Studies on photodegradation mechanisms of pesticides, as well as modelling their environmental and biological impacts  Page description

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Details of project

Type F
Principal investigator Kiss, Attila Péter
Title in Hungarian Peszticidek fotodegradációs mechanizmusainak feltárása, valamint környezeti és biológiai hatásainak modellezése
Title in English Studies on photodegradation mechanisms of pesticides, as well as modelling their environmental and biological impacts
Panel Chemistry 2
Department or equivalent Biokémiai Tanszék (Eszterházy Károly University)
Participants Csutorás, Csaba
Starting date 2005-01-01
Closing date 2008-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 2.121
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.20
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
MMunkánk során 9 fényérzékeny peszticidre GC-MS ésHPLC-MS analízisekkel felállítottuk a fotolitikus degradáció mechanizmusait a köztitermékek azonosítása által. A fotoindukált bomlás során keletkezett termékek toxicitásának modellezése céljából mikrobiológiai tesztkísérleteket valósítottunk meg 6 gyakori talaj mikroorganizmus alkalmazásával. Munkánk kiterjedt eltérő talajok (barna erdőtalaj, homoktalaj) releváns paramétereinek különböző karakterű peszticidek (acetoklór, EPTC) fotodegradációjára gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálatára is, valamint a keletkezett bomlástermékeknek a talaj fémtartalmával való kölcsönhatásának a feltárására. A talajon kötött peszticidek biológiailag hozzáférhető mennyisége igen nagy variabilitást mutat a növényvédőszer kémiai sajátságai, illetve a talajtípusok és talajparaméterei függvényében. Ennek jellemzésére három eltérő talajtípus és hat különböző peszticid esetében végeztük el hat extrakciós módszer összehasonlító elemzését. Az alkalmazott extraháló szerek eltérő hatékonyságot mutattak az egyes peszticidek mobilizálása során. A kijutatott peszticidek a kémiai karakterüktől és a talajtípustól függően eltérően halmozódtak fel az egyes növényi szegmensekben. A kukorica peszticid-akkumulációs képessége jóval kifejezettebbnek adódott, mint a búzáé. A peszticidek biológiailag hozzáférhető mennyiségét potenciálisan befolyásoló fontosabb talajparaméterek hatását is vizsgálatuk (szervesanyag, pH, mikrolóra).
Results in English
The photodegradation mechanisms for nine pesticides have been determined by the advanced use of GC-MS and HPLC-MS techniques through the identification of intermediate products. Microbiological test experiments have been set up in order to model the toxicity of the derivatives produced in the photo-induced decomposition with the use of six frequently soils microorganism. The work has been extended to the investigation of the effect of relevant parameters of different soil types (brown forest and sandy) to the photo-degradation of pesticides, as well as to the exploration of the interaction of the degradation products with the metal content of the soils. The bio-accessible amounts of the soil-bound pesticides show large variability depending on the chemical properties, soil types and soil parameters. The comparative analysis of six extraction methods with three soil types and three pesticides have been carried out. The applied extraction solvents showed different efficiency during the mobilization of different pesticides. The applied pesticides accumulated differently in plant segments according to their different chemical character. The pesticide accumulation ability was higher in corn than in case of wheat. The influence of important factors (organic materials, pH, micro flora) affecting the bio-accessible amount of pesticides has also been investigated.
Full text


List of publications

N. Orbán, A. Kiss, M. Drávucz, L. Gál and S. Orbán: 22. Comparative study on selected polyphenol content in red wines of Eger, Acta Alimentaria, 2006
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág, Zoltán Murányi, Szabolcs B. Tóth: GC-MS investigation of interaction of pesticides with soil with regard to their bioavailability, Transactions of the Universities of Kosice, 2006
Diána Virág, Zoltán Naár, Attila Kiss: Microbial toxicity of pesticide derivatives produced with UV-photodegradation, Bullentin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2007) 79:356-359, 2006
A. Kiss, Cs. Csutorás: Modelling environmental behaviour of photosensitive pesticides by revealing features of degradation and possible ways of interactions, XI. International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 2006
Z. Győri, Attila Kiss, Zoltán Murányi, Diána Virág: Bioavailability of different photosensitive pesticides and their metabolites in different soils, XI. International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 2006
A. Kiss: Investigation of the photodegradation mechanism of pesticides as well as ther interaction with soil samples, II. German-Hungarian Workshop on Chemical Diversity of Natural products, 2006
A. Kiss, L. Rácz, Z. Naár D. Virág: Microbial toxicity of herbicide derivatives produced with UV-photodegradation, XI. International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 2006
Cs. Csutorás, A. Kiss: Investigation of the interaction of pesticides and soil samples, XI. International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, 2006
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág, Zoltán Murányi: New approaches to create model systems for pesticide bioavailability and soil adsorption, XVIII. Slovak Spectroscopic Conference, Spisska Nova Ves, 2006
Diána Virág, Attila Kiss, Szabolcs B. Tóth: Study of photodecomposition products and kinetics of distinctive pesticides, XVIII. Slovak Spectroscopic Conference, Spisska Nova Ves, 2006
Katalin Szováti, Zoltán Murányi, Attila Kiss, Szabolcs B. Tóth, Diána Virág: Comparative studies on novel model systems characterising plant uptake of pesticides from different soil types, XVIII. Slovak Spectroscopic Conference, Spisska Nova Ves, 2006
Diána Virág, Zoltán Naár, Attila Kiss: Biological test experiments on modeling effect of pesticide decomposition products, 4th International Plant Protection Symposium, Debrecen, 2006
Cs. Csutorás, A. Kiss: New method for study of interaction of pesticides and different soil samples, XII Hungarian – Italian Symposium on Specctrochemistry, 23-27 October 2005, Pécs, Hungary, 2005, 2006
Cs. Csutorás, A. Kiss: Investigation of the interaction of pesticides and soil samples, XXXIV. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale (CSI 2005), Antwerpem, Belgium, 04-09 September 2005, 2005, 2006
A. Kiss, Cs. Csutorás: Studies on photodegradation mechanism of different pesticides, XII Hungarian – Italian Symposium on Specctrochemistry, 23-27 October 2005, Pécs, Hungary, 2005, 2006
D. Virág, A. Kiss, Z. Murányi,: Comparative studies on nvel model systems characterising bioavailability of pesticides of differenttypesof soils, microCAD 2007 International Scientific Journal, 2007, Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó, 2006
K. Szováti, A. Kiss, Z. Murányi: Studies on incorporation of pesticides by biological systems by comparison of distinctive models, microCAD 2007 International Scientific Journal, 2007, Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó, 2006
D. Virág, A. Kiss: Comparative studies to model bioavailability of pesticides in distinctive soil types, Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 28-2008, 17-25, 2008
A. Kiss, D. Virág: GC-MS studies to map mechanistic aspects of photolytic decomposition of pesticides, Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 28-2008, 11-17, 2008
D. Virág, A. Kiss: New approach to estimate bioavailability of pesticides and modelling impact of soil microorganisms, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, in press, 2007
N. Orbán, I. O. Kozák, M. Drávucz and A. Kiss: Revealing of major Triterpene components of selected grape varieties by LC-MS, Chromatographia, in press, 2007
Virág D., Kiss A.: Különböző extrakciós eljárások összehasonlító elemzése peszticidek talajon történő kötődésének jellemzésére, 12. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum, 238-245. oldal, 2007
Szováti K., Kiss A., Murányi Z.: A biotikus környezet hatása eltérő peszticidek növényekbe történő penetrációjára, 12. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum 227-237. oldal, 2007
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág: Mechanistic and kinetic approach to reveal photodegradation behaviour of distinctive pesticides, Journal of Environmental Quality, in press., 2007
Kiss Attila, Virág Diána , Naár Zoltán: Peszticidek fotodegradációs mechanizmusának, kinetikájának és biológiai hatásának modellezése, CENTENÁRIUMI VEGYÉSZKONFERENCIA 2007. május 30-31. ANALITIKA SZEKCIÓ (ÉLELMISZER ANALITIKA – ÉLELMISZER BIZTONSÁG), 2007
Péter Forgó, Attila Kiss: Development of novel analytical methods to investigate and compare biogenic amine content of food samples, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 13., IHSS, 2008
Attila Kiss, János Petrusán: Investigations on thermal degradation of prebiotics and development of a new analytical method for the determination of their decomposition products, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 13., IHSS, 2008
Zoltán Naár, Attila Kiss, Péter Biacs: A method for technology risk assessment of grape and wine production in the Eger wine region, Hungarian Agricultural Research 17 (1) 7-9, 2008
Katalin Szováti, Kálmán Rajkai, Attila Kiss, Zoltán Murányi: Development of a new instrumental method to model the pesticide effect on the plant roots as a tool of plant nutrition, microCAD 2008 International Scientific Conference Papers, 2008
A. Kiss: Fine analytical studies to reveal impacts of environmental factors on behaviour of pesticides, XIII Italian-Hungarian symposium on Spectrochemistry and Environmental Contamination and Food Safety, Bologna, Italy, 20-24 April, 2008, 2008
Diána Virág, Zoltán Naár, Attila Kiss: Sensitivity of common soil microfungi to the UV-photodegradation derivatives of pesticides, 4. Magyar mikológiai konferencia, Debrecen, 2008. Május 29 – 31., 2008
Attila Kiss, Katalin Szováti, Zoltán Murányi: Characterisation of bioavalability of distinctive pesticedes by applying model-plants and optimised extraction method, 4th EPSO Conference, „Plants for Life”, Toulon, 22-26 June 2008, 2008
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág: Revealing role of environmnetal factors of accessibility of pesticides with special regard to the soil characteristics, 4th EPSO Conference, „Plants for Life”, Toulon, 22-26 June 2008, 2008
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág: Revealing role of environmnetal factors of accessibility of pesticides with special regard to the soil characteristics, 4th EPSO Conference, „Plants for Life”, Toulon, 22-26 June 2008, 2008
D. Virág, A. Kiss, Z. Győri, Z. Murányi: Novel model systems for interpretation of pesticide-soils interaction, A.A.M. Del Re, E. Capri, G. Fragoulis and M. trevisan (Eds.): Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects of Pesticides. P. 237-244. Printed in August, 2007 by Grafiche Spe, 2007
A. Kiss, D. Virág: Mechanistic and kinetic aspects as well as biological effects of pesticides’ photodecomposition, A.A.M. Del Re, E. Capri, G. Fragoulis and M. trevisan (Eds.): Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects of Pesticides. P. 175-186. Printed in August, 2007 by Grafiche Spe, 2007
Zoltán Murányi, Attila Kiss, Péter Forgó: Model studies on bioavailability of selected heavy metals in food products, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 13., IHSS, 2008
N. Orbán, I. Kozák, M. Drávucz, A. Kiss: LC-MS method development to evaluate major triterpenes in skins and cuticular waxes of grape berries, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2009., 44, 869-873, 2009
A. Kiss, D. Virág: Interpretation and modelling of environmental behaviour of diverse pesticides by revealing photodecomposition mechanisms, Microchemical Journal, 92, 2009
Diána Virág, Attila Kiss: Comparative study of accessibility of distinctive pesticides, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. Vol.44 (01), 69-75, 2009
Attila Kiss, Diána Virág: Photostability and photodegradation pathways of distinctive pesticides, Journal of Environmental Quality, Volume 38, Number 1, 2009
D. Virág, Z. Naár, A. Kiss: Investigation of potential biological impact of distinctive pesticides and their degradates, Abstract of 15th Intemational Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, July 18-20, 2007, Budapest, Hungary. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica, 54:1, 2007
Cs. Csutorás, A. Kiss: An efficient method for characterization of interaction of pesticides and different soil samples, Microchemical Journal, 85.141-149 (2007), 2007
A. Kiss, Cs. Csutorás: Investigation of the mechanism of photodegradation of different pesticides, Microchemical Journal, 85., 13-20 (2007), 2007

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