibition of neurons, BMC BIOLOGY 10:26, 2012 | Battistig G, Grand L, Karmos G, Payer K, Pongrácz A, Ulbert I, Vázsonyi É.: Eljárás CMOS technológiába integrálható, egykristályos Si alapú, nedves kémiai marással készített, párhuzamos oldalfalakkal és lekerekített élekkel határolt extracellulár, P0900774, 2012 | Tóth E, Entz L, Fabó D, Keller C, Bickel S, Kozák L, Erőss L, Ulbert I, Mehta A.: Pathological and functional network connectivity analysis in the human brain using single pulse electrical stimulation, IBRO International Workshop 2012, Szeged, 2012 | Tóth E, Entz L, Keller C, Bickel S, Erőss L, Ulbert I, Mehta A.: Pathológiás és fiziológiás hálózatok kapcsolatainak vizsgálata kortikális kiváltott válaszelemzéssel, Kálmán Erika Doktori Konferencia, Mátraháza, 2012 | Fiáth R, Kerekes B, Karmos G, Ulbert I.: Laminar analysis of the slow oscillation in rat somatosensory cortex under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia., IBRO International Workshop 2012, Szeged, 2012 | Fiáth R, Horváth D, Kerekes BP, Acsády L, Neves HP, Ulbert I.: Investigation of somatosensory thalamocortical interactions in the anesthetized rat using silicon probes with electronic depth control., 8th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Barcelona, 2012 | Fiáth R, Ulbert I, Horváth D, Kerekes BP, Beregszászi P, Karmos G, Aarts AA, Ruther P, Neves HP.: High channel count neural probes with electronic depth control, Neuroscience 2012, Society for Neuroscience, 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2012 | Ulbert I, Fiáth R, Karmos G, Horváth D, Kerekes BP, Aarts AA, Ruther P, Neves HP.: Measuring thalamocortical dynamics with high channel count electronic depth control probes, Neuroscience 2012, Society for Neuroscience, 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2012 | Fiáth R, Kerekes B, Karmos G, Ulbert I.: Laminar analysis of the slow cortical rhythm in rat somatosensory cortex under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia., PhD Tudományos Napok 2012, Budapest, 2012 | Fiáth R, Horváth D, Kerekes B, Aarts AA, Ruther P, Neves HP, Ulbert I.: Talamokortikális dinamika vizsgálata sok-kontaktusú elektronikus mélységszabályozós elektródával, Kálmán Erika Doktori Konferencia, Mátraháza, 2012 | Fiáth R, Kerekes B, Karmos G, Ulbert I.: A lassú kérgi ritmus lamináris analízise patkány szomatoszenzoros kérgében ketamin-xilazin altatás alatt, Együttműködés a jövőért – A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem és a Semmelweis Egyetem multidiszciplináris PhD konferenciája, Budapest, 2012 | Horváth D, Fiáth R, Ulbert I, Karmos G.: Interaction of acoustically and MGB stimulation elicited auditory cortical evoked responses in the cat, IBRO International Workshop 2012, Szeged, 2012 | Horváth D, Fiáth R, Ulbert I, Karmos G.: Interactions of auditory and thalamic electrical stimulation elicited auditory cortical evoked responses in the cat, 8th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Barcelona, 2012 | Ulbert I.: Slow sleep oscillations, ESF-HAS Workshop: Brain oscillations in health and disease, Budapest, 2012 | Miles R, Blaesse P, Huberfeld G, Wittner L, Kaila K.: Chloride homeostasis and GABA signaling in temporal lobe epilepsy, pp: 481-490 in: Noebels J, Avoli M, Rogawski MA, Olsen RW, Delgado-Escueta AV. Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012 | Dombovari B, Fiath R, Kerekes B, Toth E, Wittner L, Horvath D, Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Paul O, Ruther P, Neves H, Ulbert I: In vivo validation of the electronic depth control probes, BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK, 2013 | Pongrácz A, Fekete Z, Márton G, Bérces Zs, Ulbert I, Fürjes P: Deep-brain silicon multielectrodes for simultaneous neural recording and drug delivery., SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 189: pp. 97-105., 2013 | Hajos N, Karlocai MR, Nemeth B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabo G, Erdelyi F, Freund TF, Gulyas AI: Input-Output Features of Anatomically Identified CA3 Neurons during Hippocampal Sharp Wave/Ripple Oscillation In Vitro., JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 33:(28) pp. 11677-11691., 2013 | Fiáth R, Beregszászi P, Ulbert I: Two distinct origin of the active phases of the slow cortical rhythm in the somatosensory cortex of the ketamine-xylasine anesthetized rat, SfN 2013, San Diego Convention Center, 111 Westharbordrive, San Diego, CA92101, USA, 2013 | Fiáth R, Beregszászi P, Karmos G, Horváth D, Kerekes BP, Aarts AA, Ruther P, Neves HP, Acsády L, Ulbert I.: Spatiotemporal dynamics of the slow oscillation in the cortex and thalamus of the anesthetized rat., V. Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Horvátország, 2013 | Beregszászi P, Fiáth R, Acsády L, Ulbert I.: Characterization of single-unit activity recorded with high channel count electronic depth control probes in different thalamic nuclei of the anesthetized rat, MITT 2013, Budapest, 2013 | Fiáth R, Karmos G, Horváth D, Kerekes BP, Aarts AA, Ruther P, Neves HP, Acsády L, Ulbert I.: Investigation of the thalamocortical slow oscillation in the anesthetized rat with high channel count electronic depth control probes, MITT 2013, Budapest, 2013 | Barto P, Slezia A, Matyas F, Faradzs-Zade L, Ulbert I, Harris KD, Acsady L: Ongoing Network State Controls the Length of Sleep Spindles via Inhibitory Activity, Neuron. 2014 Jun 18;82(6):1367-79. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.04.046., 2014 | Hofer KT, Kandrács Á, Ulbert I, Pál I, Szabó C, Héja L, Wittner L: The hippocampal CA3 region can generate two distinct types of sharp wave-ripple complexes, in vitro, Hippocampus. 2015 Feb;25(2):169-86. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22361. Epub 2014 Sep 25., 2014 | Dombovari, Fiath R, Kerekes B, Toth E, Wittner L, Horvath D, Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Paul O, Ruther P, Neves H, Ulbert I: In vivo validation of the electronic depth control probes, BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK 59:(4) pp. 283-289. (2014), 2014 | Entz L, Toth E, Keller CJ, Bickel S, Groppe DM, Fabo D, Kozak LR, Eross L, Ulbert I, Mehta AD: Evoked effective connectivity of the human neocortex, HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 35:(12) pp. 5736-5753. (2014), 2014 | Karlocai MR, Kohus Z, Kali S, Ulbert I, Szabo G, Mate Z, Freund TF, Gulyas AI: Physiological sharp wave-ripples and interictal events in vitro: what's the difference?, BRAIN 137:(2 (Feb)) pp. 463-485. (2014), 2014 | Keller CJ, Honey CJ, Entz L, Bickel S, Groppe DM, Toth E, Ulbert, Lado FA, Mehta AD: Corticocortical evoked potentials reveal projectors and integrators in human brain networks, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 34:(27) pp. 9152-9163. (2014), 2014 | Márton G, Bakos I, Fekete Z, Ulbert I, Pongrácz A: Durability of high surface area platinum deposits on microelectrode arrays for acute neural recordings, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE 25:(3) pp. 931-940. (2014), 2014 | Keller CJ, Honey CJ, Mégevand P, Entz L, Ulbert I, Mehta AD: Mapping human brain networks withcortico-ortical evoked potentials, PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 369:(1653) Paper 20130528. (2014), 2014 | Horváth D, Fiáth R, Wittner L, Ulbert I, Karmos G: Evoked responses elicited by acoustic and MGB electrical, IBRO 2014 Bebrecen, 2014 |
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