Therapy response in association with biomarker and intermedier phenotype profile in major depression disorders  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Lazáry, Judit
Title in Hungarian Biomarker és fenotípus profil vizsgálata a terápiás válasszal összefüggésben major depressziós zavarban szenvedők körében
Title in English Therapy response in association with biomarker and intermedier phenotype profile in major depression disorders
Keywords in Hungarian egyénre szabott orvoslás, biomarker térképezés, fenotípus profil, terápiás válasz predikció
Keywords in English personalized medicine, biomarker mapping, phenotyping profile, therapy response prediction
Neurology, cerebrovascular disorders, psychiatry and mental health (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)60 %
Ortelius classification: Neurology, Psychiatry
Biological basis of neurological and psychiatric disorders (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Public health, health services, environmental and occupational medicine, epidemiology, medical ethics (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Ortelius classification: Neurology, Psychiatry
Panel Clinical Medicine
Department or equivalent Nyírő Gyula Kórház-OPAI (National Institute of Neurosurgery)
Participants Báthory, Anna
Döme, Péter
Eleméry, Mónika
Faludi, Gábor
Gonda, Xénia
Tombor, László
Starting date 2018-05-01
Closing date 2022-08-31
Funding (in million HUF) 15.584
FTE (full time equivalent) 7.38
state running project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Kutatási eredményeink alapján elsőként igazoltuk, hogy a szorongásos és depressziós tünetek javulása és a perifériás vérben mérhető egyik endokannabinoid (2-AG) szint változása összefüggést mutat transzkraniális mágneses stimulációs kezelés során terápiarezisztens depresszióban. További eredményünk, hogy a perifériás vér VEGF szintjének változása az anhedóniás tünetekkel mutat korrelációt, ugyanakkor a magas kiindulási VEGF szint terápiarezisztenciát jelez előre mind rTMS kezelés, mind gyógyszeres kezelés esetén. A BDNF szint és a neurokognitív funkció között jelzett összefüggést találtunk. A gyulladásos citokinek változása szintén az affektív tünetek, valamint az anhedónia javulásával mutat kapcsolatot. Kutatásunkban megerősítettük, hogy az rTMS a neurokognitív tüneteket számottevően nem csökkenti, azonban gyógyszeres terápia mellett szignifikáns javulás érhető el, ezért neurokognitív tünetek dominanciája esetén az rTMS kezelés nem javasolt. Ezzel szemben, eredményeink alapján markáns anhedónia, valamint alacsony 2-AG, VEGF és magas gyulladásos marker szintek fennállásakor rTMS az elsőként választandó kezelés. Magas VEGF szint esetén a beteg pszichés felkészítése a hosszabb rTMS kezelésre, gyógyszerkombináció alkalmazásának szükségességére hasznos lehet. A negatív gyógyszerszedési attitűdöt a javult neurokogníció nem, a szorongás és depresszív tünetek oldása viszont jelentősen javította.
Results in English
We reported for first time the association between the improvement of anxious and depressive symptoms, and serum level of an endocannabioid (2-AG) due to rTMS treatment in patients with treatment resistant depression. Further results showed that change of serum level of another biomarker (VEGF) is correlated with reduction of anhedonia, a prominent symptom of the depressive disorder; however, high baseline VEGF level predicts resistance to both types of treatments (rTMS and pharmacotherapy as well). Relationship between serum BDNF and neurocognition was found only in a partial way. Change of inflammatory cytokine levels are also associated with reduction of affective and anhedonic symptoms. Our results confirmed that rTMS has no significant effect on the neurocognitive symptoms of depression, while they can be improved by medications. Thus, in case of dominancy of neurocognitive dysfunction, rTMS should not be recommanded. In contrast, in case ofmarked anhedonia and low baseline concentration of serum 2-AG, VEGF and inflammatory cytokines, rTMS should be selected for firstline treatment. Further, mentally preparation of patients with high baseline VEGF level for long term therapy, extended rTMS protocol and combined medications could be useful recommandation. Improvement of neurocognition has no effect on the negative drug attitude but attenuation of anxious and depressive symptoms confirmed the positive drug attitude.
Full text


List of publications

Monika Elemery, Szilvia Kiss, Peter Dome, Laszlo Pogany, Gabor Faludi, Judit Lazary: Change of Circulating Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Level and Reduction of Anhedonia Are Associated in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Treated With Repetitiv, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022
Elemery Monika, Kiss Szilvia, Gonda Xenia, Döme Péter, Lazáry Judit: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a potential biomarker in major dipressive disorder, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2017
Lazáry Judit: From stone-craved genes to Michelangelo: significance and different aspects of gene-environment interaction, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2017
Csala Irén, Döme Péter, Lazáry Judit: Maternal bonding style, cholinergic receptor gene polymorphisms in association with smoking-related depressive symptoms, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2017
Lazáry Judit, Eszlári Nóra, Juhász Gabriella, Bagdy György: Genetic association analyses of the endocannabinoid system on anxious phenotype,, 2017
Lazáry Judit: Stress, inflammation and depression: integrative role of endocannbinoid pathway, European Psychiatry, 2018
Lazary Judit: Highlights of peripheral biomarkers in major depressive disorder: focus on HPA-axis, inflammation and neurotrophic factors, pubmed, 2018
Dome P, Tombor L, Lazary J, Gonda X, Rihmer Z.: Natural health products, dietary minerals and over-the-counter medications as add-on therapies to antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder: a review., Pubmed, 2019
Pogany, L; Lazary,J.: Pharmacological treatment and health control beliefs from the perspective of psychiatric patients: differences in attitudes, pubmed, 2019
Pogany,L, Lazary J.: Health control beliefs and chronic illness: how do they relate?., Pubmed, 2020
Lazary,J. Elemery, M., Döme,P., Tombor L., Faludi G.: Perifériás szérum endocannabinoid szint változás rTMS kezelés hatására major depressziós zavarnam szenvedők körében, Psychiatria Hungarica Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság XXIII. jubileumi vándorgyűlés előadás kivonatok Budapest, 2020-01.22-25. 91.oldal, 2020
PoganyL., Lazary, J.: Health locus of control influence the drug attitude in different way in psychiatric and non-psychiatric samples., 33rd ECNP congress, 12-15. September, virtual congress, 2020
Lazary, J. Miezah, D., Moustafa, A., Kéri, Sz.: Peripheral biomarkers in major depressiove disorders, Recent topics on major depressive disorders chapter 1 (edited by Ahmed Moustafa), published by Elsevier), 2020
Lazáry Judit: Stress, inflammation and depression: integrative role of endocannbinoid pathway, Journal of European Psychiatry, supplement of 28th congress of EPA, 2018
Lazary Judit: Highlights of peripheral biomarkers in major depressive disorder: focus on HPA-axis, inflammation and neurotrophic factors, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2018
Dome P, Tombor L, Lazary J, Gonda X, Rihmer Z.: Natural health products, dietary minerals and over-the-counter medications as add-on therapies to antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder: a review., Brain Research Bulletin, 2019
Pogany, L; Lazary,J.: Pharmacological treatment and health control beliefs from the perspective of psychiatric patients: differences in attitudes, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2019
Pogany,L, Lazary J.: Health control beliefs and chronic illness: how do they relate?., Neuropsychiatria Hungarica, 2020
Lazary Judit, Eleméry Mónika, Döme Péter, Kiss Szilvia, Gonda Xenia, Tombor László, Pogány László, Becskereki Gergely, Tóth Blanka, Faludi Gábor: Peripheral endocannabinoid serum level in association with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment in patients with major depressive disorder, Scientific Reports, 2021
Pogány László, De Las Cuevas, Lazáry Judit: Validation and analysis of the Patient's Health Belief Questionnaire on Psychiatric Treatment in a sample of Hungarian psychiatric patients, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2021
Pogány László, Lazáry Judit: Health Control Beliefs and Attitude Toward Treatment in Psychiatric and Non-Psychiatric Clinical Samples, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Lazáry Judit, Eszlári Nóra, Krikó Eszter, Tőzsér Dóra, Döme Péter, William J. Deakin, Juhász Gabriella, Bagdy György: Genetic analyses of the endocannabinoid pathway in association with affective phenotypic variants, Neuroscience Letters, 2021
Lazáry Judit: Symptom improvement is associated with serum cytokine level change during rTMS tretament in patients with treatment resistant depression, Journal of European Psychiatry, supplement of 29th EPA congress, 2021, 2021
Lazáry Judit: Acute effects of the first period of COVID-19 pandemic on mental state, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2020
Pogány László, Horváth András Áron, Slezák Adrienn, Rózsavölgyi Éva, Lazáry Judit: The first lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic from the psychiatric patients' perspective: an ambulatory care client experience survey, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica, 2020
Pogány László, Lazáry Judit: Emergency state in COVID-19 pandemic: Hungarian patients’ experiences, Supplement of the 29th EPA congress, 2021
Volz HP, Bartečků E, Bartova L, Bessa J, De Berardis D, Dragasek J, Kozhuharov H, Ladea M, Lazáry J, Roca M, Usov G, Wichniak A, Godman B, Kasper S.: Sick leave duration as a potential marker of functionality and disease severity in depression, Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract, 2022
Judit Lazáry, Monika Elemery, Szilvia Kiss, László Pogany, Gabor Faludi: What is the link between the antidepressants, the transcranial magnetic stimulation and the peripheral vascular endothelial growth factor?, Abstracts of the 30th Congress of the European Psychiatric Assocation, 2022
de Leon J, Schoretsanitis G, Smith RL, Molden E, Solismaa A, Seppälä N, Kopeček M, Švancer P, Olmos I, Ricciardi C, Iglesias-Garcia C, Iglesias-Alonso A, Spina E, Ruan CJ, Wang CY, Wang G, Tang YL, Lin SK, Lane HY, Kim YS, Kim SH, Rajkumar AP, González-Esquivel DF, Jung-Cook H, Baptista T, Rohde C, Nielsen J, Verdoux H, Quiles C, Sanz EJ, De Las Cuevas C, Cohen D, Schulte PFJ, Ertuğrul A, Anıl Yağcıoğlu AE, Chopra N, McCollum B, Shelton C, Cotes RO, Kaithi AR, Kane JM, Farooq S, Ng CH, Bilbily J, Hiemke C, López-Jaramillo C, McGrane I, Lana F, Eap CB, Arrojo-Romero M, Rădulescu FŞ, Seifritz E, Every-Palmer S, Bousman CA, Bebawi E, Bhattacharya R, Kelly DL, Otsuka Y, Lazary J, Torres R, Yecora A, Motuca M, Chan SKW, Zolezzi M, Ouanes S, De Berardis D, Grover S, Procyshyn RM, Adebayo RA, Kirilochev OO, Soloviev A, Fountoulakis KN, Wilkowska A, Cubała WJ, Ayub M, Silva A, Bonelli RM, Villagrán-Moreno JM, Crespo-Facorro B, Temmingh H, Decloedt E, Pedro MR, Takeuchi H, Tsukahara M, Gründer G, Sagud M, Celofiga A, Ignjatovic Ristic D, Ortiz BB, Elkis H, Pacheco Palha AJ, LLerena A, Fernandez-Egea E, Siskind D, Weizman A, Masmoudi R, Mohd Saffian S, Leung JG, Buckley PF, Marder SR, Citrome L, Freudenreich O, Correll CU, Müller DJ.: An International Adult Guideline for Making Clozapine Titration Safer by Using Six Ancestry-Based Personalized Dosing Titrations, CRP, and Clozapine Levels, Pharmacopsychiatry, 2021
Pogány László, Lazáry Judit: Health Control Beliefs and Attitude Toward Treatment in Psychiatric and Non-Psychiatric Clinical Samples, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Monika Elemery, Szilvia Kiss, Peter Dome, Laszlo Pogany, Gabor Faludi, Judit Lazary: Change of Circulating Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Level and Reduction of Anhedonia Are Associated in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Treated With Repetitiv, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022
Lazary Judit, Eleméry Mónika, Döme Péter, Kiss Szilvia, Gonda Xenia, Tombor László, Pogány László, Becskereki Gergely, Tóth Blanka, Faludi Gábor: Peripheral endocannabinoid serum level in association with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment in patients with major depressive disorder, Scientific Reports, 2021
Pogány László, Lazáry Judit: Health Control Beliefs and Attitude Toward Treatment in Psychiatric and Non-Psychiatric Clinical Samples, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Lazáry Judit, Eszlári Nóra, Krikó Eszter, Tőzsér Dóra, Döme Péter, William J. Deakin, Juhász Gabriella, Bagdy György: Genetic analyses of the endocannabinoid pathway in association with affective phenotypic variants, Neuroscience Letters, 2021


Events of the project

2018-02-07 09:19:33
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika (Semmelweis Egyetem), Új kutatóhely: Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika (Semmelweis Egyetem).

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