Magnetism, topology, and entanglement in quantum insulators  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Penc, Karlo
Title in Hungarian Mágnesség, topológia és összefonódás kvantumos szigetelőkben
Title in English Magnetism, topology, and entanglement in quantum insulators
Keywords in Hungarian frusztrált mágnesek, ultrahideg atomok, multiferroikus anyagok, összefonódás
Keywords in English frustrated magnets, ultracold atoms, multiferroic materials, topology, entanglement
Solid-state Physics (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Solid state physics
Panel Physics
Department or equivalent Theoretical Solid State Physics Department (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Participants Kiss, Annamária
Lajkó, Miklós
Romhányi, Judit
Szirmai, Gergely Zsolt
Woynarovich, Ferenc
Zimborás, Zoltán
Starting date 2017-11-01
Closing date 2022-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 20.362
FTE (full time equivalent) 15.87
state running project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A pályázatban vázoltak szerint analitikus és numerikus megközelítésekkel vizsgáltuk az erős spin-orbit csatolással, frusztrációval és kvantum effektusokkal rendelkező korrelált anyagok (Mott-szigetelők) rendezett és rendezetlen fázisait. Eredményeink többek között a következők: (1) Kísérleti szakemberekkel együttműködve elméletet adtunk a multiferroikus anyagokban lévő antiferromágneses domének elektromos és mágneses terekkel történő manipulálására a magnetoelektromos csatoláson keresztül, és ezek megfigyelésére a THz infravörös fény elnyelésében. (2) Megmagyaráztuk a CdCr2O4 spinellben mágneses térben megfigyelt negatív hőtágulás eredetét. (3) Feltártuk, hogy a Kitaev-csatolással rendelkező anyagok topológiai mágneses gerjesztéseket mutatnak nagy mágneses térben. (4) Azonosítottunk egy királis spinfolyadék állapotot egy háromkomponensű kvantumos Mott-szigetelőben, amely az optikai rácson lévő ultrahideg atomok modelljeként szolgál. (5) Sikerült megmagyaráznunk, hogy a frusztrált kölcsönhatásokkal rendelkező klasszikus spinek modelljeiben hogyan alakul ki egy bizonyos fajta klasszikus spinfolyadék - a neutronszórással megfigyelt spirális spinfolyadék. (6) Folytonos idejű kvantumos Monte Carlo-számításaink feltárták, hogyan okozzák a kvantumfluktuációk a fermionok Coulomb-üvegének olvadását. Megértettük a kvantumspinüveg dinamikáját is, amelyet a holmiummal adalékolt LiYF4 anyag példáján keresztül szemléltetünk.
Results in English
We investigated the ordered and disordered phases of correlated materials (Mott insulators) with strong spin-orbit coupling, frustration, and quantum effects using analytical and numerical approaches, as outlined in the proposal. Among others, our results are as follows: (1) In collaboration with experimentalists, we have provided a theory for the manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains in multiferroic materials by electric and magnetic fields via magnetoelectric coupling and their observation in the absorption of THz infrared light. (2) We have explained the origin of the negative thermal expansion observed in the CdCr2O4 spinel in the magnetic field. (3) We discovered that materials with Kitaev couplings exhibit topological magnetic excitations in the high-field phase. (4) We have identified a chiral spin liquid ground state in a three-component quantum Mott insulator, a model of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. (5) We were able to explain how a certain kind of classical spin liquid - the spiral spin liquid observed in neutron scattering experiments - forms in the models of classical spins with frustrated interactions. (6) Our extensive continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo calculations have revealed how quantum fluctuations cause the Coulomb glass of fermions to melt. We have also understood the dynamics of the quantum spin glass, exemplified by the Ho-doped LiYF4 material.
Full text


List of publications

D. Vörös, K. Penc:: Dynamical structure factor of the SU(3) Heisenberg chain: Variational Monte Carlo approach, Phys. Rev. B 104, 184426/1-19, 2021
I. Lovas, A. Kiss, C. P. Moca, G. Zaránd: Quantum Coulomb glass on the Bethe lattice, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023067, 2022
Z. Zimborás, T. Farrelly, Sz. Farkas, L. Masanes: Does causal dynamics imply local interactions?, Quantum 6, 748, 2022
A. Jahn, Z. Zimborás, J. Eisert,: Tensor network models of AdS/qCFT, Quantum 6, 643, 2022
F. B. Maciejewski, F. Baccari, Z. Zimborás, M. Oszmaniec: Modeling and mitigation of cross-talk effects in readout noise with applications to the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Quantum 5, 464, 2021
Zs. Tabi, K. H. El-Safty, Z. Kallus, P. Hága, T. Kozsik, A. Glos, Z. Zimborás: Quantum Optimization for the Graph Coloring Problem with Space-Efficient Embedding, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 2020
Z. Zimborás, T. Farrelly, Sz. Farkas, L. Masanes: Does causal dynamics imply local interactions?, arXiv:2006.10707, 2020
Á. Marosits, Zs. Tabi, Zs. Kallus, P. Vaderna, I. Gódor, Z. Zimborás: Exploring Embeddings for MIMO Channel Decoding on Quantum Annealers, Infocommunications Journal 13, 11-17, 2021
A. Glos, A. Krawiec, Z. Zimborás: Space-efficient binary optimization for variational computing, arXiv:2009.07309, 2020
D. Jakab, Z. Zimborás: Quantum phases of collective SU(3) spin systems with bipartite symmetry, Phys. Rev. B 103, 214448, 2021
L. Ding, S. Mardazad, S. Das, Sz. Szalay, U. Schollwöck, Z. Zimborás, C. Schilling: Concept of Orbital Entanglement and Correlation in Quantum Chemistry, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17, 79–95, 2021
Izabella Lovas, Annamária Kiss, Cătălin Paşcu Moca, Gergely Zaránd: Quantum Coulomb glass on the Bethe lattice, arXiv:2009.02320, 2020
A. Berezutskii, M. Beketov, D. Yudin, Z. Zimborás, J. D. Biamonte: Probing criticality in quantum spin chains with neural networks, Journal of Physics: Complexity 1, 03LT01, 9 pp, 2020
Gergő Roósz, Zoltán Zimborás, Róbert Juhász: Entanglement scaling in fermion chains with a localization-delocalization transition and inhomogeneous modulations, Phys. Rev. B 102, 064204/1-9 (2020), 2020
Jahn, Alexander; Zimborás, Zoltán; Eisert, Jens: Central charges of aperiodic holographic tensor-network models, Phys. Rev. A 102, 042407/1-18, 2020
F. H. Kim, F. F. Assaad, K. Penc, F. Mila: Dimensional crossover in the SU(4) Heisenberg model in the six-dimensional antisymmetric self-conjugate representation: Quantum Monte Carlo versus linear flavor-wave theo, Phys. Rev. B 100, 085103/1-8, 2019
P. Balla, Y. Iqbal, K. Penc: Affine lattice construction of spiral surfaces in frustrated Heisenberg models, Phys. Rev. B 100, 140402(R)/1-5, 2019
M. E. S. Morales, J. Biamonte, Z. Zimborás: On the Universality of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Quantum Information Processing 19, 291/1-26, 2020
F. B. Maciejewski, Z. Zimborás, M. Oszmaniec: Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography, Quantum 4, 257, 2020
I. Lovas, A. Kiss, C. P. Moca, G. Zaránd: Quantum Coulomb glass on the Bethe lattice, arXiv:2009.02320, 2020
G. Roósz, Z. Zimborás, R. Juhász: Entanglement scaling in fermion chains with a localization-delocalization transition and inhomogeneous modulations, Phys. Rev. B 102, 064204/1-9 (2020), 2020
A. Jahn, Z. Zimborás, J. Eisert: Central charges of aperiodic holographic tensor-network models, Phys. Rev. A 102, 042407/1-18, 2020
A. Thomasen, K. Penc, N. Shannon, J. Romhányi: Fragility of Z2 topological invariant characterizing triplet excitations in a bilayer kagome magnet, Phys. Rev. B 104, 104412/1-22, 2021
J. Vít, J. Viirok, L. Peedu, T. Rõõm, U. Nagel, V. Kocsis, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, I. Kézsmárki, P. Balla, K. Penc, J. Romhányi, S. Bordács: Terahertz detection of in-situ switching between antiferromagnetic domains in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 157201/1-6, 2021
D. Vörös, K. Penc:: Dynamical structure factor of the SU(3) Heisenberg chain: Variational Monte Carlo approach, Phys. Rev. B, 2021
Sz. Szalay, Z. Zimborás, M. Máté, G. Barcza, C. Schilling, Ö. Legeza: Fermionic systems for quantum information people, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 393001, 2021
V. Kocsis, K. Penc, T. Rõõm, U. Nagel, J. Vít, J. Romhányi, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, I. Kézsmárki, S. Bordács: Identification of Antiferromagnetic Domains Via the Optical Magnetoelectric Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 057601, 2018
P. A. McClarty, X.-Y. Dong, M. Gohlke, J. G. Rau, F. Pollmann, R. Moessner, K. Penc: Topological Magnons in Kitaev Magnets at High Fields, Phys. Rev. B 98, 060404(R)/1-6, 2018
J. Viirok, U. Nagel, T. Rõõm, D. Farkas, P. Balla, D. Szaller, V. Kocsis, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, B. Bernáth, D. L. Kamenskyi, I. Kézsmárki, S. Bordács, K. Penc: Directional dichroism in the paramagnetic state of multiferroics: a case study of infrared light absorption in Sr2CoSi2O7 at high temperatures, Phys. Rev. B 99, 014410/1-14, 2019
J. Romhányi: Multipolar edge states in the breathing kagome model, Phys. Rev. B 99, 014408/1-13, 2019
L. Rossi, A. Bobel, S. Wiedmann, R. Küchler, Y. Motome, K. Penc, N. Shannon, H. Ueda, B. Bryant: Negative thermal expansion in the plateau state of a magnetically-frustrated spinel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 027205/1-6, 2019
Francisco H. Kim, Fakher F. Assaad, Karlo Penc, Frédéric Mila: Dimensional crossover in the SU(4) Heisenberg model in the six-dimensional antisymmetric self-conjugate representation: Quantum Monte Carlo versus linear flavor-wave theo, Phys. Rev. B 100, 085103/1-8, 2019
Péter Balla, Yasir Iqbal, Karlo Penc: Affine lattice construction of spiral surfaces in frustrated Heisenberg models, Phys. Rev. B 100, 140402(R)/1-5, 2019
A. Kiss: Modified Pade approach for analytic continuation: Application to the zero-gap Kondo lattice model, arXiv:1906.05050, 2019
G. Csősz, L. Szolnoki, A. Kiss, B. Dóra, F. Simon: The generic phase diagram of spin relaxation in solids and the Loschmidt echo, arXiv: 1911.01482, 2019
Mauro E. S. Morales, Jacob Biamonte, Zoltán Zimborás: On the Universality of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, arXiv:1909.03123, 2019
Filip B. Maciejewski, Zoltán Zimborás, Michał Oszmaniec: Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography, arXiv:1907.08518, 2019
A. Kiss: Modified Pade approach for analytic continuation: Application to the zero-gap Kondo lattice model, Phys. Rev. B 100, 214417, 2019
G. Csősz, L. Szolnoki, A. Kiss, B. Dóra, F. Simon: The generic phase diagram of spin relaxation in solids and the Loschmidt echo, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033058, 2020
Mauro E. S. Morales, Jacob Biamonte, Zoltán Zimborás: On the Universality of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Quantum Information Processing 19, 291/1-26, 2020
Filip B. Maciejewski, Zoltán Zimborás, Michał Oszmaniec: Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography, Quantum 4, 257, 2020
P. Balla, Y. Iqbal, K. Penc: Degenerate manifolds, helimagnets, and multi-Q chiral phases in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the face-centered-cubic lattice, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043278/1-25, 2020
C. Boos, C. J. Ganahl, M. Lajkó, P. Nataf, K. Penc, A. M. Läuchli, K. P. Schmidt, F. Mila: Time-reversal symmetry breaking Abelian chiral spin liquid in Mott phases of three-component fermions on the triangular lattice, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023098/1-22, 2020
V. Kocsis, K. Penc, T. Rõõm, U. Nagel, J. Vít, J. Romhányi, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, I. Kézsmárki, S. Bordács: Identification of Antiferromagnetic Domains Via the Optical Magnetoelectric Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 057601, 2018
P. A. McClarty, X.-Y. Dong, M. Gohlke, J. G. Rau, F. Pollmann, R. Moessner, K. Penc: Topological Magnons in Kitaev Magnets at High Fields, Phys. Rev. B 98, 060404(R)/1-6, 2018
J. Viirok, U. Nagel, T. Rõõm, D. Farkas, P. Balla, D. Szaller, V. Kocsis, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, B. Bernáth, D. L. Kamenskyi, I. Kézsmárki, S. Bordács, K. Penc: Directional dichroism in the paramagnetic state of multiferroics: a case study of infrared light absorption in Sr2CoSi2O7 at high temperatures, arXiv:1809.10207, 2018
C. Boos, M. Lajkó, P. Nataf, K. Penc, K.P. Schmidt, F. Mila:: Chiral Mott phase of three-component fermions on the triangular lattice, arXiv:1802.03179, 2018
R. Juhász, J. M. Oberreuter, Z. Zimborás: Entanglement Entropy of Disordered Quantum Wire Junctions, arXiv:1808.02576, 2018
M. Oszmaniec Z. Zimborás: Universal Extensions of Restricted Classes of Quantum Operations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 220502, 2017
D. Jakab, G. Szirmai, Z. Zimborás: The bilinear–biquadratic model on the complete graph, J. Phys. A 51, 1751, 2018
I. Apellaniz, I. Urizar-Lanz, Z. Zimborás, P. Hyllus, G. Tóth: Precision bounds for gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles, Phys. Rev. A 97, 053603, 2018
J. Eisert, V. Eisler, Z. Zimborás: Entanglement negativity bounds for fermionic Gaussian states, Phys. Rev. B 97, 165123, 2018
C. Krumnow, Z. Zimborás, J. Eisert: A fermionic de Finetti theorem, J. Math. Phys. (N.Y.) 58, 122204, 2017
J. Romhányi: Multipolar edge states in the breathing kagom ́e model, arXiv:1801.07950, 2018
Balla Péter: Extended ground state manifolds of classical Heisenberg magnets and magnetoelectric selection rules in åkermanites, Műegyetemi Digitális Archivum, 2022

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