Modulation of lipid metabolism: the role of unsaturated fatty acids and microRNAs  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Kereszturi, Éva
Title in Hungarian Telítetlen zsírsavak és mikroRNS-ek szerepe a lipid anyagcsere szabályozásában
Title in English Modulation of lipid metabolism: the role of unsaturated fatty acids and microRNAs
Keywords in Hungarian lipid anyagcsere, cisz és transz telítetlen zsírsavak, sztearil-KoA-deszaturáz, mikroRNS, lipotoxicitás
Keywords in English lipid metabolism, cis and trans unsaturated fatty acids, stearoyl-CoA-deasturase, microRNA, lipotoxicity
Transcriptomics (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)60 %
Molecular biology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)40 %
Ortelius classification: Molecular biology
Panel Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Department or equivalent Dept. of Molecular Biology (Semmelweis University)
Participants Csala, Miklós
Kovács, Borbála
Orosz, Gabriella
Sarnyai, Farkas
Sipeki, Szabolcs
Szelényi, Péter
Zámbó, Veronika
Starting date 2021-09-01
Closing date 2026-09-30
Funding (in million HUF) 37.100
FTE (full time equivalent) 12.05
state running project


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2023-11-10 15:16:29
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