Elaboration and application of novel synergistic molecular approaches for breast cancer therapy.  Page description

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Details of project

Type NK
Principal investigator Szöllősi, János
Title in Hungarian új szinergikus molekuláris eljárások kidolgozása és alkalmazása emlőrákok kezelésére
Title in English Elaboration and application of novel synergistic molecular approaches for breast cancer therapy.
Keywords in Hungarian HER2, emlőtumor, immunterápia, MDR, tumor őssejt, ioncsatorna
Keywords in English HER2, breast cancer, immunotherapy, MDR, cancer stem cell, ion channel
Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological systems (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)60 %
Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence) (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)30 %
Ortelius classification: Molecular biophysics
Cancer and its biological basis (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)10 %
Panel Cellular and Developmental Biology
Department or equivalent Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology (University of Debrecen)
Participants Bacsó, Zsolt
Bársony, Orsolya
Bartók, Ádám
Fazekas, Zsolt
Goda, Katalin
Hajdu, Péter Béla
Jenei, Attila Péter
Mátyus, László
Nagy, Péter
Panyi, György
Pap, Pál
Roszik, János
Svidró, Márk
Szabó, Gábor
Szilágyi, Orsolya
Tarapcsák, Szabolcs
Váradi, Tímea Erzsébet
Varga, Zoltán
Vereb, György
Starting date 2012-01-01
Closing date 2015-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 95.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 18.06
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Vizsgálni kívánjuk az emlőrák kezelések hatástalanságának okait, és a jelenlegi és új terápiás eljárások olyan szinergesztikus kombinációját szeretnénk kidolgozni, amely a betegség eliminálását de legalábbis stabilizálását eredményezné. A terápiákkal szemben fellépő rezisztencia három területét szeretnénk vizsgálni: 1. Tanulmányozni kívánjuk a K+ csatornák szerepét és az integrinek antigén maszkoló hatását az ErbB2-t célzó antitest terápia elleni rezisztencia kialakulásában. 2. Vizsgálni fogjuk hogy miképpen használható ki a P-glikoprotein (Pgp) túlzott kifejeződése által felborított ion homeosztázis emlőtumor sejtek elpusztítására, ha a kemoterápiás kezeléseket kombináljuk Pgp és K+ ioncsatorna gátlókkal. 3. Emlőrák őssejtek sejtfelszíni és nukleáris epigenetikai markereit kívánjuk szisztematikusan meghatározni, valamint tanulmányozni fogjuk a ErbB fehérjék és K+ csatornák szerepét az őssejt jelleg kialakulásában. A projekt egyik ágában külön vizsgálni fogjuk a ErbB2-t célzó kiméra antigén receptorral (CAR-ral) transzdukált T sejtek tulajdonságait, immunszinapszis képzését, valamint felhasználhatóságukat immunterápiában fellépő rezisztencia kiküszöbölésére. Úgy véljük, hogy ha kombináljuk a különböző terápiás eljárásokat, amelyek a tumor őssejteket, multidrog rezisztenciát, antigén maszkolást és növekedési faktorok receptorait célozzák, szinergesztikus hatásként lehetővé válik az emlőrák sejtek terápiával szembeni rezisztenciájának legyőzése.
We propose to investigate the reasons of breast cancer treatment failures and to outline the principles of synergistic combinations of current and new therapeutic modalities which can cure or stabilize the disease. We will investigate 3 areas of therapy resistance. 1. We plan to study if resistance to anti-ErbB2 antibody therapy is related to the expressions of and interactions between K+ channels and integrins potentially leading to ErbB2 masking based on our previous studies. 2. We will investigate how breast cancer cells can be killed by exploiting the ion homeostasis imbalance related to the overexpression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) by combining conventional and receptor-targeted chemotherapeutics with Pgp and K+ channel inhibitors. (3) We plan to define live cell markers for breast cancer stem cells (CSC) by a systematic analysis of cell surface and nuclear epigenetic markers and analyze what roles ErbB proteins and K+ channels play in generating CSCs. In a separate arm of the proposal we will characterize the immunological synapses formed by T-cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) targeted against ErbB2 and if CAR-mediated immune responses can be utilized to overcome resistance to anti-ErbB2 antibody therapy caused by antigen masking. We believe that synergistic combinations of treatment modalities targeting stem cells, multidrug resistance, antigen masking and key growth factor receptors have the potential to overcome therapy resistance in breast cancer.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Pályázatunkban vizsgáltuk az emlőrákok terápia rezisztenciájának okait, és olyan új, ill. szinergisztikus terápiás eljárásokat teszteltünk, amelyek a betegség eliminálását, de legalábbis stabilizálását eredményezhetik. Kutatásaink során a terápiákkal szemben fellépő rezisztencia négy területét vizsgáltuk: 1. Tanulmányoztuk azokat a molekuláris útvonalakat, amelyek fontos szerepet játszanak az ErbB2-t célzó antitest-terápiával szemben mutatott rezisztencia kialakulásában. Megállapítottuk, hogy a hialuronsav szint emelkedése és a hipoxia hozzájárulhat a rezisztencia kialakulásához. Rámutattunk arra, hogy a sejtek tenyésztésének körülményei szelektíven befolyásolják az ErbB2 aktiválási útvonalait. 2. Vizsgáltuk, hogy a multidrog rezisztencia (MDR) fehérjék túlzott kifejeződése hogyan járulhat hozzá terápiák hatástalanságához. Kimutattuk, hogy a Pgp expresszió fokozódik a xenotranszplantátumokban. 3. Emlőrák őssejtek sejtfelszíni és nukleáris markereit kívántuk szisztematikusan meghatározni. Találtunk biztató markereket, de még további kísérletekre van szükség. 4. Tanulmányoztuk, hogy hogyan lehet javítani az emlőrák elleni immunválasz hatékonyságát. Egerekbe oltott xenotranszplantált emlőrák esetén jó eredményeket kaptunk antitest kombinációs kezeléssel, és még biztatóbb eredményt értünk el ErbB2-t célzó kiméra antigén receptorral (CAR-ral) transzdukált T sejtek alkalmazásával. Ez utóbbi kezeléssel a tumorokat teljesen elimináltuk a kísérleti állatokból.
Results in English
During our project we investigated the possible reasons leading to the resistance to the treatments of breast cancer. In addition we tested new and synergistic therapies which could result in eliminating or at least blocking the tumor growth. Four fields in therapy resistance were studied: 1. During our project we investigated the molecular pathways leading to the development of trastuzumab resistance in therapies targeted ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase. We have shown that hypoxia and elevated expression level of hyaluronic acid can contribute to development of resistance. In addition we pointed out the conditions of cell culturing influence selectively the activation pathways of ErbB2. 2. We studied that how overexpression of multidrug resistance (MDR) proteins can hinder the efficacy of anticancer therapy. We have shown that among the MFR proteins the expression of Pgp significantly increased in breast cancer xenografts. 3. We planned to define live cell markers for breast cancer stem cells (CSC) by a systematic analysis of cell surface and nuclear epigenetic markers. We have identified useful markers; however additional experiments are still needed. 4. We examined how the immune response against breast cancer can be improved. In breast cancer xenografts combinations of anti-ErbB2 antibodies significantly slowed down the tumor growths. Application T-cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) targeted against ErbB2 eliminated the tumors in all mice.
Full text https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=101337


List of publications

Bartok A. Panyi Gy, Varga Z: Potassium Channel-Blocking Peptide Toxins from Scorpion Venom, Toxinology DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6647-1_30-1 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014, 2014
Barsony O; Szaloki G; Turk D; Tarapcsak Sz; Gutay-Toth Zs; Bacso Zs; Holb J I; Szekvolgyi L; Szabo G; Csanady L; Szakacs G; Goda K: A single active catalytic site is sufficient to promote transport in P-glycoprotein, Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 24810 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep24810, 2016
Szöor Á, Ujlaky-Nagy L, Tóth G, Szöllosi J, Vereb G: Cell confluence induces switching from proliferation to migratory signaling by site-selective phosphorylation of PDGF receptors on lipid raft platforms, CELL SIGNAL 28: (2) 81-93, 2016
Maria-Magdalena Mocanu, Peter Nagy, János Szöllősi: Chemoprevention of breast cancer by dietary polyphenols, MOLECULES 20: (12) 22578-22620, 2015
Shrestha Dilip, Jenei Attila, Nagy Péter, Vereb György, Szöllősi János: Understanding FRET as a research tool for cellular studies, INT J MOL SCI 16: (4) 6718-6756, 2015
Bartók Á; Fehér K; Bodor A; Rákosi K; Tóth GK; Kövér KE; Panyi G; Varga Z:: An engineered scorpion toxin analogue with improved Kv1.3 selectivity displays reduced conformational flexibility., Scientific Reports 5, 18397, 2015
Gutay-Tóth Z; Fenyvesi F; Bársony O; Szente L; Goda K; Szabó G; Bacsó Z: Cholesterol-dependent conformational changes of P-glycoprotein are detected by the 15D3 monoclonal antibody, Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Dec 15. pii: S1388-1981(15)00229-2., 2015
Trencsényi Gy; Kertész I; Krasznai ZT; Máté G; Szalóki G; Szabó JP; Kárpáti L; Krasznai Z; Márián T; Goda K:: 2′[18F]-fluoroethylrhodamine B is a promising radiotracer to measure P-glycoprotein function., European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 74, 10 July 2015, Pages 27–35., 2015
Fehér K; Timari I; Rakosi K; Szolomajer J; Illyes T.Z; Bartók Á; Varga Z; Panyi Gy; Toth G; Kover K E:: Probing pattern and dynamics of disulfide bridges using synthesis and NMR of an ion channel blocker peptide toxin with multiple diselenide bonds., CHEMICAL SCIENCE (ISSN: 2041-6520) (eISSN: 2041-6539), 2015
Portugal O; Bartok Á; Zuniga Z; Balajthy A; Becerril B; Panyi G; Possani L D:: Isolation, chemical and functional characterization of several new K-channel blocking peptides from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides tecomanus, TOXICON (ISSN: 0041-0101) 115: pp. 1-12., 2016
Shrestha D, Exley MA, Vereb G, Szöllosi J, Jenei A: CD1d favors MHC neighborhood, GM1 ganglioside proximity and low detergent sensitive membrane regions on the surface of B lymphocytes, BBA-GEN SUBJECTS 1840: (1) 667-680, 2014
Mocanu Maria-Magdalena, Ganea Constanta, Georgescu Laura, Váradi Tímea, Shrestha Dilip, Baran Irina, Katona Eva, Nagy Péter, Szöllősi János: Epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate induces 67kDa laminin receptor-mediated cell death accompanied by downregulation of ErbB proteins and altered lipid raft clustering in mammary and epidermoid carcinoma cells, J NAT PROD 77: (2) 250-257, 2014
Nagy P, Szabo A, Varadi T, Kovacs T, Batta G, Szollosi J: Maximum likelihood estimation of FRET efficiency and its implications for distortions in pixelwise calculation of FRET in microscopy., CYTOM PART A 85A: 942-952, 2014
Govers C, Sebestyen Z, Roszik J, van Brakel M, Berrevoets C, Szoor A, Panoutsopoulou K, Broertjes M, Van T, Vereb G, Szollosi J, Debets R: TCRs Genetically Linked to CD28 and CD3epsilon Do Not Mispair with Endogenous TCR Chains and Mediate Enhanced T Cell Persistence and Anti-Melanoma Activity., J IMMUNOL 193: (10) 5315-5326, 2014
Panyi G; Beeton C; Felipe A: Ion channels and anti-cancer immunity, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2014 feb 3;369(1638):20130106. doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0106. Print 2014 Mar 19, 2014
Bartok A; Toth A; Somodi S; Szanto G T; Hajdu P; Panyi G; Varga Z: Margatoxin is a non-selective inhibitor of human Kv1.3 K+ channels, Toxicon 87 (1): 6-16, 2014
Fenyvesi F; Reti-Nagy K; Bacso Z; Gutay-Toth Z; Malanga M; Fenyvesi E; Szente L; Varadi J; Ujhelyi Z; Feher P; Szabo G; Vecsernyes M; Bacskay I: Fluorescently labeled methyl-Beta-cyclodextrin enters intestinal epithelial caco-2 cells by fluid-phase endocytosis., PLOS ONE 9: (1): e84856, 2014
Krasznai ZT; Trencsenyi G; Krasznai Z; Mikecz P; Nizsaloczki E; Szaloki G; Szabo JP; Balkay L; Marian T; Goda K.: .: (18)FDG a PET tumor diagnostic tracer is not a substrate of the ABC transporter P-glycoprotein, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 64: 1-8, 2014
Luna-Ramirez K; Bartok A; Restano-Cassulini R; Quintero-Hernandez V; Coronas F; Christensen J; Wright CE; Panyi G; Possani LD: Structure, Molecular Modeling and Function of the First Potassium Channel Blocker, Urotoxin, Isolated from the Venom of the Australian Scorpion Urodacus Yaschenkoi, Mol Pharmacol 86 (1): 28-41, 2014
Nizsaloczki E; Csomos I; Nagy P; Fazekas Z; Goldman CK; Waldmann TA; Damjanovich S; Vamosi G; Matyus L; Bodnar A: Distinct Spatial Relationship of the Interleukin-9 Receptor with Interleukin-2 Receptor and Major Histocompatibility Complex Glycoproteins in Human T Lymphoma Cells, CHEMPHYSCHEM 15 (18): 3969-3978, 2014
Panyi G; Beeton C; Felipe A: Ion channels and anti-cancer immunity, PLOS ONE 369: (1638) Paper UNSP 20130106, 2014
Szaloki G; Krasznai ZT; Toth A; Vizkeleti L; Szollosi AG; Trencsenyi G; Lajtos I; Juhasz I; Krasznai Z; Marian T; Balazs M; Szabo G; Goda K: The Strong In Vivo Anti-Tumor Effect of the UIC2 Monoclonal Antibody Is the Combined Result of Pgp Inhibition and Antibody Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity, PLOS ONE 9 (9), Article Number: e107875, 2014
Trencsenyi G; Marian T; Lajtos I; Krasznai Z; Balkay L; Emri M; Mikecz P; Goda K; Szaloki G; Juhasz I; Nemeth E; Miklovicz T; Szabo G; Krasznai ZT.:: 18FDG, [18F]FLT, [18F]FAZA, and 11C-methionine are suitable tracers for the diagnosis and in vivo follow-up of the efficacy of chemotherapy by miniPET in both multidrug r, Biomed Res Int., Article Number: 787365; p. 1-10, 2014
Varadi T; Mersich T; Auvinen P; Tammi R; Tammi M; Salamon F; Besznyak I; Jakab F; Baranyai Z; Szollosi J; Nagy P: Binding of Trastuzumab to ErbB2 Is Inhibited by a High Pericellular Density of Hyaluronan, JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY 60 (8): 567-575, 2012
Fabian A; Horvath G; Vamosi G; Vereb G; Szollosi J: TripleFRET measurements in flow cytometry, CYTOMETRY PART A 83A (4): 375-385, 2013
Fabian A; Vereb G; Szollosi J: The hitchhikers guide to cancer stem cell theory: markers, pathways and therapy, CYTOMETRY PART A 83A (1) SI: 62-71, 2013
Kiraly A; Varadi T; Hajdu T; Rühl R; Galmarini CM; Szollosi J; Nagy P: Hypoxia Reduces the Efficiency of Elisidepsin by Inhibiting Hydroxylation and Altering the Structure of Lipid Rafts, Mar. Drugs 11: 4858-4875, 2013
Petras M; Lajtos T; Friedlaender E; Klekner A; Pintye E; Feuerstein BG; Szollosi J; Vereb G.: Molecular interactions of ErbB1 (EGFR) and integrin-beta 1 in astrocytoma frozen sections predict clinical outcome and correlate with Akt-mediated in vitro radioresistanc, NEURO-ONCOLOGY 15 (8): 1027-1040, 2013
Roszik J; Toth G; Szollosi J; Vereb G: Validating pharmacological disruption of protein-protein interactions by acceptor photobleaching FRET imaging, Methods Mol Biol. 986:165-78, 2013
Szaloki N; Quang Minh Doan-Xuan; Szollosi J; Toth K; Vamosi G; Bacso Z: High throughput FRET analysis of protein-protein interactions by slide-based imaging laser scanning cytometry, CYTOMETRY PART A 83 (9): SI: 818-829, 2013
Poulsen CP; Vereb G; Geshi N; Schulz A: Inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming by cytochalasin D is superior to paraformaldehyde fixation for measuring FRET between fluorescent protein-tagged Golgi components, CYTOMETRY PART A 83 (9) Special Issue: SI: 830-838, 2013
Somodi S; Balajthy A; Szilagyi O; Petho Z; Harangi M; Paragh G; Panyi G; Hajdu P: Analysis of the K+ current in human CD4(+) T lymphocytes in hypercholesterolemic state, CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY 281 (1): 20-26, 2013
Szilagyi O; Boratko A; Panyi G; Hajdu P: The role of PSD-95 in the rearrangement of Kv1.3 channels to the immunological synapse, PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 465 (9): 1341-1353, 2013
Govers C, Sebestyen Z, Roszik J, van Brakel M, Berrevoets C, Szoor A, Panoutsopoulou K, Broertjes M, Van T, Vereb G, Szollosi J, Debets R: TCRs Genetically Linked to CD28 and CD3epsilon Do Not Mispair with Endogenous TCR Chains and Mediate Enhanced T Cell Persistence and Anti-Melanoma Activity., J IMMUNOL 193: (10) 5315-5326, 2014
Mocanu Maria-Magdalena, Ganea Constanta, Georgescu Laura, Váradi Tímea, Shrestha Dilip, Baran Irina, Katona Eva, Nagy Péter, Szöllősi János: Epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate induces 67kDa laminin receptor-mediated cell death accompanied by downregulation of ErbB proteins and altered lipid raft clustering in mammary and epidermoid carcinoma cells, J NAT PROD 77: (2) 250-257, 2014
Nagy P, Szabo A, Varadi T, Kovacs T, Batta G, Szollosi J: Maximum likelihood estimation of FRET efficiency and its implications for distortions in pixelwise calculation of FRET in microscopy., CYTOM PART A 85A: 942-952, 2014
Shrestha D, Exley MA, Vereb G, Szöllosi J, Jenei A: CD1d favors MHC neighborhood, GM1 ganglioside proximity and low detergent sensitive membrane regions on the surface of B lymphocytes, BBA-GEN SUBJECTS 1840: (1) 667-680, 2014
Shrestha D; Exley MA; Vereb G; Szollosi J; Jenei A: CD1d favors MHC neighborhood, GM1 ganglioside proximity and low detergent sensitive membrane regions on the surface of B lymphocytes, Biochim. Biophys. Acta Gen. Subj. 1840: 667–680, 2014
von Schwarzenberg K; Lajtos T; Simon L; Müller R; Vereb G; Vollmar AM: V-ATPase inhibition overcomes trastuzumab resistance in breast cancer, Mol Oncol. 8 (1):9–19, 2014
Fabian A; Vereb G; Szollosi J: The hitchhikers guide to cancer stem cell theory: markers, pathways and therapy, CYTOMETRY PART A 83A (1) SI: 62-71, 2013
Kiraly A; Varadi T; Hajdu T; Rühl R; Galmarini CM; Szollosi J; Nagy P: Hypoxia Reduces the Efficiency of Elisidepsin by Inhibiting Hydroxylation and Altering the Structure of Lipid Rafts, Mar. Drugs 11: 4858-4875, 2013
Petras M; Lajtos T; Friedlaender E; Klekner A; Pintye E; Feuerstein BG; Szollosi J; Vereb G.: Molecular interactions of ErbB1 (EGFR) and integrin-beta 1 in astrocytoma frozen sections predict clinical outcome and correlate with Akt-mediated in vitro radioresistance, NEURO-ONCOLOGY 15 (8): 1027-1040, 2013
Poulsen CP; Vereb G; Geshi N; Schulz A: Inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming by cytochalasin D is superior to paraformaldehyde fixation for measuring FRET between fluorescent protein-tagged Golgi components, CYTOMETRY PART A 83 (9) Special Issue: SI: 830-838, 2013
Roszik J; Toth G; Szollosi J; Vereb G: Validating pharmacological disruption of protein-protein interactions by acceptor photobleaching FRET imaging, Methods Mol Biol. 986:165-78, 2013
Somodi S; Balajthy A; Szilagyi O; Petho Z; Harangi M; Paragh G; Panyi G; Hajdu P: Analysis of the K+ current in human CD4(+) T lymphocytes in hypercholesterolemic state, CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY 281 (1): 20-26, 2013
Szaloki N; Quang Minh Doan-Xuan; Szollosi J; Toth K; Vamosi G; Bacso Z: High throughput FRET analysis of protein-protein interactions by slide-based imaging laser scanning cytometry, CYTOMETRY PART A 83 (9): SI: 818-829, 2013
Szilagyi O; Boratko A; Panyi G; Hajdu P: The role of PSD-95 in the rearrangement of Kv1.3 channels to the immunological synapse, PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 465 (9): 1341-1353, 2013
Varadi T; Mersich T; Auvinen P; Tammi R; Tammi M; Salamon F; Besznyak I; Jakab F; Baranyai Z; Szollosi J; Nagy P: Binding of Trastuzumab to ErbB2 Is Inhibited by a High Pericellular Density of Hyaluronan, JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY 60 (8): 567-575, 2012
Fabian A; Vereb G; Szollosi J: The hitchhikers guide to cancer stem cell theory: Markers, pathways and therapy, CYTOMETRY Part A 83 A (1): 62-71, 2012
Petras M; Lajtos M; Friedlander E; Klekner A; Pintyer E; Fuerstein GG; Szollosi J; Vereb G:: Molecular interactions of ErbB1 (EGFR) and integrinβ1 in astrocytoma frozen sections predict clinical outcome and correlate with Akt mediated in vitro radioresistance, Neuro-Oncology, accepted, 2013
Fabian A; Horvath G; Vamosi G; Vereb G; Szollosi J:: TripleFRET measurements in flow cytometry, Cytometry Part A accepted, 2013
Szollosi J; Nagy P; Vereb G: Dynamics and interactions of molecular drug targets in the cell membrane, CYTOMETRY PART B-CLINICAL CYTOMETRY 82B (6): 374-374, 2012
Bartok A; Varga Z; Panyi G: Tailoring the Selectivity of Anuroctoxin for Kv1.3 K+ Channels, TOXICON 60 (2) Special Issue: 171-172, 2012
Szollosi AG; Olah A; Toth BI; Papp F; Czifra G; Panyi G; Biro T: Roles of thermosensitive transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channels in heat shock induced cellular functions of human dendritic cells, JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 132 Suppl. 1: S102-S102, 2012
Pazmandi K; Kumar BV; Szabo K; Boldogh I; Szoor A; Vereb G; Rajnavolgyi E; Bacsi A: Reactive oxygen species generated by NAD(P)H oxidases in ragweed subpollen particles activate human dendritic cells, IMMUNOLOGY 137 Special Issue: SI Suppl 1: 458-458, 2012
Trencsenyi G; Mikecz P; Balkay L; Lajtos I ; Emri M; Miklovicz T; Nemeth E; Goda K; Juhasz I; Krasznai Z; Marian T; Krasznai ZT: Measurement of the Effect of Combined Treatment of Multidrug Resistant Gynaecological Tumors in Mouse Tumor Xenograft Using MiniPET-II, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING 39 Suppl 2: S556-S556, 2012
Nagy G; Minh D; Gaspar K; Mocsai G; Torocsik D; Bacso Z; Biro T; Remenyik E; Szegedi A: T Cell Polarizing Capacity Of Myeloid Dendritic Cells In Atopic Dermatitis, JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 132 Suppl 2: S4-S4, 2012
Imre L; Fenyofalvi G; Szekvolgyi L; Hegedus E; Simandi Z; Nagy L; Szabo G: Nucleosome-DNA cohesion is highly sensitive to certain H3 modifications and to superhelical twist, 1st Hungarian Epigenetic Meeting - basic science and clinical applications, September 20.-21., 2012. Budapest, Hungary, 2012
Fabian A; Horvath G; Vamosi G; Vereb G; Szollosi J: TripleFRET measurements in flow cytometry, CYTOMETRY PART A 83A (4): 375-385, 2013


Events of the project

2016-03-07 22:09:52
Résztvevők változása
2014-02-02 23:26:10
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2012-10-15 13:57:40
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