Model experiments of the human pathological effects of hormonal imprinting  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Csaba, György
Title in Hungarian A hormonális imprinting humán patológiai hatásainak modellezése állatkísérletekben
Title in English Model experiments of the human pathological effects of hormonal imprinting
Panel Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology
Department or equivalent Dept. of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology (Semmelweis University)
Participants Inczefiné Gonda, Ágnes
Karabélyos, Csaba
Knippel, Barbara
Kovács, Péter
Tekes, Kornélia
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2007-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 4.512
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A hormonális imprinting a központi idegrendszerre is hat, akár perinatálisan, akár későbbi érzékenységi időpontban történik meg. Endorfin imprinting csökkenti az agyi szerotonin szintet, ami befolyásolja az agresszivitást és szexuális magatartást és extrem módon megnöveli a nocistatin szintet, ami a fájdalomtűrésre lehet hatással. Perinatális szerotonin imprinting csökkenti a striatum szerotonin szintjét és növeli hímekben a szexuális aktivitást. Az immunsejtekben (fehérvérsejtek és hízósejtek) számos hormon van jelen. Az állatok neme befolyásolja a hormon tartalmat. Ujszülöttkori endorfin imprinting után a nőstények hízósejtjei kevesebb endorfint, szerotonint és EGF-et tartlmaztak. A késői terhességi korban bekövetkező endorfin imprinting immunsejt szerotonin és hisztaminra való hatása transzgenerációsan is követhető az F2 generációig. Közvetett imprinting is lehetséges, amennyiben stressz (elválasztási vagy felnőtt korban) vagy alkohol fogyasztás (terhesség vagy szoptatás alatt) maradandóan befolyásolja az immunsejtek hormon tartalmát. Egyes hormonok (szerotonin, hisztamin)a sejtmagban is jelen vannak. HDC-gén kiütött egerekben az immunsejtek szerotonin tartalma megnőtt, de a sejtmagból hiányzott. A kísérletek eredményeiből egy, az immunrendszerben jelen levő endokrin hálózatra is lehet következtetni.
Results in English
Perinatal as well as later (at weaning or at adult age) hormonal imprinting influences also the central nervous system. Endorphin imprinting reduces the serotonin level of the brain, which influences the animals’ aggressivity and sexual behavior and extremly elevates the nocistatin level which affects pain tolerance. Perinatal serotonin imprinting reduces the serotonin level of striatum and increases males’ sexual activity. Immune cells (white blood cells and mast cells) contain numerous hormones. There are differences in the hormone contents of males and females. After neonatal endorphin imprinting females’ mast cells contain less endorphin, serotonin and EGF. The effects of endorphin imprinting in late pregnancy on the serotonin and histamine concentration can be followed up to the second filial generation.There is also a possibility of indirect imprinting when stress (at weaning or in adult age) or alcohol consumption (during pregnancy or lactation) durably influence the hormone content of immune cells. Certain hormones (histamine and serotonin) are present also in the nucleus of mast cells. In HDC-KO mice the serotonin content of immune cells increases, however it was absent in the nucleus. Considering the results, an endocrine network inside the immune system can be surmized.
Full text


List of publications

Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Gender differences in the histamine and serotonin content of blood, peritoneal and thymic cells: a comparison with mast cells, Cell Biol Int 27, 387-389,, 2003
Csaba G; Knippel B; Karabélyos Cs; Inczefi-Gonda Á; Hantos M; Tóthfalusi L; Tekes K: Effect of neonatal beta-endorphin imprinting on sexual behavior and brain serotonin level in adult rats, Life Sci 73, 103-114, 2003
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Prolonged effect of a single serotonin treatment in adult age on the serotonin and histamine content of white blood cells and mast cells of rats, Cell Biochem Function 21, 191-194, 2003
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Effect of a single neonatal endorphin treatment on the hormone content of adult rat white blood cells and mast cells., Cell Biol Int 27, 423-427, 2003
Csaba G; Inczefi-Gonda Á; Kovács P; Pállinger É: H1-receptor blocker antihistamine, terfenadine durably influences the glucocorticoid receptor, and lymphocyte histamine content of weanling rats, Pharmacol Res 48, 241-244, 2003
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Prolonged effect of the tricyclic antidepressant, mianserin on the serotonin and histamine content of young rats\' white blood cells and mast cells, Pharmacol Res 48, 457-460, 2003
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Endorphin content of white blood cells and peritoneal cells in neonatally benzpyrene treated adult rats, Acta Physiol Hung 90, 207-215, 2003
Csaba G; Knippel B; Karabélyos Cs; Inczefi-Gonda Á; Hantos M; Tekes K: Impact of a single serotonin treatment (hormonal imprinting) on the brain serotonin content and sexual behavior of adult rats, Life Sci 73, 2703-2711, 2003
Tekes K; Hantos M; Csaba G: Single neonatal treatment with beta-endorphin (hormonal imprinting) extremely enhances nocistatin level of cerebrospinal fluid in adult rats, Life Sci 74, 1993-1997, 2003
Csaba G; Knippel B; Karabélyos Cs; Inczefi-Gonda Á; Hantos M; Tóthfalusi L; Tekes K: Effect of treatment at weaning with the serotonin antagonist mianserin on the brain serotonin and cerebrospinal fluid nocistatin level of adult female rats. A case of late imprinting, Life Sci 75, 939-946, 2004
Csaba G; Knippel B; Karabélyos Cs; Inczefi-Gonda Á; Hantos M; Tekes K: Endorphin excess at weaning durably influences sexual activity, uterine estrogen receptors\' binding capacity and brain serotonin level of female rats, Horm Metab Res 36, 39-43, 2004
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Prolonged impact of five imprinters on the serotonin content of white blood cells and mast cells of weanling rats. Outstanding effect of benzpyrene and chlorpheniramine, Cell Biol Int 28, 217-222, 2004
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Effect of endorphin exposure at weaning on the endorphin and serotonin content of white blood cells and mast cells in adult rat, Cell Biochem Funct 22, 197-200, 2004
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Prolonged effect of an H1-receptor blocker antihistamine on the histamine content of white blood cells and mast cells, Cell Biochem Funct 22, 201-204, 2004
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Immunologically demonstrable hormones and hormone-like molecules in rat white blood cells and mast cells, Cell Biol Int 28, 487-490, 2004
Csaba G; Pállinger É: Effect of a single neonatal or repeated benzpyrene exposure on the serotonin content of immune cells in young male rats, Acta Physiol Hung 91, 205-210, 2004
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Acute and long-term effect of (-) deprenyl and (1) l-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane (PPAP) on the serotonin content of peritoneal cells (white blood cells and mast cells), Cell Biochem Funct 24, 49-53, 2006
Csaba G; Inczefi-Gonda Á: Molecules acting on receptor level at weaning, durably influence liver glucocorticoid receptors, Acta Physiol Hung, 92, 33-38, 2005
Csaba G; Pállinger É: Effect of neonatal benzpyrene exposition on the serotonin content of immune cells in young male rats, Acta Physiol Hung, 91, 205-210, 2004
Csaba G; Tekes K: Is the brain hormonally imprintable?, Brain Developm, 27, 465-471, 2005
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Effect of the inhibition of triiodothyronine (T3) production by thiamazole on the T3 and serotonin content of immune cells, Life Sci, 76, 2043-2052, 2005
Csaba G; Karabélyos Cs; )nczefi-Gonda Á; Pállinger É: Three-generation investigation on the serotonin content of rat\'s immune cells long time after beta-endorphin exposure in late pregnancy, Horm Metab Res, 37, 172-177, 2005
Pállinger É; Csaba G: Influence of acute stress on the triiodothyronine (T3) and serotonin content of rat\'s immune cells, Acta Physiol Hung, 92, 47-52, 2005
Pállinger É; Tóthfalusi L; Csaba G: Prolonged effect of endorphin treatment during pregnancy of rat on the histamine content of F1 and F2 offspring generations, Cell Biochem Funct 24, 287-290, 2006
Pállinger É, Csaba G: Effect of serotonin acting agents on the serotonin content of immune cells. S peculiar observation., Cell Biochem Function Epub ahead of print, 2006
Pállinger É, Csaba G: Effect of a single early gestational alcohol consumption on the insulin binding by immune cells of adult rats., Inflamm Res 54, 483-484, 2005
Csaba G; Kovács P; Tóthfalusi L, Pállinger É: Prolonged effect of stress (water and food deprivation) at weaning or in adult age on the triiodothyronine and histamine content of immune cells., Horm Metab Res 37, 711-715, 2003
Csaba G; Kovács P; Pállinger É: Hormones in the nucleus. Immunologically demonstrable biogenic amines (serotonin, histamine) in the nucleus of rat peritonela mast cells., Life Sci 78, 1871-1877, 2006
Pállinger É, Kovács P, Csaba G: Presence of hormones in the immune cells of newborn rat., Cell Biol Int 29, 826-830, 2005
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Aalcohol consumption during gestationreduces the histamine and triiodothyronine content of rat immune cells, Inflamm Res 54, 479-482, 2005
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Influence of in vitro and in vivo insulin treatment on the hormone (histamine, serotonin, endorphin and triiodothyronine) content of thymus and spleen cells., Life Sci 78, 1034-1037, 2006
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Impact of alcohol consumption during lactation and pregnancy on the hormone (endorphin, serotonin) content of immune cells in adult age., Alcohol 38, 111-116, 2006
Csaba G, Kovács P, Tóthfalusi L, Pállinger É: Prolonged effect of stress (Water and food deprivation) at weaning or in adult age on the triiodothyronine and histamine content of immune cells, Horm Metab Res 37, 711-715, 2005
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Influence of paraformaldehyde and EDAC fixation on the demonstrability of hormones (histamine, endorphin, triiodothyronine) in rat immune cells: an immunocytochemical comparative analysis, Cell Biol Int 30, 412-425, 2006
Pállinger É, Tóthfalusi L, Csaba G: Prolonged effect of endorphin treatment during pregnancy in the rat on the histamine content of immune cells of F1 and F2 offspring generations, Cell Biochem Function 24, 287-290, 2006
Csaba G, Kovács P: Perinuclear localization of biogenic amine (serotonin and histamine) in rat immune cells, Cell Biol Int 30, 861-865, 2006
Tekes K, Hantos M, Gyenge M, Karabélyos Cs, Csaba G: Prolonged effect of stress at weaning on the brain serotonin metabolism and sexuality of female rats, Horm Metab Res 38, 799-802, 2006
Csaba G, Kovács P, Pállinger É: Impact of neonatal imprinting with vitamin A or D on the hormone content of rat immune cells, Cell Biochem Function, Közlésre elfogadva, 2007
Csaba G, Kovács P, Buzás E, Mazán M,Pállinger É: Serotonin content is elevated in the immune cells of histidine decarboxylase gene knock-out (HDCKO) mice. Focus on mast cells., Inflamm Res, Közlésre elfogadva, 2007
Csaba G, Kovács P, ,Pállinger É: Transgenerational effect of neonatal vitamin A or D treatment (hormonal imprinting) on the hormone content of rat immune cells., Horm Metab Res, Közlésre elfogadva, 2007
Tekes K, Hantos M, Gyenge M, Csaba G: Effect of beta-endirphin imprinting during late pregnancy on the brain serotonin and plasma nocistatin levels of adult male rats., Horm Metab Res, Közlésre elfogadva, 2007
Csaba G: Hormonal imprinting: phylogeny, ontogeny, diseases and possible rolein the present-day human evolution, Cell Biochem Function, Közlésre elfogadva, 2007
Csaba G, Kovács P, Buzás E, Mazán M, Pállinger É: Knock-out of histidine decarboxylase (HDC) gene in mice deeply influences the hormone (ACTH, triiodothyronine, endorphin) content of immune cells, Inflamm Res Közlésre beküldve, 2007
Csaba G, Pállinger É: In vitro effect of hormones on the hormone content of rat peritoneal and thymic cells. Is there an endocrine network inside the immune system?, Inflamm Res Közlésre beküldve, 2007

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