Kecskebúza (Aegilops) fajok kromoszómáinak kiválogatása áramlásos citometria segítségével és felhasználásuk molekuláris markerek előállítására
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András Farkas, István Molnár, Sándor Dulai, Sándor Rapi, Vince Oldal, András Cseh, Klaudia Kruppa, Márta Molnár-Láng.: IDENTIFICATION OF WHEAT –AE.BIUNCIALIS INTROGRESSION LINES CONTAINING CHROMOSOME 3Mb AND EVALUATE THEIR POTENTIAL TO IMPROVE MICRONUTRIENT CONTENT OF WHEAT, In eds.: Kőszegi I and Pósa T: ’Our future’ book of abstracts. Pannonian Plant Biotechnology Conference For PhD Students in Plant Biology in Connection to theEPSO Fastina, 2013 | Molnár, I. Kubaláková M, Simková H, Farkas A, Cseh A, Megyeri M, Vrána J, Molnár-Láng M, Doležel J:: Laying Foundations of Chromosome Genomics in Diploid Progenitors of Hexaploid Wheat., In Plant and Animal Genome XXI Conference. January 11 - 16, 2013, San Diego, CA Poster : P0226, 2013 | Molnár I, Vrána J, Burešová V, Cápal P, Farkas A, Molnár-Láng M, Doležel J (2014): Establishment of chromosome genomics in wild wheat relatives: Dissecting the S, U, M and C genomes of Aegilops by biparametric chromosome sorting., 2014 Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, 1st - 4th of July, Manchester, UK. Abstract C3.14 pp. 98., 2014 | Darkó É, Molnár I, Molnár-Láng M.: Characterization of drought tolerance in wheat/Aegilops introgression lines., 2014 Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, 1st - 4th of July, Manchester, UK. Abstract P4.28 pp. 173, 2014 | Megyeri M, Farkas A, Varga M, Kovács G, Molnár-Láng M and Molnár I.: Karyotypic analysis of Triticum monococcum using standard repetitive DNA probes and simple sequence repeats., Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 60: 87–95., 2012 | Molnár I, Kubaláková M, Šimková H, Cseh A, Molnár-Láng M. and Doležel J.: Chromosome isolation by flow sorting in Aegilops umbellulata and Ae. comosa and their allotetraploid hybrids Ae. biuncialis and Ae. geniculata., PLoS ONE 6(11): e27708, 2011 | Molnár I, Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Leverington-Waite M, Goram R, Cseh A, Farkas A, Molnár-Láng M, Griffiths S, Doležel J.: Flow-cytometric dissection the U and M genomes facilitate the physical mapping of Aegilops species, The 15th International EWAC Conference, 7-11 November, 2011 Novi Sad, Serbia. pp. 16, 2011 | Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Šafář J, Bartoš J, Valárik M, Vrána J, Molnár I, Hernandez P, Mayer K, Stein N, Doležel J.: Chromosome genomics in plants, 18th International Chromosome Conference, 29 August to 2 September 2011 Manchester, UK, poster22, 2011 | Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Bartoš J, Šafář J, Číhalíková J, Molnár I, Luo MC, Hernandez P, Mayer KFX, Kilian A, Doležel J: Chromosomal Approach to Break the Wheat Genome, The Plant Genomics European Meeting (Plant GEM) meets global challenges. 4-7 of May 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract Book pp25. P14, 2011 | Landjeva S, Kocheva K, Kartseva T, Sepsi A, Molnár I, Schneider A, Georgiev G, Molnár-Láng M: Molecular cytogenetic identification of a wheat-Aegilops geniculata Roth spontaneous chromosome substitution and its effects on the growth and physiological responses of, Plant Breeding 131: 81-87., 2012 | Megyeri M, Molnár-Láng M and Molnár I.: Cytomolecular identification of individual wheat-wheat chromosome arm associations in wheat-rye hybrids, Cytogenetic and Genome Research, accepted, 2013 | Molnár I, Cifuentes M, Schneider A, Benavente E, Molnár-Láng M.: Association between SSR-rich chromosome regions and intergenomic translocation breakpoints in natural populations of allopolyploid wild wheats., Annals of Botany 107(1): 65-76., 2011 | Landjeva S, Kocheva K, Nenova V, Sepsi A, Molnár I, Schneider A, Kartseva T, Ganeva G, Georgiev G, Molnár-Láng M: Aegilops geniculata chromosome introgressions into bread wheat and their effects on plant physiological responses to abiotic stress., Börner A and Kobijlski B (Eds.): European Cereals Genetics Co-operative Newsletter. Proceedings of the 15th International EWAC Conference, 7-11 November 2011, Novi Sad, S, 2012 | Molnár I, Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Leverington-Waite M, Goram R, Cseh A, Farkas A, Molnár-Láng M, Griffiths S, Doležel J: Flow cytometric sorting of the U- and M-genome chromosomes facilitates physical mapping in Aegilops species., Börner A and Kobijlski B (Eds.): European Cereals Genetics Co-operative Newsletter. Proceedings of the 15th International EWAC Conference, 7-11 November 2011, Novi Sad, S, 2012 | Molnár-Láng M, Linc G, Szakács É, Molnár I, Cseh A, Schneider A, Kruppa K: Molecular cytogenetic techniques in prebreeding., Bedő Z and Láng L (Eds.) Plant breeding for future generations, proceedings of the 19th EUCARPIA general congress. 21-24 May 2012, Budapest Hungary. pp. 81-85., 2012 | Molnár I, Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Leverington-Waite M, Goram R, Cseh A, Farkas A, Molnár-Láng M, Griffiths S, Doležel J: Extending the chromosome-based genomics for wild wheat species with U and M genomes., Bedő Z and Láng L (Eds.) Plant breeding for future generations, proceedings of the 19th EUCARPIA general congress. 21-24 May 2012, Budapest Hungary. pp. 94-97., 2012 | Farkas A, Megyeri M, Molnár-Láng M, Molnár I: The use of simple sequence repeats for the karyotypic analysis of wild relatives of wheat., Bedő Z and Láng L (Eds.) Plant breeding for future generations, proceedings of the 19th EUCARPIA general congress. 21-24 May 2012, Budapest Hungary. pp. 250., 2012 | Megyeri M, Mikó P, Kovács G, Molnár-Láng M, Molnár I.: Cytomolecular analysis of individual chromosome pairing in wheat-alien hybrids., Bedő Z and Láng L (Eds.) Plant breeding for future generations, proceedings of the 19th EUCARPIA general congress. 21-24 May 2012, Budapest Hungary. pp. 261., 2012 | Cseh A, Molnár I, Türkösi E, Molnár-Láng M: Introgression of rye resistance genes into wheat by combining classical and molecular genetic approaches., Bedő Z and Láng L (Eds.) Plant breeding for future generations, proceedings of the 19th EUCARPIA general congress. 21-24 May 2012, Budapest Hungary. pp. 319., 2012 | Molnár I, Martis M, Šimková H, Kubaláková M, Vrána J, Cattonaro F, Molnár-Láng M, Mayer K, Doležel J: Development of chromosome genomics in wild relatives of wheat (Aegilops spp.)., XX. International Plant and Animal Genome Conference, january 14-18, 2012, San Diego, CA. P0338, 2012 | Martis M, Molnár I, Vrána J, Kubaláková M, Šimková H, Cattonaro F, Molnár-Láng M, Mayer K, Doležel J: Comparative sequence analysis of chromosomes isolated from two wild relatives of wheat (Aegilops umbellulata and Ae. biuncialis)., 22nd International Triticeae Mapping Initiative Workshop "ITMI-NWGC 2012" 25-29 June 2012, Fargo, North Dakota., 2012 | Megyeri M, Molnár-Láng M and Molnár I.: Cytomolecular identification of individual wheat-wheat chromosome arm associations in wheat-rye hybrids, Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 139:128-136, 2013 | 3. Molnár I., Šimková H., Leverington-Waite M., Goram R., Cseh A., Vrána J., Farkas A., Doležel J., Molnár-Láng M., Griffiths S.: Syntenic relationships between the U and M genomes of Aegilops, wheat and the model species Brachypodium and rice as revealed by COS markers, PLoS ONE 8(8): e70844., 2013 | Sándor Dulai, István Molnár, Dóra Szopkó, Éva Darkó, András Vojtkó, Andrea Sass-Gyarmati and Márta Molnár-Láng: Wheat-Aegilops biuncialis amphiploids have efficient photosynthesis and biomass production during osmotic stress., Journal of Plant Physiology, 171: 509-517., 2014 | 5. András Farkas, István Molnár, Sándor Dulai, Sándor Rapi, Vince Oldal, András Cseh, Klaudia Kruppa, Márta Molnár-Láng: Increased micronutrient content (Zn, Mn) in the 3Mb(4B) wheat-Aegilops biuncialis substitution and 3Mb.4BS translocation identified by GISH and FISH., Genome, 57: 61–67 IF: 1.668, 2014 | 3. István Molnár, Marie Kubaláková, Hana Šimková, András Farkas, András Cseh, Mária Megyeri, Jan Vrána, Márta Molnár-Láng, Jaroslav Doležel: Flow cytometric chromosome sorting from diploid progenitors of bread wheat, T. urartu, Ae. speltoides and Ae. tauschii., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127:1091–1104, 2014 |
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