Comparative magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomographic and radiographic examinations of the metacarpophalangeal joint of horses in full race and competition training: a longitudinal study  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Nagy-Schuller tot Peursum, Annamária
Title in Hungarian Tréningben és versenyzésben levő lovak csüdízületének összehasonlító mágneses rezonanciás, komputertomográfiás és röntgenvizsgálata: egy longitudinális tanulmány
Title in English Comparative magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomographic and radiographic examinations of the metacarpophalangeal joint of horses in full race and competition training: a longitudinal study
Keywords in Hungarian ló, csüd, MRI, CT, röntgen, sántaság, stressz eredetű elváltozások
Keywords in English horse, fetlock, MRI, CT, radiography, lameness, stress-related injuries
Veterinary sciences (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)40 %
Ortelius classification: Animal diagnostics
Radiology, nuclear medicine and imaging, radiation therapy (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)40 %
Ortelius classification: Radiology
Orthopedics, sport medicine, rheumatology, rehabilitation (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Ortelius classification: Physical medicine
Panel Plant and animal breeding
Department or equivalent Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine (University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest)
Participants Boros, Koppány
Starting date 2021-09-01
Closing date 2025-08-31
Funding (in million HUF) 39.949
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.45
state running project


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2022-10-04 17:12:43
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