Intelligens és lágyszámítási módszerek a digitális jel- és képfeldolgozásban  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus K
Vezető kutató Várkonyiné Kóczy Annamária
magyar cím Intelligens és lágyszámítási módszerek a digitális jel- és képfeldolgozásban
Angol cím Intelligent and soft computing based methods in digital signal and image processing
magyar kulcsszavak digitális jelfeldolgozás, digitális képfeldolgozás, AI, lágyszámítási módszerek, fuzzy logika
angol kulcsszavak digital signal processing, digital image processing, AI, soft computing techniques, fuzzy logic
megadott besorolás
Automatizálás és Számítástechnika (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)60 %
Ortelius tudományág: Automatizálás
Informatika (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)40 %
Ortelius tudományág: Alkalmazott informatika
zsűri Informatikai–Villamosmérnöki
Kutatóhely Automatika Intézet (Óbudai Egyetem)
résztvevők Dobrowiecki Tadeusz
Kovács Dániel László
projekt kezdete 2009-04-01
projekt vége 2014-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 23.974
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 4.17
állapot lezárult projekt
magyar összefoglaló
A rendszerelméletben az intelligens eljárások – mesterséges intelligencia, lágyszámítási és anytime módszerek - területén bekövetkezett fejlődés hatékony modellezési és számítási technikákat eredményezett. Ezek az eljárások különösképpen alkalmasak összetett, nemlineáris viselkedés leírására és számítására, valamint támogatják a számítógép alapú jelfeldolgozási, diagnosztikai, mérő- és vezérlő alkalmazások megvalósítását. Napjainkban az integrált és beágyazott alkalmazások mérete gyorsan növekszik. Nagyobb méretű rendszerek esetében az implementáció szempontjából kritikus lehet a rendszer működésének leírásával, számításával kapcsolatos számítási kapacitás igény. Jellemző példák erre az összetett orvosbiológiai, szabályozástechnikai vagy járműbiztonság növelésére irányuló fejlesztő és vezérlő rendszerek, a hozzájuk kapcsolódó gazdasági döntési és számítási, valamint diagnosztikai környezetükkel együtt. A modellezésben a lágyszámítási módszerek, a számítási bonyolultság problémájának leküzdésében az anytime technikák alkalmazása jelenthet kiutat.
A javasolt kutatás célja olyan új – elsősorban lágyszámítási módszereken, fuzzy, neurális, és anytime technikákon alapuló - modellek és algoritmusok kifejlesztése a kép- és jelfeldolgozás, továbbá ezek kiemelt alkalmazási területei, a járműbiztonság növelésére irányuló fejlesztő, analizáló és vezérlő rendszerek valamint az orvosbiológiai alkalmazások, területén, amelyek az eddig ismerteknél jobb viselkedést mutatnak, a további feldolgozáshoz hatékony támogatást nyújtanak, és a teljes számítási kapacitás-igény rugalmas csökkentését, továbbá a rendszerek és eljárások emberi beavatkozást nem igénylő, automatikus működését teszik lehetővé.
angol összefoglaló
Recent advances in the fields of intelligent, artificial intelligence, soft computing, and anytime approaches, have resulted in efficient modelling and evaluation techniques in system theory. These methods are especially suitable to characterise and compute complex, non-linear behaviour and support computer-based signal processing, diagnostics, measurement, and control applications. The size of such integrated and embedded applications is rapidly increasing. For larger scale systems, the computational complexity related to these characterisations and computations might be critical from the point of view of implementation. Complex development and control systems of biomedical, vehicular safety improvement, or process control problems, together with their economic decision and evaluation, and diagnostics support, are typical examples. In modelling soft computing techniques while in overcoming complexity issues, anytime techniques can be applied advantageously.
The purpose of the suggested project is to introduce new intelligent and soft computing based – fuzzy, NN, anytime, and hybrid – models and algorithms in digital signal and image processing, and in their certain, “hot” application fields, like biomedical engineering and development, analysis, and control systems for improving vehicle safety, which result in better performane then that of the known methods; give efficient support to the further, ”main” processing; make possible to flexibly reduce the overall computational complexity, and furthermore, can result in the automatic operation, i.e. without any human intervention, of the methods.



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
A kutatási program során intelligens jel- és képfeldolgozó, összetett információfeldolgozási, modellezési, diagnosztikai és kontroll módszerek kerültek kifejlesztésre, amelyek lehetővé teszik az eddiginél megbízhatóbb jelfeldolgozást igénylő alkalmazások létrehozását (pl. kültéri defibrillátor); kommunikációs csatornák jobb kihasználását; digitális képek és mesterséges illetve valós színterek színminőségének és látható információmennyiségének automatikus javítását; új, az ember-gép kommunikáció nem verbális formáinak megvalósítását (pl. kéztartással és kézmozdulatokkal történő vezérlés); (forgó és rezgő) gépek működés közbeni diagnosztikai és megelőző karbantartási feladatainak elvégzését; autonóm (kül- és beltéri) robotok fejlesztését; „nehéz” vezérlési feladatok megoldását, stb. A javasolt módszerek alapját a digitális (jel- és) képfeldolgozás, illetve modellezés és diagnosztika intelligens módszerekkel történő ötvözése képezi, ami lehetőséget nyújt a számítási idő csökkentésére és a pontosság növelésére úgy, hogy az algoritmusok folyamatos működése hibák fellépte esetén is biztosítva van. Az eredmények az informatika, számítógépes grafika illetve a számítógéppel segített intelligens modellezés és tervezés területein, diagnosztikai, monitorozó és elemző rendszerek kialakításában, a közlekedés (és közlekedésbiztonság), gépészet, robotika, és egészségügy különböző területein juthatnak komoly szerephez és kerülhetnek alkalmazásra.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
As a result of the research project, new signal- and image processing, complex information processing, modeling, diagnostics, and control methods have been developed which together offer a way for new reliable signal processing equipment; optimum utilization of communication channels, color vision quality improvement of digital images, virtual and real world scenes; introduction of new non-verbal man-machine communication techniques; on-line maintenance analysis of rotating and moving machines; development of autonomous robots; solution of “hard” control problems, etc. The developed algorithms and models combine the intelligent methods of digital signal and image processing, modeling, diagnostics and control. By this, the computational time can be decreased while the reliability of the results increased. The built-in anytime operational mode ensures the continuous operation even in case of failures. The results of the research may have a significant role and can be applied in the fields of informatics, computer graphics and computer aided modeling and design, modeling, signal- and image processing, image quality improvement, information enhancement, monitoring and analysis systems, transportation, mechanical engineering, robotics, and medical care.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



Bakucz, P., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Az FxLMS adaptív szűrőalgoritmus alkalmazása EKG jelekre, XXVII. microCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, pp. 112-120. ISBN: 978-963-358-018-9, 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., J.Z. Szabó: Soft Computing Based Methods in Diagnostics (Lágyszámítási módszerekkel támogatott diagnosztrikai módszerek), XXI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Találkozó, OGÉT’2013, Arad, Romania, Apr. 25-28, pp. 427-430, 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor, A. Dineva: Determination of the Complexity Fitted Model Structure of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, In Proc. of the 17th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES2013, Costa Rica, June 19-21, pp. 237-242., 2013
Várkonyi, T.A., V. Piuri, J.K. Tar, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, I.J. Rudas: Agile Online-Trained Neural Network Models by Using Robust Fixed Point Transformations, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP'2013, Funchal, Madeira, Sep. 16-18, pp. 48-53., 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Information Processing – a Challenging Alternative to Traditional Hard Computing, In Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Interacademia’2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sep. 23-27, pp. 301-310., 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Soft Computing Approaches in Digital Image Processing, In Proc of the 15th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium, Hamamatsu, Japan, Nov. 12-13, pp. 131-134., 2013
Dineva, A., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, J.K. Tar: Wavelet Based Technique for Feedback Control of Uncertain Systems – A Case Study, In Proc. of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2013 , Nov 19-21, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 281-286., 2013
Dineva, A., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, J.K. Tar: Combination of RFPT-based Adaptive Control and Classical Model Identification, In Proc. Of the 12nd Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, SAMI 2014, Jan. 23-25, Herl’any, Slovakia, pp. 173-178., 2014
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Recent Advances in Digital Image Processing, PhD Seminar at the University of Milan, Milan, Italy, May. 24, 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R., B. Tusor: Improving the Model Convergence Properties of Classifier Feedforward MLP Neural Networks, In: L.A. Zadeh, A.M. Abbasov, R.R. Yager, S.N. Shahbazova and M.Z. Reformat (eds.) Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing, Springer Verl., pp. 281-293., 2014
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., S. Hancsicska, J. Bukor,: Fuzzy Information Measure for Improving HDR Imaging, In Proc. of the 4th World Conference on Soft Computing, WConSC’2014, Berkeley, USA, May 25-27, 2014, pp. 491-497, 2014
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Information Processing – A Challenging Alternative to Traditional Hard Computing, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Talk and PhD Seminar at the Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania, June 18, 2014, 2014
Tóth, A.A., B. Tusor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Fuzzy Hand Posture Models in Man-Machine Communication, In Rudas, I., J. Fodor, J. Kacprzyk (eds.), Computational Intelligence in Engineering, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 229-245, 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., A.A. Tóth: ISpace – a Tool for Improving the Quality of Life, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 41-45, 2009
Tóth, A.A., Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: A New Man- Machine Interface for ISpace Applications, Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 187-190, 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Adaptive Anytime Data Transmission of Non-Stationary Signals, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 240-246, 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: New Advances in Digital Image Processing, Memetic Computing, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 283-304, 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Human-Computer Interaction for Smart Environment Applications Using Fuzzy Hand Posture and Gesture Models, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 60, No 5, pp. 1505-1514., 2011
Tóth, A.A., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: A Hand Gesture Controlled Interface for Ispace Applications, In Proc. of the 13rd IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES’2009, Barbados, April 16-18, 2009, pp. 239-244., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Improved Fuzzy Logic Supported HDR Colored Information Enhancement, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2009 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2009, Singapore, May 5-7, 2009, pp. 361-366., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Overcomplete Signal Coding and Reconstruction, In Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP’2009, 26-28 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 93-98., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Modeling: Model Compression and Model Expansion, In Proc. of the 4th Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, ISCIII’2009, Egypt, 20-25 Oct. 2009, pp. 107-112., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Adaptive Anytime Data Transmission of Non-Stationary Signals, In CD-ROM Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Nov. 7, 2009, Tokyo, Japan, pp. OM-4:1-7, 2009
Tóth, A.A., B. Tusor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: New Possibilities in Human-Machine Interaction, In Proc. of the 10th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI’2009, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 12-14, 2009, pp., 2009
A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Man-Machine Communication via CFNN Based Hand Sign Models, In Proc. of the 8th Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, SAMI 2010, Herlany, Slovakia, Jan. 28-30, 2010, pp. 329-334., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., A. Bencsik: A New Path Generation Method for Autonomous In-Door and Out-Door Robots, In Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES’2010, Las Palmas, Spain, May 1-3, 2010, pp. 171-176., 2010
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Circular Fuzzy Neural Network Based Hand Gesture and Posture Modeling, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2010 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2010, Austin, USA, May 3-6, 2010, pp. 815-820., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., A. Bencsik, A. Ruano: Anytime Models in Fuzzy Control, 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, ICINCO 2010, Funchal, Portugal, June 15-18, 2010, Vol. 3, pp. 213-220., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Using TS Fuzzy Models in Anytime Control Systems, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA 2010, Arad, Romania, July 15-17, 2010, pp. 215-220., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Fuzzy Modeling, In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. On Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Inter-Akademia’2010, Riga, Latvia, Aug. 9-12, pp. 62-64., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Soft Computing Based Anytime Modeling Methodology, In Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Intelligent System and Technologies, ECIT 2010, Iasi, Romania, Oct. 7-9, 2010, pp. 1-12., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Soft Computing Based Anytime Modeling Methodology for Handling Resource Insufficiency, In Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Sami2011, Smolenice, Slovakia, Jan 27-29, 2011, pp. 89-94., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R,: Methods of Computational Intelligence for Modeling and Data Representation of Complex Systems, DSc Thesis, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 177 p., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Observer Based Iterative Fuzzy and Neural Network Model Inversion for Measurement and Control Applications, Budapest Tech Jubilee Conference, Jubilee 2009, Budapest, Sep. 1-2, 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., ISpace – A Tool for Improving the Quality of Life,: ISpace – A Tool for Improving the Quality of Life, Interacademia2009, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2009
Tóth, A.A., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: A New Man-Machine Interface for ISpace Applications, Interacademia2009, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Selected Soft Computing Approaches of Intelligent Signal and Image Processing, International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, IWACIII2009, Tokyo, Japan, 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Soft Computing Supported New Methods in Intelligent Space, Robotics, and Mechatronics, Int.. Symposium in Mechatronics, Budapest, Hungary, 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor, A.A. Tóth: Man-Machine Communication in ISpace using CFNN Based Hand Gesture and Posture Models, Workshop on Cognitive and Eto-Robotics in iSpace, CERIS 2010, Budapest, Hungary,, 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: New Possibilities of Combining Anytime and Soft Computing Approaches, BISC Roundtable Discussion, University of Berkeley, USA, 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Intelligens modellezési módszerek: Mikor megoldás a megoldhatatlanra?, Műszaki, Gazdasági és Természettudományi Konferencia, Erdélyország az én hazám Fesztivál és Világtalálkozó, Verőce, Hungary, 2010
Ruano, A.E., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy (eds.): New Advances in Intelligent Signal Processing, Springer Verlag (Ser. Studies in Computational Intelligence), Berlin, Heidelberg, 254 p., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R,: Low Complexity Situational Models in Image Quality Improvement, In Ruano, A.E., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy (eds.), New Advances in Intelligent Signal Processing, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 155-177., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R.: Fuzzy Approaches in Anytime Systems, Chapter 38 In: R. Seising, E. Trillas, C. Moraga, S. Termini (eds.), On Fuzziness. Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York, pp. 297-308., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R.: Anytime Extension of Generalized Fuzzy Neural Network Models with Non-Singleton Consequents, Chapter 8 In: Madarasz, L., Zivcak, J. (eds.), Aspects of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 233-247., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Fuzzy Modeling, International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 222, pp. 376-386., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: A Complexity Reduced Hybrid Autonomous Navigation Method for In-Door Robots, Transactions on Internet Research, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Special Issue on Intelligent Service Robotic Systems), pp. 32-39, July 2012., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., I.J. Rudas: TS Fuzzy Modeling Based Anytime Control Methodology for Situational Control, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2011 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2011, Hangzhou, China, May 9-12, 2011, pp. 1-6., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Generalized Fuzzy Neural Network Models, In Proc. of the World Conference on Soft Computing, WConSC’11, San Francisco, USA, May 23-26, 2011, pp. 162-169., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Neural Network Models for Anytime Use, In Proc. of the 15th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES’2011, Poprad, Slovak Republic, June 23-25, 2011, pp. 95-100., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Intelligent Hotel Room Assistant, In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, ICINCO’2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 28-31, 2011, pp. 182-187., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R. and B. Tusor: Improved Back-Propagation Algorithm for Neural Network Training, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 7th IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP’2011, Sep. 19-21 2011, Floriana, Malta, pp. 66-73., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: ISpace Robot Room for Improved Life Comfort, In Proc. of the 12nd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics,, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 19-21, 2011, pp. 199-205., 2011
Kiss, D.K., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. Rövid: Improvement for Anytime Systems with Modular Architecture, In Proc. of the 12nd Int. Symp. of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI’2011, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 19-21, 2011, pp. 555-559., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Virtual Eto-Environment in iSpace, International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, IWACIII’2011, Suzhou、China, Nov. 19-23, 2011, pp. G2-5.1-8., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., I. Nagy, I. Langer, E. Tóth-Laufer: Research Activities in the Intelligent Space Laboratory of the Óbuda University, 1st Regional Conference - Mechatronics in Practice and Education, MECH - CONF 2011, Subotica, Serbia, Dec. 8-10, 2011, pp. 411-420., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., T.A. Várkonyi: Anytime Model Regression, In Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Sami2012, Herl’any, Slovakia, Jan 26-28, pp. 253 – 258., 2012
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, I.J. Rudas, G. Klie, G. Kocsis: An Input Data Set Compression Method for Improving the Training Ability of Neural Networks, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2012, Graz, Austria, May 13-16,, pp. 1775-1783., 2012
Langer, I., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Artificial Lighting to Enhance Color Perception, In CD-ROM Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA2012, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 198-202., 2012
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Reduced Complexity Training Algorithm of Circular Fuzzy Neural Networks, Journal of Advanced Research in Physics, ISSN: 2069-7201, Vol 3, No. 2, pp.1-6, 2012
Kiss, D.K., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, and A. Rövid: Anytime Solution for Categorization, In Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. On Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems Interacademia’2011, Iasi, Romania, 26-29 Sep. 2011, p. 56., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Intelligens tér alkalmazások a mechatronikai kutatásban és oktatásban (Intelligent Space Applications in Research and Education of Mechatronics), International Engineering Symposium at Bánki, IESB 2011, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 15-16, 2011
Balas, V., J. Fodor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: New Concepts and Applications in Soft Computing (Ser. Studies in Computational Intelligence), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28959-0, p. 417., 2013
Balas, V., J. Fodor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, J. Dombi, L.C. Jain: Soft Computing Applications – Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33941-7, ISBN 978-3-642-33940-0, p. 726., 2013
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, G. Klie, and G. Kocsis: Human-Machine Cooperation in an iSpace Robot Room, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), Vol.16 No.6, pp. 723-732., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Efficient Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Human-Robot Co-operation, In Proc. of the 16th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems INES’2012, Lisbon, Portugal, June 13-15, pp. 25-30., 2012
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: An Input Data Compression Method for Classification Problems, In Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Interacademia’2012, Budapest, Hungary, August 27-30, pp. 247-256., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., J.Z. Szabó, I. Nagy, I.J. Rudas: Maintenance Analysis of Rotating and Moving Machines Using 3D Vibration Animation, In Proc. of the 10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep. 5-7, pp. 583-588., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Improving the Model Convergence Properties of Classifier Feedforward MLP Neural Networks, In Proc. of the World Conference on Soft Computing, WConSC’2012, Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 3-5, pp. 345-352., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Neural Network Applications Using an Improved Performance Training Algorithm, Invited Plenary Talk at the IEEE Int. Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA’2012, Szeged, Hungary, August 22-24., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Information Processing – a Challenging Alternative to Traditional Hard Computing, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Talk and PhD Seminar at the University of Milan, Milan, Italy, Sep. 24-26, 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Handling Some Complexity Related Problems of Classifying Neural Network Models, Invited Talk at the 13rd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI’2012, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 20-22., 2012
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Talk and Invited Plenary Talk at the International Conference on Communication and Electronics System Design, ICCESD-2013, Jaipur, India, 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Intelligent Machines for Supporting Human’s Life Comfort, Rajdhani Engineering College, Rajasthan, India Feb. 1., 2013
Tóth, A.A., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: A Hand Gesture Controlled Interface for Ispace Applications, In Proc. of the 13rd IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES’2009, Barbados, April 16-18, 2009, pp. 239-244., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Improved Fuzzy Logic Supported HDR Colored Information Enhancement, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2009 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2009, Singapore, May 5-7, 2009, pp. 361-366., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Overcomplete Signal Coding and Reconstruction, In Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP’2009, 26-28 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 93-98., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Modeling: Model Compression and Model Expansion, In Proc. of the 4th Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, ISCIII’2009, Egypt, 20-25 Oct. 2009, pp. 107-112., 2009
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Adaptive Anytime Data Transmission of Non-Stationary Signals, In CD-ROM Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Nov. 7, 2009, Tokyo, Japan, pp. OM-4:1-7, 2009
Tóth, A.A., B. Tusor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: New Possibilities in Human-Machine Interaction, In Proc. of the 10th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI’2009, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 12-14, 2009, pp., 2009
A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Man-Machine Communication via CFNN Based Hand Sign Models, In Proc. of the 8th Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, SAMI 2010, Herlany, Slovakia, Jan. 28-30, 2010, pp. 329-334., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., A. Bencsik: A New Path Generation Method for Autonomous In-Door and Out-Door Robots, In Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES’2010, Las Palmas, Spain, May 1-3, 2010, pp. 171-176., 2010
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Circular Fuzzy Neural Network Based Hand Gesture and Posture Modeling, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2010 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2010, Austin, USA, May 3-6, 2010, pp. 815-820., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., A. Bencsik, A. Ruano: Anytime Models in Fuzzy Control, 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, ICINCO 2010, Funchal, Portugal, June 15-18, 2010, Vol. 3, pp. 213-220., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Using TS Fuzzy Models in Anytime Control Systems, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA 2010, Arad, Romania, July 15-17, 2010, pp. 215-220., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Fuzzy Modeling, In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. On Global Research and Education in Intelligent Systems, Inter-Akademia’2010, Riga, Latvia, Aug. 9-12, pp. 62-64., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.,: Soft Computing Based Anytime Modeling Methodology, In Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Intelligent System and Technologies, ECIT 2010, Iasi, Romania, Oct. 7-9, 2010, pp. 1-12., 2010
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Soft Computing Based Anytime Modeling Methodology for Handling Resource Insufficiency, In Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Sami2011, Smolenice, Slovakia, Jan 27-29, 2011, pp. 89-94., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Generalized Fuzzy Neural Network Models, In Proc. of the World Conference on Soft Computing, WConSC’11, San Francisco, USA, May 23-26, 2011, pp. 162-169., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Intelligent Hotel Room Assistant, In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics, ICINCO’2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 28-31, 2011, pp. 182-187., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R. and B. Tusor: Improved Back-Propagation Algorithm for Neural Network Training, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 7th IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, WISP’2011, Sep. 19-21 2011, Floriana, Malta, pp. 66-73., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: ISpace Robot Room for Improved Life Comfort, In Proc. of the 12nd International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics,, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 19-21, 2011, pp. 199-205., 2011
Kiss, D.K., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. Rövid: Improvement for Anytime Systems with Modular Architecture, In Proc. of the 12nd Int. Symp. of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI’2011, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 19-21, 2011, pp. 555-559., 2011
Tusor, B. and A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Virtual Eto-Environment in iSpace, International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, IWACIII’2011, Suzhou、China, Nov. 19-23, 2011, pp. G2-5.1-8., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., I. Nagy, I. Langer, E. Tóth-Laufer: Research Activities in the Intelligent Space Laboratory of the Óbuda University, 1st Regional Conference - Mechatronics in Practice and Education, MECH - CONF 2011, Subotica, Serbia, Dec. 8-10, 2011, pp. 411-420., 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., T.A. Várkonyi: Anytime Model Regression, In Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Sami2012, Herl’any, Slovakia, Jan 26-28, pp. 253 – 258., 2012
Tusor, B., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, I.J. Rudas, G. Klie, G. Kocsis: An Input Data Set Compression Method for Improving the Training Ability of Neural Networks, In CD-ROM Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Int. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC’2012, Graz, Austria, May 13-16,, pp. 1775-1783., 2012
Langer, I., A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: Artificial Lighting to Enhance Color Perception, In CD-ROM Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA2012, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 198-202., 2012
Balas, V., J. Fodor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy: New Concepts and Applications in Soft Computing (Ser. Studies in Computational Intelligence), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28959-0, p. 217., 2013
Balas, V., J. Fodor, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, J. Dombi, L.C. Jain: Soft Computing Applications – Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33941-7, ISBN 978-3-642-33940-0, p. 726., 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R.: Fuzzy Approaches in Anytime Systems, Chapter 105 In: R. Seising, E. Trillas, C. Moraga, S. Termini (eds.), On Fuzziness. A Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh, Vol. II, pp. 725-735., 2013
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R.: Anytime Extension of Generalized Fuzzy Neural Network Models with Non-Singleton Consequents, Chapter 8 In: Madarasz, L., Zivcak, J. (eds.), Aspects of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, pp. 233-247., 2013
Tar, J.K.,, J.F. Bitó, A.R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. Dineva: Symbiosis of RFPT-based Adaptivity and the Modified Adaptive Inverse Dynamics Controller, In: J. Fodor, R. Fullér (eds.) Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control , Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014
Várkonyi-Kóczy A.R., B. Tusor: Improving the Model Convergence Properties of Classifier Feedforward MLP Neural Networks, In: L.A. Zadeh, A.M. Abbasov, R.R. Yager, S.N. Shahbazova and M.Z. Reformat (eds.) Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, 2014
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R.: Anytime Fuzzy Modeling, International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 222, pp. 376-386, 2011
Várkonyi-Kóczy, A.R., B. Tusor: Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication, IEEE DL Talk and Invited Plenary Talk at the Int. Conf. on Communication and Electronics System Design, ICCESD-2013, Jaipur, India, Jan. 28-30, pp. 61-62., 2013


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2017-02-01 15:57:23
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A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Mechatronikai és Autotechnikai Intézet (Óbudai Egyetem), Új kutatóhely: Automatika Intézet (Óbudai Egyetem).

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