Prehistoric fortified settlements in Central Hungary (Pest county)  Page description

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Details of project

Type MEC_K
Principal investigator Kulcsár, Gabriella
Title in Hungarian Őskori erődített települések Közép-Magyarországon (Pest megye)
Title in English Prehistoric fortified settlements in Central Hungary (Pest county)
Keywords in Hungarian őskor, bronzkor, erődített települések, légifotózás, roncsolásmentes módszerek
Keywords in English prehistory, Bronze Age, fortified settlements, aerial photography, non-destructive methods
Archeology (Council of Humanities and Social Sciences)100 %
Panel Science Patronage - subprogram 4
Department or equivalent Institute of Archaeology (Research Centre for the Humanities)
Starting date 2022-03-01
Closing date 2024-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 5.791
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state running project

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