A poli(ADP-ribóz) polimerázok gátlásának hatása a metabolikus egyensúlyra, a lipid és a glükóz metabolizmusra
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Kiss B, Szántó M, Szklenár M, Brunyánszki A, Marosvölgyi T, Sárosi E, Remenyik É, Gergely P, Virág L, Decsi T, Rühl R, Bai P: PARP-1 ablation alters eicosanoid and docosanoid signaling and metabolism in a murine model of contact hypersensitivity, MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS in press, 2014 | Xu S, Bai P, Little P, Liu P: Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP1) in Atherosclerosis: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Potential, MED RES REV 34: (3) 644-675, 2014 | Tóth A, Czikora Á, Pásztor ET, Dienes B, Bai P, Csernoch L, Rutkai I, Csató V, Mányiné IS, Pórszász R, Édes I, Papp Z, Boczán J: Vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) expression and function in the vasculature of the rat, J HISTOCHEM CYTOCHEM 62: (2) 129-144, 2014 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Márton J, Vámosi Gy, Nagy L, Fodor T, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Bai P: Deletion of PARP-2 induces hepatic cholesterol accumulation and decrease in HDL levels, BBA-MOL BASIS DIS 1842: (4) 594-602, 2014 | Csóka B, Koscsó B, Törő G, Kókai E, Virág L, Németh ZH, Pacher P, Bai P, Haskó Gy: A2B adenosine receptors prevent adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance by maintaining alternative macrophage activation, DIABETES 63: (3) 850-866, 2014 | Nagy L, Docsa T, Brunyánszki A, Szántó M, Hegedűs Cs, Márton J, Kónya B, Virág L, Somsák L, Gergely P, Bai P: Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor N-(3,5-dimethyl-benzoyl)-N'-(β-Dglucopyranosyl) urea improves glucose tolerance under normoglycemic and diabetic conditions and rearranges hepatic metabolism, PLOS ONE 8: (7) , 2013 | Cantó C, Sauve AA, Bai P: Crosstalk between poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and sirtuin enzymes, MOL ASPECTS MED 34: (6) 1168-1201, 2013 | Hegedűs Cs, Lakatos P, Kiss-Szikszai A, Patonay T, Gergely Sz, Gregus A, Bai P, Haskó G, Szabó É, Virág L: Cytoprotective dibenzoylmethane derivatives protect cells from oxidative stress-induced necrotic cell death, PHARMACOL RES 72: 25-34, 2013 | Cantó C, Sauve AA, Bai P: Crosstalk between poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and sirtuin enzymes, MOL ASPECTS MED &: (&) &, 2013 | Lakatos P, Szabó É, Hegedűs Cs, Haskó Gy, Gergely P, Bai P, Virág L: 3-aminobenzamide protects primary human keratinocytes from UV-induced cell death by a poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation independent mechanism, BBA-MOL CELL RES 1833: 743-751, 2013 | Bai P, Cantó C: The role of PARP-1 and PARP-2 enzymes in metabolic regulation and disease, CELL METAB 16: (5) 290-295, 2012 | Bai P, Virág L: Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases in the regulation of inflammatory processes, FEBS LETT 586: (21) 3771-3777, 2012 | Géhl Zs*, Bai P*, Bodnár E, Emri G, Remenyik É, Németh J, Gergely P, Virág L, Szabó É: Poly(ADP-ribose) in the skin and in malignant melanomas, HISTOL HISTOPATHOL 27: 651-659, 2012 | Kovács K, Erdélyi K, Hegedus Cs, Lakatos P, Regdon Zs, Bai P, Haskó Gy, Szabó É, Virág L: Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a survival mechanism in cigarette smoke-induced and hydrogen peroxide-mediated cell death, FREE RADICAL BIO MED 53: 1680-1688, 2012 | Robaszkiewicz A, Erdélyi K, Kovács K, Kovács I, Bai P, Rajnavölgyi É, Virág L: Hydrogen peroxide-induced poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates osteogenic differentiation-associated cell death, FREE RADICAL BIO MED 53: 1552-1564, 2012 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Kiss B, Nagy L, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2: emerging transcriptional roles of a DNA repair protein, CELL MOL LIFE SCI 69: (24) 4079-4092, 2012 | Szántó M*, Rutkai I*, Hegedűs Cs, Czikora Á, Rózsahegyi M, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Tóth A, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 depletion reduces doxorubicin-induced damage through SIRT1 induction, CARDIOVASC RES 92: (3) 430-438, 2011 | Géhl Z*, Bai P*, Bodnár E, Emri G, Remenyik É, Németh J, Gergely P, Virág L, Szabó É: Poly(ADP-ribose) in the skin and in malignant melanomas., Histology and histopathology 27(5):651-9. *megosztott első szerzők, 2012 | Szántó M, Rutkai I, Hegedűs Cs, Czikora Á, Rózsahegyi M, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Tóth A, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 depletion reduces doxorubicin-induced damage through SIRT1 induction., Cardiovascular Research. 92:(3) 430-438., 2011 | Szántó M; Brunyánszki A; Kiss B; Nagy L; Gergely P; Virág L; Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2: emerging transcriptional roles of a DNA repair protein, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 69(24) 4079-4092, 2012 | Bai P; Canto C: The role of PARP enzymes in metabolic regulation and disease, Cell Metabolism, 16(5) 290-295, 2012 | Szödényi A, Bai P, Szegedi A, Remenyik É, Kiss B: Patient with progeroid syndrome., EMESCO, Debrecen, 2012 | Bai P, Canto C. , Brunyánszki A., Szántó M., Kiss B., Schreiber V., Auwerx J.: Interaction of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzymes and SIRT1 in metabolic regulation., Meghívásos előadás MBKE Pécs, 2011 | Szántó M, Rutkai I., Hegedűs Cs., Czikora Á., Rózsahegyi M., Gergely P., Tóth A., Bai P.: A PARP-2 depléció hatásának vizsgálata a SIRT1 aktivációjára., MBKE Pécs, 2011 | Bai P, Canto C, Brunyánszki A, Cen Y, Szántó M, Kiss B, Schreiber V, Sauve AA, Auwerx J: Metabolic consequences of PARP inhibition: involvement of the cellular NAD+ pool., NAD METABOLISM & SIGNALING, Lucca, Italy, 2011 | Bai P.: The role of PARP-2 in metabolic regulation - fat accumulation and mitochondrial biogenesis., Invited talk at the ESBS, Strasbourg., 2011 | Brunyánszki A., Szántó M., Fodor K., Sandt C., Dumas P., Bai P: Investigation of protein acetylation and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy., MBKE Pécs, 2011 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs., Szántó M., Gergely P., Virág L., Bai P.: PARP-1 és PARP-2 szerepe kontakt hiperszenzitivitási reakcióban., MBKE Pécs, 2011 | Lakatos P, Bai P, Hegedűs Cs, Gergely P, Szabó É, Virág L: 3-aminobenzamide protects human keratinocytes from UV-induced cell death by a PARP independent mechanism, ESDR Barcelona, 2011 | Géhl Zs*, Bai P*, Bodnár E, Emri G, Remenyik É, Németh J, Gergely P, Virág L, Szabó É: Correlation of the biopolymer poly(ADP-ribose) with clinical parameters of malignant melanomas., ESDR 2011 Barcelona * joint first authorship, 2011 | Virág L, Bai P, Lakatos P, Bodnár E, Remenyik E, Szabó E: Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the skin: physiological roles and contribution to skin pathology., ESDR Barcelona, 2011 | Bai P, Virág L: Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases in the regulation of inflammatory processes, FEBS LETTERS 586:(21) pp. 3771-3777., 2012 | Kovács K, Erdélyi K, Hegedus Cs, Lakatos P, Regdon Zs, Bai P, Haskó Gy, Szabó É, Virág L: Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a survival mechanism in cigarette smoke-induced and hydrogen peroxide-mediated cell death, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 53: pp. 1680-1688., 2012 | Robaszkiewicz A, Erdélyi K, Kovács K, Kovács I, Bai P, Rajnavölgyi É, Virág L: Hydrogen peroxide-induced poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates osteogenic differentiation-associated cell death, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 53: pp. 1552-1564., 2012 | Cantó C, Sauve AA, Bai P: Crosstalk between poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and sirtuin enzymes, MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MEDICINE in press, 2013 | Hegedűs Cs, Lakatos P, Kiss-Szikszai A, Patonay T, Gergely Sz, Gregus A, Bai P, Haskó G, Szabó É, Virág L: Cytoprotective dibenzoylmethane derivatives protect cells from oxidative stress-induced necrotic cell death, PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2013 | Lakatos P, Szabó É, Hegedűs Cs, Haskó Gy, Gergely P, Bai P, Virág L: 3-aminobenzamide protects primary human keratinocytes from UV-induced cell death by a poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation independent mechanism, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH 1833: pp. 743-751., 2013 | Szántó M, Rutkai I, Hegedűs Cs, Czikora Á, Gergely P, Tóth A, Bai P: PARP-2 depletion confers protection against doxorubicin-induced vascular damage through SIRT1 induction., MBKE Conference on Signal Transduction, Esztergom,, 2012 | Brunyánszki A, Szántó M, Canto C, Kiss B, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: New kids on the block – The role of PARP-1 and PARP-2 in metabolic regulation., MBKE Conference on Signal Transduction, Esztergom, 2012 | Német I, Bai P, Doró Z, Fésüs L, Balajthy Z: Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) modulates the energy metabolism of differentiating myeloid cells through repression of key regulators of mitochondrial bio-genesis., Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2013, Siófok, 2013 | Fodor T Szántó M, Nagy L, Brunyánszki A Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: The role of Parp10 enzyme in the mitochondrial metabolism, Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2013, Siófok, 2013 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Márton J, Csumita M, Vámosi Gy, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Bai P: PARP-2 modulates cholesterol homeostasis through regulating the expression of SREBP transcription factors., MBKE Conference on Signal Transduction, Esztergom, 2012 | Nagy L, Docsa T, Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs, Márton J, Kónya B, Virág L, Somsák L, Gergely P, Bai P: Investigation of the effect of glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor N-(3,5-dimethyl-benzoyl)-N’-(β-D-glucopyranosyl)urea on energy homeostasis., MBKE Conference on Signal Transduction, Esztergom, 2012 | Szödényi A, Bai P, Virág L, Remenyik É, Szegedi A, Kiss B: Investigation of psoriasis development on PARP-1 knockout mice., MBKE Conference on Signal Transduction, Esztergom, 2012 | Nagy L, Docsa T, Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs, Márton J, Kónya B, Virág L, Somsák L, Gergely P, Bai P: Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor N-(3,5-dimethyl-benzoyl)-N’-(β-D-glucopyranosyl)urea induces energy expenditure, EMBL Diabetes and Obesity Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012 | Bai P, Canto C, Brunyánszki A, Cen Y, Szántó M, Kiss B, Schreiber V, Sauve AA, Auwerx J: Metabolic consequences of PARP inhibition: a novel enzyme family regulating oxidative metabolism., EMBL Diabetes and Obesity Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012 | Hegedűs Cs, Lakatos P, Kiss-Szikszai A, Patonay T, Gregus A, Bai P, Szabó É, Virág L: Identification of cytoprotective dibenoylmethane derivative compound by high-throughput screening., FEBS3+ Opatija, Croatia, 2012 | Kovács K, Hegedűs Cs, Bai P, Erdélyi K, Szabó É, Virág L: Poly(ADP-ribose) signalling regulates cigarette smoke-induced cell dysfunction and death in A549 lung epithelial cells., FEBS3+ Opatija, Croatia, 2012 | Lakatos P, Kovács K, Hegedűs Cs, Bai P, Szabó É, Virág L: Role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the regulation of UVA-induced cell death of primary human keratinocytes., FEBS3+ Opatija, Croatia, 2012 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs Szántó M, Gergely P, Schreiber V, Virág L, Bai P: PARP-1 and PARP-2 in the contact hypersensitivity reaction., FEBS3+ Opatija, Croatia, 2012 | Rutkai I, Szántó M, Hegedűs Cs, Czikora A, Kiss B, Tóth A, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 depletion reduces doxorubicin-induced damage through SIRT1 induction., Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, USA, 2012 | Robaszkiewicz A, Erdélyi K, Kovács K, Kovács K, Bai P, Virág L: Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates cell death in SAOS-2 cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation., FEBS Congress, Sevilla, Spain, 2012 | Szántó M, Fodor T, Nagy L, Márton J, Csumita M, Kiss B, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: Poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz enzimek a metabolizmus szabályzásában, Magyar Élettani Egyesület Éves Vándorgyűlése, 2013 | Fodor , Szántó M, Nagy L, Brunyánszki A, Kiss B, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: A PARP10 enzim szerepe a mitokondriális metabolizmus szabályzásában, Magyar Élettani Társulat Éves Vándorgyűlése, 2013 | Docsa T, Nagy L, Szántó M, Hegedűs Cs, Márton J, Kónya B, Virág L, Somsák L, Gergely P, Bai P: Glycogen phosphorylase inhibitor N-(3,5-dimethyl-benzoyl)-N’-(-D-glucopyranosyl)urea improves glucose tolerance under normoglycemic and diabetic conditions., Europhosphatase 2013, Rehovot, Israel, 2013 | Hegedűs Cs, Boros G, Emri E, Mikó E, Emri G, Bai P, Remenyik É: Changes in mitcohndrial function upon UVB irradiation., Conference of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, Budapest, 2013 | Emri E, Mikó E, Boros G, Nagy G, Bai P, Mócsai G, Rózsa D, Hegedűs Cs, Remenyik É, Emri G: Zinc homeostasis influence cytokine expression and induce heme oxygenase expression in human keratinocytes., Conference of the Hungarian Dermatological Society, Budapest, 2013 | Kristof EK, Minh DX, Bai P, Bacsó Zs, Fésüs L: Irisin modifies the differentiation program of subcutaneous human white adipocytes and induces “browning”., FEBS-EMBO Conference Paris, France, 2014 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Cantó C, Tóth A, Fodor T, Kiss B, Bai P: The role of PARP-2 in the regulation of SIRT1 expression – impact on metabolism and oxidative stress., 19th Int. Conference on ADP-ribosylation, Quebec city, Canada, 2013 | Bai P: Poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz inhibitorok és a tumorsejtek metabolizmusa., Biomedica Symposium entitled “Tumor microenvironment and ECM in focus”, 2013 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Márton J, Nagy L, Fodor T, Kiss B, Virág L, Bai: PARP-2 interferes with cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism - meghívott előadó, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: The Parp Family & Friends: Gene Regulation & Beyond. Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 2014 |




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