Topography and neurochemical characterization of hypothalamic and central autonomic pathways  Page description

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Details of project

Type NK
Principal investigator Palkovits, Miklós
Title in Hungarian A hypothalamus és az autonóm idegrendszer szabályozó mechanizmusaiban részt vevő agypályák topográfiája és neurokémiai karakterizálásuk
Title in English Topography and neurochemical characterization of hypothalamic and central autonomic pathways
Keywords in Hungarian agypályák - neuroanatómia - neurokémia - hypothalamus - autonóm idegrendszer - kísérletes agyműtétek - immunhisztokémia
Keywords in English neuronal pathways - neuroanatomy - neurochemistry - hypothalamus - autonomic nervous system - experimental brain surgery - immunohistochemistry
Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)80 %
Neurochemistry and neuropharmacology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)10 %
Molecular and cellular neuroscience (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)10 %
Ortelius classification: Neurobiology
Panel Neurosciences
Department or equivalent Neuromorphological and Neuroendocrine Research Laboratory (Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions)
Participants Balázsa, Tamás László
Dobolyi, Árpád
Dobolyiné Renner, Éva
Gallatz, Katalin
Guttmanné Reichart, Anikó
Könczöl, Katalin
Kovács, Zsolt István
Lourmet, Guillaume Simon
Papp, Rege Sugárka
Szabó-Meltzer, Kinga Ibolya
Tóth, Zsuzsanna
Varga, Tamás
Vitéz-Cservenák, Melinda
Starting date 2008-06-01
Closing date 2011-10-31
Funding (in million HUF) 64.651
FTE (full time equivalent) 19.33
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Alapkutatási téma, a hypothalamus és az autonóm idegrendszer szabályozó mechanizmusaiban részt vevő agypályák neuroanatómiai lokalizációja és a pályákat alkotó idegelemek kémiai karakterizálása. A téma 9 agypálya vizsgálatát foglalja magában, melyek 9 fiatal kutató, közülük 7 PhD hallgató egyedi témája. Kidolgozásuk nemcsak PhD fokozatuk elnyerését, hanem az agykutatás neuromorfológiai alapjainak és eszköztára használatának elsajátítását is jelenti, ami jelentős az idegtudományi kutatói utánpótlás fejlesztése szempontjából is. Mindegyik témában közös az alkalmazott módszerek széles repertoárja és a ''system neuromorphology'' szemlélet, mely az egyedi idegi összeköttetéseket funkcionálisan organizált idegi hálózatnak (''neuronal circuits'') tekinti, ennek értelmében vizsgálja, és a kapott eredményeket e szabályozó rendszer részeként értékeli. A reálisan várható konkrét eredmények a táplálékfelvétel, a gasztrointesztinális fekélyképződés, a fájdalom és a stressz vizsgálatához nyújtanak morfológiai és neurokémiai adatokat, melyek mind a releváns élettani, mind a farmakológiai kutatások alapját képezik. A téma sikeres kidolgozása új ismeretekhez vezet, a Semmelweis Egyetem neuromorfológiai iskolájának fenntartását, továbbfejlesztését, hazai és nemzetközi kapcsolatainak bővítését eredményezheti, és biztosíthatja nemzetközi pályázatokban való eredményes részvételét.
This is a basic neuroscience proposal for neuromorphological and neurochemical studies on neuronal pathways that participate in major hypothalamic and central autonomic regulatory mechanisms. The study is composed by 9 research topics investigated by 9 young scientists including 7 PhD students. Besides achieving of new scientific information and successful elaboration of PhD theses, these studies are of interest to the education of young scientists. The major strategy of the proposed study: first, topographical localization of neuronal cells that participate in the neuronal circuits, then, chemical characterization of the participating neurons. All of the 9 research programs will be performed by the use of a wide range of neuromorphological, neurochemical and neurosurgical techniques. The successful execution of the program will help in introducing of a new view of neuroscience, the “system neuromorpholgy”, the existence of functional neuronal circuits in regulatory mechanisms rather then chain-like one-way connections between neuronal cells. New data in the central regulation of the food intake, development of gastrointestinal ulcers, organization of responses to pain and stress will provide basic information for further neurophysiological and neuropharmacological studies. The maintenance and further improvement of the high activity of the “neuromorphological school” in the Semmelweis University will extend scientific collaborations with foreign scientific laboratories.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
1. Feltérképezték a hypothalamus orexin-termelő neuronjainak agytörzsi projekcióit, pályáit, valamint elsőként mutatták ki kapcsolatait az agytörzs valamennyi noradrenalint és adrenalint termelő sejtcsoportjának neuronjaival. A vizsgálat eredménye alapvető fontosságú neuromorfológiai adat a táplálékfelvétel, valamint az agyi catecholamine rendszer kapcsolatának tisztázására a szervezet energiaháztartásának szempontjából. 2. Különböző neuroanatómiai és immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatokkal először írták le a korábban ismeretlen mediális paralemniscális magot patkány, majom és az emberi alsó agytörzsben. Igazolták egy speciális peptiderg (TIP39-PTH2 receptor) rendszer jelenlétét e mag területén. Tisztázták a magcsoport afferens és efferens neuronális kapcsolatait és adatot szolgáltattak ezen mag neuronjainak az akusztikus stresszben vitt szerepéről. 3. Igazolták egy limbikus agykéregből leszálló, a gyomor működésében szerepet vivő pálya multiszinaptikus jelenlétét és topográfiáját: infralimbic anterior cingulate cortex - centralis amygdala - paraszimpatikus dorsalis vagus mag - n. vagus pálya. 4. Elsőként írták le a "jóllakottság" érzés (satiety) agypályáját a gyomor - n. vagus - nucleus tractus solitariii - hypothalamus nucleus dorsomedialis. Igazolták az ezen pályán belüli szignál transzdukcióban a glucagon-like peptide-1 és a prolactin-releasing hormon neuropeptidek meghatározó szerepét.
Results in English
In order to attain major objectives of the project, a number of various neuromorphological techniques have been successfully applied to identify, localize and characterize neuronal pathway that interconnect the hypothalamus and lower brainstem nuclei. The major new findings and observations are the follows: 1) Pathways and lower brainstem projections of hypothalamic orexin-expressing neurons have been verified a mapped topographically. Termination and synaptic contacts of orexin-containing fibers have been demonstrated on adrenaline- and noradrenaline-expressing neurons in each lower brainstem catecholamine cell group indicating the existence of a descending hypothalamic pathway that influence the body energy metabolism by controlling the peripheral catecholamine outflow. 2) The afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the pontine medial paralemniscal nucleus have been first described in the rat, monkey and human brains providing evidence for the hypothalamic connections of this cell group that may participate in acoustic stress response. 3) The description of a multisynaptic pathway between the limbic system and the lower brainstem autonomic centers via hypothalamus and the amygdala has been completed in the present study demonstrating the functional importance of limbic cortical areas on the functional activity of the stomach. 4) The complete neuronal pathway of the “satiety signal” from the stomach to the hypothalamic regulatory center has been first verified by demonstrating of the ascending glucagon-like peptide-1 projections from the nucleus of the solitary tract to dorsomedial hypothalamic neurons. This may represent one of the most important link in the mechanism that control the central regulation of food intake.
Full text


List of publications

Renner E; Puskas N; Dobolyi A; Palkovits M: Glucagon-like peptide-1 of brainstem origin activates dorsomedial hypothalamic neurons in satiated rats, Peptides (submitted), 2012
Palkovits M: Sympathoadrenal system: Neural arm of stress response, In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, LR Suire (ed), pp 679-684, Academic Press, Oxford, 2009
Könczöl K; Zelena D; Pintér O; Kirilly E; Szabó-Meltzer KI; Tóth ZE; Palkovits M: Stress-related changes in nesfatin-1 positive neurons, IBRO Int Workshop 2010 Pécs, Front Neurosci, doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.10.00102, 2010
Fekete Cs; Schele E, Egri P, Fuzesi T; Keller É; Palkovits M; Liposits Zs; Gereben B; Karlsson-Lindhal L; Shao R, Jansson-J-O: Interleukin-6 receptor alfa is co-localised with melanin concentrating hormone in the lateral hypothalamic area of the mouse and the human, 92nd Ann Meet and Expo Endocrine Soc, San Diego. Endocr Rev (Suppl 1) 31 (3):S1914, 2010
Mogyoródi B; Cservenák M; Varga T; Palkovits M; Dobolyi A: Efferent neuronal connections of the medial paralemniscal nucleus, 13th Conf Hung Neurosci Soc, Budapest, P-5.10, 2010
Palkovits M; Sebekova K; Gallatz K; Boor P; Sebekova K Jr; Klassen A; Bahner U; Heidland A: Neuronal activation in the CNS during different forms of acute renal failure in rats, Neuroscience 159:862-882, 2009
Kvetnansky R; Sabban EL; Palkovits M: Catecholaminergic systems in stress: Structural and molecular genetic approaches, Physiol Rev 89:535-606, 2009
Palkovits M; Helfferich F; Dobolyi A; Usdin TB: Acoustic stress activates tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues neurons in the rat brain, Brain Struct Funct 214:15-23, 2009
Könczöl K; Bodnár I; Zelena D; Pintér O; Papp RS; Palkovits M; Nagy GM; Tóth ZE: Nesfatin-1/NUCB2 may participate in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rats, Neurochem Int 57:189-197, 2010
Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Makara GB; Dobolyi A: Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues- immunoreactive fibers in the zona incerta and the supraoptic decussations terminate in the neuroendocrine hypothalamus, Neurochem Res 35:2078-2085, 2010
Kovacs ZI; Palkovits M: Intracranial landmarks and other techniques to further improve the precision of stereotaxic tracer injections, Exp Brain Res 208:51-60, 2010
Bagó A; Dimitrov E; Saunders E; Seress L; Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Dobolyi A: Neurochemical investigations on parathyroid hormone 2 receptor-immunoreactive neurons in the human and macaque hypothalamus and brainstem, Int IBRO Workshop, Pécs. doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.10.00076, 2010
Szabo ER; Tombacz D; Boldogkoi Z; Palkovits M; Dobolyi A: Recombinant pseudorabies virus strains as intracranially injected retrograde tracers, 13th Conf Hung Neurosci Soc, Budapest, P-7.11, 2010
Kozicz T; Bittencourt JC; May PJ; Reiner A; Gamlin PDR; Palkovits M; Horn AKE; Toledo CAB; Ryabinin AE: The Edinger-Westphal nucleus: A historical, structural, and functional perspective on a dichotomous terminology, J Comp Neurol 519:1413-1434, 2011
Kozicz TL; Bittencourt JC; May PJ; Reiner A; Gamlin PDR; Fitzgerald MEC; Palkovits M; Horn AKE; Ryabinin AE; Toledo CAB: The Edinger-Westphal nucleus: a historical, structural and functional perspective on a dichotomous terminology, Neuroscience 2011, SfN's 41st Ann Meet, Washington, DC, Abstract No. 25.07SA/ZZ45, 2011
Papp RS; Puskás N; Palkovits M: Orexinergic innervation of adrenaline and noradrenaline cell groups of the lower brainstem, Int IBRO Workshop, Pécs, Front Neurosci, doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.10.00113, 2010
Renner E; Puskas N; Dobolyi A; Palkovits M: GLP-1 fibers of brainstem origin activate dorsomedial hypothalamic neurons in refed rats, 13th Conf Hung Neurosci Soc, Budapest, P-2.14, 2010
Renner É; Szabó-Meltzer K; Puskás N; Tóth ZE, Dobolyi Á, Palkovits M: Brainstem PrRP- and GLP-1-containing projections to the refeeding activated neurons of the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus of fasted rats, Int IBRO Workshop, Pécs, 2010
Barde S; LeMaitre E; Palkovits M; Heijtz RD; Hökfelt T: Neurotransmitters in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus: Evidence for species variations, 21st Neuropharmacol Conf, Fall Church, VA, USA, 2011
Renner É; Szabó-Meltzer K; Puskás N; Tóth ZE, Dobolyi Á, Palkovits M: Activation of neurons in the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus via solitary-hypothalamic ascending projections following refeeding of fasted rats, Neuropeptide Festival, Meet Eur Neuropeptide Club and Summer Neuropeptide onf, Salzburg, Austria, 2009
Balázsa T; Lourmet G; Dóczi T; Dobolyi Á; Palkovits M: Post-mortem degradation of selected proteins in the human brain, Int IBRO Workshop, Pécs, doi:10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.10.00194, 2010
Papp RS; Palkovits M: Orexin A-containing pathways in the brainstem., Budapest. Front Syst Neurosi, doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.017, 2009
Mravec B; Tillinger A; Bodnar I; Nagy GM; Palkovits M; Kvetnansky R: The response of plasma catecholamines in rats simultaneously exposed to immobilization and painful stimuli, Ann NY Acad Sci 1148:196-200, 2008
Szabo-Meltzer K; Palkovits M: Feeding- and refeeding-induced neuronal activity in the hypothalamus of gold thioglucose-treated mice, Acta Physiol Hung 96:118, 2008
Kurucz P; Szabo-Meltzer KI; Palkovits M: Fos activation in the lower brainstem after feeding and refeeding in gold thioglucose-treated mice, Front Syst Neurosi, doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.114, 2009
Varga T; Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Dobolyi A: The medial paralemniscal nucleus and its afferent neuronal connections in rat, J Comp Neurol 511:221-237, 2008
Dobolyi A; Bago AG; Seress L; Usdin TB; Palkovits M: Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor in the human brain - a combined RT-PCR and fluorescent amplification immunocytochemistry study, J Neural Transm 115:1730, 2008
Varga T; Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Dobolyi A: Identification and characterization of the medial paralemniscal nucleus and its neuronal connections in rat, Acta Physiol Hung 96:144-145, 2009
Cservenak M; Usdin TB; Palkovits M; Dobolyi A: Activation of TIP39 neurons in the lateral subparafascicular area of mother rats, Front Syst Neurosci, doi:10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.007, 2009
Dobolyi A; Palkovits M; Usdin TB: The TIP39-PTH2 receptor system: Unique peptidergic cell groups in the brainstem and their interactions with central regulatory mechanisms, Prog Neurobiol 90:29-59, 2010
Bago AG; Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Seress L; Dobolyi A: Mapping of the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor in human diencephalon and brainstem, Clin Neurosci 61 (Suppl 1):13, 2008
Szabo E; Reichart A; Papp R; Palkovits M: Infralimbic/anterior cingulate/amygdala projections to the gastrointestinal preganglionic vagal neurons in the medulla, Front Syst Neurosci, doi:10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.078, 2009
Papp RS; Kirschenbaum D; Kurucz P; Renner E; Palkovits M: Orexin and MCH regulate visceromotor functions of the antrum and the proximal duodenum, Acta Physiol Hung 96:113-114, 2009
Toth ZE; Zelena D; Mergl Z; Kirilly E; Varnai P; Mezey E; Makara GB; Palkovits M: Chronic repeated restraint stress increases prolactin-releasing peptide/tyrosine hydroxylase ratio with gender-related differences in the rat brain, J Neurochem 104:653-666, 2008
Rezek O; Boldogkoi Z; Tombacz D; Kovago Cs; Gerendai I; Palkovits M; Toth IE: Location of parotid preganglionic neurons in the inferior salivatory nucleus and their relation to the superior salivatory nucleus of rat, Neurosci Lett 440:265-269, 2008
Markia B; Kovacs ZsI; Palkovits M: Projections from the vestibular nuclei to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: morphological evidence for the existence of a vestibular stress pathway in the rat brain, Brain Struct Funct 213:239-245, 2008
Bratincsak A; Kovacs ZI; Palkovits M: Direct neuronal projection from a brainstem thermosensitive cell group to the preoptic thermoregulatory center, Neurosience 156:966-972, 2008
Kvetnansky R; Mravec B; Palkovits M; Kiss A: Effect of stress on tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene expression and TH immunoreaactive perikarya in rat paraventricular nucleus: Changes after deafferentation, Brain Res Meet: Stress, Coping, Disease, Arlington, VA, P35, 2008
LeMaitre E; Diaz-Heijtz R; Palkovits M; Hökfelt T: The galanin system in the human locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe neurons, J Neural Transm 115:1724-1725, 2008
Renner E; Puskas N; Toth Zs; Palkovits M: Activation of neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus in response to refeeding of fasted rats, Acta Physiol Hung 96:118, 2009
Renner E; Szabo-Meltzer KI; Puskas N; Toth ZsE; Dobolyi A; Palkovits M: Activation of neurons in the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus via hypothalamic projections of the nucleus of the solitary tract following refeeding of fasted rats, Eur J Neurosci 31:302-314, 2010
Dobolyi A; Cservenak M; Bodnar I; Palkovits M; Nagy GM; Usdin TB: Anatomical and functional evidence for the involvement of tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues in the regulation of suckling-induced prolactin release, 7th Int Cong Neuroendocrinol, Rouen, France, O-16, 2010
Dobolyi A; Cservenak M; Bodnar I; Palkovits M; Nagy GM; Usdin TB: A novel neuromodulator system in the hypothalamic regulation of prolactin release, 40th Ann Meet Soc Neurosci, San Diego, 793.11/BBBB12, 2010
Palkovits M: Stress-induced activation of neurons in the ventromedial arcuate nucleus: A blood-brain-CSF interface of the hypothalamus, Ann NY Acad Sci 1148:57-63, 2008
Puskás N; Papp RS; Gallatz K; Palkovits M: Interactions between orexin-immunoreactive fibers and adrenaline or noradrenaline-expressing neurons of the lower brainstem in rats and mice, Peptides 31:1589-1597, 2010
Palkovits M: Insula, a "mysterious" island in our brain - minireview (Hungarian text), Orvosi Hetilap 151:1924-1929, 2010
Heidland A; Sebekova K; Klassen A; Palkovits M: Mechanisms of acute uremic encephalopathy: Early activation of Fos and Fra-2 gene products in different nuclei/areas of the rat brain, J Renal Nutr 20:S44-S50, 2010
Cservenák M; Bodnár I; Usdin TB; Palkovits M; Nagy GM; Dobolyi A: Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues is activated during lactation and participates in the suckling-induced prolactin release in rat, Endocrinology 151:5830-5840, 2010
Bagó AG; Dimitrov E; Saunders R; Seress L; Palkovits M; Usdin TB; Dobolyi A: Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor and its endogenous ligand tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues are concentrated in endocrine, viscerosensory and auditory brain regions in macaque and human, Neuroscience 162:128-147, 2009


Events of the project

2011-03-28 14:34:00
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2009-08-07 09:06:12
Résztvevők változása

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