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Künstler A., Bacsó R., Gullner G., Hafez Y.M., Király L.: Staying alive - is cell death dispensable for plant disease resistance during the hypersensitive response?, Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 93, 75–84., 2016 | Bacsó R., Künstler A., Király L.: Tobacco necrosis virus replication and spread in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia: a potential system for studying plant defense reactions to symptomless virus infections., Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 38, 139., 2016 | L. Király, A. Künstler, R. Bacsó, Y. M. Hafez1, and Z. Király: Similarities and Differences in Plant and Animal Immune Systems – What is Inhibiting Pathogens?, Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 48 (2), pp. 187–206., 2013 | Künstler A., Bacsó R., Hafez Y. M.,Király L.: Reactive oxygen species and plant disease resistance., D.K. Gupta, J.M. Palma, F.J. Corpas (eds.) Reactive Oxygen Species and Oxidative Damage in Plants Under Stress. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 269-303., 2015 | Bacsó Renáta, Király Lóránt, Király Zoltán: ÚJ SZEMPONTOK A SZŐLŐ LISZTHARMAT-REZISZTENCIÁJÁNAK BIOKÉMIÁJÁBAN., In: Kőmíves T, Haltrich A, Molnár J (szerk.) Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 2011. Budapest, Magyarország, 2011.02.21-2011.02.22. Budapest: RePRINT Kft., p. 39.(ISBN:963 8, 2011 | Bacsó R., Bessenyei E., Király L.: SUPEROXIDE MAY INHIBIT PATHOGENS AND DISEASE SYMPTOM EXPRESSION IN PLANTS RESISTANT TO PATHOGENS, Budapest, Magyarország, 2011.07.05-2011.07.08. 2011. 10th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, 2011 | Bacsó R; Király L; Király Z: A SZŐLŐ LISZTHARMAT-REZISZTENCIA ELTÉRŐ MECHANIZMUSAINAK BIOKÉMIAI HÁTTERE, Erdei Ferenc Tudományos Konferencia Kecskemét, Magyarország, 2011.08.24-2011.08.26., 2011 | Bacsó R., Hafez Y. M., Király Z., Király L.: Inhibition of Virus Replication and Symptom Expression by Reactive Oxygen Species in Tobacco Infected with Tobacco mosaic virus, Acta phytopahtologica et entomologica Hungarica 46:(1) pp. 1-10., 2011 | Hafez Y. M., Bacsó R., Király Z., Künstler A., Király L.: Up-regulation of Antioxidants in Tobacco by Low Concentrations of H2O2 Suppresses Necrotic Disease Symptoms, Phytopathology, 102: 9, pp. 848-856., 2012 | Künstler A., Hafez Y., M., Pogány M., Király Z., Bacsó R., Király L.: Early enhanced accumulation of superoxide in mesophyll chloroplasts during symptomless non-host resistance of barley to wheat powdery mildew, Plant Biology Congress, 2012 Freiburg, Germany, pp. 706-707., 2012 | Bacsó R., Besenyei E., Király L.: Transient enhanced susceptibility of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant (RBOH-D-) to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 is supressed by hydrogen peroxide, The 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 2012. július 3-7., Bécs, p. 32., 2012 | Hafez Y. M., Bacsó R., Király Z., Künstler A., Király L.: Up-regulation of Antioxidants in Tobacco by Low Concentrations of H2O2 Suppresses Necrotic Disease Symptoms, Phytopathology, 102: 9, pp. 848-856., 2012 | Künstler, A., Füzék, K., Márfi-Bacsó, R., Király L.: . Enhanced, heat-induced susceptibility of barley to Bipolaris sorokiniana is marked by increased levels of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and elevated PR-1b expressio, XVI. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Rhodes, Greece. Abstract, P009., 2014 | L. Király, A. Künstler, R. Bacsó, Y. M. Hafez1, and Z. Király: Similarities and Differences in Plant and Animal Immune Systems – What is Inhibiting Pathogens?, Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 48 (2), pp. 187–206., 2013 | L. Király, A. Künstler, R. Bacsó, Y. M. Hafez1, and Z. Király: Similarities and Differences in Plant and Animal Immune Systems – What is Inhibiting Pathogens?, Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 48 (2), pp. 187–206., 2013 | Hafez Y. M., Bacsó R., Király Z., Künstler A., Király L.: Up-regulation of Antioxidants in Tobacco by Low Concentrations of H2O2 Suppresses Necrotic Disease Symptoms, Phytopathology, 102: 9, pp. 848-856., 2012 | R Bacsó, Y M Hafez, Z Király, L Király: Inhibition of Virus Replication and Symptom Expression by Reactive Oxygen Species in Tobacco Infected with Tobacco mosaic virus, ACTA PHYTOPATHOLOGICA ET ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA 46:(1) pp. 1-10. (2011), 2011 |




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